How To Use Intoxication In A Sentence
Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4.
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His symptoms led to the conclusion that his troubles were likely caused by grayanotoxin poisoning, also known as rhododendron poisoning and "mad honey intoxication.
The Seattle Times
But the song longs for the old intoxication; he misses “drinking that sweet wine,” and the song had a gospelly buildup as he sang about getting “so high in the days gone by.”
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This is what we call a lose / lose situation, because the cops will either have no sense of humor and arrest you for public intoxication, or they will try to fuck with you and snicker amongst themselves while telling you to give it your best shot.

Intoxication with atropine or hyoscyamine is characterized by psychic excitation often combined with panic and hallucination.
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Top Headlines from World Press Review
Intoxication interferes with memory and thinking, speech and coordination.
Nursing her injuries by keeping ‘herself in a state of intoxication,’ Lucy heaped contumely on Peter, their children, and neighbors.
In course of our search, a potentized homeopathic drug, Arsenicum Album-30, was indeed found that showed highly promising results in combating arsenic intoxication in mice, in regard to a series of accepted scientific protocols used, such as cytogenetical, histopathological and biochemical [10-16].
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The concept of autointoxication gains support from several case studies suggesting hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are effective in the treatment of psoriasis.
Timed to each of his father's perfect words (and at each mention of the name `Ringess") he experienced a moment of opiate intoxication.
An hour later I found myself standing in the middle of a pub called the Golden Vine, by far one of the better institutions of intoxication in the central goldfields.
While not technically an affirmative defense that needs to be charged to the jury, a defendant's intoxication is nevertheless a fact to be considered by the jury in determining guilt.
NY Court of Appeals
In the last eight years, Dan has written many articles on the Middle East conflicts, which have circulated on Web sites and media throughout the world. viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling.
Top Headlines from World Press Review
Intoxication steeps you in fantastic imaginings every whit as strange as those of ecstatics.
The Magic Skin
The next time I saw him, it was in the communal dorm bathroom, a pit of uncleanliness marked by vomit, bodily fluids, and the other detritus of intoxication and self-abuse.
The Parable of the Spider
With more than 400 works, including 275 paintings, 50 of the late paper cutouts and an assortment of sculptures, drawings and prints, the massive show has temporarily displaced the entire permanent collection from two floors of the museum It's like a long, languorous alfresco feast in the south of France, with course after course of the painterly equivalent of ripe fruit, creme fraiche, warm bread and the giddy intoxication of perfumy rose.
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The man has a way with words and language and though he so typically plays a type - the rich but emotionally challenged Brit - the way he twists and intonates words is a source of intoxication.
Being engulfed in psychosis was the best intoxication I ever had.
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LSD intoxication is characterized by florid visual distortions—arrays of colors, often dark green or brown; dramatic changes in the shapes or sizes of familiar objects—and overwhelming delusions of omnipotence.
Over the Edge
The presentation of the first patient with a subacute sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy is typical of intoxication with inorganic arsenic.
They were both in that degree of intoxication necessary to prepare such dispositions for what they commonly call frolics, and the sober part of mankind feel to be extravagant outrages against the laws of their country, and the peace of their fellow-subjects.
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.
By the following year, however, cases of cocaine addiction and intoxication were being reported from all over the world.
There are also forms of organically based temporary or transient amnesia, such as those induced by drug or alcohol intoxication or by epileptic seizures.
The test is recommended for on the spot testing whenever alcohol consumption is planned or intoxication is suspected.
The diagnosis of TCE intoxication is based on a history of exposure.
Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
A major societal concern about cannabis intoxication is its potential to impair psychomotor performance in ways which may directly affect the well-being of non-users of cannabis.
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It is a show about potential catastrophe and a lesson in how effortlessly any of us can slip from an unwritten code of human ethics into the self-perpetuating intoxication of brutality.
A coroner yesterday accepted a pathologist's findings that the primary cause of death was hypothermia, and the secondary cause was alcohol intoxication.
Times, Sunday Times
(Alas! as I was to learn at a later period, intellectual intoxication too. has its katzenjammer.)
Chapter XXI
Slide 25: Clinical course in acute ethylene glycol intoxication 30 minutes to 12 hours Central nervous system Inebriation euphoria ataxia slurred speech drowsiness irritation restlessness disorientation Gastrointestinal Nausea and vomiting Metabolic Elevated osmolal gap
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In the last eight years, Dan has written many articles on the Middle East conflicts, which have circulated on Web sites and media throughout the world. viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling.
Top Headlines from World Press Review
No doubt was in the corpulent man that the fly boys were snoozing away, most likely recovering from intoxication from their little victory celebration earlier today.
In that tradition, it may be recalled, the crucifixion of Christ is construed as Christianity's repudiation of the earthly and fleshly, to which Dionysian intoxication is the alternative.
Therefore, at the end I chose not hesitate intoxication, I would rather choose to believe, as the movie would like to express as - Christmas spirit!
Man, being reasonable, must get drunk; the best of life is but intoxication. Lord Byron
The Greek name alludes to the popular belief that the amethyst was a preventive of intoxication; hence beakers were made of amethyst for carousals, and inveterate drinkers wore amulets made of it to counteract the action of wine.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Serious adverse effects result when the amount ingested exceeds 50-175 mg/kg of body weight. 1 Potentially lethal intoxications occur with ingestions exceeding 500 mg/kg. 2 The infrequency of pure salicylate overdoses allows its complex nature to be underestimated.
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the intoxication of wealth and power
Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine," said an announcement released Wednesday morning by office spokesperson Ellen Borakove.
Through that view-medium of misfortune -- of a noble spirit in low environments, and of a squalid and premature death -- we view the undoubted facts, (giving, as we read them now, a sad kind of pungency,) that Burns's were, before all else, the lyrics of illicit loves and carousing intoxication.
November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
There is always hope of reform for a dull, uneducated, stolid man, led by accident or temptation into guilt; but where a man of great ability, and highly educated, besots himself in the intoxication of dark and terrible excitements, takes impure delight in tortuous and slimy ways, the good angel abandons him forever.
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And within that code of practice, was a prohibition on discounting sensitive products to levels which increased intoxication.
Repeated pulls at the bell, and arrivals too numerous to particularise: papas and mammas, and aunts and uncles, the owners and guardians of the different pupils; the singing – master, Signor Lobskini, in a black wig; the piano – forte player and the violins; the harp, in a state of intoxication; and some twenty young men, who stood near the door, and talked to one another, occasionally bursting into a giggle.
Sketches by Boz
Profumo is Italian for scent, which gives the fallen political star a whiff of Ben Jonson: he caught the heady intoxication of cheap perfume one summer’s night, and, though he swapped his evening dress for a hair shirt, he understood the smell could never be washed out.
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The result is an intoxication far more dynamic and complicated than most people realize.
An index of alcohol intoxication was measured with a fuel-cell analyzer in air expired after breath was held for 15 sec.
The multiple signs and symptoms of intoxication and withdrawal often are not consistent because of variable dosages and the adulteration of drugs.
… if the concept of Davis and Walsh was tenable, the morphine antagonists nalorphine, naloxone, and so forth would antagonize short-term alcohol intoxication as they do specifically for morphine-like drugs.12
Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
They are, of course, about both, but the nature of the ghazal is to be about several things at once: the beloved and the state and god; the seasons, age, death and eternity, intoxication and meditation, and, of course, language.
Anis Shivani: Poetry As a Bridge Across Cultures: Anis Shivani Interviews Marilyn Hacker
She indeed went through several "disintoxication cures" (three, in fact) over a period of several decades, the most widely publicized being the one she underwent at the American Hospital in Neuilly in 1982.
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Obviously, drinking and intoxication by alcohol complicated notions of individual autonomy and free volition.
The local hospital says that it treats an average of ten cases a week of drug or alcohol intoxication during the summer.
Times, Sunday Times
The extremities are at length seized with a tremor, which is more strongly marked after recovery from a fit of intoxication.
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Predator : Intoxication - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
It said that people misusing the drugs showed extreme intoxication and uninhibited risky behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
Mental health researchers who have examined suicide in adolescents and young adults are aware that while most suicides are associated with depression -- often combined with substance abuse -- or other severe psychiatric illness, some number of suicides among this age group are impulsive, often catalyzed by intoxication in conjunction with family or relationship conflict.
Victor Schwartz: Disaster 101: Guns on College Campuses
According to Feneuille, spigeline is bitter, nauseant, and purgative, and produces a sort of intoxication (ivresse).
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There are significant differences in drug use across the urban-rural dimension for six drugs: alcohol used to the point of intoxication, inhalants, hallucinogens, sedatives, amphetamines, and other opiates.
The term "autointoxication" should properly be restricted to conditions where poison arises from changes in the tissues or in the activities of cells or organs, whereby substances are released into the circulation in quantities harmful to the organism; in other words, where the secretions of the body are altered, either in character or quantity, to such a degree as to cause injurious effects, such as overactivity or underactivity of the thyroid gland, or suprarenal gland.
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There are moments in the column when he understands what a hopeless task he has taken on and abandons himself to the full intoxication of giddy absurdity.
But it did not appear at Valmont or in early days at Prangins in spite of drugs at Valmont and disintoxication at Prangins for she was sunk safely in her insane self on both occasions.
A Life in Letters
If the liver is overworked or not functioning properly, it can't convert toxins into waste matter for elimination, and you can end up literally poisoning yourself - a process called autointoxication.
There is no question of deep intoxication from drugs, poisons or other chemical agents.
The highest levels of intoxication can be life-threatening, producing delirium, coma, atonic bladder and cardiac arrhythmias.
Alone, its intoxication has been characterized as an induced state of psychotic delirium, marked by disorientation, pronounced confusion, and complete amnesia.
The Serpent and the Rainbow
Not the least intimidating of the cures for autointoxication was surgery, colectomy to be precise.
In his dissent, Justice Reiber returns to the language of the statute that precludes compensability for any injury "caused by or during intoxication [emphasis added]" He believes that compromising this absolute language in the statute runs contrary to legislative intent.
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The matrons and virgins of Babylon freely mingled with the men in licentious banquets; and as they felt the intoxication of wine and love, they gradually, and almost completely, threw aside the encumbrance of dress; ad ultimum ima corporum velamenta projiciunt.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The intoxication was manifest, not so much in violent behavior as in slightly heightened color and increasing loquacity.
The experiments identified a previously uncharacterized gene as essential for intoxication by diphtheria toxin and exotoxin A toxicity, and a cell surface protein needed for cytolethal distending toxin toxicity. - latest science and technology news stories
Ward will be charged with lewd and lascivious behaviour, public indecency and public intoxication at the Calgary courthouse on Monday.
We must make allowance for the intoxication of recent triumph and final victory over a triumphing and victorious enemy; or who but would start back at the aweless temerity of this assertion?
The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Intoxication is defined as a blood alcohol level of 100 milligrams per decilitre of blood (0.1 per cent).
Times, Sunday Times
It is our task to deal with all conditions of burns, intoxications and traumas, all kinds of accidents and falling off high places and metabolical conditions.
Secular erotic poetry is much more common among the Arabs than religious poetry and the popular ghazal, a short lyric, takes on themes of love and intoxication.
The author prefers to use the term costiveness for the general debased condition of the system from auto-intoxication depending upon proctitis and similar conditions of the intestinal tract.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Alcohol meters to test levels of intoxication are being acquired.
The old days when drinkers rushed to down as much grog as possible before the pubs closed at 10 pm are long gone, but the desire to drink quickly and achieve a perfect state of intoxication remains as strong as ever.
The bright blue sky of Rome, and the effect of the vigorous awakening spring in that divinest climate, and the new life with which it drenches the spirits even to intoxication, were the inspiration of this drama.
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The speaker's psychological response to the calamus root closely resembles descriptions of hashish intoxication.
Their intoxication with the details of his instrumental writing fuelled a performance that was anything but routine.
Times, Sunday Times
He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated.
There was no sign of intoxication, but something was evidently working in the man's mind, and his breath came quickly, with a kind of asthmatic pant, from between his thin lips, still parted in the uncanny grin.
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They encourage him to imbibe large quantities of wine, and they then have relations with him during his intoxication.
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The principles which apply, however, are the same whether it is alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, hallucinogens or other drugs which cause the intoxication.
Davy was the first person to experience intoxication after inhaling a gas or vapour.
This bioassay provides a measure that is precise and repeatable, but more importantly reflects the ecological context of TTX intoxication.
I am driven by love. Love should never be demanding; it must be unconditional. Love is an exquisite pain and in that pain lies intoxication. And if your lover shares that pain, the intoxication reaches another level altogether. Dharminder
In southern Ohio, and in the mountain districts of West Virginia the "---- jag" was a standard form of intoxication.
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We base that on the fact that he faithfully summed up the evidence on intoxication, but did not give that familiar direction which he must have been aware of.
The court considered a belief may be honestly held whether it stems from intoxication, stupidity, forgetfulness or inattention.
Man, being reasonable, must get drunk; the best of life is but intoxication. Lord Byron
They were lodged in cells, allowed to sober up, issued public intoxication tags and driven back to their residence.
Just as a society might choose to nurture or tolerate certain sorts of illusions, pluralistically embracing both atheistic and religious subcultures, so, too, might an individual decide -- as did James -- to divide his or her life into periods of sober rationality and ecstatic religious intoxication.
The Nitrous Oxide Philosopher
Abusers of typewriter correction fluid frequently are found with the paraphernalia of abuse around them and the chalky white of the fluid on their face and hands. 9 Definitive diagnosis of TCE intoxication is made by quantitative determination of the compound in the patient's blood, tissue or expired breath.
Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
The fire in the grate smoked up the room and all faces were ruddy with warmth and intoxication.
Through that view-medium of misfortuneof a noble spirit in low environments, and of a squalid and premature deathwe view the undoubted facts, (giving, as we read them now, a sad kind of pungency,) that Burnss were, before all else, the lyrics of illicit loves and carousing intoxication.
Robert Burns as Poet and Person. November Boughs
But when you consider the levels of intoxication and the students' smutty fratboy humour, nothing is so certain.
Accepting decedent's extreme level of intoxication and the difficulty that such an intoxicated person would have in chewing and swallowing roast beef, as testified to by plaintiff's medical expert, there is absolutely no proof that such difficulties would be apparent to anyone other than perhaps a medical professional.
NY Minute
The presentation of the first patient with a subacute sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy is typical of intoxication with inorganic arsenic.
Thirty new diseases have developed simultaneously worldwide resulting from what Dr. Gregory Bossart, Chief Veterinary Officer at the Georgia Aquarium, describes as profound immunosuppression leading to environmental distress syndrome resulting from chemical intoxication.
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The vivid imageries encountered with stramonium intoxication appear to be of simple objects such as flowers, small people, animals, or colors.
I was extremely well versed in the history of intoxication in relation to creativity.
(giving, as we read them now, a sad kind of pungency,) that Burns's were, before all else, the lyrics of illicit loves and carousing intoxication.
Complete Prose Works Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy
Patients with multiple injuries or altered mental status, including intoxication, were not included in the study.
(Alas! as I was to learn at a later period, intellectual intoxication too. has its katzenjammer.) « Table of contents
Chapter 21
I also agree that in participating in the Event, I will not engage in any activities that would constitute disorderly conduct, including, without limitation, public intoxication, using any controlled substances, or engaging in any physical altercations.
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Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine," said an announcement released Wednesday morning by office spokesperson Ellen Borakove.
Yeah, well, we know that intoxication brings down inhibitions and people tend to express deeply-held opinions they'd ordinarily keep hidden out of awareness that it isn't "psst" PC to say aloud.
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Reasoned subpoint lameness viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling.
Top Headlines from World Press Review
Their intoxication with the details of his instrumental writing fuelled a performance that was anything but routine.
Times, Sunday Times
He spent his time consorting with prostitutes, getting into fistfights, and scribbling his thoughts down on napkins, all in various stages of intoxication.
… the state of intoxication as not only largely unharmful to society and sanctioned by precedent, but as a fundamental human right, a biological imperative in itself.
She thinks that his public intoxication was mostly feigned, part of a "masquerade" to hide his tuberculosis; that he used drugs and especially alcohol "medicinally," as a "necessary anesthetic" and antispasmodic "to soothe his coughing fits.
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Jesus warned against the intoxication of power, especially political power, and advised his followers to "renounce" it.
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Symptoms of chronic intoxication include anorexia, gastrointestinal disturbances, debility, confusion, dermatitis, menstrual disorders, anemia, convulsions, and alopecia.
Pornthip Rojanasunand, director of Thailand's Central Institute of Forensic Science, said the circumstances suggested that Carradine may have died performing auto-erotic asphyxiation, which is said to result in a form of giddiness and euphoria - similar to alcohol or drug intoxication - that enhances the sexual experience. - Frontpage RSS Feed
I am driven by love. Love should never be demanding; it must be unconditional. Love is an exquisite pain and in that pain lies intoxication. And if your lover shares that pain, the intoxication reaches another level altogether. Dharminder
Six jurors believed, like the coroner, that it was acute cocaine intoxication.
He then drank off a cup of rakee, and rolling over in a state of stupid intoxication, fell fast asleep.
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An act of gross desertion may, in any case, be palliated under the plea of intoxication; the murder of an officer may be as easily coloured over with that of temporary insanity.
Chronicles of the Canongate
At no period of life was I ever what men call intemperate; I never was in the habit of intoxication [the italics are Poe's]; I never drank drams, et cetera; but for a brief period, while I resided in Richmond and edited the Messenger, I certainly did give way, at long intervals, to the temptation held out on all sides to the spirit of Southern conviviality.
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Upon her arrival, she is diagnosed as having ‘an acute case of autointoxication and neurasthenia, brought on by the loss of a child.’
Ever since the Swedish Academy made public its decision, I have lived in festive intoxication, an enchanting topsy-turvy, and I cannot illustrate its consequences on my mind and soul better than by pointing to a pretty and curious love poem by Goethe.
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She brilliantly captures the intoxication of romance and treads the thin line between self-discovery and self-destruction with total conviction.
Times, Sunday Times
When authorities spoke to Caselli, he showed signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot and watery eyes, slurred speech and smelled of alcohol, police said.
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As you all now I voz raised in diss country from de age of seven years an obtained a Phd, that said I still spik inglish as a second langvage, so no I do not appreciate being asked about de simspons in promotion boards or having to excuse myself ven all my vite non musslim colleagues go ‘on de piss’, it is a dat point dat ven intoxication take over de true fillings of racist comes out - oh yes indeedy.
The coachman was a very intelligent settler, pressed into the service, because Jengro, the French Canadian driver, had indulged in a fit of intoxication in opposition to a temperance meeting held at Truro the evening before.
The Englishwoman in America
It is a familiar experience that the conversation of people under any form of intoxication, though scintillating to them, is less so to any observer not also under the influence.
In 2007, David Rogers, a fitness instructor, suffered hyponatraemia – water intoxication – and died after drinking too much water after his first London marathon.
Have we had our fill of water?
Amongst these few, I am sorry to say, Corporal Macan distinguished himself, falling a victim to his "ould complaint," by coming aboard on the second day after our arrival in a state of glorious intoxication, despite his solemn promise to Dr Nettleby, through whom the commander had given him permission to land, that he "wouldn't touch a dhrop ov the craythur, not if Ould Nick axed him.
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The landlord indeed spoke a little thick, and the texts of Mr. Thomas Trumbull stumbled on his tongue; but Nanty was one of those topers, who, becoming early what bon vivants term flustered, remain whole nights and days at the same point of intoxication; and, in fact, as they are seldom entirely sober, can be as rarely seen absolutely drunk.
Methods: EEC of 52 cases with chronic alcohol intoxication was analysed.
Timed to each of his father's perfect words (and at each mention of the name `Ringess") he experienced a moment of opiate intoxication.
Then he opened the door of his treasure closet, but found therein naught of his money nor his hoards; whereupon he recovered from the intoxication of fancy and shook off his infatuation and knew that it was his wife herself who had turned the tables upon him and outwitted him with her wiles.
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For those patients who are critically ill, or whose intoxication is particularly exotic, our medical director, physician consultants and specialists will provide direct consultation to the attending physician and maintain communication throughout the patient's hospital course of treatment.
Poison Control Hotline Staff
We have found that the essential, and we might say, primary psychological datum of war is a war-mood, that the central motive of this war-mood is a general impulse which we called the intoxication motive, and that this intoxication motive, considered generically, and in regard to its specific meaning is a craving for power and for the experience of exerting and feeling power.
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The images came to mind, unsought, and the intoxication took hold.
During those years many health practitioners believed that the contents of the colon were highly toxic and could seep through the wall of the colon and cause self-poisoning or autointoxication.
‘Cures’ of the past; implications for the present | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
It is a simple chemical, and a viable hypothesis is that autointoxication by similar molecules may cause sporadic diseases.
Slide 26: Clinical course in acute ethylene glycol intoxication 12 to 24 hours Cardiovascular Mild hypertension, tachycardia, and shock Pulmonary Tachypnea adult respiratory distress syndrome pulmonary edema pneumonitis Metabolic Metabolic acidosis with elevated anion gap decreased osmolal gap possible tetany from hypocalcemia, and hyperventilation
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Prolonged intake of potassium bromide can lead to bromide intoxication or bromism.
And that the pleasurable sensations arising from these secretions may constitute the unnamed pleasure of exigence, which is contrary to what is meant by tedium vitæ, or ennui; and by which we sometimes feel ourselves happy, without being able to ascribe it to any mental cause, as after an agreeable meal, or in the beginning of intoxication.
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Top Headlines from World Press Review
It was caused by intoxication from the combined effects of cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxant; quetiapine, an antipsychotic; and the pain medications hydrocodone and acetaminophen, followed by smothering.
Leiby Kletzky Autopsy: Boy Was Given Drugs, Then Smothered
The conversation became jovial through the stories they shared about being in a state of intoxication.
Instead, the trial court advised the jury that intoxication is not a defense to that crime "under any circumstances.
NY Court of Appeals
When he perceived me motionless and bleeding, his fears soon got the better of his intoxication; and with the most violent agitation, desired them to carry me into the parlour, exclaiming repeatedly "Who desired him to open the door?"
Drinking affects several body processes: it gives general intoxication, dehydration, changes electrolyte, acid-alkali, protein and brain neiromediator balances, creates avitaminosis.
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That's not sane, you know ” it's the intoxication of the Corybant!
Father Payne
The uninstructed worldly-minded man sees others dying around him but through intoxication with the pride of life he acts as if he were immortal.
Police Sort Through Suspect's Account as He Pleads Not Guilty in Killing Charles S. Hirsch, the chief medical examiner, said the cause of death was not just suffocation, but also "intoxication by the combined effects of cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxant), quetiapine (antipsychotic), hydrocodone (pain medication), and acetaminophen (Tylenol).
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THC is the engine of the high, but the other aromatic essential oils drive the nature of the intoxication and the palliative effects.
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Scattered cases reports suggest a role for flumazenil in the reversal of ethanol intoxication15,16,17 and in carbamazepine poisoning. 17,18 Scientific investigation has yet to confirm or disprove the value of flumazenil in these situations.