How To Use Intoxicant In A Sentence

  • The old time ---- was condemned by the United States Government as an intoxicant and stimulant, and cures were sold in various parts of the country for the ---- "jag," yet in the new advertisement the following appears: The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
  • GHB has an intoxicant, sedative or euphoriant effect that begins within 10 to 20 minutes of taking the drug.
  • An Asian girl hoovering the corridor produced a copy of the Intoxicant CD and got him to autograph the liner.
  • It was this article that made me - someone who has not even tried marijuana but who favors complete legalization of all intoxicants for sale and distribution to adults - want to read the whole book.
  • Despite the heavy consumption of intoxicants, no one's voice ever rose above a husky whisper.
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  • Unfortunately, and somewhat surprisingly, most Happy Hours seem to concentrate on reducing the price of the amber fluid alone, thus alienating those who either prefer the harder intoxicants or the softer liquids.
  • An attached restaurant does not serve intoxicants like tea or coffee, but you can have a delicious vegetarian buffet for less than £3.
  • Although the retreat will not make them monks, they will still be required to take the same strict vows, including no intoxicants and a vow of celibacy.
  • The regulations also ban people from driving or being in charge of these water sport craft in Tramore Bay while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.
  • On behalf of my client, Mrs. Fennell, I wish to impress upon the Bench the gravity of the offence with which the accused Richard Fennell is charged, namely, drunkenness from excessive use of an illegal intoxicant known as poteen, house-breaking, terrorizing and almost paralyzing with fear his highly strung and sensitive wife, and adding insult to injury in resisting arrest by his Majesty's guardian of law and order, Duty, and other Irish Comedies
  • Alcohol is the one intoxicant that is widely available to every grown-up person in the country.
  • The wine back then was just a drink, not an intoxicant.
  • I mean, you would sit there with some kind of intoxicant and groove to whatever it is that I'm playing or Nick Lowe is playing, you know, because I'm on tour with Nick, so, it's that kind of thing. Legendary Robyn Hitchcock Plays for the 'BPP'
  • an important measurement of any wine, is its concentration of the intoxicant ethyl alcohol, or ethanol.
  • If you're like most people in Montreal, you're probably looking for something to do on a Saturday night that's the perfect mix of the right music, a taster's choice of libations and intoxicants, and a good helping of debauchery.
  • Betelnut, I've heard, has some kind of intoxicant affect. Sound Politics: Were You Offended?
  • What came in the wake of prohibition when it finally arrived were genuinely harmful intoxicants: heroin, morphine, hard liquor and tobacco.
  • Earlier affluence has led to high consumption of intoxicants.
  • The party started as a sober event but that's boring, so now, like so many keggers, it is riddled with intoxicants.
  • The airline also adopts rigorous medical checks for any long-term intoxicant-related dependence, which is a special type of testing that is currently not adopted by any other Middle East commercial airline. AME Info Latest News
  • He said that the majority of road accidents are caused by a lack of awareness and through irresponsibility by motorists, including excessive speed, driving under the influence of intoxicants and complete disregard for traffic rules.
  • Drugs include any intoxicant other than alcohol therefore even solvent abuse and driving may be covered by this offence.
  • Similarly, nail varnish and varnish remover (acetone and esters), although strong smelling, are probably too water soluble to be intoxicants.
  • The man driving the Ford Fusion would be required to give a blood sample to test for any intoxicant, which is standard procedure in wrecks potentially involving a death, McCullor said. The Daily News - News
  • One, Unsho, an instructor in Shingon, kept Buddha's precepts scrupulously. He never drank intoxicants, nor did he eat after eleven o'clock in the morning.
  • Beer was the intoxicant of choice in the Colonies, just as it had been back in England.
  • You may trot around with a silver bunch of grapes on your lapel, peddling intoxicants to expense-account tosspots and huff when I quibble at the mark-up but I have just published the novelistic fruit of 35 years of miserable introversion.
  • Is the baby boomer electorate so puritanical that they would punish progressive politicians who voiced support for liberalizing or legalizing intoxicants, or simply marijuana?
  • But what about other intoxicants such as cocaine, cannabis resin or even the so called harmless prescription drugs.
  • There, he was made to drink an intoxicant, which made unconscious.
  • For the first days of Lent, and perhaps for the entire period, devout Buddhists will abstain from intoxicants, certain foods, harsh language, deceitful deeds, and make a concentrated effort not to harm any living creature.
  • Another intoxicant is “Sabzi,” dried hemp-leaves, poppy-seed, cucumber heed, black pepper and cardamoms rubbed down in a mortar with a wooden pestle, and made drinkable by adding milk, ice-cream, etc. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Every relationship here is colored by the influence of these intoxicants, and every aspect of every relationship.
  • They pointed out that many cough syrups were already being abused in the state, with young people consuming them as intoxicants.
  • The paper provides no URL to the i-doser sites allegedly peddling these aural intoxicants, so there's no way for the reader to investigate the psychoactivity of the beats themselves. Slate Magazine
  • I had moderated my diet and avoided all intoxicants.
  • Drugs include any intoxicant other than alcohol therefore even solvent abuse and driving may be covered by this offence.
  • (Chelsea Green, 2009), the word 'intoxicant' is derived from the Latin noun toxicum (poison). Main RSS Feed
  • The Glorious Qur'an commands humans to abstain from intoxicants, alcohol, drugs, gambling, from dedication of stones and divination of arrows.
  • Every relationship here is colored by the influence of these intoxicants, and every aspect of every relationship.
  • We cleaned Sainsbury's out of booze and party food, so when the guests, mostly Cello's colleagues, started to arrive, they were greeted by a table groaning with nibbles and intoxicants.
  • My canvas subject has chosen the musical instrument, I must let my canvas drip the intoxicant music movement.
  • Tobacco use among females was present but in oral form which is acceptable more as a medication than as an intoxicant among them.
  • Very serious, seven charges of molestation, and also two other charges that he may have supplied some kind of intoxicant, whether it be a drink or perhaps a drug, to a child. CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2003
  • Ironically, the hemp medicine and intoxicant industry will generate the least amount of capital, though it is the target of prohibitionist "reefer" propaganda. Hemp Can Help Us Solve Our Problems Now
  • There are also reports of how youngsters in Jammu city are being lured towards these chillum smoking sadhus who have free access to intoxicants.
  • Mead was probably the first human-made intoxicant, barring potions brewed from various solanaceous psychoactives - peyote, khat, mandrake, poisonous toads, etc.
  • The precepts prohibit killing, stealing , harmful language , sexual misbehavior , and the use of intoxicants.

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