How To Use Intramuscular injection In A Sentence
Among hospitals giving intramuscular injections to term neonates, no differences were noted on the basis of infant feeding practices.
For the treatment of pernicious and hypochromic anaemia and for granulocytopenia he used intramuscular injections of extract of liver and he was associated with George Richards Minot and George Hoyt Whipple in work on pernicious anaemia and the treatment of it by means of a diet of uncooked liver.
William P. Murphy - Biography
Man and Chen compared the effectiveness of intramuscular injections of chlorpromazine with IM haloperidol in controlling agitated, assaultive psychotics.
Is it credible to justify his previous assertion that he didn't have jabs by drawing a distinction between intravenous and intramuscular injections?
Times, Sunday Times
an intramuscular injection
The original review included intramuscular injections or immunizations as painful procedures.
The superintendent wanted her certified as mentally ill and when the psychiatrist refused, she called for the use of tranquillizing drugs, including by intramuscular injection.
But the comfort group is given intramuscular injection comfort drug.
The superintendent wanted her certified as mentally ill and when the psychiatrist refused, she called for the use of tranquillizing drugs, including by intramuscular injection.
I gave him an intramuscular injection of digitalin and another of morphine hydrochloride, which he accepted with apparent pleasure as part of the game.
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It can be prevented in contacts of patients by intramuscular injection of immune serum globulin in amounts of half to 2 milliliters, according to weight.
Conclusion BTX- A intramuscular injection with rehabilitation cure offers better treatment results to sufferers of spastic foot drop.
In most instances, they should not receive intramuscular injections.
But it's very hard work, involving things like lumbar punctures, high-dose chemotherapy, and intramuscular injections.
AIM : To compare the alleviating pain with intramuscular injections of ketoprofen vs diclofenac.
The clinic administered the drug by what the label described as the "preferred" method -- "deep intramuscular injection.
Legal Side Effects
One or more intramuscular injections of the medication usually cause resorption or spontaneous tubal abortion of the ectopic conceptus.
To obtain each fat sample, birds were anesthetized by intramuscular injection with ketamine-rompun and a 2 mm incision was made in the skin overlying the furcular cavity.
Is it credible to justify his previous assertion that he didn't have jabs by drawing a distinction between intravenous and intramuscular injections?
Times, Sunday Times
A fully protective course is three intramuscular injections.
Is it credible to justify his previous assertion that he didn't have jabs by drawing a distinction between intravenous and intramuscular injections?
Times, Sunday Times