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How To Use Inverse In A Sentence

  • The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.
  • And Archimedes proved from his axioms on the lever that two unequal weights balance at distances from the fulcrum that are inversely proportional to their weights.
  • In this sense, mercy can be thought of as the opposite of grace, or perhaps more correctly - the inverse.
  • In this paper, an inverse eigen derivative method (IEDM) for dynamic modification of mechanical structures is formulated for improving the eigen derivative method(EDM).
  • The law is this: The creedalism and immoderateness of Socialism, other things being equal, vary inversely with its age and responsibility. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
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  • The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts. Bertrand Russell 
  • This work also contains a mean value type formula for inverse interpolation of the sine.
  • The vinverse script is actually where vinverse was originally thought, but I recommend getting the actual plugin by tritical instead. Doom9's Forum
  • Furthermore, with the spine as the line of symmetry, ‘right’ and ‘left’ sides are proportionally equal, but inverses of one another.
  • The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
  • I am sometimes tempted to claim there is an inverse ratio of religious devotion to natural beauty. Christianity Today
  • We take the geometry method to derive the inverse kinematics and the center of pressure (COP) of the biped robot.
  • Time and money appear as commensurate albeit inverse values because of the effect of the velocity of circulation on the accumulation of capital.
  • Because of the inverse relationship between bond valuation and interest rates, the bond market is often used to indicate changes in interest rates or the shape of the yield curve.
  • He dismisses such talk as inverse snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
  • By the generalized inverse matrix and the minimal norm solve of the consistent linear equation sets, a complete track controller of the linear time-invariant system is designed.
  • The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it.
  • There is evidence that an inverse relation exists between investment in private consumption and investment in public goods.
  • Group theory studies not a single structure, but a type of structure, the pattern common to collections of objects with a binary operation, an identity element thereon, and inverses for each element.
  • As I said, the impedance of a capacitor is inversely proportional to its capacitance and the impedance of an inductor directly proportional to its inductance.
  • It'The Premier stats that show an inverse correlation the amount of can earn and of making it as a footballer. The Sun
  • This was inverse snobbery, it has been claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead the heat is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
  • It was proved by Oppolzer [1286] that if the comet of 1843 had entered our system from stellar space with parabolic velocity it would, by the action of a medium such as Encke postulated (varying in density inversely as the square of the distance from the sun), have been brought down, by its first perihelion passage, to elliptic movement in a period of twenty-four years, with such rapid diminution that its next return would be in about ten. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • [3] If the periodic times are in the sesquiplicate ratio of the radii, and therefore the velocities reciprocally in the subduplicate ratio of the radii, the centripetal forces will be in the duplicate ratio of the radii inversely; and the converse. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • The rate at which solid state sintering occurs is approximately inversely proportional to the particle size involved.
  • In general there is an inverse correlation between the extent of drainage and northerliness. Human impacts on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • Not just because I do know the inverse square law (the difference between perigee and apogee, between catalepsy and cataplexy, distal and proxal, etc, etc, etc) and they maybe dont ... but because I can only consider anyone who "looks down on" anyone, regardless of what they do or dont know as a veritable "mousehole". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It slopes downward and to the right because the relationship it portrays between price and quantity demanded is negative or inverse.
  • That is, their level of lethality is inversely proportional to their proximity to any innocent, doe-eyed, child.
  • It'The Premier stats that show an inverse correlation the amount of can earn and of making it as a footballer. The Sun
  • The other kind of tope is unofficial, but I have dubbed it the inverse, or reverse, tope. Free riding the roads of Mexico
  • Note that this curvature is the inverse of the radius of a circle tangent to the neutral line at this point.
  • Based on findings demonstrating an inverse relation between home-range size and intercommunity competition, we expected to find a similar relation in our study.
  • This skill, called stereopsis or stereoscopic vision, is a wonderful example of inverse optics.
  • Political power is inversely correlated with economic productivity. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant.
  • What part of an inverse tangent function approaching an asymptote don't you understand? MIND MELD: The Best Genre-Related Books/Films/Shows Consumed in 2009 (Part 1)
  • The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination.
  • The page states Newton's second law of motion as mass and acceleration having a relationship of inverse proportionality.
  • The hologram can be flipped to show the inverse image.
  • This processes the sound in the complete inverse of a compressor - it expands the dynamic range, making loud sounds louder and soft sounds softer.
  • In general, the spininess of the clinkers is inversely proportional to both the thickness of the clinker layer and of the flow itself.
  • The yields on gilts have an inverse relationship to values. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why do people benefit in inverse proportion to their needs? Times, Sunday Times
  • The rotation rate was set to provide one Earth gravity for the radius of the fore bulb, but accelerative force was inversely proportional to the radius. Science and Science Fiction: Star Dragon
  • The studies have been extended to show the same inverse relation between birth weight and glucose tolerance in young men aged 18-25.
  • Standard curves established for each stock suspension showed that light transmittance at the characteristic wavelength was inversely proportional to the concentration of gold colloid.
  • Any one person can win the game, his unfortunate momentary rival getting the blame for the inverse loss.
  • And then inversely, we see women who do infanticide or neonaticide of a baby that ` s very young, thrown away in a dumpster or worse, killed and then thrown away. CNN Transcript May 6, 2008
  • The value of a positional advantage is inversely correlated to its pervasiveness, which is directly correlated to its equity. Works in progress: Frank Pasquale
  • The creative anarchy of the wiki is the philosophical inverse of conventional corporate groupware software.
  • Thus they consumed photosynthate in the winter; since dark respiration is sensitive to temperature, this would create an inverse relationship between ring widths and winter temperature, other things being equal. The RE Benchmark in A&W « Climate Audit
  • The magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic material is inversely proportional to absolute temperature.
  • An analog calculator designed along the principle of a slide rule, it utilizes logarithmic and inverse logarithmic scales to quickly provide you with the correct firing solution.
  • By showing us the inverse of what we usually see; the shapes that make up the volumes rather than the borders that define them, we gain a new understanding of the original item.
  • If the cull is sufficiently small, this response is given by an element of the inverse of the Jacobian matrix.
  • The result of our further study shows that the inverse relation between managerial stock ownership is significant in the companies with high credit rating.
  • It has held down bond yields, which have an inverse relationship to the value. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the context of an inverse regression, you have to think long and hard about whether a procedure for regression of effect upon causes (tree ring ~ temperature + precipitation) where you want orthogonality can be transmogrified into an inverse regression of cause upon effect in the style of dendroclimatologists ( temperature ~ bristlecones+ Gasp + …), where you actually want multicollinearity (i.e. a signal). More on "Naturally Orthogonal" « Climate Audit
  • Yet somehow, the reputation of the prize has continued to rise in inverse relation to the reputation of its donor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Virtual concatenation is an inverse multiplexing technique that allows the grouping of any number of SONET STS-n channels to create a VCG (virtual concatenation group) to transport data streams.
  • An enclosed bend sensor attaches to the cheek and measures smile size, a servo motor moves a metal spike into the head inversely proportional to the degree of smile. Smile or Suffer the Consequences While Wearing the Happiness Hat
  • Inversely, lack of assets and failure to ‘live nobly’ could in certain circumstances lead to derogation or loss of nobility.
  • The inverse of an operation undoes the operation: division undoes multiplication.
  • We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller.
  • Our data confirm recent findings indicating that the long-standing inverse relationship between social class and obesity has been lost, at least in the UK.
  • Since yields move inversely to price, the tighter premiums indicate the price of agency securities rose relative to Treasurys. Treasury Prices Gain
  • If we are operating on some variable x, the arctangent of x is denoted tanÀ1 (x) or arctan (x) The inverse of the cosecant function is the arccosecant function. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Yet the level of political interest sagged in inverse relation to the proliferation of candidates.
  • Just as the forward function resembles the exponential curve, the inverse function appears similar to the logarithm.
  • It was found that its oxygen index, smoke density were directly proportional to content of carburizer whereas its initial expanding time was inversely proportional to content of carburizer.
  • What we have here might be thought of as the inverse of Ravel's La valse.
  • But RCTs were developed to forestall irrational medical exuberance and "cast doubt on clinical enthusiasms about new treatments," he argues, not to demonstrate "treatment effects of dubious significance," the inverse use for which the pharmaceutical industry has "commandeered" RCTs. Is A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis the Latest Mania?
  • In this way Professor Bjerknes has been able to reproduce analogues of all the phenomena of magnetism and diamagnetism, those phenomena which may be classed as effects of induction being directly reproduced, while those which may be classed as effects of mechanical action, and resulting in change of place, are analogous inversely. Scientific American Supplement, No. 488, May 9, 1885
  • In theory, at least, this creates a direct, inverse relationship between the unemployment rate and the inflation rate.
  • The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
  • This confirms the well observed inverse relationship between disability and social contact.
  • Nevertheless, the modern relationship between Canada and Bulgaria continues to be affected by immigration and visa issues but the context is inverse to what it was in the sixties and seventies.
  • There is an alternative story which could explain the inverse relationship between profitability and debt ratios. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • With the optimization criterion of least square error between the measured creep value and theoretical creep value, microevolution algorithm inverse the creep model parameters directly.
  • There sometimes seems to be an inverse correlation between the complexity of government and its importance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The liberal class became seduced by the need for popular appeal, forgetting, as MacDonald wrote, that, quote, as in arts and letters, communicability to a large audience is an inverse ratio to the excellence of a political approach. Hedges Laments The 'Death Of The Liberal Class'
  • C'est vrai j'ai degueulé de l'eau puisque j'bouffe rien et j'aurais bien pu voir si mes cachets avaient fait sens inverse mais non parce que j'etais trop epuisé et plein de vertige pour m'amuser a ouvrir les yeux sur mon acide gastrique!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • It'The Premier stats that show an inverse correlation the amount of can earn and of making it as a footballer. The Sun
  • Cayley gave a matrix algebra defining addition, multiplication, scalar multiplication and inverses.
  • Asreml requires the inverse of the IBD matrix as input but this matrix can be singular.
  • Some stiffness matrices of special elements such as rubber bearings and components with field are derived from primary-secondary and inverse transform in Structural Matrix Analysis.
  • The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
  • A splash of black tea on the plate whose fabulously bosky flavour is in inverse proportion to its thinness.
  • These odds are inversely proportional to the amount of your insurance payment.
  • It is worth emphasising that there is a major step to be made from an inverse square law of force to explain planetary motion and a universal law of gravitation.
  • The problem with voluntary agencies is that their number and strength is inversely related to need.
  • In order to detect the edges of gray code stripes precisely, an edge location method based on linear fitting of forward and inverse gray code patterns was presented.
  • In this study, we explored the potential inverse correlation between Panx2 and glioma oncogenicity. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Ideally, the inverse problem consists of N independent linear equations.
  • Introduction An inverse relation between socioeconomic status and mortality has been documented in many studies, nomatterhow socioeconomic status has been measured.
  • The kinematics coordinate systems are established, the formula of 2 R positioner inverse kinematics is derived.
  • Gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two objects.
  • Some attacked his announcement, for example Smith who used a metaphysical argument based on the simplicity of the inverse square law.
  • I am sometimes tempted to claim there is an inverse ratio of religious devotion to natural beauty. Christianity Today
  • This inverse association was primarily confined to postmenopausal women.
  • The area dedicated to recreation during the weekends is inversely proportional to the energy consumed during the week. Archive 2007-05-01
  • The inverse process - decompression - doesn't put any serious load on the memory subsystem.
  • For Newton integration consisted of finding fluents for a given fluxion so the fact that integration and differentiation were inverses was implied.
  • To illustrate the partial fraction method, suppose that the inverse Laplace transform of the simple function is needed.
  • I swear, I've come to suspect that truth is in inverse proportion to the certitude of the declaimer. R.I.P.
  • In passing from C [x] to R J, we have first adjoined a free variable y, and then decreed that y be the multiplicative inverse of x.
  • The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it. November Trail Cam Contest
  • One definition of the term when the price is in inverse proportion to how expensive it looks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enough type designers have liked the idea (or, more probably, the name "interrobang") that Unicode reserves space for this mark and its Spanish inverse. Archive 2008-05-01
  • That is addition, multiplication and the two inverse operations of subtraction and division.
  • The principle of Decimal - Binary was applied in inversed order algorithm of DIT - FFT sequence.
  • We regard health as inversely related to social class.
  • the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
  • Video has always articulated itself as the negative inverse of television, the conscience of television, as Avital Ronell once put it.
  • Nor is there any evidence that agamic and gamic oviposition on a particular leaf is inversely related.
  • This was inverse snobbery, it has been claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mechanical inverse kinematics is detailed analyzed by the theory of coordinate transformation.
  • In inverse proportion to Steve's dynamism, I grow progressively more lax.
  • We take a bialgebra, and we add an "antipode", which behaves sort of like an inverse operation. Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • Those in the humanities may agree to the applicability of complex dynamics and field theory to the study of culture, but the inverse is not typically true.
  • The mathematical models of this inverse problem are the vector Lam é equation and scale wave equation.
  • Furthermore, Natural Laws such as Gravity, Inverse Squares, Cause and Effect, and Thermodynamics imply a Law-giver.
  • Unfortunately, rational crime policy analysis and the political pressure on government officials subject to the forces of public opinion may lead to different outcomes, and may even be in inverse relationship.
  • Is this an example of retro-inverse unpolitical incorrectness? Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, many surveys have identified an inverse relationship between prior microbial exposure and the development of atopy.
  • Drugs have different potency and solubility, and solubility is inversely correlated with the duration of action.
  • Presidential popularity is positively associated with partisan support but shows an inverse relationship for members of the opposition.
  • Paradoxically, the number of use patent claims is almost inverse to the number of scientific papers published on each issue.
  • Electrical conductivity is the inverse quantity to electrical resistivity.
  • I did have one concern, however, in that I did not understand what was going on between pages 135 and 136, when The rotation rate was set to provide one earth gravity for the radius of the fore bulb, but accelerative force was inversely proportional to the radius. Science and Science Fiction: Star Dragon
  • Our results do not support previous data suggesting an inverse association between two common enteric infections and adult atopy.
  • A 40Ar-39Ar step-heating experiment on the same granodiorite yielded an irregular plateau with an age of 119±9 ka and isochron and inverse isochron ages of 148±50 and 146±35 ka. U-Pb and Ar-Ar constraints on the age of granitic intrusions beneath Medicine Lake Volcano, California, USA
  • we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation
  • For most of the past eight years, since the end of 1992, the historical, inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment rates postulated by the Phillips Curve cannot be discerned in the data.
  • Quality is not always in inverse proportion to the number of copies sold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the relationship between cellular and organismic age is not well understood, chronological age is inversely correlated with telomere length in adults across all age groups.
  • We had to try some of this liquid inverse snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • That said, there are such setbacks as Karma's occasional stepping into the big bed, the healthily growing crookneck squash plant octopusing suddenly (turning over so that it looks like an octopus) twice in a row, resulting in the main stem snapping, and the utter disasters that the inverse planters have been as inverse planters. "Basil basil basil!" cried Gardenin' Gandalf, and basil there bloody well was!
  • Next, Spencer proposes an inverse relationship between the degree of fertility and the development of the nervous system.
  • The result is a rather extensive inverse letterboxing that renders large portions of the screen unutilized.
  • Alternatively, least-squares migration method involves a numerical approach where the solution is retrieved by solving a linear discrete inverse problem.
  • The energy of attraction between oppositely charged particles is inversely proportional to the distance between them.
  • The regime seems to be having an inverse effect: the thinner he gets, the wider he spreads his wings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the inverse of the prevention paradox is a factor - namely an intervention that brings large benefits to each participating individual but affords little to the community.
  • a term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases)
  • It has held down bond yields, which have an inverse relationship to the value. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was drawn partially by the idea of the academic life - the way I looked at it, being a professor was just the inverse of being a student.
  • We use a generalized inverse of V, however, in case it is not of full rank; if this occurs, the degrees of freedom are the rank of the matrix V.
  • We now need a term for the moral inverse of ‘honest graft’, organized corruption, with no redeeming features, which is yet thoroughly lawyered and irreproachable before the law.
  • On the one hand, cross-correlation function is used for time-delay identification; Fast Fourier Transform and its inverse transform are applied to improve the computational efficiency.
  • Oddly enough, among the grass-eaters, for some reason which we do not understand, it appears to occur in a sort of inverse proportion to the stomach; those which have large, sacculate, pouched stomachs, like the cow, sheep, and the ruminants generally, having smaller _cæca_. Preventable Diseases
  • We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller.
  • In a zero-sum competitive scenario, the parent and progeny directly compete over resources in the same market position, making the success of the offspring inversely related to the success of the parent.
  • By implication it is impossible to postulate any definite inverse correlation between changes in the real wage rate and changes in employment.
  • However the axiom that the quality and cost of the food in a revolving restaurant is in inverse proportion to the height of the tower doesn't apply here.
  • His chantry, which is on the south side of the nave, and occupies two bays of the aisle, was arranged by him before his death, and its richness is inversely proportionate to the degradation of his character. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Norwich A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • The problem with voluntary agencies is that their number and strength is inversely related to need.
  • (This chapter in Sisman's book should be skipped by anyone of a delicate disposition: the ugliness of the behaviour exhibited by his opponents was in inverse proportion to the laughable tinyness of the teacup.) Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography by Adam Sisman
  • Michaelsson J, Barbosa HM, Jordan KA, Chapman JM, Brunialti MK, et al. (2008) The frequency of CD127low expressing CD4+CD25high T regulatory cells is inversely correlated with human T lymphotrophic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) proviral load in HTLV-1-infection and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Yet somehow, the reputation of the prize has continued to rise in inverse relation to the reputation of its donor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The assertors of this inverse ratio between piety and amusement must, in short, dispose as best they can, of the fact that along with the growth of Christian intelligence, Christian benevolence, and Christian activity, there has been developed in the church itself a growing sympathy with many of the very forms of amusement most condemned by the religious sentiment of an earlier age. Amusement: A Force in Christian Training
  • He dismisses such talk as inverse snobbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Biomechanical models may use either an inverse or forward dynamic approach.
  • when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse
  • A person's wealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness .
  • One of the more subtle failures is to confuse a block diagram with its inverse.
  • There seems to be some sort of mysterious law of inverse logic: the worse the rugby, the bigger the crowds. Times, Sunday Times
  • He granted that the proposition connected mathematically the inverse square law to the ellipticity of the course of the planets. Explanation in Mathematics
  • Michaelsson J, Barbosa HM, Jordan KA, Chapman JM, Brunialti MK, et al. (2008) The frequency of CD127low expressing CD4+CD25high T regulatory cells is inversely correlated with human T lymphotrophic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) proviral load in HTLV-1-infection and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Lighting in clothes shops tends to be in inverse proportion to noise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bottles vary in the extent to which they have a punt, or inverse indentation in their base.
  • With their one taste-organ orifice, they consume books with a sound that, if you're not born there, takes some getting used to -- and they consume so many books so fast, that * ian authors must imbibe inspiration in some way inhumanly possible as they work without rest, coffee or praise -- for on asteroid * there is an inverse of the Earth ratio of fiction writers to readers. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • A review of 20 international studies looking into the link between the use of the oral contraceptives and rates of bowel cancer found an inverse relationship.
  • The inverse Fourier transform information of the acquired first spectral-peaks is computed and a computed first harmonic phase image is determined from each spectral peak.
  • Insofar as Markson poses questions in an inverse order, the critic and the author appear in a perspective which inscribes voice within an economy of representation.
  • The term "global warming" has been replaced by the neutral "climate change," while concern about the planet has decreased in inverse proportion to the increase in the earth's temperature. Laura Carlsen: Fiddling on Climate
  • I have no doubt that if the situation were factionaly inverse, you would see the persons name splayed across every Liberal blog website on the ‘Net. Think Progress » Pajamas Media, Instapundit Facilitate Outing Of Foley Victim
  • He carried on the work of earlier astronomers by the application of higher mathematics, and proved that the force of attraction which we call gravitation was a universal one, and that the sun and the moon and the earth, and all the heavenly bodies, are attracted to one another inversely as the square of the distance. An Introduction to the History of Western Europe
  • This result is inconsistent with theoretical considerations and experimental results obtained under constant light conditions, suggesting an inverse relationship between e p and.
  • Jobe and his research team at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine say the severity of symptoms for GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, has an inverse relationship with the presence of Barrett's esophagus, a precursor to a lethal form of esophageal cancer known as adenocarcinoma. The Seattle Times
  • Antonymous pairs have previously been described and categorized in terms of gradability, reciprocity, inverseness and so on.
  • The curve descends nonmonotonically, yet as it does not inverse its direction, the convergence is rather fast and even after 10 generations, the calculated line resembles the experimental one.
  • The entire process of transform and quantization can be carried out using 16-bit integer and only a single multiply per coefficient without any loss of accuracy and inverse transform mismatch.
  • Hence an awareness of the inverse of differentiation began to evolve naturally and the idea that integral and derivative were inverses to each other were familiar to Barrow.
  • That is addition, multiplication and the two inverse operations of subtraction and division.
  • The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.
  • Objective To observe the effect of inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) on hemodynamics and oxygen metabolism in sheep with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
  • The inverse of the radius of the circle equals the curvature in radians / m.
  • Thus one may be inclined to abandon the word antagonism, and to say merely that there is a necessary inverse ratio between "individuation" and "genesis," to use the original Spencerian terms. Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • The size of the nebula at this stage is inversely proportional to its mass.
  • Inverse thinking can be applied to argumentation writing in topics , finalization topic choice and headline.
  • In chapter three we mainly studied the pseudo - inverse operator and the frame in Hilbert space.
  • He describes matrix multiplication (which he thinks of as composition so he has not yet reached the concept of matrix algebra) and the inverse of a matrix in the particular context of the arrays of coefficients of quadratic forms.
  • The set {0, 1} of bits (binary digits) under the operation XOR, because each bit is its own inverse: 0 XOR 0 = 1 XOR 1 = 0. Algebra
  • This was inverse snobbery, it has been claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • An inverse method for the calculation of stability boundaries is also discussed.
  • Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume.
  • Suggesting inflation in a recession is not to hark back to the Phillips curve, which depicts an inverse relation between unemployment and inflation rates.

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