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How To Use Intriguing In A Sentence

  • Most intriguingly, among the described symptoms of fugu poisoning is progressive limb paralysis while maintaining consciousness.
  • But it is nonetheless another intriguing work from one of the true auteurs currently working in cinema.
  • Also among the rich assortment of intriguing pieces that fill each page are panels dating from c.1600, decorated with saints standing beneath baldacchinos.
  • This is an intriguing and opportune time to launch a new journal dedicated to the study of the presidents, first ladies, and White House.
  • I found it intriguing that he used his sharp intellect and self-confidence for the wrong ends. Times, Sunday Times
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  • CACI is a fast-growing billion dollar information technology firm with an intriguing sideline in intelligence.
  • An intriguing first two sentences, there, that drop bathetically into Amis-père-like reactionary noodling. Archive 2010-03-01
  • It's conventional wisdom that many people seeing an intriguing headline share the link with friends before or even instead of actually reading the attached article.
  • The A minor key is well adhered to and the Un poco lento tempo is very intriguingly drawn out by Hogwood and his Danish orchestra who play this music to the manner born.
  • We would also know intriguingly what shampoo and hair conditioner he buys. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a beautiful opera, full of lush arias, sensuous waltzes, and an intriguing amount of transvestism.
  • So intriguing; I feel like a failed gossip columnist. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is intriguing to watch those who run, those who hide, those that charge headlong and those that push their friends in front of themselves for protection.
  • For those interested in band or wind music, this set is essential; for others this is at least very intriguing.
  • Why the average individual's world perspective has to be so polarized is intriguing and has actually taught me a lot about humanity. New Photos of Mickey Rourke in Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler «
  • True, they're intriguing but seem impractical. Times, Sunday Times
  • They make some superb and intriguing wines, but at prices to match. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be intriguing to see in which direction this important talent heads next.
  • Of special interest to me right now are the dinosaurs of the British Wealden (of course), the intriguing tie-ins between Wealden fossil collectors, Conan Doyle's Lost World and the Piltdown fiasco, convergence between different fossorial tetrapods, manatee evolution, and British big cats (yes, really). Archive 2006-01-01
  • The atmospherics and mood seem less translucent than ever and the fact nobody can work out exactly what's happening in front of them, leaves the intriguing sense of curiosity and desire to see more.
  • In winter the family would have to dress beneath the bed covers, such was the cold, and frost would make intriguing fan shapes on the windows.
  • The principal commodities were depth defensemen, who rotated among teams in a dizzy kaleidoscope, and some intriguing goalie switches.
  • One of the most intriguing aspects of the race was the fact that Excel Bolt came alone along the stands side rail, indicating that runners who decide to go down the nearside at this meeting may not be disadvantaged. Talking Horses special: Royal Ascot, day three, live!
  • After wading around in difficult seas of theory and producing some charming and intriguing drawings, he made his name with the Jewish Museum in Berlin.
  • The result is an intriguing hybrid between wine and cider with a strong individual character. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • Another casket presents the adventurers with an intriguing puzzle.
  • This would set the scene for an intriguing clash of philosophies in the back row. Times, Sunday Times
  • The series includes intriguing rarities, such as "Jean's Return" ("Le retour de Jean"), Clouzot's harrowing contribution to the omnibus film "Return to Life" ("Retour à la vie," 1949), in which a concentration-camp survivor hides, interrogates and tortures a Nazi war criminal. A French Director Ripe for Rediscovery
  • There is something new and intriguing about you as the moon checks into your birth sign. The Sun
  • (Interestingly, fava beans are widely known as a major trigger substance, leading to the oft-used colloquial name of favism for the disorder and the intriguing historical speculation that "favism has been known to exist since antiquity; the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras was said to have warned his disciples against the dangers of eating fava beans.") Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • Another intriguing find from the cemetery was a group of seven gold coins from the reign of Henry VIII known as ‘angels’.
  • The book contains some intriguing details. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One or two of the earlier photos reveal an intriguing androgyny not normally associated with the actress.
  • Your oldest relative has some intriguing secrets to share. The Sun
  • JONAH BOKAER'S new "Anchises," which features an intriguing set of collaborators; the design group Harrison Atelier, a commissioned score by Loren Dempster, and the former Cunningham dancer Valda Setterfield, who should never be missed. NYT > Home Page
  • Intriguing, but some of it borders on the tritely aphoristic. August « 2009 « Squares of Wheat
  • Talks are free so don't miss what will certainly be an entertaining insight into our intriguing and unique landscape.
  • Today their work has given an intriguing glimpse into the life of a lost community from the Middle Ages.
  • However, this intriguing indirect effect certainly merits further investigation.
  • Anglo-Japanese" (or, informally, "Japlish") is an intriguing case because of the economic prominence of Japan, the relative one-sidedness at present of the flow of words, and the restrictedness of Japanese, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • Folklore gets its due in intriguing descriptions of the Navajo Indians’ ‘coyote people,’ and even Dracula makes a guest appearance as one of the most popular shape-shifters ever.
  • The intriguing umami could be the next big thing for slimmers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a potentially intriguing sidelight, the game might reunite Bryant, Suns center Shaquille O'Neal and West coach Phil Jackson of the Lakers if the coaches vote O'Neal as a reserve. Popular vote: Magic's Howard leads NBA All-Star starters
  • The magazine carries an intriguing mixture of high fashion, gossip and racing.
  • It is intriguing to know how Peel conceived such an idea and then summoned the determination to deliver on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lyra is wonderful as an independent prospector who learns from being burned; while intriguingly he does not regrets his actions but is burned more so as his obsidian and her amethyst is a fiery PSI heart and soul matching . Obsidian Prey-Jayne Castle « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Perhaps the most intriguing question of all, though, regards the significance of the baby, which lies asleep, or quite possibly dead, swaddled so expertly in the foreground of the picture.
  • In the MI pictures of the targets on Uchben, for example, the scientists have found some intriguing granular, sand-size particles.
  • suggesting in a review of Neil Young's Le Noise that the fact that this record had already been dubbed "unlistenable" by one "august rock critic" might actually be a good sign - had a series of intriguing ramifications that reached beyond the cut and thrust of everyday pop debate. The Guardian World News
  • An and Ganschow have also added items to their already intriguing continental menu.
  • Taylor's latest CD presents the listener with an intriguing mixture of musical styles.
  • The last week and a half or so has seen me in fairly odd headspace - I've been pursuing a number of work-related leads, talking to substantial numbers of intriguing people and helping out friends with projects large and small.
  • Despite being handed perhaps one of the most intriguing ensembles ever assembled for a cheesy Hollywood movie, Marshall continuously squanders his riches in service of a lame, multistranded story that goes nowhere. Moberly Monitor-Index Homepage RSS
  • Over the years his admirable private-eye hero, Spenser, has revealed intriguing depths of sensitivity and literary appreciation.
  • The trailer actually undersells the film, while the storyboards and biography make for intriguing viewing.
  • Newman thought it was one of the most intriguing cities he had ever visited, an archipelago like the giant ones Laila had described. COVER STORY
  • Armstrong takes his protest an intriguing step forward with this album by creating a rock opera informed by disaffection and disillusionment.
  • On the plus side was the intriguingly ornate solo piano part, with florid additions, one may speculate, to compensate for the thinner strings.
  • The husband's role, and the sort of man he is, are intriguing parts of the story.
  • In the first-half, it was hardly a see-saw, ding-dong cup battle - City's excellently organised defence and master-plan saw to that - but it was intriguing all the same.
  • Abbott's writing style evokes unease from the start, which makes for a tense and intriguing read. Panic: Summary and book reviews of Panic by Jeff Abbott.
  • But it did set up an intriguing beginning to the show's ninth season in the fall, one which says nefarious things about our national security apparat. William Bradley: NCIS: America's Favorite Show and What It Tells Us
  • The subject of fakes, forgeries and deceptions is intriguing enough by itself to pique the curiosity of those who have only a passing interest in the world of art and antiques.
  • I must admit, the idea of wearing an adult onesie is somewhat intriguing.
  • As if on cue, anothemail I got last week had the more intriguing title of "China's Upton Sinclair".
  • But the theory is biologically plausible, and the evidence intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • After being shaken in their containers, these intriguing objects' resultant relationships are interpreted by the diviner.
  • I simply sat there, butt on the ground, staring at the bronze, sun-streaked walls, as if it were the most intriguing activity on earth.
  • So the perfume needed to be something both unfamiliar and intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, best of all, each one has engrossed us with his intriguing love life. Times, Sunday Times
  • A show that at first glance feels rather insubstantial turns out on consideration to be subtle and often intriguing in mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be intriguing to see how Brecht's play stands up at a time when Communism is loosening its ideological hold.
  • And there is the intriguing possibility of a new arrival next season - Joe Montana.
  • The prospect of a dynastic rematch is all the more intriguing because the two great modern political dynasties in America are now so close to one another. Times, Sunday Times
  • A paper posted Dec. 11 on the site lays out some intriguing ideas on future missions to Saturn following Cassini-Huygens. Saturn's Hexagon Endures! | Universe Today
  • Next, Gillian discussed making the show's love triangle "messier" by adding animals to the mix, which led to an intriguing discussion of bestiality. Inside TV Blog
  • To look at, the prospect is disturbing yet most intriguing.
  • This disclaimer, echoing the language used by HUAC in its investigations of Reds, is intriguing. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Plants with fascinating leaf shapes and variegated foliage can turn your shade garden from a drab, dark place to an intriguing cool retreat.
  • Eve's relationship with this man, her superior, is brambly and intriguing; she is unable to work him out.
  • Superimposing the memory of an African American icon on a moment drenched in futurological significance is intriguing.
  • Although the author offers up many intriguing story ingredients and historical tales, she lacks a central driving narrative.
  • Perhaps Opie aims to revisit this magical period with his playful works, distilling the everyday into odd but intriguing icons.
  • Festivals attract a strange but intriguing menagerie of people.
  • The process of gaining early release created a complicated and intriguing paper trail.
  • Witty and light-hearted, the play left behind an intriguing question in the minds of many viewers.
  • You make an intriguing discovery about a partner. The Sun
  • While I think the book has an intriguing premise, calling it a fable is a stretch. Whither Jackie Paper?
  • Then there was the equally intriguing suggestion that what happened was simply a grotesque outgrowth of things which happen all the time in some small businesses.
  • It's a bit disconcerting, but intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Leave a comment) intriguing juliansinger zortified saxikath wolfling mpoetess floyd June 14th, 2003
  • This reporter predicts it to be a most intriguing televisual experience, involving changing coloured lights and an exciting timpanic musical accompaniment.
  • Anyan, the barghest, is one of those mysterious characters and there are a few intriguing hints about him that are dropped here and there. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Good, young red Rioja like this, made exclusively from the Tempranillo grape, can and does deliver a joyous light, zesty, plummy, intriguingly chocolatey mouthful.
  • And you'll also be pursuing intriguing but somewhat perplexing offers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Set against this momentous backdrop, the book offers intriguing snapshots of where numerous significant people were and what they were doing. Times, Sunday Times
  • And intriguingly it found the increase in a kind of lung tumor called adenocarcinoma was higher in the U.S. than in Australia even though both countries switched to so-called milder cigarettes at the same time. New York News, Weather, Sports & Traffic -
  • Extracts of material from New Zealand dating back to a meteor impact 65 million years - during the Cretaceous-Tertiary, K-T - period were thought to contain fullerenes because of intriguing peaks in their chromatograms.
  • It's an intriguing partnership because Timson sounds very humorous, talks in a broad Lancashire accent and swears like a trooper.
  • In the meantime, the provisional festival programme has thrown up some intriguing possibilities for a couple of good nights on the town.
  • But the central idea - that of the unexciting English town staking its tenuous claim to historical distinction - is an intriguing one.
  • What is intriguing is that if we wish to determine the circle centers, we can do so as well.
  • The article gives an intriguing and powerfully written reading of the ironic positioning of such films.
  • If you haven't seen it before now take a trip over to the website of Telefís Éireann - as we culchies call it - and marvel at how John Waters somehow remains extraordinarily calm amidst Dunphy's tears and Harris's tales of his cancer treatment also intriguing to hear Senator Eoghan hark back to his Stickie days by making reference to Lenin and his remarks on "excitative terror". Archive 2009-02-01
  • You make intriguing discoveries about a partner that will surprise you. The Sun
  • The caprice of the draw created an intriguing dynamic, as the top-half quarter-final pairings constituted a pair of rematches from the Hyder semis.
  • Although this is a complex topic requiring much more information for full explication, data from my laboratory reveal an intriguing pattern of findings.
  • I will look also at some intriguing hints that Rome may be reconsidering its position that Anglican ministerial orders are null and void.
  • Two intriguing variations on the play were unveiled in 1973.
  • On the plus side was the intriguingly ornate solo piano part, with florid additions, one may speculate, to compensate for the thinner strings.
  • Perhaps Opie aims to revisit this magical period with his playful works, distilling the everyday into odd but intriguing icons.
  • The combination of visual and auditory stimuli is intriguing as well for the audience.
  • The possible permutations of the final four are intriguing.
  • The aims of Quoting Caravaggio are ambitious and laudable, and Mieke Bal's formula for a contemporary baroque is intriguing.
  • A relative you rarely see has intriguing news. The Sun
  • She has created an intriguing story by skillfully interweaving fictional and historical events.
  • The result is an intriguing hybrid between wine and cider with a strong individual character. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • The author opens her new introduction to this edition with an intriguing question: ‘What does it mean to be an anchoress in postmodernity?’
  • The case was an intriguing one. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • But I would have thought Cambridge would be brimful of classics about itself, so this is all very intriguing. Cambridge Reads « Tales from the Reading Room
  • There is something new and intriguing about you as the moon checks into your birth sign. The Sun
  • Intriguingly, the tensile strengths of the mutant and wild type fibres were very similar which means that decreased coarseness was not achieved at the expense of strength.
  • If you are single, an intuitive moon puts the name of an intriguing new love prospect in your mind. The Sun
  • More recently, evidence has accumulated to suggest that an intriguing consequence of a multipartite genome configuration is the somatic modulation of mitochondrial genotype.
  • Your new love is an intriguing match of opposites. The Sun
  • Intriguingly, Bilton and Menston meet on the final weekend of the season in what is shaping up to be a championship decider.
  • She smirked at the intriguing fruitlessness of it all and recalled what a lumberingly absurd dream life had been.
  • Given the strong sexual dimorphism and barred, brown female plumage of the Courol, its semi-zygodactyl feet, strong, reinforced jaws, and habit of eating caterpillars, this proposed link - which, ironically, puts the Coural back where it started in 1783 - is intriguing (cuckoos have really interesting jaws, as do the possibly related turacos and hoatzins) [sexual dimorphism in the cuckoo ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Nevertheless, the native of Guadeloupe is an intriguing prospect because he has the size and athleticism to match up with opponents at his position. - NBA Draft spotlight: Shooting guards
  • This result recently prompted a further intriguing exploration of the relationship between language and perception. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless this is an intriguing story told with confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • These elements make the approaching season all the more exciting, while providing prognostication - an inexact science in the best of times - with intriguing possibilities.
  • But it crashes down due to a narrative that feels like an intriguing but deeply flawed first draft. The Sun
  • Leading lady Audie England is an unusually beautiful woman with a broad face, bee-stung lips, and a face full of intriguing planes and angles.
  • Heartz's study of fortuity is particularly intriguing.
  • Younger jazz audiences and open-minded wrinklies will welcome the intriguing comparison of these two CDs.
  • I've always associated it with school meals, so to see it put in a shortcrust pasty is an intriguing way of lifting something that is otherwise quite dull and boring.
  • These compositions, which set up intriguing architectonic relationships, consist of quasi-symmetrical configurations of flat, interlocking bands of opaque color, often blues and reds.
  • Hi there, really enjoyed reading your blog, im really interested in synesthesia and find it incredibly intriguing. Synesthesia: the Flavor of Music, the Color of Touch
  • Why a wealthy businessman buys a rugby club is always intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • As this intriguing project unfolds, its potential as a wider blueprint becomes apparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a simple, episodic tale - despite its intriguing, recherché information - which gives credit to children's capacity to learn anything.
  • Intriguing and engaging, this is a ‘must’ for Roscommon folk, a veritable gold mine of rich nuggets.
  • I find this truth self-evident, that while all men may have been created equal, there's still something just a little bit extra-snazzy about Kapranos, who, in an era where the notion of the wildly charismatic, omnisexually intriguing rock n 'roll frontman has become increasingly antiquated and irrelevant - "frontmen" are so last century - has nevertheless managed to create a viable and compelling model of this waning art form in his own image. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • The authentic restoration and sensitive adaptation of the building to the state-of-the-art requirements of its new owner posed intriguing challenges.
  • This peculiar narrator is perhaps one of the most intriguing elements of the story.
  • A figure of intriguing, complex consciousness, he sees feelingly.
  • Visually striking and intriguing in concept, the link gun also takes its name from its secondary fire mode, which encourages the player to loose off a stream of fire towards a similarly armed team mate.
  • She loves interesting expressions, intriguing phrases and gets very excited when I describe a character in the book as a diamond geezer.
  • The most intriguing change is the shift of Jason Robinson from full back or wing to centre.
  • I make a simila rone every season, but your cardamom take is intriguing... Cardamom-Flavored Plum Compote (With Walnuts and Raisins)
  • So the perfume needed to be something both unfamiliar and intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're in the market for a role-playing game full of mind-bending teasers and intriguing twists, look elsewhere.
  • Located in Miami, Florida, this luxurious and intriguing villa is the former crib of Lenny Kravitz. The EPIC Miami Hotel and Residences
  • More intriguing still is what the pair are discussing in these talks? Times, Sunday Times
  • The story of the tomb's discovery is well known and intriguing in its own right. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are only a couple more episodes to go and this intriguing drama is really hotting up. The Sun
  • She who remains a mystery to most, and who beguiles me at the same time as intriguing me and generating great affection in the process.
  • Yet his style is curiously gripping and the story is intriguing and often disturbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Textual criticism is nevertheless, includes a lot of subjective conclusions, but one tool in particular is intriguing and might have an application here -- stylometry. UNCoRRELATED
  • The marketplace is set out like a small Victorian street housing lots of tiny and intriguing little shops.
  • This is, however, a spicy and insightful version of a perennially intriguing story.
  • That unedifying but intriguing little episode must have been round the Lab within minutes of its happening.
  • You make an intriguing discovery about a partner. The Sun
  • If Cameron wants to liven things up, he should chivvy his hosts on a more intriguing question. Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev: So which of the old allies is truly in charge? | Tom Parfitt
  • Clifton and Ferreira also provide an accurate, concise explanation of an intriguing foundational problem in general relativistic cosmology, which might explain the apparent observation of accelerative expansion: Archive 2009-03-01
  • This sampler of Vietnamese classics - which is based on easy techniques - gives you a taste of this intriguing cuisine.
  • Within this directory is a file called PSAuthor. h and its contents are quite intriguing. Apple source code pointing to social features? | FactoryCity
  • But according to an intriguing snippet on the Scotsman website, the town played a part in Scottish rock history too: Market Harborough's place in Scottish rock history
  • An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee.
  • Most intriguing, though, is that phalanx of stolid men in colourless suits forever behind and beside him.
  • Which makes this an intriguing test case. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they will get into the serious mountains tomorrow when this intriguing race goes into a new kind of battleground. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is intriguing that crustaceans seem to express either hemoglobin or hemocyanin but not both proteins.
  • An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee.
  • It was a fine introduction - familiar enough to be intelligible, different enough to be intriguing.
  • A show that at first glance feels rather insubstantial turns out on consideration to be subtle and often intriguing in mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the book's more intriguing detours is its passage on nineteenth-century novels: Fielding, Thackeray, Dickens. The Status-tician
  • But the theory is biologically plausible, and the evidence intriguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your new love has an intriguing voice. The Sun
  • But due to my vast and eclectic reading habits, I am already familiar with this excerpt from the O'Neill ouevre and consider it a masterpiece, so I can listen to Tony's excellent account of crazed druggies in London in his storied past while allowing my mind to wander a bit -- like to the intriguing headline in the tabloid of a nearby loiterer: "Cat predicts hour of patients 'deaths. Literary Death Match: Wednesday Night in Washington Square Park
  • The walls, which can be moved to any number of positions, have been arranged so that visitors can enjoy intriguing and compelling vistas of Klee's works.
  • And in the interim, we thank him for this edifying initial look at his team's intriguing and very promising project.
  • Last week airline executives and transport bankers were talking about another, more intriguing possibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's hoping that Fox continues to raid their back catalogue for more intriguing crime celluloid treats.
  • They have intriguing hooded flowers on tall airy stems that add to the vertical dimension of the garden.
  • Chicken pot pie ($14), true to its billing, had an intriguing, simultaneously flaky and tender crust (I prefer mine on the thinner, flakier side) atop moist chicken chunks, diced parsnips, carrots, and mushrooms swimming in a velvety, rich Supreme sauce. After Midnight « PubliCola
  • Your oldest relative has an intriguing secret. The Sun
  • One intriguing feature of the house is the bowed glass in the windows, each pane billowing outwards like a sail. Times, Sunday Times
  • His repertoire includes a knuckleball, which is always intriguing. Series Preview: Tigers Roundtable Discussion
  • And you'll also be pursuing intriguing but somewhat perplexing offers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was thinking the bamboo would be more feet friendly but new school lino or recycled rubber sound intriguing. Cheeseburger Gothic » The Ladies Blue Room. Or something.
  • The story of the tomb's discovery is well known and intriguing in its own right. Times, Sunday Times
  • This comment made me wonder about an intriguing question: If an attorney who reads my blog responds to her comment by emailing her, has said attorney engaged in "solicitation" as defined by the newly promulgated New York lawyer advertising rules? NY Lawyer Advertising Rules
  • What we have here is an intriguing game of chicken.
  • In the whole nauseating story of double-dealing that has bedevilled cricket over the last year or so, nothing has been more intriguing than our own almost comical realisation that there is a very fair chance of English involvement.
  • It's an intriguing conceit, but, lawks, it's painful to sit through. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third meaning of intelligence has been the least explored, though it may be the most intriguing.
  • You will be asked two intriguing love questions when romance is the last thing on your mind. The Sun
  • I'd tut-tut except I find watching surgery intriguing.

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