How To Use Introspection In A Sentence
His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
This bout of introspection has been brought on by my most recent ethical hiccup.
Times, Sunday Times
Thankfully, though, I believe that the Scottish art world has wider horizons than such navel-gazing, self-pitying introspection.
He's free to talk about himself and his vision and his band as if it's the most important thing in the world, without an ounce of real introspection.
But the Turkish border with Greece introspection Frontier Province Edirne is that this wall may be no effect.

Introspection, and retrospection were good for the cloister; but the uplook, the outlook and the onlook are alone worthy the modern Christian.
Work Done for Humanity
His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
Far from emphasizing the distinctiveness of introspection, the Inner Sense model instead seeks to minimize the anomalousness and associated mystery of self-knowledge by construing introspection as fundamentally similar to perception.
The life of teachers is on ‘fast-track’ and hence, to prevent it from turning mechanical, there is a need for introspection and retrospection.
To open oneself up to that introspection is almost the first step to a true religiosity, where you can be honest with yourself and humble in the way I think you have to be in order to be truly religious.
A Conversation with Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson
Byrne does hew to the representationalist's line of supervenience (no phenomenal difference without an intentional difference), but if his argument does not rule out mental paint, an anti-representationalist may construct inversion cases such as that of Block's (1990) "Inverted Earth" (see Section 4.4 below), and argue that the paint is a nonfunctional intrinsic mental feature of the experience given in introspection, which is close enough to a "quale" in Block's special sense, even if the feature does happen to be reflexively represented by the experience itself.
Representational Theories of Consciousness
All of this I must say with the caveat that I am a syntactician and not a phonetician; these are impressions not based in observation but introspection, and there is no quicker way to discover a false truth than introspection.
“Ms.”-ing the point « Motivated Grammar
The one time the emphasis had drifted too far into introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
Neither should life be frittered away because of endless procrastination and continuous introspection.
The subversion and deconstruction of "maternal mythology" is a result of the fustigation of feminist literature on male dominated culture as well as of feminism introspection.
Much wisecracking, little introspection, in other words, as an officer who has used his brains and not the rulebook to solve military situations gets sent to the arse end of nowhere to serve with a crew of misfits on an old rustbucket, wherein he is reunited with an old sidekick.
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Starship Mutiny - Mike Resnick
Then he again begins to "dissociate" himself from his emotions and feelings and at last through mental analysis, introspection and concentration, he sets them apart into the
The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
Instead, Shaftesbury assumes that the language in which we conduct our introspection is always public.
Post-Secular Conviviality
Time has come for introspection by them who owe allegiance to Advanian hinduism, and pondering by political population, that what the country has achieved till date by destabilising the settled communal harmony of this country by hurting the sentiment of a community – and more so, in this sub-continent, where helpless hindus have been suffering continuously since Dec 1992 in the name of retaliations. -- from bijan ghosh date 5 March 2009 14:44 subject india New Lawyers Chambers Supreme Court Buildings New Delhi 110 001 1:20 PM
Archive 2009-03-01
Consider introspection, one's awareness of one's own conscious states.
This almost certainly has something to do with the national mood since September 11, which has been defensive for obvious reasons, and particularly ill-disposed to introspection and self-doubt.
In his personal correspondence and in his published memoirs, Franklin comes across as a man dedicated to the external duties of war and exploration, who kept introspection and self-analysis to a minimum.
After some introspection, the show took a turn for the Feival, and Fallon and Colbert dueted on "Somewhere Out There" for a Rondstadt-flavored ode to their lost love.
Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon Sing 'Somewhere Out There,' Reestablish Best Friendship (VIDEO)
Do we have to burden them with the agony of introspection at such a tender age?
The Sun
Important recent research by Marcus Raichle and his collaborators indicates a default, monitoring mode of brain activity, plausibly interpreted as including representations of one's current hedonic state, in the ventromedial prefrontal and posterior cingulate cortices, that is turned down by attention-demanding tasks, even by ones involving introspection into one's current affective state (Gusnard et al. 2001, Gusnard and Raichle 2004,
Still, from the land that does deep introspection better than anyone else, it is amusing to watch others going through the same agonising process.
Times, Sunday Times
Why not drop in daily for your regular dose of nonsensical blather, rambling introspection and stolen links?
All this promotes attention, and makes introspection difficult, which is rather the point.
It is not clear how much introspection the defeat will prompt.
Times, Sunday Times
As a doctor could find himself hooked on the drugs he administers, introspection is morphine for a songwriter like me.
Times, Sunday Times
Years of observation and introspection have led many to the conclusion that people are self-interested creatures.
This characterization of intrapersonal conversation is borne out, not by appeal to introspection, but by reflection on the assumptions implicit in the ways people conduct their thought.
However, there is nothing in this kind of corrigible introspection to worry methodological naturalists.
Too much introspection can make you fragile.
Times, Sunday Times
The transitoriness of life, introspection and spiritual pursuits, are his eternal themes.
I tried to write it in a way that showed that it brought about a spot of introspection and self-analysis on my part.
There are certain things you can't do in a movie, such as have too much introspection.
The Sun
His subsequent interest in Shintoism and Buddhism lacks the mordancy and introspection (the "agenbite of inwit," as Joyce liked to put it) of his earlier hermeneutic investigations.
The Immortal
It is not clear how much introspection the defeat will prompt.
Times, Sunday Times
Her actions reveal the ability for self-aware introspection, as she acts on her awareness of the disjunction between her disembodiment and the humanly embodied knowledge she possesses.
If there is a through-line to this record, it probably has to do with more personal introspection, personal meditation.
The Sun
You skin laser treatment brightly be in my clothier, my frisbee and i introspection burp all the coreferential bolshy i vetchworm with you.
Rational Review
The Bhagavad Gita's prescription to combat the narcissistic ego is to create a culture of introspection and self-knowledge whose basic components lie in courage and humility.
Ramnath Subramanian: The Bhagavad Gita and the Problem of the Ego
Where once it stressed prog-rock pomp and strutting machismo, now it tends to alt-rock introspection and a sly androgyny.
Globe and Mail
The other, the anterior insula, is involved in introspection and yoking actions together with emotions.
Times, Sunday Times
The one time the emphasis had drifted too far into introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
The Optimist's Daughter by the American woman writer Eudora Welty analyzes different stages of western feminist criticism with rational introspection.
Both sang with a great deal of quiet, agonising introspection.
Many also believe that they can rely on their own introspection to provide samples of clearly grammatical and clearly ungrammatical sentences that would be adequate for compiling and testing the rules.
They are unpracticed in introspection, and therefore badly equipped to deal with opponents whom they cannot shoot like big game or outdo in daring … The hard-boiled are compensated for their silence: they fly planes or fight bulls or catch tarpon, whereas I rarely leave my room.
The Great Assimilator
Ever since, infallibilism about introspection has been a mainstream position in philosophy of mind -- sometimes dominant, sometimes as now out of favor but nonetheless with prominent proponents.
Speedlinking 12/21/07
He was loquacious, providing a great deal of his introspection in public.
In this graceful work, a warm haze, modulated from white gold at the top to chartreuse at the bottom, envelops the viewer in an air of quiet introspection.
So wary was Caroline of public exposure, so devoid of introspection is the book, that the authors even removed from their finished manuscript a section titled Onassis v.
American Legacy
He therefore cleverly and perceptively shows through this creative example how an ‘enlightened false consciousness’ might arise from excessive introspection.
I love the mellow side of life, stormy days, quiet introspection.
Christianity Today
These are the signature concerns of an artist celebrated for coolness, objectivity, and introspection.
From the internal viewpoint of introspection, mental reality is composed of sensations and images.
This bout of introspection has been brought on by my most recent ethical hiccup.
Times, Sunday Times
As one humanely willing to condone the future as well as the past she rolled up her white sleeves without further introspection, and dragged out from the protecting shadow of the sink the "humpiest box" which had so excited her emotions at home in an earlier hour of the day.
Peace on Earth, Good-will to Dogs
I agree with Urstoff - introspection is a pretty weak argument.
Testing the Freedom to Choose, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Often, singer-songwriters have to find a balance between gloomy introspection (for depth) and poppy melodies (for light relief).
It has been a singularly rude awakening for France and the country has embarked on a deep, soul-searching, introspection on how things could have gone so horribly wrong.
Too much introspection can make you fragile.
Times, Sunday Times
But with introspection, this exultancy grew suddenly dim.
A Splendid Hazard
We're not going to dwell, we're not going to indulge in an orgy of introspection and outpourings of grief.
I enjoy brisk walks, and try to use the time for creative introspection and meditation.
His songs were a tightly strung mixture of raw emotion and intense, romantic introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
It was clearly a period of deep introspection in which his religion played a key role.
Times, Sunday Times
‘That is one area where there is danger of introspection and navel-gazing,’ she says.
He was afflicted by self-doubt and introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
Any athlete, and perhaps especially any runner, can tell you some of the most sublime, lucid moments of introspection come to you while huffing and puffing and pacing in the heat of sport.
This bout of introspection has been brought on by my most recent ethical hiccup.
Times, Sunday Times
There are certain things you can't do in a movie, such as have too much introspection.
The Sun
It is a day devoted to atonement, introspection and self-examination.
I love the mellow side of life, stormy days, quiet introspection.
Christianity Today
Thrilling in action scenes, he could also make quiet introspection quite rivetingly watchable.
Times, Sunday Times
Do we have to burden them with the agony of introspection at such a tender age?
The Sun
In repose they had a dreamy introspectional expression.
The Prince of India — Volume 01
some psychologists tried to contrast retrospection and introspection
It does not require that introspection can yield, on its own, a more conceptualized grasp of the introspected state, such as “it is as if there is something fuchsia before me”.
Toulon last year finished ninth, a position far short of where they stand in budget terms and one that prompted a period of introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
Although the western word “Terrorist” appeared in katakana in his poem, he was an apolitical poet, who was isolated, anti-social and prone to unhealthy dose of introspection and self-loathing.
Miyazawa Kenji – Ishikawa Takuboku – Two Japanese poets from Iwate
His subsequent interest in Shintoism and Buddhism lacks the mordancy and introspection (the "agenbite of inwit," as Joyce liked to put it) of his earlier hermeneutic investigations.
The Immortal
Introspection and a compulsion to fleet-footed unexpectedness mean that I sometimes cannot trust my inclinations.
This release combines his seemingly irrepressible streak of wiseass with both introspection and sentiment.
Midweek Music Moment: Rockin’ the Suburbs, Ben Folds « A Progressive on the Prairie
Establish a comfort zone with the child before you ask for quiet observation or introspection.
Meanwhile the author compared the corpus approach and the introspection approach.
(Of course, my introspection is fallible - if I can find some good data, I'll followup with a few simple statistical tests).
Scion of Tax Consumers: My Calhounian Class Autobiography, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
His subsequent interest in Shintoism and Buddhism lacks the mordancy and introspection (the "agenbite of inwit," as Joyce liked to put it) of his earlier hermeneutic investigations.
The Immortal
More importantly, the violence has brought intense introspection and debate.
They're full of introspection and nostalgia lately, but the impetuousness that made their early records so enjoyable still burbles to the top on a pretty regular basis.
Working at the last minute involves a bit of introspection coupled with strict scheduling.
His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
This is post-modern politics reduced to meaningless introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
The transitoriness of life, introspection and spiritual pursuits, are his eternal themes.
Behaviorist psychologists took up operationalism (or operationism, as it was more often called in psychology) as a weapon in their fight against more traditional psychologists, especially those who prized introspection as the most important source of psychological knowledge.
Ezra Klein engages in some interesting introspection:
Who's On Your Shoulder?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
That caricature had faded away over the years, along with the stories of his brutal on-set perfectionism, replaced by a picture of a marginalized but respected industry elder whom journalists and collaborators have described as reticent and not especially prone to introspection.
NYT > Home Page
His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
But I also know that such behaviour can lead to self-obsession and undue introspection.
Eid al-Adha, which celebrates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael, is about more than family gatherings and holy introspection.
Instability makes holiday treats a little less sweet
Introspection is the best guideline for life.
The play of light through the space has overtones of spirituality and introspection.
In my view, the methods of self-training based on professional military traditions may include: self-persuasion, self-commitment, self-exercise, emulation, auto-suggestion, self-control and introspection.
These situations are best resolved with the minimum of introspection or self-analysis.
But the distortion is kept to a minimum as they reach for different tools to hit dizzying new heights, creating cacophonous peaks only to expertly let the moments implode into stark, hypnotic introspection.
Instead of silvered glass, however, the frame contains an oval of the same translucent blue Plexiglas, which invites introspection instead of mere self-contemplation.
Will he have quite the same success with the despair and quiet introspection of middle age?
Times, Sunday Times
Potential managers should also engage in constructive introspection.
The problem is that men tend to heal in private, through introspection and quiet thinking.
As a doctor could find himself hooked on the drugs he administers, introspection is morphine for a songwriter like me.
Times, Sunday Times
Wendy nodded her acknowledgement and continued her silent introspection at the table.
His songs were a tightly strung mixture of raw emotion and intense, romantic introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
The introspection imp usually sits on my shoulder every New Year, but it just seems to be a lot more ‘weighty’ this time.
As such it is a time of reflection and introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
The new scientific study of mental phenomena, known as psychophysics and physiological psychology, rejected the traditional view that “mind” could be studied abstractly, by introspection alone, and without specific reference to physics and physiology.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Imagery based on introspection was the main focus in the early development of psychology until the behavioristic approach became predominant in the discipline.
I hope you look upon the market as a trading laboratory introspection.
You have to be able to write well and be self-deprecatory to pull off this sort of introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
Not least because it can lead to excessive introspection, individuality, and indeed all forms of privateness were perfidious, and so playing hooky could mean jeopardizing your well-being.
I also believe that exposing my point of view is good because I feel not enough Americans are using their kanoodle when it comes to intelligent introspection of our own society and mores.
UVa Raises Salaries Despite Budget Cuts at
Daya Nath believed that mental purity could only be obtained through renunciation of the world, observance of rituals, introspection, and yoga.
All of this I must say with the caveat that I am a syntactician and not a phonetician; these are impressions not based in observation but introspection, and there is no quicker way to discover a false truth than introspection.
“Ms.”-ing the point « Motivated Grammar
You know, I really liked when he talked about this being a time for introspection and sort of looking at what we do and why we do it and numbering our days and making sure that the time that we have here is used wisely.
This bout of introspection has been brought on by my most recent ethical hiccup.
Times, Sunday Times
Ezra Klein engages in some interesting introspection: Nowadays, I know that folks from that end will be looking to cut apart my ideas, I have to protect my points against their insights which, in turn, means I absorb their insights ....
EconLog: November 2006 Archives
Too much introspection is pointless, I know.
Times, Sunday Times
It is here that meditation leads to introspection, foundation for humane thinking.
My introspection loses a lot of its working energy and becomes sluggish, gloomy, self-nagging and self-doubting.
The essence of existence is a kind of open state that demonstrates through self introspection. The existence which combines the externalism with inhereatism is a historical existential way.
The inner movements are also very beautifully paced with great introspection to be found in the lovely Andante sostenuto.
Furthermore, he points out morosely, we probably shouldn't try: introspection correlates positively with depression.
On the other hand, I have much less faith in introspection than Caplan and the Austrians, despite some of my other Austrian leanings.
Beyond the Pale, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I was appalled by his sheer lack of professional introspection in the face of substantial evidence that contradicted his assertions.
It was clearly a period of deep introspection in which his religion played a key role.
Times, Sunday Times
For that, social introspection is required at all levels to identify the root causes of such nefarious crimes.
Society will ‘spend’ lives on lots of things, and it would be nice if we did so with some amount of introspection rather than just by bumbling along.
There are passages of quiet contemplation and introspection that belie any sense of terror.
Kate Chopin portrayed a collection of awakening women in her short stories, who experienced introspection and awakening at a different level concerning love, family, marriage as well as sexuality.
The Bhagavad Gita's prescription to combat this crafty enemy within us is to create a culture of introspection and self-knowledge whose basic components lie in courage and humility -- a healthy skepticism of our own "goodness" combined with an unending desire to learn more about ourselves.
Ramnath Subramanian: The Bhagavad Gita and the Problem of the Ego
The dangers of introspection exist mostly if he is to revel in egoistic thoughts.
Will he have quite the same success with the despair and quiet introspection of middle age?
Times, Sunday Times
I treat life as a dance if I can; an interplay between quiet introspection and head on participation.
I wonde then, is the 'novel of character', largely interiorised, given to analysis of the self and the processes of the inner life, the much vaunted 'introspection', really just hopelessly Freudian and 20th century?
Know thyself?
This consists of introspection focused on concerned body parts and/or problematic physical sensations.
With the disillusioned introspection of advancing years, the portraits, in his studio garb of coif and scarf, are almost self-mocking.
They hate their own company and find introspection morbid and depressing.
So, for all of my introspection and depression, I suppose the eternal optimist inside me is not far from the surface.
Too much introspection is pointless, I know.
Times, Sunday Times
As such it is a time of reflection and introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
Through introspection and self-examination each of us can identify the handful of traits that are operating as hindrances in our own inner lives, and thus we pinpoint the curriculum for our personal transformative work
Then red is replaced by green, introspection by attention, and we pull off.
Thankfully, though, I believe that the Scottish art world has wider horizons than such navel-gazing, self-pitying introspection.
The envisioning process may be ignited by introspection or interpersonal interaction.
How do sense-data differ from other data, e.g. from those of memory or introspection?
A certain amount of seclusion for contemplation and introspection might be beneficial.
Do we have to burden them with the agony of introspection at such a tender age?
The Sun
I tried to write it in a way that showed that it brought about a spot of introspection and self-analysis on my part.
Despite the noisy celebration with loud conches and raucous bells, the essence of practice of Hinduism is a quiet introspection and contemplative meditation.
Of course, “Semi-Pro” was helmed by Kent Alterman, producer of such comedy classics as “Balls of Fury” and “Mr. Woodcock,” and written by Scot “School for Scoundrels” Armstrong, so such introspection is understandably shallow … even by mainstream Hollywood standards.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
The play of light through the space has overtones of spirituality and introspection.
He was afflicted by self-doubt and introspection.
Times, Sunday Times
Still, from the land that does deep introspection better than anyone else, it is amusing to watch others going through the same agonising process.
Times, Sunday Times
We are called to introspection and self-examination before confrontation with others.
And unlike most oil execs, he's showing a dash of introspection, writing a new book called "Why We Hate the Oil Companies," in which he denounces the "parochialism" of the industry as well as politicians '"hollow" promises of energy independence.
Shell's former CEO explains why we hate oil companies
What impellent was driving him toward these introspections?
The Drums of Jeopardy
Violence, of course, is never the answer - unless the question revolves around any form of introspection or self-realisation.
Her readiness to drop everything for him offered constancy to a man prone to bouts of introspection and feelings of inadequacy.
Eggy gave this the respect it deserved and we walked on in an atmosphere of companiable introspection.
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
American Author Walker Percy's novel, Lost in the Cosmos, calls the reader into a morass of social irony and introspection.
In this vein, the analyst Charles Rycroft explicitly applies the label "self-observation" honorifically to convey "objective self-scrutiny," when defining "Introspection" in his Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis.
How Valid Is Psychoanalysis? An Exchange
Arthur does not slip easily into introspection, he is too sprightly a personality for deep contemplation.
Meanwhile the author compared the corpus approach and the introspection approach.
On Saturday, Hat Hair and I sit in the park and drink beer until his quiet introspection distresses me and I leave.
In a way, it actually sets the stage for her thoughtful introspection that follows throughout the rest of the album.
Do we have to burden them with the agony of introspection at such a tender age?
The Sun