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How To Use Intoned In A Sentence

  • Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.
  • Messieurs," he intoned, bowing low and directing them to one of the little tables. The Life of the World to Come
  • Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.
  • “That poor horse, death by stupid tourist” she kind of intoned to herself. MELANCHOLY WRECKS
  • The priest intoned the blessing.
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  • ‘This area is off-limits to tourists at the moment,’ it intoned in a metallic voice.
  • But Jesus is here!" the priest intoned.
  • `The monument, ma'am ," intoned Bunbury, rocking back slightly on his heels. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • That’s not what he said, but keep trying to slander him. and, the parodyll probably meant “intoned”, but he thought that would be redundant with “dark-toned” … the stoopid is very strong this monday … Think Progress » Right Wing Rallies Around Trent Lott’s Segregationist Remarks To Attack Harry Reid
  • There are, furthermore, ‘no excuses’, it is intoned, for the fact that he ran when armed plainclothed police officers shouted at him.
  • “The last innocent has suffered at your hands, recreant,” grimly intoned THE WRAITH. Masked
  • Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.
  • "And so we bid farewell to the dark continent, " the narrator intoned.
  • Book of Gospels incensed, and the Gospel, also in Arabic, intoned or read. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • He is pictured standing alone and next to Republican senators and members of Congress, his name intoned by ominous-sounding announcers. OpEdNews - Quicklink: In Campaign Ads for Democrats, Bush Is the Star
  • 'Ladies and gentlemen,' US District Judge Alva Keyes intoned as he eyed the jury, 'we begin the trial with what we call opening statements by the attorneys. The Concrete Blonde
  • His name is intoned at the end of every prayer by Jews, Christian and Muslims. The Guardian World News
  • But never should the memory of his death be intoned as ammunition on the political battlefield.
  • Chords shift like tectonic plates in a rugby scrum and Todd remains calm, focused and deals in a very dry, biting, intoned vocal delivery.
  • ` Deus in adjutoreum meum intende," the priest intoned, and the choir sang the response. DESPERADOES
  • On Chapman's code name, ZigZag, McIntyre solemnly intoned: "The name carried a hint of anxiety, because a man who could zig could also zag. TV review: Double Agent - the Eddie Chapman Story; Imagine … Alan Ayckbourn - Greetings From Scarborough
  • Italy's "Il Giorno" intoned, "Il mondo applaude il trionfo di Obama" (The world applauds Obama's triumph.) - Latest News
  • And yet mingling with these cries of delight, of jubilation, I record also, as I read, the repetition in the bass of one word intoned over and over again by some malcontent. The Death of the Moth, and other essays
  • Oil gazillionaire J. Paul Getty once offered this formula for achieving financial success: "Rise early," he intoned, "work late, strike oil."
  • The priest intoned the blessing.
  • Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.
  • An army of priests in rich robes during three days intoned a sacred classic 10,000 times, and Iyeyasu was deified by a decree of the Mikado under a name signifying “light of the east, great incarnation of Buddha.” Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • `In requesting a separate account," he intoned, `I don't wish to impute criticism of the Mistress of Tachnadray. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • 'Mom,' she intoned, elongating the word.
  • Oblivious to its place in history, the feisty North Island brown kiwi twisted its head as the Tainui kaumatua intoned a karakia.
  • Loudly he intoned some short Latin prayer, then crossed himself again and turned.
  • It was a ghastly little BBC hackette speaking from Washington who smugly intoned last night that the dreadful "friendly fire" incident, which we reported yesterday, was "a public relations disaster for the US". Archive 2007-08-01
  • I particularly noted the basses of the chorus as they sinisterly intoned the conspirators music.
  • “In the name of almighty God, there will be no surplus and prices will not fall,” intoned the Iranian oil minister. The Prize
  • Sad and profound chants are intoned in the wind and I am in the presence of a numberless and devout congregation.
  • It's been intoned mindlessly so many times since that no one ever stops to consider the utter ignorance of the statement.
  • their chantlike intoned prayers
  • Robin Denselow JoJo Marvin's Room Can't Do Better A killer opening line – "I've been up three days: Adderall and Red Bull" – then blankly intoned relationship fallout through a self-medicated fug, bitterness and contempt framed by drugs and booze. F&M playlist
  • Winning is like ‘a drug’, intoned the German flier.
  • However, it soon becomes clear, that this is an inversion of cinematic practice, with the sonorously intoned Russian voice-over and English subtitles providing the drive in place of visual information.
  • Masur simply, a bit austerely intoned the opening chorale of the Adagio, creating relief for the violins to effortlessly make their line in allargando unison to follow it very compellingly.
  • `In requesting a separate account," he intoned, `I don't wish to impute criticism of the Mistress of Tachnadray. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • ‘A floodtide of filth is engulfing our country in the form of newsstand obscenity,’ its narrator intoned.
  • There is no such thing as society," Augusto Pinochet's close friend, Margaret Thatcher, once intoned in her plummiest la-di-dah accent. Archive 2006-06-01
  • `The monument, ma'am ," intoned Bunbury, rocking back slightly on his heels. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • As if we lived in some kind of tinpot theocracy, Mr. MacAskill intoned that Megrahi would be judged by "a higher authority. The Lockerbie Bomber and Scotland's Disgrace
  • `The monument, ma'am ," intoned Bunbury, rocking back slightly on his heels. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • Sharon's bass and breathily intoned vocals are often the crux of a song, and sparseness and restraint always the watchwords, with even guest Johnny Marr reining himself in so his guitar sinuously entwines with the bass and synth lines on Can't Put it Down Until it Ends. Pajama Club: Pajama Club – review
  • Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust - we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.
  • But the announcer intoned visitors' names in a voice so soft, so dipped, that those men were reduced to whispered asides.
  • This was not only a sentiment intoned by politicians and newscasters but one that we were all saying to ourselves.
  • I’m not yet convinced Dark Blue, which appears to be, well, dark imagine that title intoned by the late Don LaFontaine–Dark. Heroes in More Ways Than One: LEVERAGE Returns to TNT Tonight « TV BACON
  • `In requesting a separate account," he intoned, `I don't wish to impute criticism of the Mistress of Tachnadray. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Fra 'witches and warlocks," I solemnly intoned, "fra 'wurricoos and evil speerits, and fra' a 'ferly things that wheep and gang bump in the nicht, Guid Lord deliver us! The Prairie Wife
  • ‘A show about an accounting report,’ he intoned more loudly, sarcasm entering his languid voice.
  • The muleteer, with head wrapped up in a shawl, intoned a kind of dirge, pausing sometimes to ask Allah to improve his plight. The Valley of the Kings
  • Alternating between smoothly intoned mid-tempo rockers- dressed up with synth organs and tastefully overdriven guitar jangle- and smoothly intoned slow dance heart warmers that get a lot closer to Diane Warren territory than befits the man who wrote "Silver".
  • His words were intoned with suspect.
  • `Mr Alison ," the captain intoned, `I would suggest that you confer with your client. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Congress is out of control," one effective ad intoned, "and [Haydon] will bring Nancy Pelosi's one-party control of government to Frankfurt. Victory by Democrats on health care could turn sour
  • He quietly intoned several prayers.

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