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How To Use Inure In A Sentence

  • We are so inured to the news, it's refreshing to have the conflict described by somebody who was there.
  • As a long-time B-list critic and junketeer, my conscience has long been inured to the petty scams of the Golden Globes voter shoving another complimentary cream puff into his craw. House of Scams and Fog, Or How to Break Into Your Own Apartment
  • It completely inures you from the slings and arrows of outrageous bloggers, creditors, film investors and divorce attorneys. Mark Morford: Mel Gibson's Top 10 Tips For Sexist Monsters
  • The higher charge didn't inure to the benefit of the defendants in that case.
  • This kind of tendentious whimsy is more peculiar than interesting; as the pages turn, one becomes inured to it and begins to yawn. Archive 2007-09-01
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  • It was a revelation that shocked a public that had thought itself inured to stories of criminal excess.
  • After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate.
  • our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men
  • They are inured to charges of lies or corruption - violence and prurience are what moves them.
  • This impetuous and fiery temperament was rendered yet more fearful by the indulgence of every intemperance; it fed on wine and lust; its very virtues strengthened its vices, -- its courage stifled every whisper of prudence; its intellect, uninured to all discipline, taught it to disdain every obstacle to its desires. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • Perhaps it works best if seen as a character study of Detective Coleman, an examination of a cop who has seen so much evil that he is inured to it.
  • It's been a mode of public conversation which has slowly inured us all against the terrible reality of bombs and guns and the banal bestiality of violence.
  • We are so inured to the laxness and corruptness, that we defend the bullies and liars.
  • It inures to the benefit of the victim and the victim's family.
  • The right inures to the Florida voters and no others; they have the right to chose their electors and notDubya The Volokh Conspiracy » Standing and Ripeness Issues in the Lawsuits Against Obamacare
  • They think we are inured to the whole business and, in any case, suffused with a boredom with the political process.
  • We've become inured to slow test - system configuration times.
  • Sadly, society has become inured to the wholesale destruction of human embryos.
  • With such strange termes her eyes she doth inure, that with one looke she doth my life dismay: and with another doth it streight recure, her smile me drawes, her frowne me driues away. Amoretti and Epithalamion
  • A younger son, you know, must be inured to self - denial and dependence.
  • Naturally, Critser found all this perturbing but, like most people, he was inured to the daily diet of doom and gloom fed to him by the press - all the more so since he belongs to its massed ranks himself.
  • I worry about the state of their souls as individuals, and about the state of a society that produces people so inured to violence and gore.
  • But sith he continued his extremitie euen to his last daies, we may rather beléeue, that although from his childhood he shewed some tokens of clemencie, bountie, and liberalitie; yet by following the wars, and practising to reigne with sternenesse, he became so inured therewith, that those peaceable vertues were quite altered in him, and in maner clearelie quenched. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
  • There on the pavement these inexpert children of a pacific age, untrained in arms and uninured to violence, abandoned themselves to amateurish and absurd efforts to hurt and injure one another — of which the most palpable consequences were dusty backs, ruffled hair and torn and twisted collars. The History of Mr. Polly
  • Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure, and propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny, and begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship. Democracy Interrupted
  • It means as well that the American population must be inured to violence and brutality, both abroad and at home.
  • The prisoners quickly became inured to the harsh conditions.
  • After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate.
  • Haggerty: New York is almost an obvious place where you need to be for that added brand value [that] inures to your project because of its visibility and the amount of international and domestic travelers. Q & A with Hyatt Bigwigs About Midtown, Harlem «
  • But if the ad had been repeated, audiences would have grown inured to the threat, a psychological effect called habituation. The Nuclear Option
  • It could specify that time in the United States under this visa would not inure towards time for cancellation of removal. Andy Schupak: B-4 Retiree Visas
  • It's unsurprising that the modern age hasn't given rise to many more unidentified bleeps and bloops, but perhaps we've become inured to the crackle of unwanted aural static.
  • Chennai's citizens are quite inured to the problem of water scarcity.
  • We are so inured to the laxness and corruptness, that we defend the bullies and liars.
  • Nurses soon become inured to the sight of suffering.
  • To ignore the law would no longer constitute an abuse of the jury's power, as long as that disregard inured to the benefit of the defendant.
  • But if Whiteacre was then held by a dis - seisor, so as that the feoffee could not enter, the entry upon Blackacre does not inure to both. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of exchequer, from Easter term 32 George III. to [Trinity term 37 George III.] ... both inclusive. [1792-1797]
  • After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate.
  • Financial speculators are similarly inured to the risk of catastrophe and, oddly, it is probably a good thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man becomes almost inured to reading in the casualty lists of the death of friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is at least simple enough for the simplest of critics to apply or misapply: whenever they see or suspect an inequality or an incongruity which may be wholly imperceptible to eyes uninured to the use of their spectacles, they assume at once the presence of another workman, the intrusion of a stranger's hand. A Study of Shakespeare
  • The ranks of labour, depleted of its men, were filled by females uninured to toil and dangerous nerve racking environments. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • The inure information reveled, the less profit they can make.
  • After spending some time on the island they became inured to the hardships.
  • You might be inured to the smell, so ask a blunt friend whether your house reeks of dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'd think my Southern nature would inure me to this weather.
  • After spending some time on the island they became inured to the hardships.
  • Learning his political affiliation was a bitter blow, fifteen years ago, when I'd just fallen in love, but I am inured to the knowledge by now.
  • While such events can lead to considerable psychological trauma and distress, they may also inure a young mind to violence.
  • Maybe I'm inured from years of baseball games and seeing the red, white, and blue unfurl from the Symphony Hall ceiling every time the Pops plays "The Stars and Stripes Forever," but any flag that every side can convincingly wrap itself in doesn't bug me that much, Eddie Izzard's warnings notwithstanding. Amo, lloro, canto, sueño
  • We are so ethically and morally challenged, that we are inured to the trampling of the truth.
  • And there's no getting around the notable fact that the characters employ the f-bomb so frequently and in so many colorful ways that viewers become inured to it.
  • You might be inured to the smell, so ask a blunt friend whether your house reeks of dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sight of this, Alda declared, made her ill; though the little boy was as docile as he was helpless; but it was quite true that to nerves and ears not inured from the first, Theodore's humming and his concertina were a trial from their perpetuity. The Pillars of the House, V1
  • It is an old complaint about the practice of medicine that it inures you to the idea of death. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • In exchange for the privilege of fieldwork he had to do camp chores every afternoon, which was nothing - three years of graduate school had inured him to slave labor and subsistence living.
  • Thus much we are hindered and disinured by this course of licensing, toward the true knowledge of what we seem to know. Areopagitica
  • Any nominal profit from this coinage inures to the benefit of the whole people of the United States and not merely to the producers of silver bullion. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • I hope by now, you are inured to the fact that righteous indignation generates more email than gratitude.
  • Oh well, at least all those years in the aquarium have completely inured me to being wet.
  • After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate.
  • Then there was the world of the camp: a cruel and hard existence during which he became increasingly inured to the pain of those he governed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man becomes almost inured to reading in the casualty lists of the death of friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether that strategy inures to their advantage or disadvantage remains to be seen," added Mr. Cannon, who hasn't declared his intentions toward the bill but has said he is wary of wider gambling in the state. Dreaming of a New Vegas in Miami
  • And, no matter how thick the skin or how inured you've become to it, it hurts.
  • Democracy Interrupted yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Democracy Interrupted'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure, and propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny, and begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship.' Democracy Interrupted
  • The cease - fire agreement inure from next Monday.
  • Subject to the foregoing limitation, this Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and assigns. Boing Boing
  • Bowed down with old age, uninured to the bearing of burdens. Satyricon
  • Even the newsboy, inured to the short words of an unfriendly world, and usually quite indifferent thereto, was impressed by the asperity of the suggestion and moved somewhat hastily on. A Christmas Accident and Other Stories
  • Mouths open, not yet inured to the sight, many adopt the famous sculpture's contrapposto.
  • The frightening risks taken by clandestine immigrants are so common we are inured to them.
  • Is it a good thing that over the years we have become inured to it, hardly able to muster a twitch of outrage?
  • The document that they received when they bought the timeshare states that the timeshare "benefits and obligations hereunder shall inure to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns" of my parents. Borrower has second thoughts about that second chance
  • If it inures to my disbenefit, then it inures to my disbenefit. Making Sense of McCain-Feingold and Campaign-Finance Reform
  • After seven years in the firing line with Rangers and three-and-a-half years prising out body pellets at Goodison Park, Smith is inured to criticism.
  • One cannot inure oneself altogether to such malicious criticism.
  • He also expressed “increasing doubts regarding the benefits which would inure to the West.” Eisenhower 1956
  • Torrents of rain drenched them to the skin, but inured to hardships they rejoiced in the favor which the storm bestowed. Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest
  • Then there was the world of the camp: a cruel and hard existence during which he became increasingly inured to the pain of those he governed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so it inureth as a wish by way of resemblaunce in [Simile dissimile] which is also a subtillitie likening her Maiestie to the Sunne for his brightnesse, but not to him for his passion, which is ordinarily to go to glade, and sometime to suffer eclypse. The Arte of English Poesie
  • The routinization of this kind of scandal in academia has almost inured us to the possibility of recourse.
  • a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured
  • The church denies this characterisation and "vigorously objects to the suggestion that Church funds inure to the private benefit of Mr Miscavige. What happens when you try to leave the Church of Scientology?
  • We are so inured to the laxness and corruptness, that we defend the bullies and liars.
  • After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate.
  • But when medicine inures you to the idea of life, to survival, then it has failed utterly. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • One cannot inure oneself altogether to such malicious criticism.
  • You might be inured to the smell, so ask a blunt friend whether your house reeks of dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • Decades of changeability inured them to the pain and discomfort of the ideological gymnastics required to please Republican voters. Nancy L. Cohen: Why the GOP Circus Has Mattered
  • This term bothered me when I first started hearing it, but I'd become sort of inured to its ubiquitous presence after a while and stopped really thinking about it. Got MILF?
  • No one who watches the movie now would shriek or gasp at the first sight of the monster- we're too inured to more convincing beasts.
  • We are perhaps inured to some of its excesses, but I don't think any Scot does not find it reprehensible.
  • The surfeit of what became known as the formulaic Full Monty effect eventually inured audiences to the charms of hard knocks/happy future comedies, but - Home Page
  • But when the weather is inclement, you either have to inure yourself to the cold and wet or stay in with a good book or a jigsaw.
  • We have become so used to him scoring goals that we are almost inured to it, as fans and players alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • The policy underlying these holdings was to "unmuzzle' licensees so that an early adjudication of invalidity could inure to the public interest.
  • Or have our years of accepting torturous treatment for young or addicted Americans inured us beyond outrage and lulled us into creepingly, ineluctably accepting the unacceptable? Maia Szalavitz: How Torture Became Law, How Outrage Dies
  • They think we are inured to the whole business and, in any case, suffused with a boredom with the political process.
  • After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate.
  • You agree that all use of the Logo, and all goodwill arising out of such use, will inure to the sole benefit of the association.
  • We have become so used to him scoring goals that we are almost inured to it, as fans and players alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supporters of devolution have become inured to setbacks, diversions, embarrassments, disappointments and shocks.
  • But his love of Apple's creativity, which he happily extols, and Jobs' entrepreneurial ingenuity, which he salutes, don't inure him to its dark side. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: The Agony and The Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, White
  • It's probably just as well that they remain inured in Seattle. Sound Politics: Support our mercenaries
  • Just take a long, close look at these disgusting faces -- young, dull, indifferent, inured to the worst kinds of bestialities; but don't turn up your noses. Hard to be a god
  • In 10 NFL years with four different teams, he said the Giants and coach Tom Coughlin are the only ones who have been such slaves to routine—and that it's that consistency that inures players from "the rollercoaster. Giants Rewarded for Being Stubborn
  • There on the pavement these inexpert children of a pacific age, untrained in arms and uninured to violence, abandoned themselves to amateurish and absurd efforts to hurt and injure one another -- of which the most palpable consequences were dusty backs, ruffled hair and torn and twisted collars. The History of Mr. Polly
  • Page 326 thicker than that of a hippopotamus, and a body to which fervid heat is a comfort rather than an annoyance, he droningly lounges over the prescribed task, on which the intrepid Englishman, unaccustomed and uninured to the burning sun, consumes his impatient energy, and too often sacrifices his life. Social relations in our Southern States,
  • We are so inured to the laxness and corruptness, that we defend the bullies and liars.
  • The enemies 'fleets could not join; no great fleet could get out, or if it did, it was only to meet at once, with uninured officers and crews, those who were veterans in gales and warfare. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783
  • He was inured to the cold
  • I have gotten kind of inured to the prices, but that one seemed really over the top. Tourist Prices on the Riviera Maya

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