How To Use Intravenous In A Sentence

  • When I looked at the chart a second time, I saw that there was a lot Michael had left out of his personal history; specifically, IVDU—intravenous drug use—dating back ten years, and a major depression that had led to a psychiatric hospitalization and ECT, electroconvulsive therapy. After the Diagnosis
  • She was treated with intravenous folinic acid and antibiotics and was given transfusions of blood products.
  • They may also administer intravenous antihistamines and cortisone to reduce inflammation of your air passages and improve your breathing.
  • The same drug given intravenously prevents the postprandial increase in sigmoid segmenting pressure activity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • These biopsies usually require only local anesthesia with intravenous sedation and may be done as an outpatient procedure.
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  • Intravenous immunoglobulin prophylaxis and therapy is being given for a growing list of indications in the fields of immunology, neurology, hematology, and oncology.
  • We agree with the recommendation that blood samples should be taken one hour after an intravenous bolus dose.
  • Department of Health and Human Services, concluded that one form of phthalate, called di (2-ethylhexyl), or DEHP, used in intravenous tubing, catheters and other plastic medical equipment, could pose a risk to the proper development of baby boys 'reproductive tracts. 'Everywhere chemicals' in plastics alarm parents
  • Iron sucrose should be administered intravenously, directly into the dialysis line, either by slow injection or by infusion.
  • The proteolytic enzyme ficin is found in the latex of several members of the genus, including F. carica, the common fig. This compound is more toxic when administered intravenously than when ingested, and the toxicity depends primarily on the amount given, rather than on the concentration of the dose. Chapter 6
  • Primary angioplasty versus intravenous thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction: a quantitative review of 23 randomised trials. Clive Meanwell, M.D.: Heart Attack Care: Why Finding the Best Hospital Makes a Big Difference
  • On Feb. 22—seven days after Ms. Ruksana first began bleeding uncontrollably—a lab technician reported finding contamination in bottles of saline solution administered intravenously after blood loss or surgery. The Ailing Health of a Growing Nation
  • Others are being prepared to administer intravenous drugs, the poll of nurses found. The Sun
  • I was pumped full of steroids intravenously and was in hospital for over two weeks.
  • Others are being prepared to administer intravenous drugs, the poll of nurses found. The Sun
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • She was given intravenous naloxone for suspected opiate induced hypoventilation, but her condition was unchanged.
  • This led us to assume that there was a different effect of intrathecal or intravenous ketamine on suppressing facilitation.
  • These patients received intravenous anaesthesia with suxamethonium plus thiopental sodium or propofol for the implementation of ECT, respectively.
  • Intravenous fluid loading before, during, and after rescue may protect against a catastrophic fall in blood pressure that can follow sudden release after prolonged entrapment.
  • Intake of potentially hepatotoxic drugs, intravenous drug addiction and previous blood transfusions were ruled out in all patients.
  • In the late 1950s Howard Fabing, a medical doctor, obtained permission to inject bufotenine intravenously into a number of inmates at the Ohio State Penitentiary. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • If necessary, intravenous pyelography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging can add more information.
  • Objective To determine the effect of fentanyl intravenous analgesia on plasma motilin levels.
  • Intravenous opiates or ketamine administered before incision can lead to decreases in wound hyperalgesia days after the surgery.
  • Technically, it is easier to administer fluids subcutaneously than intravenously.
  • The interferon is given via subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous route.
  • Tracheal intubation was performed after the administration of succinylcholine intravenously.
  • Then, with his assistant, he put on his white robes, mask, gloves and other precautions for asepsis, setting out the apparatus for the intravenous administration of the drug that would kill the spirillum. The Romance of Elaine Sequel to "Exploits of Elaine"
  • Adding butyrate to the intravenous solution given to piglets who had parts of their intestine removed caused the intestinal tissue to grow and become functional.
  • Almost three-quarters of intravenous drug users who were previously imprisoned reported that they had injected three or more years ago, compared with 36% of injectors among new entrants.
  • Combination chemotherapy can be used, usually as a combination of intravenous drugs and tablets.
  • If a wound becomes infected, oral or intravenous antibiotics might be indicated and should be chosen based on bacterial cultures.
  • In all other patients, including those in whom a urinary calculus is not detected, intravenous contrast medium should be injected.
  • Suggested intravenous antihistamine pretreatment is diphenhydramine, in a dosage of 1 mg per kg, and cimetidine, in a dosage of 6 mg per kg.
  • The medics attached drips and gave intravenous painkillers to the two men who would live. Times, Sunday Times
  • Method 90 cases were performed intravenous pyelography with digital laminography.
  • After premedication with atropine intravenous ethanol failed to stimulate acid secretion.
  • You will have an intravenous drip to maintain your bodily fluids until you are able to eat and drink.
  • After four weeks on intravenous fluids, a stomach tube was inserted to feed her by. Times, Sunday Times
  • These patients received intravenous anaesthesia with suxamethonium plus thiopental sodium or propofol for the implementation of ECT, respectively.
  • Some will push staff to the limit, being kept alive intravenously and still exercising and purging.
  • After realising he had drunk 56 pints they tried to stabilise him with an intravenous saline solution. The Sun
  • Total parenteral nutrition is a preparation of nutrients given via intravenous infusion to patients, of any age, who cannot feed normally through the alimentary tract.
  • Some casualty departments and ambulance services now recommend giving naloxone intramuscularly or subcutaneously rather than intravenously because it can be given more quickly and results in less violent recovery.
  • Mortality among streptokinase-treated patients was 8.3% for those who also received intravenous heparin and 9.0% for those receiving subcutaneous heparin.
  • Pain was treated with oral paracetamol, intravenous pethidine, or tramadol.
  • The machine provides a continous readout of heart rate and respiratory rates. central line - a larger than usual intravenous line, usually placed in the neck while the child is in the operating room. Glossary of liver transplant terms
  • After intravenous injection of 5 mCi F18-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose), all subjects underwent a brain SPECT coincidence scan, which was then superimposed on their MRIs. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • She became progressively more acidotic in spite of continued resuscitation with high volumes of intravenous fluid.
  • What are the possible common complications of intravenous pyelography?
  • Those taking tormentil root extract had a shorter duration of diarrhea and did not require as much intravenous or oral rehydration fluids.
  • She received stem cells intravenously as well as intrathecally. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Intravenous drip urography of large dose was more effective.
  • Over the next two weeks he made a slow clinical improvement and required blood transfusion and intravenous nutrition.
  • Ladislav von Meduna started seizure therapy by intravenous injection of cardiazol (in depressive states), a therapy that was abandoned when in 1938 the Italians Cerletti and Bini introduced electric convulsive therapy, E.C.T., for severe mental states. Controversial Psychosurgery Resulted in a Nobel Prize
  • He was started on intravenous antibiotics and underwent external frontal sinusotomy to decompress the adjacent infected frontal sinus.
  • DISIDA scan - a nuclear medicine scan in which dye given intravenously is concentrated into bile. Glossary of liver transplant terms
  • Approved for oral and intramuscular use, it also is used rectally, intravenously, subcutaneously, epidurally, and intrathecally.
  • Most people remember very little about dental treatment done under intravenous sedation.
  • Intravenous pyelography, also known as intravenous urography, is a procedure to X-ray the urinary system.
  • S., Intravenous bufotenine injection in the human being, Science 123 1956: 886-87; Flier, J., M. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • Eve is intended to be our point of access - swapping blueberries and herbal supplements for intravenous injections and wondering what's the difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her symptoms improved after treatment with intravenous furosemide and metoprolol.
  • Researchers from Philadelphia gave a single intravenous dose of secretin versus placebo in 61 children with autistic spectrum disorder.
  • Most women in the United States deliver infants in hospitals where epidural analgesia or intravenous narcotics are the only pain-relief options.
  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravenous drip labetalol in treatment of elder hypertension emergencies.
  • Intravenous (IV) methylprednisone is recommended to speed the recovery of visual function, even though this does not significantly improve long-term visual outcome. Information about optic neuritis in children
  • The lack of activity of methylene blue when injected intravenously or intravesically may result from poor tumor localization because of its high hydrophilicity.
  • In addition, elinogrel is being developed as both an intravenous drug and a pill, allowing it to be used for both patients with immediate blockages as well as for long-term clot prevention, said Mardi Dier, Portola's chief financial officer. Novartis Acquires Rights to Heart Drug
  • Her symptoms improved after treatment with intravenous furosemide and metoprolol.
  • This dosage level can be achieved by using ‘one shot’ intravenous pyelograms and substituting MRI for CT scanning.
  • Babies undergoing omphalocele treatment receive initial feedings intravenously while the bowels recover. Omphalocele
  • CMS is also proposing to continue to pay for preadmission related services for intravenous infusion of immunoglobulin [IVIG] under a temporary HCPS code, G0332. 9.9% Cut in Medicare Payments Proposed
  • Today this does not occur because the intravenous fluid is carefully monitored for aluminium. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • Cancer patients and intensive-care unit patients are especially prone to bloodstream infections not only because of their weakened immune systems, but also because they often have long-term intravenous catheters that allow medicines to be given directly into the bloodstream. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • This ocular emergency requires intravenous antibiotics, otorhinolaryngology, and ophthalmologic consultation.
  • The anesthesia care provider then further sedates the patient intravenously.
  • As part of the Toronto protocol, paramedics were trained to screen for stroke and then transport stroke patients directly to a designated Regional Stroke Centre with an around-the-clock stroke team that could rapidly assess patients and administer tPA intravenously (also called thrombolytic therapy). THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Fentanyl or thiopental may be given intravenously if a deeper level of anesthesia is required during some parts of the procedure.
  • Methods Enterospasm animal models were induced with Neostigmine intravenous injection. Then Xiaoyao pill liquid was injected intravenously. Activities of intestinal muscle were recorded.
  • He pushed an intravenous needle into her arm.
  • An intravenous bolus of amiodarone 300 mg should be considered when the patient has ventricular fibrillation or when pulseless ventricular tachycardia does not respond to three shocks.
  • The waste contained nonrecyclable plastic, as well as hypodermic needles and intravenous drip tubes.
  • The sheep were given a general anaesthetic by intravenous pentobarbitone, intubation and ventilation.
  • After four weeks on intravenous fluids, a stomach tube was inserted to feed her by. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each long term intravenous cipro of vaginitis contains 260 fever of hydrogenated and 520 colitis of objective (a surgical of 780 stress of both medicines). Wii-volution
  • Intravenous fluids were used unrestrictedly.
  • Sobel and Collen suggested that clinical decisions on intravenous heparin should await the outcome of unfinished trials.
  • For each patient we compared the results of ultrasonography alone, ultrasonography with plain radiography, and intravenous urography.
  • Conclusion:Azithromycin united asimi treatment for infections of mycoplasmas in female genital organ was better than single intravenous infusion.
  • Nurses are taking over tasks from junior doctors administering intravenous drugs, doing endoscopies, preoperative assessment, and some prescribing.
  • Each medicine now needs to be double checked before being administered, and all intravenous drugs have now been locked away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Combined with that, we give a combination of a valium-type drug and an intravenous anaesthetic agent to sedate you during the process.
  • Is it credible to justify his previous assertion that he didn't have jabs by drawing a distinction between intravenous and intramuscular injections? Times, Sunday Times
  • The status of health assessment 1994. intravenous pentamidine in the treatment of mild Ann.Rev. Public Health 16: 327-354. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Intravenous beta blockade also has a place in acute care in selected patients.
  • The gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs), which are intravenous drugs used to help make diagnostic tests such as MRI scans or angiography easier to read, can cause a rare and potentially fatal condition known as nephrogenic systemic fibrosis in kidney disease patients, the FDA said. Reuters: Top News
  • Intravenous pyelography has been the classic diagnostic test of choice.
  • The probe can be easily implanted in muscle, liver, kidneys etc and even intravenously, without affecting blood pressure.
  • Treatment was given intravenously as a bolus for the lowest two doses and as a 30-minute infusion for the two highest doses.
  • Her treatment was changed to intravenous quinine 600 mg every 12 hours, and she was transferred to the local intensive care unit.
  • Diuretic medication was administered intravenously to control the edema.
  • They have had him on an intravenous drip, and they need to try to diagnose exactly what is wrong with him.
  • An intravenous pyelogram was obtained and revealed a 5-cm radiolucent filling defect of the bladder.
  • The right lower forelimb vein was catheterized for intravenous infusion of Ringer's lactate.
  • Most study drugs were given orally, with only two of the earlier studies using intravenous therapy initially.
  • The majority of these cases of heterosexual transmission resulted from sexual contact with a partner who was an intravenous drug user.
  • To help you relax, you may receive a sedative intravenously.
  • Intravenous urography is no longer the gold standard for diagnosing urolithiasis.
  • This regimen advises that an initial dose of insulin be given intravenously and intramuscularly.
  • One of the most commonly used medical devices in hospital patients are peripheral intravenous catheters.
  • The symptoms of anticholinergic overdose may be treated with physostigmine in a dosage of 1 to 2 mg given intramuscularly or intravenously at 20-minute intervals.
  • ObjectiveTo compare the efficacy and safety of intravenous amiodarone versus propafenone for immediate cardioversion of re cent-onset atrial fibrillation.
  • Fever and flank pain are not indications for intravenous urography.
  • Is it credible to justify his previous assertion that he didn't have jabs by drawing a distinction between intravenous and intramuscular injections? Times, Sunday Times
  • It works almost immediately when given intravenously. Sedation for Outpatients
  • Relatives were due to arrive from abroad, and she chose to try a single reduced dose of daunorubicin 40 mg and cytarabine 200 mg intravenously.
  • The trust was also making improvements in the care of urinary catheters and intravenous devices.
  • intravenous feeding
  • In hyperemesis gravidarum, hospital treatment is often needed to stop the dehydration by giving fluids through an intravenous drip directly into a vein.
  • Eve is intended to be our point of access - swapping blueberries and herbal supplements for intravenous injections and wondering what's the difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beta agonist lung injury trial (BALTI) has shown that treatment with intravenous albutamol (15ug/kg/hr) reduces extravascular lung water (EVLW) in patients with ALI/ARDS with a reduction in plateau pressures at Day 7. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Treatment for hyponatraemia involves a small volume of a highly concentrated salt solution given intravenously. Times, Sunday Times
  • It got to the point where the poor devil daren't leave the bedroom door even slightly ajar for fear that I would sneakily insert a syringe through the gap in an attempt to feed him tea intravenously.
  • Crenshaw, a junior member of the team, did a cutdown on Kennedy's right leg to insert an intravenous line and watched others trying to save the president.
  • The patient remained alive until morning despite requests from the family to remove her intravenous drip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intravenous arsenious acid chemotherapy can delay tumor recurrence and prolong survival in liver transplant patients with HCC extending Milan criteria.
  • After realising he had drunk 56 pints they tried to stabilise him with an intravenous saline solution. The Sun
  • An intravenous ( IV ) medication called prostaglandin E 1 is given to keep the ductus arteriosus from closing.
  • By the time my husband arrived 10 minutes later, he was already on oxygen, a fluid drip and intravenous antibiotics.
  • After this period our patient's condition improved and we continued conservative management, which included antibiotics, omeprazole, high dose sucralfate, and intravenous feeding.
  • Last week, Riverside County voted 3-2 to reject a proposal to provide clean hypodermic needles to intravenous drug users.
  • The passive transmission of various antibodies from intravenous immunoglobulin has been reported.
  • A second electrocardiograph was attached and an intravenous cannula inserted, and I was given some diamorphine.
  • Intravenous cholangiography is rarely used now as opacification of the bile ducts is poor, particularly in jaundiced patients, and anaphylaxis remains a problem.
  • The left lower forelimb vein was cannulated for intravenous administration of anesthesia and pancuronium bromide.
  • Anybody too knackered to lift a cup of tea to parched lips can have it intravenously.
  • He should have been in hospital months ago for a week of intravenous drug therapy and utter calm, but Naohiro would not-or possibly could not-agree to it Naohiro possessed kan, a word adapted from the Chinese that referred to the home of a ruling mandarin. Floating City
  • At the clinic she was given injectable quinine, diazepam for the convulsions and intravenous dextrose for hypoglycaemia. Times, Sunday Times
  • They used a technique known as fluorescein angiography, which involves injecting a special dye into the arm intravenously and photographing its passage through the blood vessels of the retina. - latest science and technology news stories
  • And a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded that one form of phthalate used in intravenous tubing and other hospital equipment could hamper the development of baby boys 'reproductive tracts. 'Everywhere chemicals' in plastics alarm parents
  • Administration of said polypeptides will be preferably carried out by the intravenous route in the shock conditions and by nasal inhalation when the polypeptides are used as analeptics.
  • The baby was administered intravenous fluids for five days and then died.
  • Pentobarbital (Brand name: Nembutal) - a sedative medication generally given intravenously to children over one year old. Sedation for Outpatients
  • Intravenous fluid therapy should be used to maintain urinary output.
  • It chemically captures, or chelates, excess iron but must be given intravenously or by injection.
  • Intravenous injection of thiosulfate will increase the sulfur available to convert cyanide to thiocyanate. 10: Food science
  • They appealed for antibiotics, surgical sutures and intravenous drugs needed for post-operative care.
  • Intravenous fluids dramatically improved his condition and restored his body weight.
  • The source of infection was blood transfusion in 23 patients and intravenous drug use in two.
  • Chemotherapy may be administered either systemically via the oral or intravenous route or by hepatic infusion.
  • The company's Gattex drug was successful in a late-stage study in treating patients with sh ort bowel syndrome, reducing the amount of intravenous nutrition needed by patients with the condition. Stocks End Best January in Years on a Strong Note
  • Instead, they have taken the low-road by hand-cuffing and putting leg-irons on the sickliest and force-feeding them intravenously or through nose-drips. Let them Die or Let them go
  • FDA issues emergency use authorization for intravenous antiviral drug peramivir in H1N1 patients Maxim Health Systems cancels all flu shot clinics at retail locations Health Canada issues medical device license for IMRISNV and IMRIScardio systems Kmart Pharmacies rewards its customers for having all prescriptions filled at one pharmacy Sonomed launches new PacScan Plus, an A-Scan with optional pachymeter Coast Dental offers smile makeovers with Lumineers ultra-thin veneers to patients State reports: Providers struggle to make do with limited resources Torchmark raises quarterly dividend to $.15 per share on all common stock THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Sodium Barbital - Sodium barbital is a short-acting barbiturate used intravenously to induce unconsciousness in patients about to undergo surgery. Undefined
  • “Receiving treatment by way of intravenous, intraperitoneal or intrathecal chemotherapy;” Why we should believe Nick Clegg when he promises to restore liberties stolen by Labour
  • Three days after being given intravenous zoledronic acid, he had tetanic spasms and paraesthesia.
  • Essential drug and medical supplies were supplemented to include oxygen, intravenous fluids, parenteral antibiotics, bronchodilators, and drugs for gynaecological and obstetric emergencies.
  • The use of intravenous drugs, the use of shared, unsterilized, or poorly sterilized needles and syringes, and also the transfusion of blood products have been primary factors in the spread of HCV.
  • There were accounts too of resourcefulness, of prisoners using banana leaves as bandages for their wounds and giving intravenous injections with bamboo syringes. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the patient under mild intravenous sedation and local anesthesia, a small angiographic catheter is introduced into the femoral artery and guided into the left uterine artery.
  • Common routes of administration include oral, intranasal, and intravenous.
  • And finally my ma got the intravenous antibiotics, care and monitoring she'd needed all along. Times, Sunday Times
  • In refractory HF with anasarca, hyperchloremic acidosis was induced to potentiate the effect of intravenous mercurials.
  • Although dogs can die from the peracute form of the disease, many dogs are successfully treated with intravenous fluids and antibiotics.
  • Diagnostic tests may include renal ultrasonography or an abbreviated intravenous pyelogram.
  • Films that were not interpreted by emergency physicians, such as specialised scans, ultrasound scans, and intravenous pyelogram studies, were not included in the data.
  • His past medical history included intravenous drug abuse and esophageal variceal bleeding, which was controlled by sclerotherapy.
  • Other choices, such as labor support and doulas, nonpharmacologic pain-relief methods, and pharmacologic pain-relief methods other than intravenous narcotics or epidurals, should be available.
  • [21] and a potent antioxidant [22], coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10; kindly provided by Dr. Marianna Sikorska of National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada) was either administered intravenously or microinjected bilaterally into the RVLM using a stereotaxically positioned 27-gauge needle that was connected to a 0. 5-µl Hamilton microsyringe (Reno, NV) [14] - [17]. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They suggest an eight-week course of intravenous injections. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investigations of the upper urinary tract, such as intravenous urography and ultrasonography, may be appropriate for referred renal pain.
  • Personally, I believe that the only possible way to prevent loose bowels is to take your nourishment intravenously, and that is far from safe! Is there a doctor in the house?
  • An international panel that developed guidelines for treatment of CMV diseases in adults with AIDS receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy [73] recommended treatment with intravenous ganciclovir, intravenous foscarnet, or a combination of the two drugs. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Nine patients with severe restless legs syndrome were pretreated with domperidone for three days to mitigate side effects of apomorphine, which was given as an intravenous infusion.
  • Doctors had given the woman oxygen and fed her by intravenous drip. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spent six days on intravenous antibiotics before being discharged. Times, Sunday Times
  • The compound - called ADH-1 - was delivered intravenously and the chemotherapy given under surgical conditions, through the artery and vein in the affected limbs. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Diagnostic tests may include renal ultrasonography or an abbreviated intravenous pyelogram.
  • Wound swabs and blood cultures showed no growth, and the ulcer extended despite high dose intravenous antibiotics.
  • On the other hand, my cannula was well positioned and my antibiotics were given intravenously with great regularity, and my cardiac monitor was interrogated and monitored regularly.
  • Intravenous antibiotics are injected directly into the blood, and may also be recommended in rare cases of severe infection.
  • Time course of reversal of anticoagulant effect of warfarin by intravenous and subcutaneous phytonadione. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Lidocaine, the antiarrhythmic and lo-cal anesthetic, for instance, could cause prolonged seizures if given intravenously in large enough doses. Mortal Remains
  • By the early afternoon, the boy was diagnosed with pneumonia and was hooked up to an intravenous drip of an antibiotic called azithromycin, Ms Sultana told The Wall Street Journal. Hospital Faces Scrutiny
  • An intravenous IV infusion of a medication called methotrexate may be used to abort the pregnancy or may be combined with surgery to ensure the full removal of pregnancy tissues. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Patients who remain shocked after 3 litres of intravenous fluid usually have continued bleeding and require urgent laparotomy.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin prophylaxis and therapy is being given for a growing list of indications in the fields of immunology, neurology, hematology, and oncology.
  • Hospitals have no water or power, doctors are giving themselves intravenous drips because they are so malnourished.
  • Despite high doses of intravenous morphine and ketamine, the pain was unbearable.
  • Practically, problems can arise when administering the intravenous injection.
  • They distinguish between the two, and they're not referring to celluloid or what something was shot on, they are merely contrasting what they find to be tasteful, artful, or simply thought-provoking, versus what they might label pure saccharin entertainment, intravenous movie Slurpee. Ashley Wren Collins: Seeking Cinematic Sustenance in a Saturated World
  • The patient became confused and couldn't drink, so an intravenous drip was set up.
  • For this reason, first feedings are provided intravenously. Gastroschisis
  • The performance of phlebotomy by nursing staff benefits the patient in that the blood specimen is collected and intravenous fluids are started at the same time, thus causing less trauma to the patient.
  • In intravenous drug abusers it can occur where a vein is regularly punctured with a needle.
  • They recently assessed an elderly patient with pneumonia, fixed him up with intravenous antibiotics and sent a nurse home with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the past 20 years, intravenously administered immune globulin has been used in the treatment of agammaglobulinemia.
  • Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.

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