How To Use Introspective In A Sentence
The multilayered a cappella songs are terse fragments of introspective poetry.
Times, Sunday Times
It involves the characteristics of criticism, recessiveness, savvy, introspectiveness and creativity.
Introspective interiorization and psychological subtlety are the inevitable by-products.
The Times Literary Supplement
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient ...
It was a pleasant surprise when they reconvened to record 1997's For Those In Peril From The Sea, a classy collection of upbeat rockers, jangly pop tunes and introspective balladry.

Stuff has been happening, but it's all kind of introspective, sad stuff that isn't that easy to write, even if I did have any intention of splashing it all over the web.
Aaaaaaand time to call it a night. chaosreality is in dutch with his girl, dravengodvamp's chatting online, the booze has shifted from goofy laughter to deep introspective discussion, and I have to be at the rehab house in 5.5 hours to see Ray, so I better get my happy ass to bed.
Voice Post
It was a quiet, introspective story - with a powerful wallop.
My father is an ex-serviceman. As he is introspective and taciturn, I seldom hear the word "love" in his speech even once. According to mother's evaluation, he is a thin-skinned man.
When we talk about this, he becomes introspective, genuinely unsure if he had anything to apologise for or rather a lot.
Times, Sunday Times
This, their second album, takes a much more thoughtful and introspective direction than their previous, more rocky music.
Introspective self-analysis would be a good start.
The title of the novel suggests a solemn and introspective work.
He is the introspective thinking man.
Times, Sunday Times
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient self-inspection.
He's very introspective and reflective, and he's caught up in the problems of existence in a non-religious world.
It is an example of what Mr. Pärt calls tintinnabulation, a slow, introspective style, with the strings playing in a high register, that often evokes the pealing of bells.
NYT > Home Page
But the supposed result of it and a few other recent personal catastrophes -- his latest release, 808s and Heartbreak -- plays exactly the way you'd figure an "introspective" album from Kanye West would.
Chez Pazienza: One Last Look Back: The 10 Most Ridiculous, Shameful, or Generally Unfortunate People and Events of 2008
Frequently we tend to be led astray by the fanciful language of introspective psychology.
Louis was a dreamer, idealistic and introspective; Zelie was more extroverted, possessed of formidable energy and strength of will.
Like many autobiographers, her honesty leans towards self-indulgence in her refusal to attempt to give the reader anything more than a blandly introspective narrative.
When Carlyle, in the strength of his reaction against morbid introspective Byronism, cried aloud to all men in their several vocation, '_Produce, produce; be it but the infinitesimallest product, produce_,' he meant to include production as an element inside the art of living, and an indispensable part and parcel of it.
Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 3 of 3) Essay 5: On Pattison's Memoirs
Almost all of Dostoevsky's heroes are extremely introspective and verbal creatures.
Less tightly wound and introspective than his brother, Harry prefers to present a raffish, happy-go-lucky attitude.
The first is that most of the council ` s documents might be described as introspective: they are concerned with the Church ` s own problems, its theology, its renewal.
Armstrong argues, against the Unmediated Observation model, that the relation between the introspected state and the introspective state must be causal, and so these states must be “distinct existences”.
The result is a series of distant, icy meditations on life and living; impossibly remote and unhealthily introspective.
In particular, the central character, Sari Arany (which we can accept as a translatuion convention: in Hungarian she would have been Arany Sari) is a fascinating figure, developing from introspective teenager to being the village midwife, registrar and procurer of poison.
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The question remains whether the new parliament will act as a springboard for fresh ideas or if it will cause the country to narrow its view, becoming too introspective for its own good.
If these cosmogonies are indeed based upon valid introspective knowledge, then there may some plausibility to the claims of many contemplatives throughout the world that introspective inquiry can lead to knowledge, not only of the ultimate ground of being, but of the fundamental laws of nature as well. -- via Is Buddhism Really Nontheistic? by B.
Archive 2007-09-01
An overused word for any musician is that a work is "introspective" - these records seem far from that.
Expecting Rain
I was demonstrating my process and found out she also enjoys Tarot cards I have a rather sizeable collection of rare and beautiful decks and while I do not use them for "fortunetelling" per se, I do employ them for introspective meditation.
Tarot and Hypnosis
Frequently we tend to be led astray by the fanciful language of introspective psychology.
They could not shirk their duty; they could not afford the luxury of self-doubt or introspective musing.
Stoll is a supple balladeer whose raw vocal wanderings set against harmonic guitar-strummings make great theme music for your introspective mood.
With certain people we might be outgoing and confident, in other settings we could be quieter and more introspective.
Times, Sunday Times
She was very introspective and pensive, and I always had the feeling that her awareness was somehow contained in mine.
The introspective, contemplative, ratiocinative, philosophic aspect of Holmes gets obscured as Ritchie turns him into a 21st-century man of action in the mould of Indiana Jones and Daniel Craig's ultra-tough James Bond.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows – review
Then the world went mad and mafficked, felt a little ashamed of itself, and became, for the first time for years, rather usefully introspective and self-critical.
Secret Bread
For the record, here, I'm not moping or sulking or whining, I'm just reflecting, trying to be introspective.
There were a lot of family problems and Jim became increasingly introspective.
Her autobiography refuses to give the reader anything more than a blandly introspective narrative.
As with his brother's songs, Nels Cline's material often contains an emotional charge, most conspicuous during introspective, acoustic numbers such as dobro / guitar duet "The Nomad's Home," "The Androgyne," and "Prayer Wheel," an older conception that may be Cline's most melodically accessible appearance, suggestive of Ralph Towner's ECM releases.
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He, is an introspective artist whose success has left him in a lonely place, where livelihoods rest on his shoulders and old friends regularly tap him for money and favors.
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient self-inspection.
The result fuses generic hip-hop beats and raps with some genuinely surprising performers - criss-crossing some radio-friendly funk with something a little more introspective.
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient self-inspection.
Where Carol Shields is swift, effervescent, and inclined to ideas, Alice Elliott Dark is introspective, brooding, willing to risk a kind of Jamesian stasis in the hope of deepening our engagement with her characters.
An Endangered Species
How can Rothstein deny that Nisbett and Wilson would emphatically discount the confirmation which Freud claimed for his theory of parapraxes on the basis of introspective self-observations made by Storfer, himself, and Lou Andréas Salomé (S.E. 6, pp. 118, 162-163, 168)?
How Valid Is Psychoanalysis? An Exchange
The title is unwieldy, but the book—set in present-day Guyana—is a deft synthesis of travelogue and Bildungsroman, by turns antic and introspective.
Cheeshahteaumauk, Class of '65 (1665)
Entries might be traditional accounts of the day's hiking, messages to stragglers behind heckling them to catch up, introspective omphaloskepsis, cryptic musings of no obvious relevance to anything on the trail, or even entirely different things.
Planet Mozilla
Without any real tangible benefits -- like dinner -- then it becomes an exercise in quantifying an essentially introspective activity that has some real compulsive elements thrown in there.
Warm water fishing: Do you Brownline?
Spare, morose, introspective, mordant baritone balladry has no part to play here.
Times, Sunday Times
Everything was more subtle and introspective.
By taking the time to cultivate a specific style for yourself -- whether intentionally demure or outlandish or somewhere in between -- you are conveying that you are strong enough to be introspective, which is no small task.
Lesley M. M. Blume: The Substance of Style
Budd, who has been strumming his acoustic guitar through the Midwest, writes introspective songs with a witty, sincere touch.
Author, educator and activist W.E.B. Du Bois, captured in a sepia-toned image, is shown in profile, looking thoughtful and introspective.
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient self-inspection.
Coming as a complete contrast to the saxophonist's often turbulent output in recent years, this album is a collection of introspective ballads.
Through introspective research and self-analysis we find self-acceptance and this leads us naturally towards one of the paths of inner peace.
That kind of introspective exercise only works when paired with an understanding of how profound the difference in umwelt is between us and another animal.
Less tightly wound and introspective than his brother, he prefers to present a raffish, happy-go-lucky attitude.
And just as in big companies, what will assure failure of such a turnaround are hints of the recent introspective, isolationist, protectionist, and self-flagellatory positioning our American brand has been promoting.
Keith Ferrazzi: What This Country Needs Is A Real Chief Marketing Officer
She is famous for her introspective songs about failed relationships.
Soon insights flow and they each share of their introspective moments to discover a common thread of karmic happenstance to render.
The book is salted with introspective passages that document the author's increasingly obsessive antiwar bias.
Where Ubud is moody, introspective and green, Manggis is bright, beachy and the perfect place to "chillax" (chill out and relax).
For since each such hallucination will be introspectively indiscriminible from the same kind of veridical perception, there will be no grounds for saying that these hallucinations have different phenomenal characters.
Petty Injuries
The Diplo-produced Beat of My Drum hinted at her leftfield ambitions; the slower, funereal I and the heartbreaking fame parable Sticks + Stones sounded grownup, introspective and happily odd.
Nicola Roberts: Cinderella's Eyes – review
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient ...Sentencedict
Then there's Tommy, a thoughtful, introspective type, approaching 30.
Have you recently done a bit more self-analysis, introspective digging around?
But by ascetic restraint and by introspective contemplation, the soul can ascend to its true fulfilment.
He was a rather introspective, quiet man who might have preferred more intellectual pursuits.
Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
Because even as we howl and bawl out about the way people are being gunned down, we always fail to be introspective in all of this.
Then some of them are very contemplative and introspective.
His new, self-titled album won't please everyone, presenting a lusher, more conventional indie rock, but its introspective outlook confirms that Vernon isn't completely out of the woods yet.
This week's new live music
I really hope that when my hair grays that I look as rugged and heroicly introspective as that Rapha model.
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I feel the first half is introspective, more melancholic, and there is a subconscious awareness of what was to come.
The Sun
Balka's art - introspective and executed with a minimalist austerity - continues to attract viewers.
On two san diego luxury of rhythm and two isopropanol of maximum displeased lapp, perpetually cerastium sunfish a gnarly lozal of lancelike magnetron in introspectiveness.
Rational Review
The introspective lyrics are slightly less flowery; the emotional punch is all the harder.
Times, Sunday Times
Author, educator and activist W.E.B. Du Bois, captured in a sepia-toned image, is shown in profile, looking thoughtful and introspective.
It wasn't easy, she admits, and she has not arranged them chronologically, but rather to establish an introspective and confessional storyline.
Then some of them are very contemplative and introspective.
He had been allowing himself to become gloomy and introspective.
The Glasgow Girls
This involves a detailed, introspective look at etiquette and behaviour generally.
Times, Sunday Times
I have a few more introspective playlists too … anchoring is a good thing.
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But how you are to grow in self-knowledge, become more introspective, discover the authentic treasures of insight and of compassion and of spiritual discernment and of a deep bond to other solitary individuals, how in fact can like call out to like without reading, I do not know.
A Conversation with Harold Bloom author of How To Read and Why
What's elusive about their music is that the songs are written in an introspective manner and as such, the spiritual undertones are disguised as a reflective life ethic.
She could make introspective songs like "Funny How Time Slips Away" and "Sometimes When We Touch" her own but since Tina Turner was not known as a balladeer, United Artists refrained from working that angle of the album.
She's easier to watch in the quieter, introspective numbers.
Times, Sunday Times
It is gentle, funny and introspective, in all aspects, whether it is the cinematography, music or acting.
For a person like me, who sees too much speed in all areas of modern life, his introspective takes on American music were the perfect tonic.
The museum urges us to be introspective, to consider how we would confront moral dilemmas or how we would feel if our friends and families were being systematically murdered.
The video follows Shana Cleveland on an introspective winter walk through Index, WA while the rest of the band shotgun beers and drive around in truck beds.
One's view on whether or not the epistemic commitment that is being attributed to the common element theorist by Martin is excessively burdensome may depend, in part, on how one understands the notion of introspective indiscriminability in play in his argument.
Petty Injuries
If it is reactions such as salivation, knee-jerks, and simple motor skills, which were the main field of interest amongst behaviorists, introspective reports may not be of great significance.
But, oh! my little friends of the north; my struggling, strenuous, introspective, self-analysing, autoscopic, and generally reentrant friends, who spout the 'Hue!
The Path to Rome
But denigrating weblogs because they're introspective is like declaring the bicycle pointless because we have oil tankers.
The result is an anachronic set of dialogues between introspective, idealistic, pragmatic and educated-sounding American characters.
In these groups, the ability to be introspective and reflective of life experiences was required.
Christianity Today
7: 57: Thousands of tone-deaf Swiss croon along to their national anthem, which starts promisingly but then lapses into an introspective doggerel.
I mean comic books don't promote introspective contemplation and societal theory, do they?
The result is a series of distant, icy meditations on life and living; impossibly remote and unhealthily introspective.
Every three weeks I leave it until the last minute, can find sod all to write about, and end up with something introspective to the point of self-indulgent.
Just as we do with other humans, introspective experience allows ascription of similar mentality to other species.
Today you are less introspective and more inclined to share your ideas and opinions with the world, whether they want to listen or not.
The Sun
He's very introspective and reflective, and he's caught up in the problems of existence in a non-religious world.
As we age we become more "individuated, introspective and autonomous.
Brent Green: Baby Boomers And The Power Of Social Networking
But the shy and introspective Allen habitually returned to his bachelor pad - after dropping in to kiss the children goodnight.
Her music was neither primal punk nor introspective blues but a more complex tangle of emotions shared by both.
I have been more businessy and/or introspective lately than I had intended.
I offer you punk rock babies to solidify my vow | Johnny B. Truant
The result is a series of distant, icy meditations on life and living; impossibly remote and unhealthily introspective.
So tonight I feel gratitude for the performance I've seen and the body of work on which it's based, but at the same time I feel a kind of introspective edginess.
Its dark brooding tone matching the introspective loneliness of its hero makes it the antithesis of its 1944 predecessor.
With a little help from the perpetually upbeat Muppets, the band rediscovered the reasons they were together and went to work on "Scars and Stories," a record Slade described as "extroverted" when compared to the first two "introverted and introspective" albums.
Reuters: Press Release
He was introspective yet endearing, single-minded yet unassertive.
They've dispensed with the catchy choruses and the larking around, replacing them with introspective musings.
Have you recently done a bit more self-analysis, introspective digging around?
I feel it is great to do this kind of introspective self analyzation and have a manifesto for sustainability, but the energy “issue” does seem to be conspicuously absent in your reasoning.
Build Blog » A Statement on Sustainability by BUILD LLC
He's been rebranded and his books now have soft-focus, introspective, "arty" covers.
March 2009
They become introspective and take long walks in the woods, listen to music, or write in a journal.
Christianity Today
Nightfall is an album of deeply introspective ballads.
For Locke, these are introspective experiences of our mental faculties such as remembering, willing, discerning, reasoning, and judging.
The Diplo-produced Beat of My Drum hinted at her leftfield ambitions; the slower, funereal I and the heartbreaking fame parable Sticks + Stones sounded grownup, introspective and happily odd.
Nicola Roberts: Cinderella's Eyes – review
In contrast to the Unmediated Observation model, the connection between the introspective (scanning) state, and the introspected (scanned) state, is causal and contingent.
The result is some of the darkest, most introspective techno to come out in a long time.
Yeah, some of the songs may be older, but a flip through the liner notes will show that these introspective raps bring us right up to today.
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient ...
Coyote describes the introspective Billy Murcott as "the unsung genius of the Diggers," author of several influential Digger broadsides and articles and the member who synthesized the concept of free in the group's early months.
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
Hamann was brought up as a Pietist, a member of the most introspective and self-absorbed of all the Lutheran sects, intent upon the direct com - munion of the individual soul with God, bitterly antirationalist, liable to emotional excess, preoccupied with the stern demands of moral obligation and the needs for severe self-discipline.
Are we more introspective or more extroverted in wanting to share our thoughts?
In these groups, the ability to be introspective and reflective of life experiences was required.
Christianity Today
But if this introspective process ensures companies are not overvalued in the market, then it perhaps creates better stability in the long term.
The daily life of this sometimes introspective man changed with that goal.
Times, Sunday Times
Satire is a lonely and introspective occupation, for nobody can describe a fool to the life without much patient ...
Kate can turn Pete into a mumbling, introspective bore
Plenty of folky singer-songwriters have a reputation for making introspective, melancholy music, but none quite like Smith's.
Obviously that's a very subjective sieve to push through a juror, because the juror has to make an introspective judgment of himself.
Felicity's introspective taped monologues to Sally, her teacher and mentor back in California (played by an uncredited Janeane Garafalo), have been cut.
But peripheral vision, when it becomes salient, tends to automatically cause eye movement leading to foveal vision of the salient stimulus, rather than to introspective awareness of the distinctive qualities and deficiencies of peripheral vision, of which many of us remain unaware.
– My main impression is that this story could work as an introspective drama (maybe something like a coming-of-age story), but it does not feel like it has much comedic potential.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Avi’s Second Review Forum
All artists feed on themselves, and most, are introspective, self-doubting and reflective.
Quentin Victor Carril is hypersensitive, artistic, frequently seeks refuge in his sketch pad, and tends to be moodier and more introspective than Antoine.
George Heymont: Isn't It Bromantic? (VIDEOS)
Best known for introducing Everything But The Girl to the world, Cherry Red’s roster specialized in introspective pop drawing from bossa nova, ’60s jazz, folk, and, yes, punk.
2007 June :
The mural playfully contrasts with his more introspective recent works.
October 7, 2008 12: 52 pm oh, just bane of my existence, that’s all. i suspect anyone introspective is susceptible to this. but, it sure can be fun.
Thinking about Thought « Write Anything
During convalescence he reviewed his catalogue of poppy hits and decided to adopt a more serious introspective style.
A remarkably introspective thought, given the outward-facing nature of previous steps of unpacking.