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How To Use Inveigle In A Sentence

  • One beggar is too proud to beg for pennies, but will beg for an introduction into society; another does not care for society, but he wants a postmastership; another will inveigle a lawyer into conversation and then sponge on him for free advice. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • We have inveigled our way into the cushiest jobs, work the shortest hours, commute less and retire earlier. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plot involves three villains who inveigle a girl into prostitution in order to make ends meet.
  • Being "tabooed" by all the men who had even as much as caught a passing glimpse of her, this was her last resource -- she would entrap some unwary stranger, a man with money of course, and inveigle him into marrying her. Scottish Ghost Stories
  • Equally, the somewhat vulgar individuals known as ‘bar reps’ will attempt to inveigle you into participating in all manner of hideous rituals, known collectively as ‘drinking games’.
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  • She inveigled him into the house and robbed him while he slept.
  • In desperate straits, Nancy senses an opportunity to play on the gratitude of the college and so she and Jake travel to England to inveigle themselves into St Maud's.
  • It purports to be a tale about a man who inveigles himself into a false identity, but this aspect of the plot never emerges clearly.
  • It's like trying to inveigle myself into the best house ever, and yet knowing all the time that no matter how great I am, there'll always be someone they like better than me.
  • This ruse worked well for some time, but finally the Folk no longer were inveigled into showing themselves. CHAPTER XVII
  • The article related the story of a teenager who'd come to Father Shanley for counseling in the 1970s and was inveigled into a game of strip poker.
  • In each of these institutional developments Kay met with and overcame opposition and faint-heartedness, rallied the support of the faithful, inveigled co-operation, and prevailed.
  • He had led his mother there, step by step, and now when she stopped, he tried to inveigle her farther. The Bondage
  • As a result simple, honest people who have need of money are inveigled into believing that if they only have the luck they would win all that lovely lolly.
  • You inveigled yourself into the home of a lady.
  • I made some suggestions about how the men might be inveigled into such a discussion.
  • When he was only a year old his mother inveigled a family friend, a 20-year-old dropout from the University of Minnesota, to take the lead role in a local play.
  • She had inveigled me into taking messages to her lover.
  • He'd wanted to talk to her, to inveigle her into revealing just what she was seeking to learn. THE PERFECT LOVER
  • The next section of the book brings in a ‘retired’ Japanese Army officer, who despite having been involved in the Death Railway has somehow inveigled himself into a position of power in Thai society.
  • In each of these institutional developments Kay met with and overcame opposition and faint-heartedness, rallied the support of the faithful, inveigled co-operation, and prevailed.
  • Bewitched by Sylvia's beauty, he inveigled himself into her life, throwing his money around and trying to manage the family's affairs while her husband Arthur stoically accepted it.
  • The junkies, the winos, the tramps, the oddballs, the undesirables the NYPD usually spend their evenings moving along, had inveigled their way into ‘respectable’ company for one night of their lives.
  • Bobynin resists being inveigled into the regime's games.
  • The dog makes one last attempt to inveigle her into a game of ‘fetch’, and fails to move her.
  • I had just finished sweeping the cabin, and had been inveigled by Wolf Chapter 12
  • Though he's lucky if he pulls even on it, or if he can inveigle a publisher to risk bringing it out. Chapter 32
  • Roy, looking sharp in a grey suit, had managed to inveigle his way into City Hall through the side entrance.
  • In an echo of Potter's earlier ‘visitation’ plays, Kitchen's character, Martin, inveigles himself into people's lives and homes by cold reading them like a stage hypnotist.
  • And I have never been inveigled into another beer bust. Chapter 27
  • It falls to you, therefore, to inveigle a well-heeled person of your acquaintance into scooping you up and whisking you away. How do I get… someone to take me on holiday in January
  • The imperious, self-involved mother dotes over her baby girl's hair and slyly inveigles the child to continue with her brilliant career as a shoplifter.
  • A French girl is inveigled to Buenos Aires and then forced to work as a prostitute by local gangsters.
  • But what was even more disturbing was how he'd managed to inveigle his way into taking charge of the investigation into Bob's death. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • And then she inveigled Sheldon into agreeing that she could take occasional cruises in the islands, though he was adamant when it came to a recruiting trip on Malaita. Chapter 13
  • You will excuse me, miss, but I never 'inveigled' him, as you say. The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales
  • In this case the protagonists are two brothers - weak, aimless Aston and aggressive, controlling Mick - and Davies, the tramp who inveigles himself into their lives.
  • In The Caretaker, Davies, the manipulative tramp, attempts to inveigle his way into the slow-witted Aston's flat.
  • Only hard times had compelled his consent, and, now that she looked back, almost had she inveigled him into consenting. CHAPTER XIV
  • In her early 20s, Dido realised she wanted a career in music and inveigled her elder brother Rollo, founder of the successful dance group Faithless, into giving her a job as a backing singer.
  • He also inveigled the father of Tukeliketa into the game. A HYPERBOREAN BREW
  • Eventually the inebriated band were inveigled to call at a particular tavern where Hunter's hired help had made prior arrangements.
  • He'd wanted to talk to her, to inveigle her into revealing just what she was seeking to learn. THE PERFECT LOVER
  • I deplore the fact that, from Beijing to Belfast, youngsters are inveigled into putting themselves in the front line of politics even when bullets are involved.
  • But it was rough even at the dawn of the new century when the Strokes emerged from the Lower East Side read: Dwight School with their post-punk guitars and biscuit-tin drums to capture a city's insouciant attitude and inveigle the rest of the country with it. Disco Donors, Punk Pioneers
  • The conflicting interests of these touting gentlemen being of a nature to irritate their feelings, personal collisions took place; and the Commons was even scandalized by our principal inveigler (who had formerly been in the wine trade, and afterwards in the sworn brokery line) walking about for some days with a black eye. David Copperfield
  • To be honest I think he has an over-active gland, always trying to inveigle his way into my bed.
  • But what was even more disturbing was how he'd managed to inveigle his way into taking charge of the investigation into Bob's death. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • Meena manages to inveigle her way into Anita's gang, but exams, puberty and an undercurrent of racism in their small community turns the friendship sour.
  • The boys inveigled their way into an open safe in the bank and then set off.
  • He determines to extract the secret from the Countess and inveigle himself into Lisa's good graces.
  • The ego's greatest triumph is to inveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests, and even into identifying our very survival with its own.
  • Using his popularity and powers of persuasion, he inveigled a number of his teammates to enroll with him in the genetics course.
  • And it is the treachery of his appetite which inveigles him into the mischief, which cheats, and abuses, and by deceitful overtures trapans him into a perpetual calamity. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Nigel is a scriptwriter, Julian a budding actor; they share an apartment and spend their days trying desperately to inveigle their way into the film business.
  • In Eden Satan inveigled himself at the level of man's trust, asking ‘Hath God said?’
  • Meanwhile, the company dispatched their own PR professionals to the region to deceive and inveigle and obfuscate, all while treating concerned locals to a public face that was a "diversion" by design. Bob Dudley, BP CEO, Blames Media For Creating "Climate Of Fear" In Gulf
  • Plutarch records of Lucullus that he died of a philter; and that Cleopatra used philters to inveigle Antony, amongst other allurements. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She inveigles herself into their lives and seduces or enraptures each of them before vanishing.
  • Emmy had even inveigled him to resume his incessant smoking once more.
  • Newton had been inveigled into publishing his explanation of the rainbow, asserting that the colours of the rainbow are generated from white light (as from the Sun) merely because they are ‘differently refrangible’.
  • I did not even know of the break he had inveigled the forty lifers into planning. Chapter 2
  • Unsuspecting tourists are often inveigled into these institutions by local tourist guides who are hand-in-glove with the anti-social elements.
  • Again and again, by feint of foot and hand and body he continued to inveigle Sandel into leaping back, ducking, or countering. A PIECE OF STEAK
  • By the way, let's check with Hillary whether there's still some way to inveigle Alawi into the top slot. Michael Brenner: Inside the Oval Office: The Middle East
  • Several times Wolf Larsen tried to inveigle me into discussion, but Chapter 9
  • Even then it was hard work, but they kept him befuddled for several days, and finally inveigled him into buying No. 29 for $750. The Gold Hunters of the North
  • Only when she has managed to inveigle him into a marriage would the process of dismantling and rebuilding his character begin.
  • He inveigled himself into the workings of the claimant company indicating to them that he was a solicitor and could assist them in litigation with which they were involved.
  • She inveigles Paco into a plot to swindle Tania out of her savings.
  • The first question asked whether I felt that it was a matter of amusement that Mohammed said he was Italian, in order to inveigle his way into the affections of a New Zealand woman.

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