How To Use Invalidated In A Sentence

  • Indeed, over two out of three motorists assume that their warranty would be invalidated if they used an independent garage, even where this isn't necessarily true.
  • The supreme court invalidated a law that “debars persons or firms who have violated the National Labor Relations Act NLRA three times within a 5-year period from doing business with the State.” The Volokh Conspiracy » AZ Boycott and the Constitution:
  • Jim Louderback, who may have been a flashy personality on cable TV but obviously has never been either a lawyer or an engineer, is apparently ignorant of the fact is that the FCC's authority was not "invalidated" - it never had such authority in the first place, and was trying to usurp powers that neither we, the people nor our Congress ever gave it. Original Signal - The best of Web 2.0
  • The supreme court invalidated a law that “debars persons or firms who have violated the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) three times within a 5-year period from doing business with the State.” The Volokh Conspiracy » AZ Boycott and the Constitution:
  • Boiled down, this philosophy of deception preys on those who feel admonished or invalidated in life, "cuckolded", as a way to redemption, so long as you "just trust me" with unmitigated loyalty. Wake Up Time for the "Stupid White Man"
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  • Born 46 years ago in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico – a U.S. territory – Roldan is one of about 5.5 million island natives whose identity document will be invalidated July 1. Puerto Rico scraps birth records «
  • But the killing fails to meet the standard of a crime even now, because her executioners believed they were dispatching an enemy agent, and the integrity of that belief cannot be invalidated retrospectively.
  • In principle, if a woman reverts to Islam and her husband does not do so, her marriage will be invalidated immediately.
  • If the voting by proxy is true, it should be invalidated. Global Voices in English » Korea: Why Did Korean Politicians Fight?
  • On one occasion, a representative for a Democratic county clerk threatened to ‘unenrol’ our members from the voter rolls, which would have invalidated the petitions they circulated.
  • Enforcement of the commitments in the Constitution thus furthers this type of democracy even when the actions of elected officials are invalidated. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.
  • Woese called the DI's bluff and yes, you do look exactly like crackpots who claim that Einstein invalidated Newtonian physics. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • This argument may perhaps be yet more effb£lually invalidated, or perhaps entirely fubverted by denying the expedience of that pro - hibition which is produced as a;) recedent for another reftraint. Debates in Parliament
  • Many of the extremely slow and lightening fast tempos we have become so accustomed to are automatically invalidated simply by honoring Bach's fermatas and implied tempo relationships.
  • Every prior case concerning waiting periods for abortions had applied strict scrutiny and had invalidated the waiting periods. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • Therefore there was no renewal of a passport, because the passport was invalidated.
  • In Johnson, the Supreme Court invalidated a statute that prohibited flag burning, but it also endowed Americans, like Reverend Jones, with the right to engage in incendiary conduct like burning the Quran. Jorge A. Rey: Lessons From the Barbecue that Wasn't
  • Recent developments have kind of invalidated it as it turns out that there is no single answer to the question. Pressure Peers (link roundup)
  • Universal assumptions are usually impossible to prove conclusively, and they can simply be invalidated by just one single counter-example. Start with a specific observation and work from there.
  • Expressions containing this cussed in the next section, we permit an arbitrary use of operator can be "invalidated" (or made nonconstant) if return jump functions, relying on the acyclic call graph later passes reveal that the variable is aliased. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture unveiled Tuesday controversial plans to again approve genetically modified sugar beets in time for planting next year, a move that would nullify a federal court ruling in August that invalidated the original approval issued by the USDA five years ago. USDA Seeking Approval of Genetically Modified Sugar Beets
  • Six months later, however, Target Corp. filed a challenge with the federal Registrar of Trademarks, arguing that the trademark should be invalidated for nonuse. Target Faces Hurdle in Canada
  • Likewise your warranty could be invalidated if something goes wrong with the car and the fault is traced to the chipping.
  • Claims that the woman invoked a loa to curse him with insanity are invalidated by a complete lack of proof that he ever became insane.
  • This adds to the comorbidity, meaning they have more mental health issues, because they can't figure out why they are being invalidated. The Bilerico Project
  • In Florida, the way incomplete or otherwise invalidated ballots are "rectified" is that AFTER the election, the Boards of Elections mail back the ballots & tell the (non) voters what they did wrong. Franken Camp: Don't Start The Recount Yet!
  • For example, in 1941, the Supreme Court invalidated a California criminal statute aimed at excluding indigent sharecroppers and tenant farmers during the Depression.
  • An alternation, which is not invalidated by exceptions here and there, has been observed in the criminality of different countries, in the periodic movement of crimes and offences against property and those against the person, of such a kind that years of increase in the former usually answer to a diminution in the latter, and vice versâ. Criminal Sociology
  • While the lien should not be invalidated, the Plaintiff should not be entitled to rely upon the statement of claim which claims an amount greater than the lien claims.
  • The Department of Agriculture unveiled controversial plans to again approve genetically modified sugar beets in time for planting next year, a move that would nullify a federal court ruling in August that invalidated the original approval issued by the USDA five years ago. World Watch
  • An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.
  • But not really, for at the same time Judge Tauro also claimed that the Equal Protection Clause, which in 1967 was used to strike down state antimiscegenation laws in Loving v. Virginia, invalidated any state ban on same-sex marriage. Judicial Offensive Against Defense Of Marriage Act
  • Six months later, Target Corp. filed a challenge with the Canadian Registrar of Trademarks, arguing that the trademark should be invalidated for nonuse. Target Goes to Canadian Court
  • However, while trial courts have invalidated the statute, the intermediate appellate courts that issued both Hertz and an earlier decision have both found the statute constitutional.
  • The kohen (member of the priestly class) was usually entrusted with the purification of individuals so afflicted, but Aaron was invalidated in this case, because he was a relative of Miriam. Miriam: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • And the assumption the defenses were based on was only invalidated when the Fleet Air Arm successfully attacked Taranto. Making Light: In the navy, between the wars
  • They made similar findings that the ordinance was inadequate, but they sent them back [in BFN] for additional proofs," he added, "whereas here they actually invalidated the ordinances. Atlanticville
  • The FDA also said an agreement it made with Cell Therapeutics that the company's trial would be sufficient for approval was "invalidated" because the trial was stopped early. News
  • If you don't inform your insurance company your policy could be invalidated.
  • The Supreme Court unanimously invalidated the law.
  • But Stone's argument cannot be invalidated by counter-examples in which no entity or system is prevented, if deprived of care, from developing into a person.
  • Persicaria to grow in solutions of humate of potash, and found a very trifling diminution in the quantity of humic acid present; but the value of his experiments is invalidated by his having omitted to ascertain whether the diminution of humic acid which he observed was really due to absorption by the plant. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • Turns out that the sublet agreement I had with the guy who's room I was staying in invalidated his lease agreement cause I'm not a Kellogg college student. Residence woes
  • The animal handler gave it a sharp kick sending it rocketing across the road, but we were told to ignore this test as his interference had invalidated the research data.
  • What he has failed to grasp is that because he stole all the past elections, he has invalidated any laws that he has railroaded through his parliament.
  • By such preference is our superior and supreme regard for Jesus and his word vitiated or invalidated? Aurelian or, Rome in the Third Century
  • Heck, the federal statute in Dickerson was distinguishable from the state interrogation procedures invalidated in Miranda. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legislating Miranda Rights for Terrorism Cases?

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