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How To Use Intrusion In A Sentence

  • If you place the access outside, be sure it is insulated and weatherstripped against both the elements and intrusion by insects or small animals.
  • In this paper , the framework of network intrusion detection technology Based unsupervised outlier detection is discussed.
  • And to what do I owe this intrusion?
  • He adheres to a self-styled"hacker ethic, "which justified any computer intrusion as long as the motive is pure.
  • And what caps this dizzy display is not seriously ordered fugato, let alone a full fugue, but a comically stilted allegro dance in duple rhythm, with octave leaps, mostly in two parts with chordal intrusions.
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  • Its seamless curve swept across the canyon and imbedded itself in each side, a gigantic but somehow graceful intrusion.
  • Security has to be the optimum for a ragtop and here a microwave intrusion detection system is fitted along with a handle lock rod protector.
  • Being an aesthete with high standards of evidence and argumentation, these intrusions chap him.
  • While this increase or decrease in many instances is a natural fight of nature against the intrusion of opposing elements into the body, it frequently assumes dimensions that are most unpleasant and seriously impair the health, such as catarrhal conditions, all of which are due to poor or degenerated cells of this tissue. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • These are cut by intrusions of late Cretaceous-early Tertiary (Laramide) age, ranging from tonalite to granodiorite in composition. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • For the first time, I've experienced a most unwelcome intrusion into the most sacred of personal spaces - the toilet trap.
  • Following the intrusion of basic dykes in the late Palacocene, the whole of the post-Zechstein succession was gently folded into a series of major synclines and anticlines.
  • The stories begin to accumulate, each one a random intrusion by dumb, underqualified government authorities who seem to have watched too much television and have very little common sense.
  • Moreover, even though the men in the film do ultimately incorporate the mother, her return is experienced by the audience as an unfair intrusion and the men's inclusion of her in their ménage a generous (if also pragmatic) gesture.
  • It comprises several mafic, mafic-felsic and felsic intrusions with distinctive geochemical affinities and apparent radiometric ages.
  • Several days might be profitably spent by the antiquarian in investigating the contents of the different tiers of galleries; while the geologist would find matter for interesting speculation in the partial intrusion of the older lithoid tufa here and there into the softer and more recent volcanic deposits in which the passages are excavated, and in which numerous decomposing crystals of leucite may be observed. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • When Symantec anted up $925 million of its own stock for firewall and intrusion detection system manufacturer AXENT Technologies in 2000, some analysts doubted whether the purchase was worth the price.
  • When the soft top is up, there is a feeling of good quality, thanks to a fabric inner liner that also helps reduce noise intrusion, and the rear window is glass with an integrated demister. - Stuff
  • Second, what does it say about ourselves if we think this kind of intrusion is acceptable? Creepy Birthday to You
  • CheckPoint is a pioneer in stateful inspection firewalls and, like Avaya and unified communications, is focused solely on the security business with products dedicated to firewalling, VPNs, unified threat management and intrusion prevention. Cisco's top 10 rivals
  • ‘No Bop Hop Scop Blues’ was a band original that caustically assailed the emerging bebop intrusion on the jazz scene.
  • These facts can, of course, be brought to one's attention by unmeant gestures or inopportune intrusions.
  • Overall, the authors' main points are clearly presented and thoroughly explained and without the intrusion of extraneous material.
  • This paper also describes abstractly distributed multistep intrusion scenario modeling based on BNF.
  • It's bad enough that George Bush has been willing, and able, to challenge and dismantle some of the most basic tenets of our American democracy - the system of checks and balances, an independent judiciary, and the right of a people to be free from government intrusion and persecution - but to see England fall prey to the same simple-minded authoritarian leanings is simply very sad. 01/16/2006
  • Others, called volcanic earthquakes, are usually shallower and can be precursors to volcanic eruptions and intrusions of magma.
  • A bellbird's call, crystal clear, was the only intrusion.
  • The acoustics of the Music Centre will be excellent, including high quality of sound in each studio, and high standards for silence and absence of intrusion.
  • The issue split Republicans, many of whom saw it as government intrusion into an intensely private matter.
  • This structure of absence and intrusion corresponds to de Man's blend of quotation, paraphrase and commentary in Allegories of Reading.
  • What hurts the editorial staff of most publications is the intrusion into the creative process of money in the form of advertising revenue.
  • This coupled with the saline water intrusion completes the process of contamination of the Kuttanad backwaters.
  • In addition, volcanic rocks and intrusions of this age are distributed widely around the western and southern perimeter of the basin.
  • Requiring drug tests of this discrete group of citizens is an intrusion, a humiliation and a subtle deterrent to prospective candidates.
  • Such intrusions are becoming more prevalent in society because of the advance of technology.
  • I remember one gentleman saying he felt anybody else in the room was like an intrusion on his privacy.
  • Has the intrusion to the privacy of those living right next to the site been fully considered?
  • Future applications for my robot include automated vacuum cleaning and fire and intrusion detection.
  • It's easy to interpret his angelic temper and indifference to human intrusion as friendliness.
  • HARVEY: Well, as a matter of fact, I can remember in the 1930s, when the United Nations was called the League of Nations until it ignored the intrusion of Japan into Manchuria and China, until it ignored the intrusion of Italy into Ethiopia, until it failed to recognize Hitler for what he was, publicly tearing up the Versailles Treaty. CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2009
  • Associated with these intrusions were outpourings of andesitic and more acidic lavas and fine ashes.
  • Now, the attack on executives is at the forefront of the state's intrusion on civil liberties.
  • The shelves and fissures which bisect these rocks are home to edible crabs, velvet swimming crabs, prawns, squat lobsters and the occasional large common lobster, which will march out boldly to meet your intrusion.
  • What I think we have here, at the heart of slipstream, is a folding through of the strange and the mundane, a radical interpenetration (far more radical than that of intrusion fantasy), one that leads to the deep instability and uncertainty of an infused realm, offered as an estranged postmodern view of the world -- infusion as confusion. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Tower and wing are connected and articulated by a hinge point of vertical circulation, with a lift placed outside the building to minimize structural intrusion.
  • The business constituency, on the other hand, views much regulation as an unjustifiable intrusion by the State.
  • Unlike corporate networks, which can limit access, and can backtrack users, we have to continuously monitor for attacks and, more importantly, successful intrusions.
  • Overthrusting, volcanism, and plutonic igneous intrusion were identified as originating above the subduction zone where one plate is forced beneath the edge of its neighbour.
  • This intrusion shows how heavy-handed the movie's efforts to be relevant and political are.
  • But government intrusion into private corporate matters will be strongly resisted.
  • He had not bothered to look for signs of intrusion, since it was well known that devils, being bodiless, do not leave footprints. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • Was he out there campaigning against the KGB for its intrusion into the privacy of the life of the average Soviet person?
  • But at the same time there was a noticeable iciness toward journalists and writers on the part of many of his friends and students, who began to resent the intrusion of fame into the equation.
  • The point is I know two depressed people and I'm finding their intrusions into my happy and contented life to be a bit annoying.
  • The process of step-and-stair transgression thus continues until hydrostatic equilibrium is established as the intrusion tapers out at the zero isopach.
  • Critics of the law call the preclearance requirement a unique federal intrusion on state sovereignty and a badge of shame for the affected jurisdictions that is no longer justified. The Supreme Court hopes to kill the Voting Rights Act
  • The film star claimed that the police action was an intrusion on her private life.
  • Along the southern margin of the intrusion at Sogneskollen, granodiorite apophyses netvein the host rocks.
  • By its very nature, this commercial intrusion is designed to be obtrusive and dominant.
  • The pace gallops along, the plot is difficult to predict, if not well nigh impossible, and the narrative draws you inside the covers so that every intrusion which makes you put the book down is resented.
  • Biology: The lining of the rectum is very thin and a ready route for disease and easy to rupture during the vigorous thrusting of anal sex — easy to contaminate your blood with fecal matter – the sphincter muscle of the anus can be damaged by too many intrusions making one incontinent – hemorrhoids and anal sex are surely incompatible. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • And if it does know an intrusion occurred, the victim company ordinarily won't know whether the hacker just snooped around a little, or actually managed to see a lot.
  • Baked contacts with host rocks indicate that metamorphism associated with intrusion predates shearing.
  • I must make it up to him for the awful intrusion of last night.
  • How perfect is the verdure -- how rich the blossoming shrubberies that screen with verdurous walls from the possibility of intrusion, whilst by their own wandering line of distribution they shape and umbrageously embay, what one might call lawny saloons and vestibules -- sylvan galleries and closets. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845
  • The basement is mainly composed of quartz biotite norite and minor serpentinite which belong to the Ordovician Boganclough intrusion.
  • Key benefits of the white list approach are that it prevents intrusion, internally or externally and is simpler, cheaper and more effective than the detect and repair approach required of AV and other blacklist solutions.
  • He withstood the intrusion upon the Honiton corporation by the high churchman Sir Thomas Putt.
  • Pre-earthquake Haiti had "small government" -- the neocon and so-called "conversative" political factions in the USA and their dupes prescribe "small government" which provides no regulation, and little in the way of central monitoring and control except for enforcing sectarian-based intrusion and exercising sovereignty over citizen's personal lives, including decisions about reproduction, pregnancy, and supposedly private consensual activities.... Making Light: Open thread 134
  • Dr. Mausner said the newly office-less employees might be feeling both what he called intrusion anxiety and exposure anxiety. NYT > Home Page
  • I never really knew a lot about her, only what the media dished out, and to tell you the truth I got tired of the relentless hounding and intrusion into her private life!
  • In her book, Cheryl is a vociferous critic of her treatment by journalists, accusing us of relentless intrusion into her privacy.
  • I assure my hon. Friend that lighting schemes will be designed to minimise visual intrusion into neighbouring property.
  • If we truly wish to live free of government and corporate intrusion, we first must recognize the need to demassify the way we live our lives.
  • The geological constitution consists mainly of quartzite schists, gneisses, limestones, and isolated granitic and diabasic intrusions. Venezuelan Andes montane forests
  • Setting up shop in the zone between intimacy and intrusion, a place where emotional and expressive prerogatives are negotiated, is a risky business that he manages with perfect sangfroid.
  • The insane legal costs of fighting Government intrusion is not worth it financially.
  • As he sees it, the aggression of tabloid journalism discourages potential candidates, who are fearful of the requisite intrusion into their private lives.
  • The part left unsaid is that such services are not prescribed intelligently due to the intrusion of insurance influences and liability concerns on sound medical decision making. Can't We All Be Friends?
  • He's been doing the rounds of the newspapers portraying himself as the victim of press intrusion into his private life, and discoursing on identity and being proud to be English.
  • This is a single 12 ft long, hand-coloured pull-out sheet depicting a landscape with cartoon figures, illustrating terms such as puddingstone, Old Red and intrusion, by C. M. Webster, produced in London about 1840.
  • On Fiji's low-lying islands, salt water intrusion can come from above as well as below.
  • The curiosity is that home telephones have gradually taken on behaviours that reflect this issue of intrusion and interruption.
  • I hope you don't mind this intrusion, Jon.
  • It is the fashion of a modern school of historical writers to deplore what they call the intrusion of literature into history. Historical and Political Essays
  • James was startled by the sudden intrusion and quickly stood up by the foot of the bed.
  • Apologies to non-Gaelic speakers for that linguistic intrusion, apologies to Gaelic speakers for being unable to find HTML equivalents for the needed diacritics.
  • The light sea breeze made its subtle intrusion in ragged, breathless sighs.
  • Cyberoam UTM delivers the complete range of security features such as stateful inspection firewall, VPN, gateway anti-virus, gateway anti-malware, gateway anti-spam, intrusion prevention system, content filtering in addition to bandwidth management and multiple link management over a single platform. Press Releases
  • Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
  • This gives children protection against unwelcome intrusions into their privacy by the parents.
  • The ALA has made information available to librarians who opposed government intrusion into the privacy of library patrons.
  • Harris resented the intrusion and the new emphasis on calisthenics.
  • Two ideas are rejected: An article on wind chimes is out because they are sources of noise pollution and intrusions on personal space, and one on airline food - yuck!
  • These volcano and feeder systems have similarities to igneous centres, which also have cone-shaped edifices, calderas and downward tapering cones created during magma chamber collapse and ring-dyke intrusion.
  • The sample of Omonville granodiorite was collected from the foliated felsic phase of the intrusion at Pointe Jardeheu.
  • We are upset that our objections about this intrusion into the area have been ignored.
  • The Whin Sill complex is a large tholeiitic quartz dolerite intrusion in northern England.
  • There are enormous intrusions into many of these terrains; layered anorthosites, dyke swarms of basalts, and complexes of tonalite or diorite intrusions also occur.
  • While Mildred's intrusion into the stokehole stages the disabling paradox of ‘vital contact,’ it is not the only example of psychologically disruptive cross-class contact in the drama.
  • The intrusions are passively emplaced into the surrounding host by stoping and assimilation.
  • The culture of kiss-and-tell journalism, encouraged by all manner of intrusion, and thin uses of the public interest defence he's a hypocrite because he's a journalist, causes constant battles between tabloids and celebrities. It should be curtains for celebrities with a bedroom secret
  • Versa was afraid to take any more steps, for fear that her intrusion would jerk him back into reality, and send him raving mad.
  • Those intrusions of the world outside awaken me from my soporific slumber, as I dwell in drowsy numbness, as though of hemlock I have drunk.
  • Now with growing dalit violence, it is the Naxal intrusion in the Dalit ranks alleged the officials. A New Dalit Movement Emerging From Maharastra?
  • Coeval gabbro intrusions are composed of unlayered, fine- to medium-grained, biotite-bearing norite, gabbronorite, gabbro and diorite.
  • you think my intrusion unseasonable
  • I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon my privacy.
  • Layered intrusions commonly occur with mafic intrusions where the minerals (such as olivine, pyroxene, chromite, magnetite and plagioclase) have a wider range of specific gravity, and the magma viscosity was low.
  • Small basanite intrusions in the Batain area of NE Oman have been noted by a number of workers.
  • Although most of the participants feel it an intrusion that every 7 years, a film crew comes into their lives to chronical their successes and failures, their widening waistlines and gray hair count and wrinkle count, their loss of their parents and other close family members, the success and failure of marriages, etc. THE UP DOCUMENTARIES « FranksFilms
  • The silicic rocks are interpreted as crustal melts resulting from intrusion of mafic magmas.
  • It boasts intrusion detection systems, encryption key management and a cryptography accelerator that can perform up to 6,000 SSL handshakes a second.
  • I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon my privacy.
  • For example, layered intrusions are subdivided into stratiform and contact deposits, with the stratiform deposits further subdivided into chromite and sulphide-associated deposits.
  • The underlying Dosados sandstone member, 80 m below, is the source bed for the intrusions.
  • Agriculture contributes less than 2 per cent to GDP in GCC countries, but it overexploits groundwater resources, most of which are non-renewable, resulting in their depletion and quality deterioration due to seawater intrusion and the upflow of saltwater. Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
  • Volcanicity and magma emplacement, largely in the form of large granite intrusions, characterize the volcanic arc.
  • As fluids moved out from the intrusions, hypogene mineralization progressed in four stages.
  • It's no surprise he can't cope with sudden huge wealth, press intrusion and hoards of ‘yes men’ boosting his ego.
  • At the very least, I expected them to resent the sudden intrusion and competition that my class of thirty-five citified adults represented.
  • You tell me which is the bigger intrusion into the average American's liberty?
  • The trick here is meticulous preparation in order to avoid the intrusion of any semblance of reality.
  • Alternatively, the coarser grain-sized intrusions seen at outcrop may be testimony to high flow velocities during fluidization and injection, with any finer-grained sand or silt having been elutriated from the system.
  • The generally disseminated and blebby nature of the mineralization somewhat resembles a Mississippi Valley type of environment but is believed to be intrusion-related. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The occurrence of low-volatile coal in certain coalfields in India is attributed to the carbonization of coal seams by the intrusion of mica lamprophyre which is a mica-rich ultrabasic rock containing altered olivine, calcite (or dolomite), bronze-coloured mica and apatite. 4.1 Geological investigations
  • Another source of difficulty is the fact that agencies use a variety of techniques for gathering data, and these techniques vary in their burdensomeness and intrusion on protected interests.
  • Lower amphibolite-grade regional metamorphism predating intrusion of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex may have resulted in some monazite growth.
  • The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion.
  • Indigenous oak, elm, birch and ash forests are no longer under threat from development but from the intrusion of species such as sycamore and beech, which migrated to the country in the middle ages.
  • The orogen experienced crustal thickening and high-temperature decompressional melting, resulting in widespread syn - to late-orogenic granitic intrusions. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Of the variety of problems that it presents one might mention the petrological questions connected with the intrusion of the great masses of granite, and their relation to the slates and associated metamorphic rocks. The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • This site is located behind a developing business park which is already an intrusion in the countryside so there will be little loss of amenity.
  • Intrusion detection, log monitoring, and of course patch management all become part of the overall security of the website and the contents.
  • Embankments, bridges and viaducts were likely to cause the greatest visual intrusion, he added.
  • The eternal westerly swell rolled lazily across our wake and wiped out the last trace of our intrusion.
  • Intrusion-detection equipment has also been available in hidden housings.
  • Syntectonic intrusion and metamorphism of the cooling Kyzylkain gabbroid bodies proceeded at high chemical activity of water and, practically throughout, were manifested in the production of gabbro-amphibolites regardless of initial body shape and position in the Kempirsay ophiolite structure.
  • Most computer-security products are sold as prophylactics: firewalls prevent network intrusions, PKI prevents impersonation, encryption prevents eavesdropping, etc.
  • In Rome the clutter of history elbowing the jowls of the modern seems overwhelming, in Venice - despite obvious historical layers and tourist-trap intrusions - it all seems made of one piece.
  • The parent rock is predominantly schist with only minor intrusions of greywacke. Cantebury-Otago tussock grasslands
  • I feared the camp could not function with so many intrusions.
  • Rapid cooling between 22 and 20Myr reflects both uplift during ductile phases of extensional deformation and ambient cooling of the granitic intrusions.
  • ‘Rainbow’ closes things in memorable style and serves as the track where the band really get it together, gorgeously saddening stuff and reminiscent of those early love lorn Sarah singles, gentle acoustics chilled by brass intrusions.
  • You can log any intrusion attempts and the modem can apparently even email you an alert.
  • How perfect is the verdure -- how rich the blossoming shrubberies that screen with verdurous walls from the possibility of intrusion, whilst by their own wandering line of distribution they shape and umbrageously embay, what one might call lawny saloons and vestibules -- sylvan galleries and closets. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol 58, No. 357, July 1845
  • The problem with this approach is that some users see such examination as an intrusion, and others feel that how they organize and archive their e-mail is up to them.
  • Such laws, he said, were ‘in danger of discrediting our parliament if we let that necessity to have high standards in public life lead to an intrusion into private family life’.
  • For the intrusion into my life I receive points which can be redeemed for gift certificates and the like.
  • And resistance to telepathy is an automatic human reaction to that sudden feeling of mental intrusion? Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
  • She did not tolerate press intrusion into her private life.
  • Areas of lower elevation largely consist of post Carboniferous sediments overlying a basement of Cambrian rocks, with significant intrusions of Jurassic dolerite. Tasmanian temperate forests
  • If the permeability of the rock is sufficiently high, and the density difference of the hot and cold groundwater is large enough, the groundwater body will start convecting in much the same way as happens above magmatic intrusions.
  • These and other human intrusions can prompt eagles to desert their nests, giving predators a chance to grab eggs or eaglets.
  • The intrusion of the author is part of the book's narky undertow. La carte et le territoire by Michel Houellebecq – review
  • A new, fully-independent, double wishbone rear suspension incorporates a lightweight trailing arm, and positions the coil spring and shock absorber separately to minimize system intrusion into the loadspace floor. Autoblog
  • It is at least simple enough for the simplest of critics to apply or misapply: whenever they see or suspect an inequality or an incongruity which may be wholly imperceptible to eyes uninured to the use of their spectacles, they assume at once the presence of another workman, the intrusion of a stranger's hand. A Study of Shakespeare
  • Constant commercial intrusions - often laced with sexploitation - seem normal and acceptable because they're so routine in a wide array of media outlets.
  • But each uptick in protection will typically come at the cost of more intrusion into the privacy of ordinary people.
  • He also hit out at what he called the excessive levels of intrusion into his private life that sections of the media had engaged in during the controversy.
  • A few of the boys thought Johnny's intrusion odd, even cheeky; but most of them, employing the social assimilability of youth, -- especially that of youth in the Middle West, -- laid little stress upon it. On the Stairs
  • This intrusion or invasion into the thick impasto of the declamatory surface is peculiarly poignant and suggestive.
  • The movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers, or saltwater intrusion, is usually caused by ground water pumping from coastal wells.
  • Very attractive blue - green colour with variegated yellow intrusions, it is capable of taking a high polish showing to advantage the variety of grain and colour tones.
  • Lady Isabella apologised politely, but briefly, for her intrusion, saying: 'My Lord O'Lerney, whose judgment is never in any danger, but where warped by his wish of giving pleasure, insists upon it that you will be less incommoded by a quick forced admission of me than of himself. Camilla
  • Would you be horrified at the intrusion into your privacy?
  • The seven solutions address intrusion detection, crowd control, loitering, standing vehicles, forbidden direction or path of motion, camera triggering, and facility utilization.
  • Quartz paramorphs after tridymite are absent from Fiachanis but present in the three Priomh-lochs samples adjacent to late minor intrusions.
  • But so far, the only physical assistance the Coast Guard approved toward fighting the oil intrusion is allowing fishermen trained in installing oil barrier buoys to place booms that could block some of the surface oil. Oil spill reaches Louisiana shore
  • On the contrary, the individualising animus which there found expression impelled him to raise more formidable barriers about man, and to turn the ring-fence which secured him from intrusion into a high wall which cut off his view. Robert Browning
  • We have witnessed the negative impact and nuisance of automated, self-propagating computer intrusions that promote widespread compromise and seriously complicate remediation efforts.
  • Their lineations, which are not influenced by the intrusion boundaries, faithfully reflect the stretching direction of the tectonic regime coeval with magma emplacement and cooling.
  • What did the scavengers think of this intrusion into their domain by a rubbery multi-octopus?
  • Since this is invisible - since we don't have to actually hold the phone up so our software can speak - we mostly ignore these intrusions.
  • In both areas, the silicic magmatism is thought to have been a result of intrusion of mantle-derived mafic magmas into extending crust.
  • The Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee, in a tougher than expected report on media intrusion into individuals' private lives, said action had to be taken.
  • The intrusion of adults in children's play can abolish or diminish this process of acting above one's age and acquiring self-mastery of one's own actions.
  • Other regions, such as the Southeast, West, and southern Great Plains may face challenges from increased temperatures, water stress, saltwater intrusion, and the potential increase in invasive species and pests — the impacts of which may cause costs to outweigh benefits. Wonk Room » Global Boiling: A Stormy Forecast For Agriculture
  • Each intrusion was performed when the male was incubating the clutch and his mate was absent.
  • Both intersected an unmineralized tonalite intrusion. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • And they certainly were not caused by "overregulation" or the intrusion of government into the decisions of the "private sector. Robert Creamer: America Needs a Strong, Unionized Auto Industry -- That Requires Government Action
  • Igneous intrusions injected as a mobile magma may show sharp contacts with surrounding, or country, rocks.
  • To this personal intrusion that is the heart of his writing he gave the name gonzo journalism.
  • But such detection is allowed and is arguably a much lesser intrusion of privacy than, say, a frisk might be.
  • Intrusion detections are the behaviors that someone wants to occupy, seize or destroy other people's computer resource .
  • The so-called lampoon is designed to provoke outrage against Google's perceived privacy intrusions, but some viewers may find the privacy group's tactics even more outrageous. E-Commerce Times
  • You are not the first poor man and pedler that has got the graces of a great lady; but I warrant you it was not by making humble apologies, and talking of unintentional intrusion. Anne of Geierstein
  • Evidently, the wealth of minerals found at Brumado is related to the intrusion of igneous dikes and subsequent associated hydrothermal mineralization.
  • Is more likely to "abscond" - the entire colony leaves the hive and relocates - in response to repeated intrusions by the beekeeper. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Then he bared his head in courteous acknowledgement of youth and beauty, with an apology for his seeming intrusion. Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice
  • It followed that the government of Venice could not abide papal intrusion into its affairs, an act that constituted an assault on its sovereignty.
  • On this solitary hill the only intrusions on silence were the distant "pop" of a rabbiting farmer's shotgun, the muted roar of a tractor, and the gulls' cries. Country diary: Lleyn
  • They claim the noise from the new airport is an intrusion on their lives.
  • Perhaps it is just a change that parents go through, a time when the inward, nurturing view of the family is reshaped by the need to face the inevitable intrusions of the outside world.
  • Extremely careful metallography on tapered sections through the surface of the specimen has shown that fatigue cracks initiate at intrusions and extrusions.
  • Perhaps my notion of wilderness is romantic and hopelessly out of date, but I have to say that I find paragliding an intrusion.
  • His simulations show that large cyclonic eddies occasionally form in the northern portions of the Gulf and block the northward intrusion of the Loop Current.
  • It highlights how to detect intrusions and how to secure file systems, e-mail, web servers and other key applications.
  • However, the intimate association of the ores with the primary minerals in the magma, together with their absence from higher parts of the norite and from the extraneous rocks far from the contact, indicate to other investigators that they were not brought in from outside in vagrant solutions which followed the intrusion of the main magma, but that they were segregated within the magma essentially in place. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • I give him time to get away, then walk down Peachy Hill to get away from his intrusion, and get a vegetable biriani from an Indian restaurant.

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