How To Use Inveigh In A Sentence

  • Nor did he inveigh against the drug and alcohol culture of the West, or its tolerance for homosexuals. The Longest War
  • They published a monthly news magazine, which served as their mouthpiece usually inveighing against something wrong with Boston's city finances, or elected officials.
  • I stood in this Senate when there were not five men with me to support me, and then I rose here and told those who were inveighing like demons against the principles that they called abolitionism, that I was an Abolitionist. History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States
  • Hamilton inveighs against "popery" in some of his early political pamphlets. Separation of Church & State: A Thumbnail Sketch
  • Now Nick Gibb is inveighing against “the education establishment, who have known about this research for some time, have not adapted the national literacy strategy to put synthetic phonics at its core. This year’s educational panacea
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  • In the meantime, Khrushchev had been holding a stormy and furious press conference making veiled threats and inveighing against the treacherous nature of the United States.
  • Big government, the devil that Republicans love to inveigh against, is big precisely because it is so active in so many costly ways in serving the interests of our biggest corporations. Robert Scheer: The New Corporate World Order
  • Which was where she fled and Matey was left to inveigh against the idea to the empty air. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • When the Council of Trent inveighed against polyphonic music for sacred purposes, although the target of their arrows was Palestrina, they might just as well have been speaking of Gombert.
  • And so there was no lack of critics last week inveighing against this ‘waste’ of public money.
  • So both free-will and determinism have been inveighed against and called absurd, because each, in the eyes of its enemies, has seemed to prevent the 'imputability' of good or bad deeds to their authors. Pragmatism
  • The National Trumpet, which was the Radical organ for the State, very naturally gave a different version of the affair, denounced it as a most outrageous political murder, and inveighed most bitterly against what it termed the inhuman barbarity of the opposition journals, which, not content with the death of Walters, sought to slay his good name by slanderous imputation, and to blast the reputation of the stricken widow with baseless hints of complicity in his death. A Fool's Errand. By One of the Fools
  • The propensity to seek wealth and power has led persons of conscience to inveigh against the maldistribution of income for a long time.
  • It would be hard for politicians to inveigh against rate increases approved by their own proxies on the board. Reading Austen in Tokyo
  • Hitchens continued that trend by using his mighty pen to inveigh against any political regime whom he perceived to trample on the innocent. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Christopher Hitchens and the Fall of a Worthy Adversary
  • Can't we persuade the journalists busy inveighing against poor Harry to take on that cause instead?
  • Charley's voice took on an aggrieved tone, and he continued for some minutes to inveigh against the brazenness of Demetrios Contos. DEMETRIOS CONTOS
  • They inveighed against the immorality of British rule and denounced the local ‘whisky drinkers’ who mimicked their colonial masters and did their bidding.
  • If Schwartz were at all familiar with the ‘process’ he inveighs against, he'd know better - but that's not something that's within his spectrum of acceptance.
  • Yet Niebuhr also spent much of his life inveighing against the naivety of liberalism, as in his most famous book, Moral Man and Immoral Society.
  • A great many food writers inveigh against the inequities of school food and the amount of money spent for the last 20 years and have got absolutely nowhere.
  • Even those Hippocratic treatises which inveigh against Presocratic dogmatism are themselves just as dogmatic where their own pet theories are concerned.
  • Yet, if this 2006 cable is indicative, Chinese officials are hardly acting combatively toward Washington in Latin America and, indeed, are all too willing to inveigh against Chávez in private in an effort to reassure U.S. diplomats. Nikolas Kozloff: Caracas Cables: "Loco Chávez Time," Chinese Ambassador in Venezuela & "Fascist Military Elements"
  • Log onto ATR's MySpace page, and your ears will be assaulted by a raw, angry sound, and lyrics that scream that "Deutschland Must Die" and inveigh against "too much government control" — in Germany. In China, Musicians For the Modern Era
  • The nineteenth century temperance approach, which had inveighed against the dangers of alcohol itself, was now rejected as moralistic and unscientific and the focus of attention was, once again, on the disease of alcoholism.
  • Yet, if this 2006 cable is indicative, Chinese officials are hardly acting combatively toward Washington in Latin America and, indeed, are all too willing to inveigh against Chávez in private in an effort to reassure U.S. diplomats. Nikolas Kozloff: Caracas Cables: "Loco Chávez Time," Chinese Ambassador in Venezuela & "Fascist Military Elements"
  • In happier, prelapsarian times he would have inveighed against their hypocrisy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Not a word of reproach was said when Ali returned to the ring against Quarry and Bonavena, though the Messenger had inveighed against the evils of sports. Sound and Fury
  • Verres, against whom Tully so much inveighs, in winter he never was extra tectum vix extra lectum, never almost out of bed, [1419] still wenching and drinking; so did he spend his time, and so do myriads in our days. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In particular he has inveighed against the proposition that women should be encouraged by law and circumstance to rise through the ranks of business or politics.
  • But the most profound voice in popular music today inveighing against spiritual alienation and emotional disconnectedness comes from New Jersey.
  • The scene, so highly interesting to those who witnessed it, was to him insupportable, and he had left the room in agony, bitterly inveighing against his own folly, for having suffered it to take place, and secretly denouncing future vengeance upon the usurper of his rights, for so he basely termed the artless Yamboo. Yamboo; or, the North American Slave
  • Speaker after speaker inveighed against their inability to speak out against the Tesco plan.
  • To try to persuade some of them to come back would make economic sense, but hardly accords with the prevailing ideology, which inveighs against a "kulak" or "comprador" class, be it black or white. Inside Angola
  • With this grand insight into the inner workings of oppression, our educational theorists inveigh against “standard English” and counsel respect for “alternative dialects.” February 9th, 2009
  • Robespierre, a narrow, prudish, jealous, puritanical but able lawyer from Arras, with journalists like Desmoulins and Loustallot, inveighed against what they described as iniquitous class legislation that would have excluded from the councils of the French nation Jean The French Revolution A Short History
  • In fact, he is rather sweet-tempered as he inveighs against the stupidities of the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which was where she fled and Matey was left to inveigh against the idea to the empty air. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Is this corporate welfare really any different or less costly than the kind most of these people inveigh against?
  • In an age of 30-second political advertisements, truthful speech remains as meaningful to democracies as it is to inveighing against totalitarian regimes.
  • I do not mean to inveigh against the consultants more heavily than they deserve, for it is impossible not to believe that they act with a good motive.
  • In other words, it is not always clear whether they are inveighing against the application of a general natural scientific approach or of positivism in particular.
  • The studios test, poll, cajole, advertise, and inveigh in an effort to ensure against failure.
  • Newspapers of the day inveighed, nastily, against what one called an "unnecessarily imported" crisis of "ethnic criminality".
  • Yet, if this 2006 cable is indicative, Chinese officials are hardly acting combatively toward Washington in Latin America and, indeed, are all too willing to inveigh against Chávez in private in an effort to reassure U.S. diplomats. Nikolas Kozloff: Caracas Cables: "Loco Chávez Time," Chinese Ambassador in Venezuela & "Fascist Military Elements"
  • One of the first steps after the divorce was to prevent preaching throughout his diocess, but this narrow measure had rather a political view than a religious one, as there were many who inveighed against the king's conduct. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • Yet, if this 2006 cable is indicative, Chinese officials are hardly acting combatively toward Washington in Latin America and, indeed, are all too willing to inveigh against Chávez in private in an effort to reassure U.S. diplomats. Nikolas Kozloff: Caracas Cables: "Loco Chávez Time," Chinese Ambassador in Venezuela & "Fascist Military Elements"
  • They inveighed against slavery, concubinage , foot binding, arranged marriage, cruel punishments, and the use of opium.
  • I will question environmental agencies that put birds before people, and inveigh against wind farms in the wrong places.

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