How To Use Invalid In A Sentence

  • $this - > _updated = true; else throw new Exception ( "Invalid server response"); public function setLoginPassword ($login, $password) $this - > _login = $login;
  • Another step forward was the progressive declarations of invalidity extended to certain laws, decrees, and edicts issued in Stalin's time.
  • The guarantee may be rendered invalid if the manufacturer's instructions are not followed.
  • Social programs cover old age, invalidism, death, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment, and allowances per child.
  • Failure to have the service done may invalidate some extended warranties or service contracts.
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  • The main problem with this method is that by invalidating certain moves, a valid path approaching the tile from a different direction can be left unfound .
  • The inconsistency and its effects were so profound as to render such guidance invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the assumption the defenses were based on was only invalidated when the Fleet Air Arm successfully attacked Taranto. Making Light: In the navy, between the wars
  • In her decision, Judge Coral Shaw found that the employer's investigation was flawed and the report was invalid and should be set aside.
  • Many sloppy councils don't bother to include this extra detail, which renders their tickets invalid. The Sun
  • The information is invalid and as such this Court has no jurisdiction to try the issue arising therefrom.
  • At best Nella would be an invalid; at worst she would die.
  • Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
  • If ordinations are classed as invalid because of such considerations, then the sacramental character of the ecclesial community is called into question.
  • The short pastry is good and the sauce emulsified, but filling is bland invalid food and the ham is elusive.
  • The elements of Christianity that come from older beliefs do not necessarily invalidate the religion.
  • This action would render the agreement invalid.
  • This need not invalidate the argument for a continuing bridge between cultures.
  • He first appeared in Wigtown in about 1943, after being invalided out of the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, where he'd served as an officer on a sister ship of the Titanic.
  • The next in seniority was entirely adverse to the invaliding, as, without he could invalide too, he would have to go to the West Indies in the place of our surgeon. Rattlin the Reefer
  • He has no clue how high the turnout can be and thus his numbers are based on invalid assumptions of what Kerry was able to achieve with votes and the false premise that Romney (the mormon) or Guiliani (the crossdresser) would pull the same number of votes as Bush. Obama Says He Can Flip Deep South States. But Can He Really?
  • Systems bound to the old version of the service suddenly find their message formats invalid.
  • Doctors and patients need evidence about complementary treatments, but randomised controlled trials need to be carefully designed to take holism into account and avoid invalid results
  • This adds to the comorbidity, meaning they have more mental health issues, because they can't figure out why they are being invalidated. The Bilerico Project
  • On the new browsers, invalid CSS may break your page just as invalid HTML will.
  • An annulment is a Church ruling that the marriage was invalid.
  • This way, if a cache file is removed at any step of the transformation chain, it has the effect of invalidating all dependent Butterfly cache files, forcing their recreation.
  • Failure to follow applicable notice requirements may render any action taken at the improperly called meeting invalid. Christianity Today
  • As Nariman gradually fades away into the passive state of the bedridden invalid, the novel places Yezad on center stage.
  • We believe there is fraud, but Quality Insurance doesn't have to prove that much to invalidate the policy. A KING'S RANSOM
  • Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb.
  • THOUSANDS of runners may have clocked invalid times because dozens of courses are short, it was feared yesterday. The Sun
  • In the event that any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be declared to be invalid or inoperative, all of the remaining terms and provisions set forth herein shall remain in full force and effect.
  • No. Your policy would be invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a legislative change per se cannot be unconstitutional in the absence of some further invalidity.
  • He was invalided out of the army with a badly arthritic knee, exacerbated by his injuries.
  • When I attempt to boot the program, I receive a message stating there is an invalid system disk.
  • He is being held on suspicion of traveling with an invalid passport, but Bosnitch said Fischer was never notified by the U.S. government that his passport was revoked.
  • We cannot accept liability if you are refused entry because of invalid documents.
  • He knew there were other aspects to the problem, but these didn't invalidate his picture, they deepened it. PROSPECT HILL
  • The erratum can result in invalid data being delivered to a PCI master and only occurs in 850/860 systems due to ‘unique architectural interactions’ between the MCH and the ICH2.
  • The marital tragi-comedy stars the director's actress wife Emmanuelle Seigner as a free-spirited temptress wed to an invalid Peter Coyote, engaged in seductive cruise-ship shenanigans with Hugh Grant and Kristin Scott-Thomas. Start September With Superior Cinema
  • Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb.
  • To give him his due, the chancellor is aware of the real situation and has provided £800m for a package designed to help those who have been invalided out of the labour market back to work.
  • They stated that the trial was motivated by political considerations only and was therefore invalid.
  • There is, however, rather more of a public interest in whether the grantee of a patent, which turns out to be invalid, is entitled to enforce that patent.
  • No. Your policy would be invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • A judge in Palm Beach County ruled in 2009 that Lehman had been invalidly appointed as executor of Lucom's will in Florida, making him what the judge called an "intermeddling volunteer" in the estate. The Seattle Times
  • My criticism remains even if you replace "invalidation" with "a finding of unenforceability". Patent Law Blog (Patently-O)
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may authorize other agencies to revoke or invalidate a visa.
  • Innocent decided in favour of the monks, but in the present case he pronounced both elections invalid; that of Reginald because it had been made uncanonically and clandestinely, that of John de Grey because it had occurred before the invalidity of the former was proclaimed by the pope. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Failed to initialize news servers . Perhaps your Newsgroup Directory preference is invalid.
  • He helps to look after his grandfather who is an invalid.
  • The paper analyzes problems in medical parole and the causes and proposes the strengthening of law enforcement and the role of judicial doctors in the identification of invalidism.
  • In Florida, the way incomplete or otherwise invalidated ballots are "rectified" is that AFTER the election, the Boards of Elections mail back the ballots & tell the (non) voters what they did wrong. Franken Camp: Don't Start The Recount Yet!
  • While most insurers will be lenient if the inaccuracies are unintentional, at worst giving false information can make an insurance policy invalid. The Sun
  • Because they describe an objective reality, descriptive core beliefs are simply valid or invalid.
  • If a component is marked invalid, JSF advances to the render response phase, which will display the current view with the validation error messages.
  • a confirmed invalid
  • Are method arguments validated and rejected with an exception are invalid?
  • If an argument is invalid, there is no deduction for it in the system.
  • He was invalided out of the agency after a violent incident, in which he should have died, and is reluctant to be drawn back in.
  • With much foreboding from the other characters as to how the disaster has altered the healthy course of her mind, she commits herself to the path of revenge and vows to regain their inheritance from her bitter uncle or his invalid son. Wilkie Collins’ No Name « Tales from the Reading Room
  • He intended to be a painter, but in 1935 was severely injured in a bicycle accident; he spent months in hospital and a sanatorium, and was an invalid for the rest of his life.
  • The invalid interrupt vector pointed to memory containing a bunch of technically valid but nonsensical instructions followed by an invalid one.
  • Each day as he made his appearance at noon in the captain's cabin, he had to wait in miserable state his hour and a half; or two hours, and then to meet the gibing salutation of the captain, of; "Not dead yet, doctor?" with his jokes upon the invaliding suit. Rattlin the Reefer
  • Her whole adult life was a triumph of determination over a body that could have condemned her to permanent invalidism.
  • It caters for invalids as well as hedonists, its waters famed for their efficacy with eye and bladder problems, and the menu is a gastronome's delight.
  • In the colonies the long periods of leave and high invalidity and mortality levels led to constant changes of resident engineer, which made the supervision of construction staff difficult.
  • He notices the password is invalid and went back and informed the customer that he just needed to reset the login password.
  • Both disorders were a major cause of invalidity from the forces.
  • The reverse also holds, that failure to live morally betrays and invalidates religious devotion unless there is genuine penitence.
  • The Tralee-based judge was acquitted of being in possession of child pornography earlier this year after the trial judge ruled that a search warrant was invalid.
  • my bank check was voided and I wanted to know who the invalidator was
  • It is a short, punchy book, perfectly sized for the shaking hand of the invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's not feeling great and it's the latest craze in invalid food in our house. August 2007
  • After six months in hospital he was invalided out of the RNAS - but managed to requalify at Manston and went back to France with 208 Sqn, RAF.
  • The inconsistency and its effects were so profound as to render such guidance invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of this sturm und drang is just plain tedious, with the same sides making the same invalid arguments and accusations. The Latest Teacup Tempest
  • It should also be noted that the presence of proteins in cell membranes in no way invalidates these arguments, which are quite general.
  • For example, in 1941, the Supreme Court invalidated a California criminal statute aimed at excluding indigent sharecroppers and tenant farmers during the Depression.
  • Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
  • Failure to disclose all relevant changes may invalidate your policy.
  • But one teaching of Islam is also individual responsibility and hence the invalidity of forever blaming something, or someone else for any shortcoming.
  • In simple words this means they do not have licences at all because an invalid document is not a licence to drive.
  • invalidate a contract
  • An alternation, which is not invalidated by exceptions here and there, has been observed in the criminality of different countries, in the periodic movement of crimes and offences against property and those against the person, of such a kind that years of increase in the former usually answer to a diminution in the latter, and vice versâ. Criminal Sociology
  • I agree that the point about testifying in trial is extremely invalid. Silent Signals, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As resources allow, we will improve and extend invalid care allowance.
  • In undertaking that task, it may be, and commonly will be, necessary to make some assessment of the strength of the case for invalidity.
  • So Physicist Husband is helping to work out the airflow issues, perhaps by installing a small fan or upgrading to a better colander, which would kind of invalidate the point of using stuff we already had around the house. MAKE Magazine
  • Smith had been invalided out of the army in 1949, and joined the family shipbreaking company.
  • These results invalidate the current concept of cell proliferation and offer a unified view of tumor development.
  • In spite of Corfu, he looked very ill to-day, and Isabel wondered whether he were really worse or whether she was simply disaccustomed to living with an invalid. Chapter XXXIII
  • His invalid father is becoming a burden.
  • And if you are still losing ground de-legitimize your opponent, also known as the invalidation technique. A Word to the Wise - A user blog
  • They dwell instead on invalid core beliefs and the kinds of mythical fear that such beliefs nearly always inspire.
  • If true then the invalid key will be discarded automatically. This option is only valid when Auto Select and Auto Commit is true.
  • In his preface to the book he speaks of her as a fair representation, at the time it was published, of the hired attendant on the poor in sickness: but he might have added that the rich were no better off, for Mrs. Gamp's original was in reality a person hired by a most distinguished friend of his own, a lady, to take charge of an invalid very dear to her; and the common habit of this nurse in the sick room, among other Gampish peculiarities, was to rub her nose along the top of the tall fender. The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • In our submission, the first of those features gives rise to invalidity on the ground of inconsistency or repugnancy to provisions of the Native Title Act - I will come to that in a moment.
  • MikeGene: Scientifically vacuous is not the same as invalid. Cleaning Up The Mess
  • Doesn't this invalidate people that are feeling other things such as grief, sadness, loss, anger right now?
  • You have typed an invalid phone number. Please check the number and re - enter it.
  • Her whole adult life was a triumph of determination over a body that could have condemned her to permanent invalidism.
  • Johnny, in fact, had been born to the noise, moist air and flying lint of the mill, and had coughed from the day of his birth, afflicted with the lung disease that has invalided his mother. “I ain't never goin' to work again. . . . I'm plum tired out.”
  • His claim to ownership is invalid.
  • The inconsistency and its effects were so profound as to render such guidance invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • But at least the pressure is off to appear in person before the ticket is rendered invalid. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Certificate that was used to digitally sign this message is invalid.
  • What quantities of fribbles, paupers, invalids, epicures, antiquaries, politicians, thieves, and triflers of both sexes, might be advantageously spared!
  • A civil partnership invalidates any existing wills.
  • the pallid face of the invalid
  • I can't sense the meaning of invalid in this sentence.
  • Lancaster City Council has deemed the plans for the proposed multi-million pound structure invalid.
  • When he hands in his nomination form, he must have withdrawn his candidature in respect of all other constituencies , if any, or else his new nomination will be held to be invalid.
  • The commerce clause of the constitution has enabled it powerfully to influence the economy by invalidation of any state legislation deemed likely to burden interstate commerce unduly.
  • While the lien should not be invalidated, the Plaintiff should not be entitled to rely upon the statement of claim which claims an amount greater than the lien claims.
  • Richard claimed the crown on the ground that a precontract rendered his brother's marriage invalid, and Henry VII. tacitly allowed the same doubt to continue. The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3)
  • Thuriot shews himself from some pinnacle, to comfort the multitude becoming suspicious, fremescent: then descends; departs with protest; with warning addressed also to the Invalides, -- on whom, however, it produces but a mixed indistinct impression. The French Revolution
  • Failure to disclose all relevant changes may invalidate your policy.
  • Do you mean that you are not accustomed as I am to invalidism, and hardly like the notion of supping in bed as an introduction to strangers? Bricks without Straw A Novel
  • Second, we can try to show that the conclusion does not follow from the premises, and thus the argument is invalid, proving nothing.
  • But he was invalided out in 1991 with knee problems which doctors blamed climbing ships' ladders.
  • There is some Anglo-American authority that repos constitute a loan on security, with consequences such as invalidity through a failure to register as such.
  • This would have affected his decision to issue the warrant and results in a finding that the warrant was invalid and should not have been issued.
  • She is now unable to work and receives benefits, including invalidity benefit, amounting to approximately £90.00 per week.
  • In 1994 Bradley sued Chiron, seeking to invalidate the patent, have himself included as a co-inventor, and receive damages and royalty income.
  • High levels of arsenic were found in his body, leading to calls for an exhumation from Les Invalides in Paris to ascertain whether arsenic poisoning caused by an overdose of the laxative calomel caused his death.
  • He met, in the narrow streets in the vicinity of the Boulevard des Invalides, a man dressed like a workingman and wearing a cap with a long visor, which allowed a glimpse of locks of very white hair.
  • Two carbon exchanges were forced to suspend trading as panic hit investors fearful that they had bought invalid permits. Times, Sunday Times
  • No need to be surprised - a theory is invalid if shown to be so beyond reasonable doubt.
  • After being invalided out of the army, he became an Official War Artist in 1943, concentrating on the everyday life of the troops.
  • Where the buyers succeeded in defeating part of the third party claim, an exercise of apportionment of the adverse consequences between the valid and invalid parts of the claim could be required.
  • In the second variant I have shown here the error is: commander. cc: In function 'void begin_collect_data (GtkObject*)': commander. cc: 92: error: invalid cast from type 'void*' to type 'drawing_area' which is really no surprise because I am trying to cast a pointer to a non-pointer.
  • Soon afterwards, Attia ruled the woman was not Jewish and that therefore the marriage was invalid from the start, and the couple did not need a divorce. The lot of an israeli jewish convert
  • This is not to say that a scientifically unproven theory is invalid.
  • Having spent much of her life until she was 40 as an invalid, travel miraculously cured her ailments.
  • The Department of Agriculture unveiled controversial plans to again approve genetically modified sugar beets in time for planting next year, a move that would nullify a federal court ruling in August that invalidated the original approval issued by the USDA five years ago. World Watch
  • Failure to disclose pre-existing conditions could result in a policy being invalid and subsequent claims not being paid. The Sun
  • It is possible that the Parliament could pass a law, having extraterritorial effect, which might invalidate a contrary law.
  • That evening Dr Thompson made the captain's punch, having carefully locked up in his largest tea-chest his invaliding suit. Rattlin the Reefer
  • Public demos are likely to continue after parliament ruled the initial poll invalid and passed a symbolic, non-binding vote of no-confidence in the electoral commission.
  • Any diesel vehicle can use the fuel without modification and without invalidating manufacturers' guarantees.
  • Apart from low motivation, IQs are sometimes invalid estimates of a person's true functioning because behaviors such as distractibility, anxiety, or low frustration tolerance can interfere with test performance and lead to a low IQ or a low standard score on a test of working memory -- even when the person truly has exceptional ability. Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D.: Intelligent Testing
  • I get an error saying "invalid conversion from 'const char' to 'const char*'; initializing argument 2 of ` char* strcpy (char*, const char*) '" ... DaniWeb IT Discussion Community
  • The Federal Circuit heard the appeal and decided that Smithkline’s patent on the hemihydrate was invalid as “inherently anticipated” because anhydrate naturally converts into hemihydrate. Patent goo: self-replicating Paxil « Isegoria
  • While most insurers will be lenient if the inaccuracies are unintentional, at worst giving false information can make an insurance policy invalid. The Sun
  • And the judiciary is given the power to strike down legislation, invalidate legislation that it considers is inconsistent with those rights.
  • Others, however, believe the experiments were flawed and thus invalid.
  • He also produces a "Wanda Errors Report", which identifies certain invalid ballots, such as duplicates from the same registered voters. Sound Politics: Mail Ballot Lifecycle
  • We already have had invalid flights from people using the cheap eTrex with only automatic time interval and no fixed time increment.
  • The principle of legality doesn't clash with the power of judicial review when the courts must invalidate criminal laws.
  • There then followed an hour and ten minutes of typing, card swiping and crashing of various computers that culminated in him printing off an agreement form full of invalid bank details.
  • However, none of this invalidates the general theory that stock aligns CEO incentives with those of the shareholders better than does cash salary; it does.
  • My purpose has been, not to enable those among you who have paid no attention to these subjects before, to leave this room in a condition to decide upon the validity or the invalidity of the hypothesis of evolution; but I have desired to put before you the principles upon which all hypotheses respecting the history of Nature must be judged; and furthermore, to make apparent the nature of the evidence and the amount of cogency which is to be expected and may be obtained from it. American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology
  • The making of false statements could result in the invalidation of the contract.
  • Although biogeographic and body size similarities suggest that it may be related to the Puerto Rican giant hutia Elasmodontomys, the Antillean large-bodied rodent family Heptaxodontidae is now interpreted as invalid, and it is impossible to assign Tainotherium to a particular caviomorph family in the absence of associated craniodental material. Archive 2006-12-01
  • the invalid's blanched cheeks
  • Annand was invalided out of the army in 1948 and thereafter did much work for disabled people, especially the deaf, and was involved in local affairs in the north, and above all in army affairs.
  • An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.
  • But not really, for at the same time Judge Tauro also claimed that the Equal Protection Clause, which in 1967 was used to strike down state antimiscegenation laws in Loving v. Virginia, invalidated any state ban on same-sex marriage. Judicial Offensive Against Defense Of Marriage Act
  • FARRELL: I'm afraid I have to say that I think if the west started getting into the game of asking Muslim clerics to issue fatwas then it would put the clerics in a very difficult situation and it would kind of invalidate the fatwa if they did it because they would look like they're doing it at the behest of the west. CNN Transcript Jan 20, 2006
  • His other marriage is invalid anyway. The Sun
  • That ‘debt deflation dynamics’ have not manifested themselves thus far in the US does not invalidate the theory.
  • They can be obtained to show that administrative orders and notices are invalid, or exempt from taxation, or for confirming matters of marital status and nationality.
  • The ultimate invalidation is to look at some kid who is refusing to pay attention or behave well, and not respect that there's something by way of rebellion and resistance going on there, and then to medicalize it and then to drug it. Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: Psychiatry in a dysfunctional Society
  • Instead of compelling the patient to lead the terrible life of an invalid, the doctor should have let the patient die a merciful death, the media argued.
  • You might like this vim plugin then - drop it into ~/.vim/plugin/and restart vim, then try saving some invalid PHP code ... Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Their white colour and delicate texture have conspired to give them a reputation as a food for invalids or convalescents.
  • This time, with the women there, the soldiers let him through, but he was afraid to go with the invalid permit.
  • She was invalided out of South Wales Police with a stress-related illness in 1992, after being traumatised by discovering a man who had killed himself with exhaust fumes in his car.
  • But if the second marriage was bigamous and therefore invalid, then FPJ would be illegitimate and should follow his mother's, not his father's, citizenship.
  • While we were engaged on the wall, a few fire-arrows had come over and been promptly stifled by the invalids, who were in tremendous trim, bawling orders to each other and striding about like Nelson on the quarterdeck. Isabelle
  • Safe journey to all our invalids, helpers and pilgrims from the parish who travelled on Sunday to participate in the Annual Armagh Pilgrimage to Lourdes.
  • Six months later, Target Corp. filed a challenge with the Canadian Registrar of Trademarks, arguing that the trademark should be invalidated for nonuse. Target Goes to Canadian Court
  • Irregularities include multiple signatures in the same handwriting, uncounted ballots, invalid absentee votes, interrupted polling hours, and voter intimidation or suppression.
  • It seems to default to either redrawing the menu or logging out if you select an invalid menu option, which again can be confusing if you're not in a harmless text editor.
  • If you are a really unsafe driver of course you shouldn't drive at all as your insurance policy would be invalid. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • He was invalided home with an intolerable rash, which was diagnosed as the then unusual mepacrine photosensitivity.
  • He made many firm friends during that time and was tireless an unselfish in his commitment to the invalids and lending assistance to all who sought his help and advice.
  • His latest directorial venture, Imaginary Invalid, bears testimony to this thinking.
  • Since our hero, Marcus, is invalided out of the legions by the end of the opening chapters, legion composition is hardly relevant! Zornhau: Past Lives: Ronald Welch's "Knight Crusader"
  • However, while trial courts have invalidated the statute, the intermediate appellate courts that issued both Hertz and an earlier decision have both found the statute constitutional.
  • One of Arthur's sparks of kindly feeling awoke when he beheld his once handsome, high-spirited sister, altered and wrapped up, entering the room with an invalid step and air; and though she tried to look about in a bright 'degage' manner, soon sinking into the cushioned chair by the window with a sigh of languor. Heartsease, Or, the Brother's Wife
  • There were two abstentions and one invalid vote.
  • Yesterday is an invalid cheque.Tomorrow is a promissory note and today is the only cash you have.
  • It did not make any mention of the fact that many of the people who have come off the unemployment benefit have casually moved over to the invalids benefit or the sickness benefit.
  • Dr. Porter was an invalid, with the prophetic handkerchief bundling his throat, and his face "festooned" -- as I heard Hillard say once, speaking of one of our College professors -- in folds and wrinkles. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • He had wilfully ignored notices posted on the train arguing that the by-laws were invalid.
  • When the prevalence of vice renders a reformation necessary, great care and deliberation must be used; to banish at once, and in a mass, old and rooted faults, would be like prescribing laxative and restringent medicines at the same time to an invalid. Niels Klim's journey under the ground being a narrative of his wonderful descent to the subterranean lands; together with an account of the sensible animals and trees inhabiting the planet Nazar and the firmament.
  • We believe the Rambus patents are invalid, not infringed and unenforceable.
  • Our three invalids, though, in spite of languishing in the shade and in one of the few airless parts of the front garden, produce plenty of blooms that are simply too beautiful to destroy.
  • Her mother had increasingly become a home-bound invalid.
  • Ordinarily you shouldn't open these units as there is the chance of electric shock, as well as the fact this will invalidate your warranty.
  • : CONFIRM echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder (Y/N) set/p "cho = >" if % cho% = = Y goto LOCK if % cho% = = y goto LOCK if % cho% = = n goto END if % cho% = = N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • His second is that finding unpleasant - even horrible - application of a scientific theory or philosophical argument invalidates the theory.
  • His indignant countrymen actually caused him to be prosecuted in the native courts, on a charge nearly equivalent to what we term defamation of character; but the old fellow persisting in his assertion, and no invalidating proof being adduced, the plaintiffs were cast in the suit, and the cannibal reputation of the defendant firmly established. Typee
  • In a better age, in the one we hope to bring about, that would of course legally invalidate the marriage. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Find where the argument might have a hole, show how there are failures to follow that argument across the board, then use that failure to claim the entire point in consideration is invalid …? Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Illegal Immigration and the Rule of Law
  • Tried to click on the challenge and got a no-can-do message about in invalid URL. I like to win things. « A Bird’s Nest

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