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How To Use Intolerant In A Sentence

  • The card consolidate credit debt in photoflash intolerant false is of muton, due to the unaffectionate ad vocal that the barnacle yack ethene expense to repp as a perverted cymene. Rational Review
  • And how can those who profess to revere this charismatic figure, propound views so intolerantly divergent from those of their great leader?
  • The intolerant citizens have called for a nation-wide general strike to bring down the deep-rooted stratocracy in Burma, due to the junta\'s insistence of barring the Lady to participate in the country\'s political reform process. ' Burma Question - sill a matter of regional concern
  • A celebrity, the Zu-Zu, the last coryphee whom Bertie had translated from a sphere of garret bread-and-cheese to a sphere of villa champagne and chicken (and who, of course, in proportion to the previous scarcity of her bread-and-cheese, grew immediately intolerant of any wine less than 90s the dozen), said the Cecil cared for nothing longer than a fortnight, unless it was his horse, Forest King. Under Two Flags
  • The former Archbishop of Canterbury hit out yesterday at extreme atheists who are intolerant of religious views and attempt to deny Christians a voice in public debate.
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  • Several other typical mesophytic forest species, both shade-intolerant and shade-tolerant, have declined, perhaps due to an absence of large-scale disturbance needed for their regeneration.
  • Then the talk stopped dead as Istra Nash stood agaze in the doorway — pale and intolerant, her red hair twisted high on her head, tall and slim and uncorseted in a gray tight-fitting gown. Our Mr. Wrenn
  • This only ends up securing unequal, repressive, and intolerant societies.
  • After only a few hours anoxia, death of previously growing tissues occurs in intolerant species; a shortage of ATP presumably being a major contributing factor.
  • The difficulty is that, just as the religious right believes wholeheartedly that it is the one true way, secularists are adamant about their beliefs and intolerant of those who do not share them.
  • A far more sinister implication is the creation of an intolerant dogmatic approach to complex issues.
  • When you have a social revolution and establish very high levels of equality -- although, of course, there is no total equalitarianism because some have higher salaries and others have lower salaries -- society is very intolerant. CASTRO INTERVIEW WITH BUCARANDA IN CARACAS
  • This recipe is ideal for lactose-intolerant people, vegetarians and vegans.
  • This can happen if some one becomes convinced that they are food-allergic or food-intolerant without undergoing proper diagnosis.
  • Researchers have found that Conservatives typically are dogmatic, intolerant of ambiguity with beliefs rooted in fear and aggression.
  • Lego is, like, the perfect device to enculturate a citizenry intolerant of smell, intestinal by-products, nonadherence to unified standards, decay, blurred edges, germination, and death. Microserfs
  • Lichens are intolerant to the presence of sulfur dioxide in acid rain and different species of lichen have different threshold levels before death occurs.
  • Indeed, in the absence of amylase starch is not degraded, and anoxia-intolerant cereals such as wheat and barley suffer soon from sugar starvation, and eventually die.
  • Our main aim was to examine if inherently different rates of fermentation during anaerobiosis characterize submergence-tolerant and intolerant rice plants.
  • And I also think that those of us who think this way should stand up for those who are being called intolerant and uncivil, and who are being asked to apologize, and defend their ethical right to say what they are saying.
  • Just as you can't feed different animal groups the same types of foods, there are also groups of people who are intolerant to certain food groups.
  • Previous models assumed that tolerant larvae could not fight and would always be found and hence killed by any intolerant larvae if present.
  • Pharmacoeconomic data should be versus pentamidine for cotrimoxazole-intolerant handled and reported in the same way. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The "swath" she is winning may be the racially intolerant white voters. liar, liar, pants on fire Schneider: Obama not a satisfying choice for KY Democrats
  • It seems ironic to me that those who preach tolerance are so intolerant of those who do not share their liberal views.
  • For someone who has made a career out of telling everyone how much more tolerant the world would be if only religion were obliterated from the human psyche, Dawkins manages to appear remarkably intolerant towards anyone who disagrees with him. Atheist insecurity « Anglican Samizdat
  • Some babies are intolerant to lactose, which is found in cow's milk.
  • This works amazingly for vegans, lactose intolerants, and sundry fusspots.
  • “Filling in this large vernal pool/wetland will result in the direct loss of 0.69 ha of amphibian breeding habitat, fragmentation of the habitat and the probable displacement of area-sensitive, pollution intolerant herpetofauna as well as other potential wildlife species,” the report states. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Radiotherapy should be considered in patients with macroadenomas who are resistant to or intolerant of medical therapy and in whom surgery has failed.
  • He's fussy, gassy, possibly lactose-intolerant, and suffering from what appears to be day-night confusion.
  • Nanotechnology may cure chemically-based paranoia and depression forever, but it will not confer social graces on the awkward - or compassion on the intolerant.
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Were these attendees fostered by their educators to be intolerant, hateful, and rude?
  • A bigot, according to one dictionary, is one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.
  • Those found to be intolerant could be prescribed alternatives to avoid the side effects.
  • Of course, he is one of the leading polemicists of the so-called "New Atheists" movement, but "polemicist" does not equate necessarily with "hate monger" or "intolerant thug. Articles » peoplesworld
  • People with these ideals are so ‘liberal’ that they come full circle to conservatism, completely intolerant of people with differing ideals.
  • But his words and actions have shown him to be a discriminator and intolerant of difference.
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's the knee-jerk caricature of American generals as intolerant anachronisms.
  • Well, intolerant people are more likely to be aphasiac combined with Thought Dissociative Disorder. Palin Supporter To Black Sound Man: "Sit Down, Boy"
  • It's an atmosphere rightly associated with college and university campuses, where a hectoringly intolerant political orthodoxy took over, in many cases, years ago. The Right Coast
  • One study found that 12 percent of patients with IBS were gluten intolerant.
  • There are many among us who are becoming intolerant of those who are of a different faith, ideology or political party.
  • He was also a Roman Catholic, which in the intolerant atmosphere of the 1920s was a distinct disadvantage.
  • Shortly afterwards she became intolerant to wheat, gluten and dairy products. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crawford suggested that anaerobic-tolerant species exhibit a smaller Pasteur effect than do intolerant species.
  • Also, I am totally intolerant of gossips and most annoying people.
  • This grassland-dependent species is fairly intolerant of cultivation and tends to avoid areas that contain extensive woody vegetation or that occur near roads.
  • I had only just turned my back when she tapped her pen intolerantly on the counter in a sharp, staccato rhythm.
  • The cause of public confidence in science is ill served by the dogmatic and intolerant banner of 'denialism'.
  • If this occurs, Federalists are advised, ‘the best solution is to try to portray them as being intolerant bullies and unscholarly.’
  • The saddest thing of all is that the military remains highly intolerant of criticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were militant predestinarian Baptists, severe in their religion and intolerant of people who did not believe as they did. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • When faced with a patient who is lactose intolerant, many health professionals recommend lactase pills or drops.
  • The evidence for that shows that some ethnic groupings are very intolerant to certain groups of food.
  • It might be considered as an adjunct for occasional patients unresponsive to or intolerant of more standard treatments.
  • It does however appear quite likely, that many people who have previously been diagnosed as lactose intolerant may actually have been protein intolerant, in particular, to a1 beta casein. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Other people may have flimsier standards to convince them of this without ‘hating’ or being ‘utterly intolerant’ of gays in anyway. The Volokh Conspiracy » Light at the End of the DADT Tunnel
  • Tea Party marchers, however, acted with an air of constipation, arrogance, intolerant and predisposed to lying, fearmongoring, intimidation, and completely brainwashed from the faux news channel. Flashback to Obama campaign
  • Entering the Cadet Area at the Academy as a "doolie" in 2003, Curtis was asked from both naive and intolerant Christian cadets why the Jews killed their savior. Matthew Harwood: No Dominion: The Dangerous Fight Against Christian Supremacists in the Armed Forces
  • I was disappointed that he had to resort to derogatory and intolerant remarks to try to be funny.
  • They are deeply intolerant of all opposition.
  • The drug is indicated for use in patients unresponsive to or intolerant of zidovudine, zalcitabine, or didanosine.
  • You are intolerant of other races, creeds and religions.
  • Pastor Wundt, the shepherd of the Columbus church, was a sincere and ardent Christian, but his bigotry and hard-and-fast orthodoxy made him intolerant .
  • With the last sentence in her article, it seemed as if in the effort to amalgamate all Muslims into one mass, Ayaan Hirsi Ali established that the only "intolerant" one was herself. Noah Fitzgerel: Not All Islam Is Radical Islam
  • For my second wish, the development of a shade intolerant tree species that sheds its limbs readily to create knot free mature wood.
  • He also states that he is lactose intolerant and hence avoids most dairy products.
  • Our age is too enlightened to contend upon topics which concern only the interests of eternity; the men who hold in proper contempt all controversies about trifles, except such as inflame their own passions, have made it a commonplace censure against your ancestors, that their zeal was enkindled by subjects of trivial importance; and that however aggrieved by the intolerance of others, they were alike intolerant themselves. The World's Best Orations, Vol. 1 (of 10)
  • I wonder when you will see fit to take our government's ethnocentric and intolerant activities to task?
  • An essential part of the helping the immune system to recover is to accurately identify the foods to which the sufferer has become intolerant, and to avoid these foods for at least six months.
  • Fermentation converts lactose into glucose and galactose, which is easily digestible by even the lactose - intolerant. Lactose and Fermentation
  • That’s quite the intolerant, not-Catholic, elementary-school-level kicking and screaming hissy fit of a screed, darlings -- no doubt written with her pro-life Friday Jeeziz panties in just the bunchiest of bunches. Was it something we said?
  • If you are lactose intolerant, whey is one of the worst ingredients to encounter on a label. Answers to Questions from Readers, part 10
  • A number of patients were intolerant of the diet.
  • Last year, guided by a binder listing gluten-free foods that one student brought from home, he provided meals for two gluten-intolerant students.
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are often brusk to the point of rudeness, intolerant of mediocrity, and direct in manner. John F. Ince: Where Are the Investors Who Will Back the Googles of Tomorrow?
  • Older discs, joints and tendons dehydrate and stiffen, becoming intolerant of pounding and jumping, but that's no reason not to be active, she says. Boomers, you gotta make that body last
  • They were not idolaters as some religiously intolerant groups might suggest; no learned people actually worshipped the sun as God literally.
  • Shortly afterwards she became intolerant to wheat, gluten and dairy products. Times, Sunday Times
  • I get more intolerant and downright bored with this interminable, stomach-churning rubbish every year.
  • Exhausted and in constant pain, she had to contend with vast, unfathomable personality changes that made her capricious, indecisive, impatient and intolerant.
  • It is even more intolerantly communal in its attitude to the prophets and reformers within its own fold.
  • Some children are also intolerant to medicines such as antibiotics and iron preparations.
  • Here's an upskirt shot of a cross dresser from a movie whose characters are lactose intolerant. Endless Amount of Vegan Drivel
  • One of the real dangers the BJP Government has created is the rise of intolerant and bellicose people who bumptiously air their views.
  • Tolerance as forbearance leads to individuals who act without discrimination out of restraint but in fact remain intolerant in thoughts and beliefs.
  • He had a reputation among Washington insiders for being prickly, abrasive, brash, impatient, and intolerant of bureaucratic foot-dragging.
  • You have a significant social consciousness, and you are very intolerant of unfair circumstances and injustices.
  • It said I was intolerant to wheat, dairy and gluten. The Sun
  • Perhaps I am not tolerant of intolerant people, especially of Stephen Taylor who not only condones such behaviour/remarks/incitation, I think he seeks it! I got your wingnut welfare right here.
  • Temporary withdrawal of glibenclamide, also known as glyburide, led to restoration of islet cell function in mice that had become glucose intolerant during continuous treatment with the sulfonylurea, Maria Sara Remedi, Ph. D., and Colin G. Nichols, Ph. D., of Washington University here, reported online in - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • If their religion says they cannot shave, is that intolerant to pagans? Matthew Yglesias » War on Christmas Just Got More Fierce
  • In contrast, we quantified the activity of PDC in root tissues from a much larger number of tolerant and intolerant rice lines with a shared parentage.
  • The percentage of people thought to be gluten intolerant is growing but is still considered to be no more than 1% of the population, hardly enough to sustain a restaurant. First Gluten (and Lactose) Free Restaurant Opens
  • The play also centres on an iron-fisted leader intolerant of opposing political views.
  • In Hebrews we also meet the strong protests of the jealous God, who is intolerant of rivals with a holy intolerance.
  • But it's wrong to think that most people are gluten intolerant. The Sun
  • In the effort to remain united they adopted positions which increasingly appeared reactionary and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the state reserves to itself exclusive entitlement to command obedience, it shows itself intolerant toward all institutions other than itself.
  • History is littered with the debris of self-righteous, intolerant, xenophobic, rabble-rousing ideologies.
  • How intolerant not to appreciate being called "victim" and "potato", standard invectives patriotic German Muslims are fond of hurling toward their autochthonal compatriots. The Editrix' Roncesvalles
  • So, um, does your argument against the basic concept that non-reciprocality is fundamentally different than reciprocality, or your argument that no marriage could be akin to prostitution in any meaningful sense rise to the level that you are making anti-feminist arguments in an anti-feminist intolerant thread? International Marriage Broker Act passes! Plus, Bush admin refuses to release rules to help battered immigrant women.
  • Modern apologists slanderously depict the Meccan heathens as fanatics intolerant of Mohammed's innovative cult.
  • He says that for most of his twenties his parents were bemused rather than anxious or intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • He suspired exhaustively in the still, strong heat, and took possession of the scene with commanding, intolerant eyes. Those Who Smiled And Eleven Other Stories
  • Similar results have been obtained for the anoxia-tolerant and intolerant cereals rice and wheat, respectively.
  • Intolerant of dissent, he wrote several pamphlets replying robustly to vindications of separatism by the Presbyterian Owen and the deist Dodwell.
  • My experience was of many managers and clinicians being intolerant of a challenge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The act of censoring is an attempt against freedom of thought and expression, commonly seen in intolerant and totalitarian regimes. Global Voices in English » Puerto Rico: Debate on Censorship
  • Critics also complained that Hague focused too much on asylum, making the Tories look intolerant and xenophobic.
  • You seem to be saying that being indifferent to your beliefs is the same as being intolerant of your beliefs.
  • You will see special mixes for citrus and ericaceous plants (ie, lime-intolerant species such as rhododendrons, camellias, pieris and blueberry). Times, Sunday Times
  • The operation underlined the fears of opposition activists that the ruling military council has become increasingly intolerant of protests directed at its continuing control of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workers will have to think twice before telling insensitive jokes or expressing intolerant views which may give offence.
  • Diplolepis overwinter in a prepupal stage; they are freezing-intolerant and develop cryoprotectants that lower their supercooling points.
  • Other studies have addressed the role of gaps, and especially large gaps in providing the habitat necessary for the regeneration of shade intolerant species.
  • Don't be intolerant of people whose opinions differ from yours.
  • The more enthusiastic their patronising attempts at conversion, the more they reveal themselves to be intolerant, blinkered misogynists.
  • The mere fact of being lactose intolerant is entirely irrelevant. Kate DeAraugo's Lactose Intolerance
  • To spread misinformation and make derogatory and intolerant remarks about any group is unacceptable.
  • You want to burn pop stars and I'm the intolerant one? Times, Sunday Times
  • In his personal life he was intolerant of smoking, yet a great defender of freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you wish to live in a backward, moribund, intolerant inegalitarian society please feel free to choose one from the many available…
  • He is intolerant of opinions which differ from his own.
  • This is supported by the observations that intolerant plants elongated rapidly under water.
  • It was an Australian view intolerant of mediocrity in any aspect of a test team.
  • Particularly useful if you are intolerant to gluten or dairy foods. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are often considered alternatives when patients are allergic or intolerant to first line drugs or if the patient does not respond to first line agents.
  • Both species need large areas of fens and wetlands and are highly intolerant of human disturbance at nest sites.
  • Gaps in this wetland function similarly to those studied in a variety of upland forest types, by serving as sites of regeneration for intolerant species.
  • The patient had recently become intolerant to therapy and had discontinued taking the medication.
  • Workers will have to think twice before telling insensitive jokes or expressing intolerant views which may give offence.
  • Previous theoretical and empirical work has suggested that females from species with intolerant larvae should reduce their relative investment in reproduction.
  • In 11 trials baseline pain was moderate to severe, and in five trials patients were only included if they were unresponsive or intolerant to conventional therapies.
  • Some children are also intolerant to medicines such as antibiotics and iron preparations.
  • She did the tests and told me I was gluten intolerant. The Sun
  • Caspofungin is a Protocol Drug at UIHC and may only be used in patients who are refractory to or intolerant of amphotericin B or amphotericin B lipid complex, or by recommendation of Infectious Diseases Division consult.
  • We are, it seems, quite intolerant of any deviance from the straight and narrow.
  • Any parent who is concerned that a child may be allergic or intolerant to any food should get advice from their health visitor or GP.
  • On high sites that rarely flood, species moderately tolerant to intolerant of saturated conditions should be emphasized.
  • The operation underlined the fears of opposition activists that the ruling military council has become increasingly intolerant of protests directed at its continuing control of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • There can be and have been intolerant democracies and reasonably tolerant autocracies.
  • Some individuals may lose the ability to digest lactose and become lactose intolerant.
  • The case is a chilling reminder of how ordinary, seemingly respectable citizens still have racist and deeply intolerant views.
  • You want to burn pop stars and I'm the intolerant one? Times, Sunday Times
  • History is littered with the debris of self-righteous, intolerant, xenophobic, rabble-rousing ideologies.
  • When brook trout are absent, a maximum of one non-native salmonid is counted positively as an intolerant species.
  • In the absence of brook trout, up to one of two nonnative trouts (wild brown or rainbow) would be substituted as an intolerant species.
  • The only reliable way to find out whether you are intolerant to a food is by excluding it from your diet for four to six weeks, then reintroducing it.
  • No, rather than being ashamed of ageing, you should be amusedly intolerant of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Bulgaria he has met people who are highly intelligent, compassionate, tolerant and understanding, warm-hearted and has also met people who are desperately intolerant and stupid.
  • And you did have to say that "Homosexuality IS inherently disgusting to a lot of straight people ... more even than the way we generally use the word inherently, I mean it is REALLY inherent, in that it is positively biological, at the very core of psychology for some (not all) straight people .... and personally I believe that only a small part of that is society no matter how intolerant and evil society is, and most of it is just natural biology of the brain. Notes From The Geek Show
  • For a newspaper that is supposedly tolerant of any and all lifestyles, it is surprisingly intolerant of Christians.
  • He was abusive, debauched, arrogant, derisive, intolerant, and possibly the loneliest man who ever lived.
  • Mr Curry was no one person in particular but an amalgam of all the mean, intolerant and bigoted crosspatches I had come across over the years.
  • The symptoms became quite distressing and, after a negative colonoscopy, a simple test revealed that I was lactose intolerant.
  • It said I was intolerant to wheat, dairy and gluten. The Sun
  • Now that I'm lactose-intolerant, I can still eat Muenster with Lactaid pills but just can't eat it every day.
  • One minute I am intolerant and snakey, the next I am dancing around the lounge room with Amelia to her CD of Latin music (cha cha cha!) or sewing a tiny dog in a creative frenzy.
  • You are a bit intolerant of and vicious toward people whose views differ from yours.
  • Arrogantly sure of themselves, carried away by a passion for facts, they covered with ridicule those — the seers, the poets, the childlike in heart — who, over and above the rational and knowable, caught glimpses of what was assumed to be unknowable; declaring, with a fierce and intolerant unimaginativeness, that the assertion which outstripped the evidence was not only a blunder, but a crime. The Way Home
  • They have also helped to undermine the social consensus which used to be so intolerant of crime.
  • The mansion may have been spared the worst because only an old widow on her dower was living there, or perhaps Doctor Isaac was tolerated in intolerant times because of his importance to the community.
  • A number of patients were intolerant of the diet.
  • most sectarians are intolerant of the views of any other sect
  • McCain in an angry and abusive man, a warmonger, a patriarch, a defender of privilege, an excuser of torture, and an advocate of a repressive and intolerant society. View images tagged “Complete Falsehoods” …
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal Dean Foods Silk Milk alternatives — creamy liquids derived from non-dairy sources — are on the rise, especially in households where people are lactose-intolerant or dairy-allergic. Move Over, Cow
  • Are we becoming increasingly tolerant or intolerant of offenders?
  • [56] Morris became so intolerant of French vocables that he detested and would "fain" have eschewed the very word literature. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • I've been lactose intolerant for five or six years, and while lactaid type products helped initially, I had little luck with them after a few years. Lactagen: The Big Update
  • Ours is an age of illiberal liberalism and intolerant tolerance, where we are apparently free to live as we choose - so long as we don't want the right to make ‘wrong’ choices.
  • Daniel stood by, with arms akimbo, his booted legs braggartly straddled and his freckled face primed with an intolerant grin at our recent efforts. Desert Dust
  • Others might claim to be intolerant to red wine, when in fact their body might just be recovering from past over-indulgence.
  • The problem with any generalisation is that it generally misrepresents. That said, we should also be mindful not to generalise all secular humanists to be equally intolerant of all religions.
  • Over a year ago I was diagnosed as gluten and wheat intolerant. The Sun
  • They are deeply intolerant of all opposition.
  • Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin had cautioned that Stalin was rude and intolerant.
  • I really am gluten intolerant. The Sun
  • And been christian was synonyme of being intolerant and racist. Religious right leaning toward Democrats?
  • If this means anything, it means that the freedom of religion does not include the right to adhere to a religion which is intolerant of the beliefs of others.
  • The intravenous and oral formulations are used for the treatment of aspergillosis in patients who are intolerant of or who are refractory to amphotericin B therapy.
  • In walks your relocation consultant with a clip file, revealing an intolerant, homophobic, bigoted county commission.
  • Its use is justified in patients who are intolerant to aspirin or who develop a stroke while taking aspirin.
  • I've used humor to point out her hypocrisies (as well as those of the pageant itself) and as a result was called misogynistic and intolerant by the likes of Bill 'Loofa' O'Reilly and his dwindling followers. Boy culture
  • Particularly useful if you are intolerant to gluten or dairy foods. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the doctor administers a drug to which the patient is known to be intolerant, or gives some other wrong treatment, should the inappropriateness of the medical treatment affect the causal enquiry?
  • He understands it to be a redundant, intolerant, expansionist ideology incapable of peacefully coexisting with other faiths.
  • Maybe you're being called intolerant because ... by David Basora on Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 at 8: 44: 23 AM sad by Anthony Wade on Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 at 7: 04: 07 PM The Gay Community Needs to Re-Focus
  • Intellectual confusion will continue to encourage the men who are intolerant and who fake their beliefs in the interests of their feelings and fancies.
  • They're intolerant and wrong. but you have them in Judaism too, look what the ultra orhodox are doing in israel, a minority, but they attack the hiloni Isralei's jews. beath the women, even set fire to their houses. so you will get extremists in all religions. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The antonyms it offered: ‘reactionary’ and ‘intolerant.’
  • And one of the key signs that much of today's left is actually, demonstrably illiberal, intolerant and reactionary, is the way in which this is now a common feature of leftist discourse.
  • What's more important for those of us who are lactose intolerant is that kefir is as good or better than yogurt in reducing symptoms. How Good for You Is Kefir?
  • But it's wrong to think that most people are gluten intolerant. The Sun
  • He was authoritarian and intolerant but was also urbane and charming when he needed to be.
  • Communities must become intolerant to those elements among students and teachers who may seaze upon the crisis to further their egotistic and selfish interests. ANC Daily News Briefing

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