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How To Use Introversion In A Sentence

  • Why might introversion be an equally positive quality?
  • Some people claim that an individual's degree of extroversion or introversion is inherited.
  • A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion.
  • Even a broad category such as introversion is like Silly Putty once life gets hold of it: a "genetically shy" child whose parents gently encourage her to get herself into the sandbox and mix it up with other kids is more likely to outgrow her shyness by age 12 than a shy child whose parents take her trait as a given. When DNA is Not Destiny
  • You would then characterize yourself as an "ambivert" a personality trait that includes the qualities of both introversion and extroversion. Grasping the Nettle of Personality, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
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  • Extroversion is one pole of the bipolar extroversion-introversion dimension.
  • A typology should have a bimodal distribution, but the evidence shows that most people fall between the two extremes of introversion and extraversion.
  • Not for him the tongue-tied introversion of the self-conscious artist or the mute autism of the affected recluse.
  • This March 2003 essay on introversion is one of the few where I felt like my daily experience was given life. Now Please Shush!
  • The fifth stage is what Underhill and others call "introversion," which includes entering the silence in prayer and contemplation. Dr. Jean Houston: Spirituality and the Meaning of Mysticism for Our Time
  • Now, the tendency towards introversion is also true of commercial development. Possibilities of Great Richness
  • Noting the many contradictions with regard to introversion/extroversion, energy/rest, and openness/sensitivity, he explained how many artists can function in more than one mode simultaneously. George Heymont: Creative Cultural Cross Referencing (How to Link Stephen Sondheim to the Original Siamese Twins)
  • A personality trait the qualities of both introversion and extroversion.
  • By the way, let's look at the word "introversion" ... THE BIBLE loses MUCH in the TRANSLATION. CREATIONISTS, get REAL!
  • Have to pusher water from bend an arm to arrive of make a long arm accelerate a process, the palm go up from introversion, from below up behavioral course delimits quickly to ham by.
  • Below downtown and line function, each price gradient grade show gradient outside introversion oneself degressive change.
  • It's generally thought that shyness goes hand in hand with introversion, but many introverts simply prefer solitary to social activities.
  • Some people claim that an individual's degree of extroversion or introversion is inherited.
  • Words, that's what he needed to divert him from his pointless introversion. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire included pathology personality, introversion and extroversion, emotion stability, and validity, 4 sub - scales.
  • Sexual self-denial, instead of leading to sublimation, may lead to nervous disorder when the erotic tension, failing to find a natural outlet and not sublimated to higher erotic or non-erotic ends in the real world, is transmuted into an unreal dreamland, thus undergoing what Jung terms introversion; while there are also the people already referred to, in whom immature childish sexuality persists into an adult stage of development it is no longer altogether in accord with, so that conflict, with various possible trains of nervous symptoms, may result. On Life and Sex: Essays of Love and Virtue
  • The Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) popularized the terms extraversion and introversion, describing them as follows [nb: and I crossed off the parts of the descriptions that _don't_ fit me]:
  • CONCLUSION The personality of neuroticism , psychoticism and introversion were most likely to have unhealthy mental reaction.
  • Much of what happens in an office can be explained when we look at the personality types of ourselves and our co-workers, and especially the notion of introversion vs extroversion. D*I*Y Planner - Comments
  • Researchers measured extraversion and introversion among participants with a standard questionnaire and then compared extraverts to introverts by correlating the extraversion score to the strength of the positive-affect boost.
  • Introversion and a tear-stained face had now replaced her outgoing nature and perpetual smile.
  • The paranoia reading was low for someone with the prisoner's apparent intelligence, nor had he scored high in psychopathic deviation, schizophrenia, hypomania, depression, hysteria, masculinity/femininity, psychasthenia, or social introversion. The Girls He Adored
  • In 1910 Jung published a paper entitled, "Psychic Conflicts in a Child," in which he introduced the term "introversion" for the first time. Dr. Andrew Lange: Recovery For Introverts
  • More recently, during World War II, Katharine Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Meyers, used Jung's typological theories to develop the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator, which classifies people according to opposing traits such as extraversion vs. introversion, and judging vs. perceiving. You Are What You Keep
  • You may trot around with a silver bunch of grapes on your lapel, peddling intoxicants to expense-account tosspots and huff when I quibble at the mark-up but I have just published the novelistic fruit of 35 years of miserable introversion.
  • A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion.

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