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[ US /ˌɪntɹəˈdus, ˌɪntɹoʊˈdus/ ]
[ UK /ˌɪntɹədjˈuːs/ ]
  1. put before (a body)
    introduce legislation
  2. put or introduce into something
    insert a picture into the text
  3. bring something new to an environment
    A new word processor was introduced
  4. bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment
    The new secretary introduced a nasty rumor
    He brought in a new judge
  5. bring before the public for the first time, as of an actor, song, etc.
  6. cause to come to know personally
    permit me to acquaint you with my son
    introduce the new neighbors to the community
  7. furnish with a preface or introduction
    She always precedes her lectures with a joke
    He prefaced his lecture with a critical remark about the institution
  8. bring in or establish in a new place or environment
    introduce exotic fruits
    introduce a rule
  9. be a precursor of
    The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period
  10. place, fit, or thrust (something) into another thing
    Insert your ticket here

How To Use introduce In A Sentence

  • It would have been a luxury to unfrock some of them, but it has seemed to me the duty of every sincere Republican to endure a great deal rather than say anything to introduce division or controversy into party ranks .... A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • Your essay gets a bit confused halfway through when you introduce too many ideas at once.
  • You come along with me and I'll introduce you (he's not what you call a refined sort of feller, yer know, 'he explained forbearingly,' but still we've always been friends in a way); you can't stop? The Giant's Robe
  • So I'm pleased to introduce our first presenter , one of the stars of Traffic , Catherine Zeta - Jones .
  • Ralphs et al. suggested no difference in locoweed consumption between native cattle and cattle introduced to locoweed under natural grazing conditions.
  • Even as large numbers were reintroduced to former habitats, it was not easy to prove that they were surviving and reproducing, the true measure of the project's success.
  • We have introduced singers like Madeline Bell as headliners and I think the club is beginning to take off.
  • After the almost funereal beginning of the first movement, the clarinets introduce a lyric second theme, which is treated in the graceful manner of a siciliana. NPR Topics: News
  • We will pay you a suitable, er, emolument as the finder and introducer of this piece if it does turn out to be genuine and we buy it? GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • [From Vivaculus:]… I hasted to London, and entreated one of my academical acquaintances to introduce me into some of the little societies of literature which are formed in taverns and coffee - houses.
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