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How To Use Intrusive In A Sentence

  • Canadians were unhappy with so-called intrusive questions, the aggravation of filling it out and even a few were convinced the census was part of a government plot, according to - Home Page
  • I've wondered why pop-up ads and new larger sized, intrusively placed ads are so annoying.
  • The relationship between the street and the galleries inside is not as intrusively immediate as is suggested by the open-ended, perpendicular orientation.
  • The presence of extrusive volcanic rocks during the rifting stages suggests that a large volume of melt may also have been added to the crust intrusively.
  • Many lenders have gone further than required and been enforcing more strict and intrusive criteria. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The Los Zorros property covers the entire breadth of a regional anticlinorium in an area that is the locus of younger intrusive activity which intruded up through the fold-deformed lower Cretaceous section of volcaniclastic, siliclastic, and limestone formations and intrusive diorite sills. News Articles
  • Variably serpentinized Devonian mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks occur in the western and northern parts of the map area.
  • That might sound like a reasonable deal, but many would balk at the often intrusive way such information is being used. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • The voice acting is deliberately hammy, the sound effects are loud and intrusive and the gameplay is frantic.
  • It is a nice programme, but marred by absurdly intrusive music. Times, Sunday Times
  • They then rated the unpleasantness of the intrusive thought, their attempts to dismiss the thought from consciousness, and their perceived success in reducing the frequency of the thought.
  • The field-based studies were supplemented by thin-section petrography and whole-rock geochemistry to characterize different intrusive phases.
  • As I am aware that the jack hammers from the next block all last summer were intrusive and you know darn well the birds that roosted in the abandoned former furniture factory trees this past year nearly drove me out of my mind - before I decided to set off cohetes during the day and early evening to run them off, which worked, but drives your dogs crazy for which I am very sorry. Sound ordinance in ajijic?
  • I enjoy keeping the garden clear of old raspberry canes, intrusive crab grass, and debris.
  • And surely there is a less intrusive way of telling the world what a loving husband she has? The Sun
  • From Pliocene time the shallow emplacement of intrusive bodies resulted in thermal metamorphism (forming, for example, biotite, cordierite, andalusite, K-feldspar and corundum in pelites) and hydrothermal activity.
  • And surely there is a less intrusive way of telling the world what a loving husband she has? The Sun
  • The wall rocks to the pegmatites consist of a sequence of mafic volcanics and gabbroic intrusive bodies. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Besides intrusive questions about her family? Times, Sunday Times
  • The sensitive plant is too vulgar an allusion; but if the truth of modern naturalists may be depended upon, there is a plant which, instead of receding timidly from the intrusive touch, angrily protrudes its venomous juices upon all who presume to meddle with it: – do not you think this plant would be your fittest emblem? Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • The inference was unambiguous: the parliament was an intrusive, petty-minded bunch of jobsworths, bereft of any credibility.
  • The teams are pushing for a more gradual reduction and less intrusive monitoring. Times, Sunday Times
  • The jitters sent through the government by recent protests are leading to the implementation of even more intrusive and innovative censorship and control tools.
  • There is a rough zonal arrangement of the ore minerals around the intrusive, gold and copper minerals (chiefly enargite and chalcopyrite) being more prominent near the intrusive, and argentiferous galena and zinc blende richer at greater distances. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact.
  • In certain cases of intrusive R such as “Asiar and Africa” there is a need for _some_ articulatory gesture to mark the word boundary between the schwas of “Asia” and “and”. Intrusive r | Linguism | Language Blog
  • It accounts for the occasional lapses into infelicitous sentiment, tired phrasing and intrusive personal details that would have appalled the American.
  • It is a fiction that all the intrusive announcements we've come to accept as a part of worship are necessary; the siddur is not a textbook and the synagogue is not a classroom.
  • She didn't hesitate to tell intrusive photographers to "naff off".
  • What will she do if they suddenly discover her, camp on her doorstep, pelt her with intrusive questions? Times, Sunday Times
  • She becomes a parody of the stereotype of the intrusive immigrant mother.
  • The early Permian rifting in the North Atlantic involved siliciclastic sedimentation in extensional basins and widespread extrusive and intrusive magmatic activity.
  • - A fragment (or xenolith) of well mineralized intrusive within barren granodiorite was observed in drill hole MX07-03; - Disseminated molybdenite has recently been observed in intrusive rocks at the 805 mine level, currently below the Z zone described previously; and, - Strong quartz stockwork with molybdenite in biotite hornfels has been observed adjacent to the Ethel zone (Drill Hole MX07-01). Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • The telephone is a relatively intrusive technology, interrupting you from what you are doing and demanding attention.
  • The most apparently helpful, complaisant people are often the nosiest, the most intrusive and manipulative. Beard
  • The polyphasic character of these granitization processes have, in some cases, made basic rocks appear to be enclosed within granites like intrusive rocks.
  • Who agreed to these intrusive screens brainwashing us day after day?
  • Soft lighting provides ‘a nice break from the intrusive neons of Shanghai’, opines one recent patron.
  • The mountain ranges (sky islands) are a geologic mix of Tertiary volcanic and intrusive granitic rocks, Paleozoic sedimentary layers, and some Precambrian granitic plutonic rocks. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • In Excel 12 , we've redesigned the formula bar to be both flexible and less intrusive.
  • Sufferers are beset by intrusive bad thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some intrusive thoughts can be pernicious and unhelpful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recent petrological work has confirmed the alkalic chemistry of some of the intrusive rocks at Huajoto, which is very unusual for the Andes. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • If there should be any new measures they should be maximally effective in enhancing safety and national security and minimally intrusive.
  • When Alison was at home she was an intrusive presence.
  • This method is the most intrusive method of training and can severely damage your growing sativa which can lead to poor yields.
  • Too many occasions ruined by intrusive waiters demanding that you shut up and listen to them describe what you are about to eat before you eat it, too many orchestrated removals of silver covers - abracadabra, hocus pocus!
  • And it's bastardry like this that not only gives free market capatalism a bad name, that then encourages more and more intrusive government interference in our lives -- it hurts people. I aten't dead ...
  • Privacy campaigners have argued that powers of surveillance are intrusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • An intrusive coldness suffused my arteries, flooded my veins, scalloped my core in ice.
  • Planning permission was refused on the grounds that the proposed building would be "visually intrusive".
  • Recently the jet stream has retreated northward, meteorologists say, leaving the field undefended against those intrusive southern storms.
  • First, intrusive surveillance should be confined to counterterrorism and serious crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adblocking software usually allows users to 'whitelist' sites whose ads are not so intrusive or annoying. Times, Sunday Times
  • They consist of intrusive materials (phonolitic domes, trachytic dykes, small syenitic bodies), breccias, tuffs and massive peripheral lava flows.
  • They are the radical issues that we should be addressing and not short-term intrusive fixes. British Blogs
  • And surely there is a less intrusive way of telling the world what a loving husband she has? The Sun
  • Other times a high level of support is intrusive and patronising.
  • The downside is that reservoirs and dams are big, intrusive and expensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ultramafic and mafic intrusive rocks are cut by very few quartz veins and have not been found to host beryl or emerald.
  • There is a rough zonal arrangement of the ore minerals around the intrusive, gold and copper minerals (chiefly enargite and chalcopyrite) being more prominent near the intrusive, and argentiferous galena and zinc blende richer at greater distances. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Even if the kimberlitic and lamproitic rocks belong to intrusive phases of different ages, they can still crop out in the same geological sectors; therefore some diamantiferous diatremes may contain diamonds of different ages.
  • Some couples find a diaphragm or cap to be an intrusive method of contraception, because fitting them can interrupt sex if you haven't inserted it beforehand.
  • This disingenuous fluff was calculated to excuse the intrusive nature of the exercise.
  • It is responsive and smooth enough at cruising speeds, but like many eco models if you push the engine, the diesel noise picks up and becomes intrusive. The Sun
  • With each intrusive question, I became more stoic and stiff.
  • It seems unlikely that the final magma pressure would have been the maximum value of magma pressure reached during the intrusive episode, and so flood basalts probably were erupted.
  • Symptoms to watch for include intrusive memory loss, reliving trauma, flashbacks and becoming hyper-vigilant or fearful.
  • Police spoke of a benign new law enforcement tactic no more intrusive than a video camera at a convenience store.
  • In the Antarctic Peninsula, an early Jurassic gap in intrusive activity was followed by widespread mid-Jurassic silicic plutonism in eastern Graham Land.
  • At which point Dale blew his top and, screaming "I'll murder him", chased the intrusive Who drummer from the building. Young Vic at 40: the Young and the restless
  • Whether he disturbed the sweet influences of the honey-moon by his intrusive presence, or permitted that nectareous satellite to fill her horns and wax and wane in peace before he sought to bring the bridegroom down to the things of earth, are questions which I must leave to the discretion of my readers to settle, each for himself or herself, according to their own notions of the proprieties of the case. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
  • Tax experts and politicians this weekend predicted a public backlash against the intrusive questioning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intrusive rocks were cored in neither well, although hydrothermal parageneses are extremely widespread and in-hole measurements at the bottom of the wells indicate a present-day temperature of 400 deg C.
  • This lurking and sometimes intrusive presence of the past might perhaps be supposed to weaken or dull the impact of the present. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • But why the need for intrusive music? Times, Sunday Times
  • The reason nobody takes action over unjustifiable privacy invasions is because the very taking of such actions would cause further and more intrusive invasions of privacy.
  • First, intrusive surveillance should be confined to counterterrorism and serious crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many lenders have gone further than required and been enforcing more strict and intrusive criteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teeth subject to intrusive luxation have been intruded into the alveolar bone, which may occur to the point that the teeth are not visible.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Sequoia Voting Systems Website Hacked'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'A section of Sequoia\'s Website was hacked overnight, and when the company realized what had happened, it took the site down and removed the "intrusive content." n the wake of this latest PR nightmare for the company, as John Gideon pointed out last night, they\'ve decided to mount a Campaign of Lies instead of simply allowing their "tamperproof" e-voting systems to be examined by a third party. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Sequoia Voting Systems Website Hacked
  • These migmatite complexes were mingled with the intrusive magmas that provided the heat sources for crustal melting.
  • That might sound like a reasonable deal, but many would balk at the often intrusive way such information is being used. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contacts between the complex and the Archaean metamorphic rocks are intrusive.
  • This lack of self (not one illustration is of the author) does have the advantage of lending credibility; and with no heroics or intrusive personal antics, and certainly none of the backpackers 'dreaded "inner journey", Jacobs's unmannered style and easy erudition is a delight. Andes by Michael Jacobs
  • And don't the powers that be realize the the more annoying and intrusive the ads are, the less we're going to want to look at them?
  • I tend to be more enamored of tablets since wearables often seem too intrusive and geeky.
  • A section of Sequoia's Website was hacked overnight, and when the company realized what had happened, it took the site down and removed the 'intrusive content. 'n the wake of this latest PR nightmare for the company, as John Gideon pointed out last night, they've decided to mount a Campaign of Lies instead of simply allowing their' tamperproof 'e-voting systems to be examined by a third party. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Sequoia Voting Systems Website Hacked
  • These are situated in the basal portions of a great norite intrusive, and are ascribed to segregation of the sulphides as the rock solidified. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • This would open its nuclear facilities to unannounced and more intrusive inspections. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least the press were less intrusive? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nine out of ten people have intrusive thoughts that distress and shock them. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The promotion of higher journalistic standards does not depend on an intrusive legal regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proposals - which were widely condemned as monstrously intrusive and constituting a gross infringement of privacy and liberty - have been withdrawn for further consultation.
  • Sufferers are beset by intrusive bad thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's decent enough, and is interesting for the way it draws on various different cultural roots without too much disharmony - the Summer Tree of the title being a particularly good example (Neil Gaiman uses it in American Gods as well, but more intrusively). Linkspam for 27-6-2009
  • More specifically, this ecoregion is composed of metamorphosed Mesozoic greywacke sandstone, siltstone, and marine volcanics overlain by Miocene intrusives, Pliocene marine and terrestrial fine-grained sediments, and Quaternary lavas and pyroclastics. Southeastern Papuan rain forests
  • This idea also explains the intrusive -i- in the word hinθial 'spirit, ghost, shade' derived from the genitive of hinθ 'below, beneath, underneath' which we may now relate to an earlier form *hinθi. Archive 2007-09-01
  • It is only when intrusive ethologists steal and hatch eggs that the wide tolerance of the goslings is revealed.
  • When tunes are piped in, it is always at a gracious, unintrusive volume, and it is invariably tasteful jazz or even classical.
  • Planning permission was refused on the grounds that the proposed building would be "visually intrusive".
  • Assuming the E.P.A. Puts its intrusive restrictions on the economy coupled with cap and trade legislation with health reform that bloats the deficit, I, along with every other american willing put a little foresight into what seems to be happening to our way of life since this administration took power can easily tell that we wont be seeing any truly good news for some time to come, if ever again. Obama: 'Economy is growing again'
  • Other standouts include Eddie Kaye Thomas as the oddball Finch and, of course, Eugene Levy as Jim's ever intrusive father.
  • Then there are some who are merely meddlesome and intrusive in the dressing room.
  • It was also an unacceptable form of backland development within the area and would be intrusive to the back view enjoyed by nearby homes.
  • Isn't the gold standard for civil liberties questions the ‘strict scrutiny’ test, whereby legislative enactments trenching on constitutional rights need to achieve a compelling state interest by the least intrusive means possible?
  • Police spoke of a benign new law enforcement tactic no more intrusive than a video camera at a convenience store.
  • The Government has become more intrusive, more coercive, more meddlesome, and less effective.
  • This will require finding people willing to have a more intrusive log of their phone usage. Times, Sunday Times
  • an intrusive arm of the sea
  • Incessant and intrusive editing, numerous jump- and cross-cuts and confounding time shifts, work to disorient the viewer.
  • First, the autocorrect on Gingerbread is too intrusive. Samsung Galaxy S II and HTC Incredible S smartphones – review
  • The noise cancellation also works well, although it adds hiss that can sound intrusive in quieter surroundings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their leaders have learned the hard way that, within their well-managed tropical island states, no election verdict, no constitutional custom or habit, no parliament’s decision, no ordinary citizen’s commonplace prerogative is safe from an intrusive America whose caprices and policies are neither fairer, nor more predictable, nor more morally conscionable than the vagaries of hurricanes. Happy Independence Day, Haiti
  • Variably serpentinized Devonian mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks occur in the western and northern parts of the map area.
  • An intrusive complex of dacite with sedimentary and metamorphic rocks of Palaeozoic age comprise the predominant rock forms. Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
  • Blackpool tourism spokesman John Hall said Lisa felt Gaynor's filming was too intrusive.
  • Steve: It would be interesting to see how many on the D side would put their names to this sentence — “Third, this Court, as well as many lower courts, has recognized that targeted picketing ... is a particularly intrusive and harassing form of speech” — if it were a case involving enjoining the SEIU protesters from standing on the lawn of a BofA attorney. blah blah abortion clinics blahblah The Volokh Conspiracy » State Attorneys General Argue that Non-Media Speakers Should Get Less First Amendment Protection than Media Speakers
  • Without some intrusive interventions to disrupt patterns of homicides, population trends alone are likely to spur some growth in murder tolls.
  • It is intrusive and abridges the rights of legal citizen to equal protection under the law - unless there's some magic way to tell a legal from an illegal immigrant on sight. 3 border state governors critical of Arizona immigration law
  • No Dogma film contains muck on the lens, intrusive lens flare, obvious boom and camera shadows, as this does.
  • Instant messaging fills a niche between a phone call and e-mail, and it's fast and not too intrusive.
  • The former president's Republicanism offers a worst-of-all-worlds package of intrusive behavioural regulation for the masses and socialism for the wealthy.
  • Why is a police surveillance camera on a public street any more intrusive than a patrolman stationed on the corner?
  • From an intrusive overlying wacke in the neighborhood of Linlithgow I have derived for my collection pieces of carbonized wood in so complete a state of keeping, that under the microscope they exhibit unbroken all the characteristic reticulations of the coniferæ of the Coal Measures. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • The downside is that reservoirs and dams are big, intrusive and expensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the Treasury thinks it is worth putting up on its website a paper forecasting global cooling, why is the British government adopting policies, including green taxes and intrusive lifestyle prescriptiveness, to deal with precisely the opposite eventuality? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It is only when intrusive ethologists steal and hatch eggs that the wide tolerance of the goslings is revealed.
  • The pictures are gentle in that they are not intrusive, even in intimate or chaotic moments.
  • And with the average person reading up to 60 e-mails a day, this junk can easily become both intrusive and invasive.
  • The TSA rules require individuals to submit to a digital strip search that is maximally intrusive. Lyle Denniston: Constitution Check: Is Full-Body Scanning at the Airport Constitutional?
  • Besides intrusive questions about her family? Times, Sunday Times
  • It may be that I've been deaf to the roar of protest that has met this authoritarian and intrusive measure.
  • If the stage had wings, this would be less intrusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flying is already a pain, thanks to overzealous and intrusive security checks often devoid of common sense. The Sun
  • The symptoms of war zone trauma are real and sometimes disabling: withdrawal, freezing over, hyperarousal and high anxiety, insomnia, eruptions of anger and other emotional dysregulation, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts, depression. Joseph Bobrow: Spirituality and the Road Home
  • I'll admit that I found some of them intrusive, but when they didn't happen, I was disorientated and uneasy.
  • The dykes and sheets sharply truncate structures in the wall rock gneisses and greenstones, and large (several tens of metres) wall-rock xenoliths may be completely engulfed by the intrusive sheets.
  • Japan's political equilibrium has traditionally been built on a social compact whereby citizens accepted extensive, often intrusive, government ordering of society in exchange for the unnervingly competent performance of public duties by those who govern. Will Grief Turn to Anger in Japan?
  • And all this in spite of the fact that the census has existed since the foundation of this nation, by the very Founders who themselves abhorred the big intrusive government you claim that the census is a weapon of. Think Progress » Idaho man fired shotgun into air to intimidate Census worker.
  • There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system and source ode.
  • There is a small amount of grain, though it's never overly intrusive while watching the film.
  • Even at this speed the engine was still quiet and there was no road noise; only some intrusive wind noise detracted from the overall silence.
  • Additionally, the game includes a simple, stylish, and effective in-game map system that is both functional and non-intrusive, which is a huge bonus. Gold Box Deals
  • Intrusive igneous rocks such as diorite, gabbro and granite solidify below the Earth's surface while extrusive igneous rocks such as basalt, obsidian and pumice solidify on or above the surface. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • His attentiveness was insistent and intrusive, far more aggressive than the almost archaic courtesies of his brother.
  • But no one should imagine that it will soon become less intrusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the exception of the post-Karoo igneous intrusive formation and the recent thin alluvia along the major river valleys, the strongly consolidated rocks of the Archean Basement Complex and the Karoo system underlie practically all of Swaziland and limit the groundwater development potential of the country. Water profile of Swaziland
  • When we are struggling, it can feel intrusive when people ask prying questions. Christianity Today
  • Intrusive breccias can be the host for metallic ore deposits and aesthetic mineral specimens.
  • The result is ham-handed unrolling of the backstory and awkward dialogue that intrusively narrates when it might better have shut the hell up.
  • First of all, there were those annoying, intrusive phone calls.
  • The thoughts became more intrusive and darker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, it's hard to be more precise, because the "nerd herd" subplot is so intrusive and annoying, it makes it almost impossible to follow the main story. Critic's corner Monday
  • It can be very uplifting seen from afar but, if it becomes a intrusive presence in our lives, it provokes huge resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its unimaginative background music was often intrusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are some beautiful moments which are unfortunately much too short, and some cheesy moments stretched by cliché conversation and intrusive music.
  • Equally turned off by intrusively moralizing Republicans and tax-and-spend Democrats, independents lurch with the wind. Why The Tea Party Should Endorse Gay Marriage
  • The low-key press conference was attended almost exclusively by Scandinavian journalists who, respectful of Semenya's privacy, were careful not to probe too intrusively into her past. Caster Semenya casts fame aside in search of glory on the track
  • To understand the privacy issue one has to look at the big picture to understand that each new piece of information collected about us, no matter how seemingly harmless, is increasingly being added together with thousands of other data points to create an extremely intrusive, high-resolution picture of our lives. Boing Boing: January 12, 2003 - January 18, 2003 Archives
  • They were probably all nice people but they acted like caricatures of government bureaucrats: at once belligerent and ignorant, threatening and uninterested, detached and intrusive.
  • Specifically, increasing physical activity and decreasing the intrusiveness of the nursing home environment at night can improve those factors in nursing home residents who are incontinent.
  • Even so, the literary life — the rivalries of authors, the intrusiveness of biographers, the presumptuousness of critics especially academics — revolted him. A Phony Who Reformed
  • The thoughts became more intrusive and darker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Holland pursues an old-time Americana sound, without the academic self-consciousness or the intrusive musicianly flair that often soils such endeavours.
  • The noise cancellation also works well, although it adds hiss that can sound intrusive in quieter surroundings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The full-frame picture isn't an annoyance; there's no sense of parts of the scene being lopped off at the edges, and there are no intrusive pans.
  • Copying the works of others protects the solitude of the monastic cell from more intrusive forms of ministry.
  • He sings it and throws it away as a party piece, with Wynton growling away on a rather intrusive muted trumpet.
  • The inspector's report said: ‘The proposed cableway across the river would be visually intrusive.’
  • Will it be as vigorous as it might have been with less intrusive government? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is responsive and smooth enough at cruising speeds, but like many eco models if you push the engine, the diesel noise picks up and becomes intrusive. The Sun
  • This lurking and sometimes intrusive presence of the past might perhaps be supposed to weaken or dull the impact of the present. Molly Keane's Ireland
  • Ordinary events can serve as reminders of the trauma and trigger flashbacks or intrusive images.
  • Carbonatite usually occur as small plugs within zoned alkalic intrusive complexes, or as intrusive bodies, but can form as dikes or veins in the host rocks. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Journalism is inherently intrusive and invasive.
  • In particular the size of the building and the terraces will mean that my garden is overlooked in an oppressive and intrusive manner. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the next chapter the diagrams are particularly helpful in explaining the application of ultrasound in non-intrusive diagnosis, inspection and monitoring.
  • His narration is intrusive and surplus to requirements but mercifully his lips soon go numb with the cold and he has to stop for a while.
  • Years ago, GMail introduced context-sensitive ads and was unfairly pilloried for being anti-privacy or intrusive. Anil Dash
  • It is impossibly complex, outrageously expensive, overly intrusive, economically destructive and manifestly unfair.
  • And funnily enough, writing to classical music can get intrusive. Aurealis Awards 2009
  • Variably serpentinized Devonian mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks occur in the western and northern parts of the map area.
  • Floating pontoons, with their massing and design, ‘cannot contribute in the same way and constitute an intrusive feature in such a sensitive location’.
  • The mafic sheets have not contributed at all to the felsic volcanic-derived volcaniclastic breccias, thus supporting an intrusive origin for the mafic volcanic rocks.
  • He draws a parallel between intrusive imagery in trauma and the unexpected visual and auditory imagery that may occur about the deceased.
  • I'm perfectly okay with some non-intrusive motion control, such as flicking the Wii remote to make Mario spin, but throwing my hands out in front of me to steer a car does not interest me. Pondering An Effort At Exercise Software
  • On the other hand, overly intrusive judicial review is sometimes criticized for its undemocratic character.
  • It is a truly eruptive rock, occurring in intrusive bosses, or in beds interstratified with gneiss and mica-schist, and owes its various shades of green to the presence of copper. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • If you've got a parent going through the transition, be supportive, but not intrusive.
  • Contrary to his ipse dixit, this is NOT some standard or consensus definition, particularly the “intrusive and domineering role” language. The Volokh Conspiracy » Timothy McVeigh Was No Libertarian: The Fallacy of Conflating Two Very Different Types of “Anti-Government” Movements
  • It is a nice programme, but marred by absurdly intrusive music. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suddenly feel embarrassed at appearing intrusive and nosy and I hook my own hair behind my ears and look away.
  • Because it comes under the rubric of internet self-regulation, this kind of censorship is seen as less intrusive.
  • Did she not realise that the cost of being an actor is to burn forever in the limelight of intrusive media questioning?
  • But why the need for intrusive music? Times, Sunday Times
  • The teams are pushing for a more gradual reduction and less intrusive monitoring. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Spanish tendency to add an intrusive e to English words that begin with s [consonant] is well known, as is its consequential effect on the article which leads to people saying an estation, an estatistic etc. 12 posts from February 2010
  • Ron Perlman, by contrast, is intrusively grotesque as another murderous monster, though the way he's photographed suggests that it's not his fault. 'Drive': A Rolls of an Action Film Noir

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