
How To Use Intimidating In A Sentence

  • Considering his height, then the steely look and his rough voice, both of which reminded me a lot of Carey, he was a rather intimidating person, even to me.
  • They have been miniaturized so as to make them less threatening or intimidating to their small owners.
  • For Reeves, a Bowl concert can be intimidating, but the difficulties it presents also inspire her as a singer.
  • Throughout his 13-year career, Taylor was a marauding, intimidating presence who helped transform the Giants from also-rans into champions.
  • But it's worth remembering that, barely a century ago, the great male fear was not of alpha females with intimidatingly large salaries but their polar opposite: women were seen, rather like immigrant labour now, as dangerously liable to undercut men's wages by doing the same work for less. Young women are now earning more than men – that's not sexist, just fair | Gaby Hinsliff
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  • The cure for the shaking floor is to rebuild the floor, an intimidating task at best.
  • He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.
  • Wow...a one-off “intimidating” isn’t that a term rife with interpretations... comment and one is a felon? The Volokh Conspiracy » “Cyberspace and the Law: Privacy, Property, and Crime in the Virtual Frontier”
  • Surely, they were capable of enacting toward women, and toward one another, the terms of Martin Buber's I-It relation — Stevenson's "tripper" and the intimidating husbands offer the most intense expressions of that capacity, and no doubt, there were many subtle expressions of it at The Farm as well. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • He won as much by intimidating the enemy as by outfighting them. Advance and Retreat
  • Experimental music is a term that is intimidating, evoking unlistenable sonic chaos meant only for academics.
  • An intimidating squad of fearless men whose job it is to maintain the moral rectitude of the country by sniffing out depravity at source. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • On the surface, the term stood for two contradictory allegations: referees were afraid to call fouls when they should, and referees were calling fouls too quickly and intimidating teams from playing aggressive defense. Getting Open
  • The vast ground features a running track between the trackside and the stands, though, and United do not consider it an intimidating venue.
  • It's not a very intimidating list - mostly it just formularizes the things that we already do, albeit too infrequently.
  • The latter feeling quickly overpowered the former as the intimidating thought of starting her life over filled her mind.
  • VD speaks in intimidating, poorly-enunciated monosyllables and eventually helps a couple members of the original party make it to safety, though everyone else gets devoured by the light-hating bug aliens of DOOM. Tuesday hodge-podge post
  • The openness of the personal computer has been a wonderful thing, but it has come at the very high price of products that are horribly complex and that remain intimidating even while they have become ubiquitous. Mandarins Missing the Point: Zittrain, the iPad, and the Death of Computing « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • While this wrongful association most likely arose out of sheer laziness, the confusion also reflects the fact that the creator and his creation are, in many ways, two sides of the same coin exhibited no better than the intimidating cutting between the two while trapped in the windmill. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Judges, sheriffs and advocates are to be asked to remove their wigs and gowns and stop using arcane language under plans to make Scottish courts less intimidating.
  • Somehow, the caliginous man's intimidating demeanor always failed to discourage or frighten Josh, much less hamper his cheery, gossiping attitude.
  • The pistol-caliber carbine, with its light recoil and mild report, offers an intimidating appearance when seen by a burglar at gunpoint.
  • The knights below were as much an intimidating show of force as a serious vanguard of any incursion over the border. TREASON KEEP
  • Whenever Wodehouse writes about an intimidatingly tall and handsome young woman (usually to contrast her with his heroines, who tend to be small and slight in build), he's parodying the "queenly" heroines of many novels at the time, particularly those of Ethel M. Dell (I've actually read an Ethel M. Dell novel and hope to write about it after the shell-shock wears off). Wodehouse the Parodist
  • A standard radio studio of that era could be a very intimidating place, and a theatre would create a much better atmosphere for radio comedy, variety shows or quizzes.
  • It was an intimidating prospect, and I arrived at the deacons' meeting with considerable anxiety.
  • He was hostile, aggressive, profane, rude, demeaning and intimidating.
  • The knights below were as much an intimidating show of force as a serious vanguard of any incursion over the border. TREASON KEEP
  • Together with his unkempt mop of wavy brown hair and his scraggly beard, his appearance was most intimidating.
  • They are aimed at intimidating the population as a whole through the use of overwhelming military violence and the policy of exemplary punishment.
  • Their sole purpose in being at the Old Head is to disrupt our business by intimidating, insulting and abusing our guests who come from all over the world.
  • her husband demands, the famously intimidating brows beetling like two grizzled insects as he proceeds to fiddle with a radiator.
  • Four days later, he was standing in front of the Kop, one of the most intimidating spots in football, and again showed an assurance beyond his years.
  • He exploits his wealth, smooth manners, and sometimes intimidating aspect to secure an engagement with the protagonist's true love, a Southern lady whose "Haytian" servant is secretly a voodoo priestess with some impressive supernatural talents of her own. Archive 2006-10-15
  • It can be intimidating, but the moderator must keep the debate on track and fair.
  • His long, unbrushed, curly hair and unshaved face let him look kind of intimidating and his fingers bent the wrong way, which always made me twitch.
  • My husband assures me that my moves will probably save me from any danger, so intimidating, he says, is the sight of me doing the African dance.
  • It was an American era of big moustaches, buffed-up barnets, industrial-strength sideburns and intimidating, tightly permed chest hair.
  • You need the reader to understand at a glance that some character is supposed to be an intimidating badass, or a provincial boor, or a smarmy selfish jerk, or a naive idealist, or an uptight bluenose, the quickest way to do this is by cuing the reader by invoking some stereotype complex that includes these traits. The Wisdom of Clowns
  • Spurs mainly played on the counter-attack but after one passing move, Jamie Redknapp delivered a far post cross but the intimidating Atouba miskicked.
  • Though it sounds intimidating at first, Addison insists that river surfing is an accessible sport with the right introduction, which he gives.
  • The cure for the shaking floor is to rebuild the floor, an intimidating task at best.
  • In it sleep a charming lady and her intimidatingly elegant mother. Hobart and Happiness
  • The clientele is a broader mix than your typical midtown crowd, creating an atmosphere that's more convivial than intimidating.
  • But will they be able to keep themselves away from the culture of intimidating and harassing their oppositions?
  • Although she was intimidating in aspect, she was warm and affectionate beneath the surface.
  • This article in the Belfast Telegraph gives a good example of what kind of people they are-protecting Ulster by intimidating a woman working for a Christian ministry.
  • She is a naive yet passionate girl-woman in Hood, one willing and able to defend herself and those she loves -- including standing up to a malevolently intimidating priest played by Gary Oldman -- whether with her personality, a knife or her body and her passion. Stanton Peele: Three Actressing Tour de Forces
  • If you're new to gardening, planting a flower border may seem intimidating—a job best left to professionals with lots of experience.
  • They were accused of intimidating people into voting for them.
  • We have seen thugs, employed by powerful people, intimidating and harassing journalists.
  • Yes, a poke is one of the lowest forms of communication, but in the case where a person fears for their life a poke could be quite intimidating. Be Careful Who You Poke » E-Mail
  • She could be alarming and intimidating if it weren't for the self-parodying way she 'wears' her persona. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a massive show and the hang can be intimidatingly dense. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact he had a curiously dry - albeit pleasant - soft spoken voice that was more soothing than intimidating, and he even had a slight lisp.
  • On the road, the most intimidating of these drivers is the long distance bus driver who, I am sure, classifies himself somewhat of a pilot, lower in actual altitude but elevated in attitude. Free riding the roads of Mexico
  • The most intimidating part of the auditorium was its drop ceiling, a basket weave of 8,000 dissimilar, curved shapes.
  • The bulk of the mound towered over Mungo, intimidating him.
  • The man sitting to her left with the black ooze dripping from his pores was quite intimidating with his stolid, emotionless face.
  • A business-like reception area sets the tone for a spacious, minimalist style throughout that is soothing rather than intimidating.
  • Those killer whales and porbeagle sharks are likely to remain forever out of your range of sight! They are toothy but hardly intimidating
  • He's not intimidating, though, he's an incredibly sweet guy.
  • Chocolate mousse is one of those desserts that seems more intimidating than it actually is. Bites from other Blogs | Baking Bites
  • One afternoon I was sorting out the petty cash when I heard the unmistakeable sound of her intimidating gait as she walked menacingly towards my desk.
  • The intimidating old man stood to his full height, which was tall but nowhere close to Grady's two-meter form, and glowered down at the dwarfish Jerwon.
  • Partisan poll workers have been accused of intimidating voters with photographs, heckling, and by challenges to their identity and qualifications.
  • With an intense look and his eyes shielded behind wraparound shades, he is, at first, extremely intimidating.
  • In fact, they knew full well that they were intimidating and frightening other people.
  • Disappointingly, it was intimidatingly hip in the flesh. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both accused Delta of interfering in the elections by intimidating workers with antiunion messages. Labor Board Broadens Delta Probe
  • He had opened with four pars, and was one over for the tournament, when he stepped up to address the doglegged hole that forms the southernmost corner of this intimidating course.
  • Most definately community organizing is based on the communist ideas of SAUL ALINSKY and the back of the yards gang along with Obamas intimidating the bankers on the south side of chicago when he was "organizing". President Obama's Speech to Students Across America
  • The scheme, which has been welcomed by councillors, residents and the police, aims to tackle the problem of gangs of bored teenagers often gathering and intimidating people.
  • Browne flew me to Miami, had me meet with everyone and made me an offer I honestly couldn't refuse -- which kind of befit his status as an intimidating Godfather within the NBC power structure. Chez Pazienza: NBC and Zucker: The Downward Spiral
  • Although she was intimidating in aspect, she was warm and affectionate beneath the surface.
  • A foreboding low guitar riff and complete silence back the singer's obscure musings in equal measure, creating an intimidating atmosphere; almost threatening, but in a strangely unaggressive way.
  • Together with his unkempt mop of wavy brown hair and his scraggly beard, his appearance was most intimidating.
  • It's intimidatingly cool (so we fit in, of course). Times, Sunday Times
  • Gardaí yesterday repeated they were not intimidating protesters, but merely preparing for all eventualities, including violence by a small minority.
  • Those charged are accused of blockading the lone road into the reserve and intimidating the community to the point where 400 members felt the need to flee.
  • He was much taller than she was, and the bulk of him was a little intimidating. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Certainly, when she was riled up enough about something she became nearly as intimidating as Jess.
  • At the same time in DC, three intimidating looking black guys pulled up in front of a big house on a tree-lined block in a suburban neighborhood.
  • If you take your kids in there then you should expect them to hear colourful language. like it loath it, 20k fans calling a lino or an opposition a cunt adds to the atmosphere and builds an intimidating atmosphere. it is all part of being the 12 man in my books News
  • There's been a recent spate of intimidating text message cases brought up in court.
  • Clementi jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge after finding out that his college roommate and another classmate used a webcam to secretly broadcast his sexual encounters with another male, highlighting the dangers of "cyberbullying" -- teasing, harassing, or intimidating with pictures or words distributed online or via text message. Irene Monroe: When will the homophobic bullying cease?
  • If the environment's intimidating and suppressive, if it demeans, people tend to clam up.
  • References to Euclid's work on solid geometry clearly no longer looked intimidating.
  • Exploring such intimidatingly solitary, sad spaces must only enhance the player's sense of attachment to a companion. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Then, her eyes fell back into that scowl, that evil little slit-eyed look, trying to be somewhat intimidating and still failing.
  • Florida made it a point to widely publicize this intimidating fact again this year - until stopped by a court.
  • Forced to submit to a vote of the people under the newly enacted seventeenth amendment, Henry's forces were noted for "stuffing ballot boxes, shipping repeats, and intimidating voters".
  • He was commanding, domineering, sardonic and intimidating.
  • Sanchen was unsure how large this desert was, and looking upon the intimidating sight now, he wasn't sure he wanted to know.
  • Widespread ballot box stuffing was reported, and election observers noted how pro-government forces gathered outside polling stations intimidating voters.
  • Not the least intimidating of the cures for autointoxication was surgery, colectomy to be precise.
  • I was para but was determined not to let them know that they were intimidating me. ICED
  • They accuse the authorities of intimidating others to stop them joining their ranks.
  • Big cities are intimidating places even when you speak the language and know where you're going.
  • The intimidating look from Feror grew fiercer as he smirked with a devious smile.
  • His clipped voice and poker-faced appearance point to a rather humourless, intimidating figure, but his weary stoicism and commitment to the truth make him the kind of man you would want on your side when the chips fall.
  • They are also quite intimidating, as they confront sitters with three-foot icons in their own image.
  • Each claimed to have seen 49ers stadium boosters engaged in what he believed was improper and intimidating conduct at the polls.
  • In a fashion context, unapproachable or intimidating artwork becomes accessible, even whimsical.
  • Williams wasn't the only David Simon HBO drama alum to turn up on Community's opener: Treme casualty John Goodman also guested as the intimidating vice dean of Greendale's Air Conditioning Repair Annex. Cheers & Jeers: The Two Faces of Michael K. Williams
  • If Acacia succeeds in intimidating adult site owners, they will move to mainstream sites and begin charging fees that will have to be passed on to everyone who uses the Internet. Boing Boing: May 2, 2004 - May 8, 2004 Archives
  • There are three noun cases and two genders and the idiosyncrasies are intimidating.
  • The formal gesture, chivalrous and yet intimidating, was like a bucket of cold water thrown over Constance's confidence.
  • Cliff Huddle (Billy Zane, enjoying another bad-guy turn) is nicknamed the Prince of Darkness, but he's less pure evil than just kind of intimidatingly direct. From Inside the Box
  • Tom Stoppard is often characterized as a dramatist who mixes intimidating cleverness with extravagant showmanship, but in Evening Standard - Home
  • Standing tall in a loose, flowing galabia and white head wrap, Ibrahim looks somehow wizardly, maybe capable of vaporizing slackers with a cast from the long, intimidating stick-wand he keeps clutched behind his back. Human Sacrifice in Ancient Egypt?
  • As I was with an English teacher, a literary obsessive and a borderline genius, spending time in The Globe could've been very intimidating for someone as thick and uncultured as me.
  • While these types of stores provide a needed service, they can be intimidating for some consumers and usuriously expensive.
  • The true motives behind their well-aimed attacks are intimidating anyone who dares follow their tracks. Global Voices in English » Egypt: Tune in to the Naglaa El Emam Show
  • My cousin was slightly overweight, but the fact that she wore such tight clothes anyway made her intimidating.
  • Without looking, he has sat down next to Morgana Rothschild, whose unibrow he finds revolting, and Clara Deterdling, whose attractiveness he finds intimidating.
  • They denied that the term scab has been used in a threatening or intimidating manner. Breaking News
  • Selecting the right thank-you gift for the party-giver extraordinaire needn't be intimidating.
  • Now that there was a light breeze ruffling through the flags the castle seemed more intimidating now.
  • Flanagan's actually decent here, given that all he has to do is yell a lot and look intimidating in a wormy sort of way - with a little luck, he could have a great career playing villains in better projects.
  • I don't much like driving in the dark and unfamiliar unlit open road farmland is pretty intimidating.
  • With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect, she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.
  • He balls an intimidating fist as tight as he can, then releases it, like a lock in a canal.
  • Another southern writer is the often intimidatingly brilliant William Faulkner. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Reading shapes writers
  • I had not thought of crossing The Artists Way with Shiva Nata, but I am finding the NaNoWriMo just so much less intimidating this time around (I tried last year but only got 1200 words in, and they were hard fought words). Flipping the Switch – A Look Back After Three Months of The Artist’s Way « Looking for Roots
  • The sitar is a very intimidating instrument to learn, at any age. Phawker
  • Yet in Europe, and in particular France, he continues to be seen as an icily cool champion, his real thoughts hidden behind an intimidating mask of arrogance.
  • When asked if it's intimidating to undertake a play that boasts such a rich production track record on stage and on the big screen, he is quick to underline that the theatric opportunities outnumber the pitfalls.
  • Alice's sharp wit and blunt pronouncements could be intimidating, but if you didn't put on airs and weren't a fool, she was fiercely loyal and endlessly forgiving.
  • With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect, she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.
  • For the first-timer, acupuncture can be intimidating.
  • To me (a * real* author) this sentence is intimidating for someone wanting to find out about CZ -- it seems to be saying that, "Well, you don't have to be an expert, BUT you have to be an * author*"! Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Brand was a cruel and intimidating man who abused his children and his wife.
  • While posing as victims of persecution, the anti-MMR campaigners have proved very effective in intimidating their opponents.
  • Moving from college to career can be energizing, intimidating, exhilarating, exhausting.
  • This impressive list could be quite intimidating to any executive managers faced with planning and implementing an organizational transformation.
  • His huge, intimidating teeth made him look primeval, and his osteodermal plates gleamed black in the sun—a dinosaur, living here among us. Steve and Me
  • Like the fascists that they are, the murderers boast that they love death more than we love life. They imagine that this yell of unreason is intimidating and impressive.
  • Asking questions of experts in another country, often in an unfamiliar language, becomes even more intimidating when new users encounter netiquette for the first time.
  • As far as lingerie goes - a beautiful chemise would be the least intimidating gift, I think.
  • This was a terrible place where unspeakable things were done, but the facade was magnificent: a truly Sublime monumental rusticated Classical composition which powerfully symbolised its intimidating function.
  • On the surface, the term stood for two contradictory allegations: referees were afraid to call fouls when they should, and referees were calling fouls too quickly and intimidating teams from playing aggressive defense. Getting Open
  • With long arms, quick feet, and a 6-foot-6 frame, Fowles is an intimidating presence in the middle of the defense. - Women's Basketball - Louisiana St. vs. Connecticut
  • Because the lunacy of the current course of action is so extreme, the need for intimidating propaganda is concomitantly high.
  • Airline management has been intimidating pilots by permanently demoting captains following accidents or flight mishaps.
  • Then she wondered suddenly if Tom Russell had known she would find it intimidating and had deliberately kept her in the dark.
  • One, by the very nature of theatre in the round, is a sense of the house itself as a gaunt, intimidating presence.
  • He breaks up the play beautifully while being intimidatingly physical. Times, Sunday Times
  • The newly revamped quarters are a refreshing change from the usual grungy and sometimes intimidating British unemployment offices.
  • Police say he was manipulative, dishonest, cunning and intimidating.
  • The woodworking shop in Blu Dot's Minneapolis factory space is cold, sawdusty and filled with intimidating machines, and John Christakos loves it in here. KEEPING IT REAL--AND REAL SMALL
  • It can be quite intimidating for the new cyclist to hear the many complicated questions asked at a bike shop using unfamiliar words like "crank set", "derailleur", and "drop tube". Archive 2009-09-01
  • It was intimidating being in the presence of princes and princesses, even though they ranged from Sasha's seventeen to Alois' fifty-nine.
  • Was it intimidating stepping into this frightfully sophisticated world of aesthetes and orthorexics? Times, Sunday Times
  • He walked over to a scary looking guy with a ponytail who was talking to another semi-intimidating guy with dreads.
  • Other measures will include judges taking off their wigs and gowns to make the courts look less intimidating when children are involved in cases.
  • Few firearms are as visually intimidating as a double-barreled shotgun.
  • With malevolent eye highlighted in red and throat feathers raised like the hackles of a dog, he was distinctly intimidating.
  • His voice shaking with ersatz emotion, he recalled how three senior boys surrounded him in such an intimidating manner that he has never forgotten it.
  • Particularly in New York, many of the auction houses look intimidating.
  • This lives up to its name for a hundred yards where it runs with crystal spring water, then we get dry track, a meadow or two, and the final climb back, all the way under the intimidating command of the castle.
  • With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect, she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.
  • Segregation was the perfervid cause of an intimidating minority, who kept everyone else in line through the threat of violence. History
  • I am doing that, but to be honest, I find the label hard SF rather intimidating, yet I feel that's what I've written. Mikandra: a thought about Science Fiction
  • They put in their mouthpieces and rammed their gloves together and made intimidating faces as best they could without laughing.
  • Mr. Yorio has never actually had to turn away a crasher trying to impersonate Ms. Wintour, the famously intimidating editor of Vogue. The Man Who Catches Fashion-Show Crashers
  • With her precise use of language and intimidating aspect, she was a typical traditional schoolmistress.
  • Inside, a long corridor of dark polished wood resembles a top-class hotel and is rather intimidating.
  • Now that we had him off-property it was time for skillful intimidating threats, ensuring his nonreturn. Shortcut Man
  • They were immovable, intimidating, overwhelming.
  • Fear of public criticism may well be intimidating some doctors, making them less inclined to consider the diagnosis.
  • Wood panelling lines the walls, and bright-coloured decorations abound, including one particularly large and intimidating parrot piñata.
  • This impressive list could be quite intimidating to any executive managers faced with planning and implementing an organizational transformation.
  • Saturday at Wembley Stadium in London, when they take on Manchester United in one of the most anticipated professional soccer games in years, Barcelona's players will demonstrate—for an intimidatingly massive global audience—an offense that has become soccer's platonic ideal. A Track Team That Also Plays Soccer
  • Police say he was manipulative, dishonest, cunning and intimidating.
  • O'Shea: You have done semi-autobiographical work before, but how ambitious and/or intimidating is it to attempt "speculative memoir" (as you describe it in that recent Huffington Post piece)? Talking Comics with Tim: Bob Fingerman | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The function of a gallery is to educate and provide free access to contemporary art," said Ms. Schwerin, who tried to stress that galleries may appear intimidating but they really aren't. Art Collecting for Beginners
  • This is where we come in, the pros you see seated behind the tables in the hotel conference rooms, facing the serried ranks of either depressingly empty or intimidatingly full chairs set out in rows before us. Pros at Cons at SF Novelists
  • Ian's black hair was streaked through with red, giving him a rather intimidating aura despite his small build.
  • Yet in Europe, and in particular France, he continues to be seen as an icily cool champion, his real thoughts hidden behind an intimidating mask of arrogance.
  • The order also forbids him from spitting, throwing, harassing, distressing, alarming, assaulting, intimidating, threatening or abusing anything or anyone, or provoking others to do so.
  • Its souk, or market, is huge, maze-like and intimidating, but you can pick up bargains.
  • With no reception, and an intimidating atmosphere of intense concentration and industry, this is no place to walk into as a stranger trammelled by British reserve.
  • This was as singular a manifestation of male charisma, intimidating and awesome, as I have ever seen.
  • Although its colours were cool, they were not cold, nor were they intimidating and unwelcoming.
  • Although she was intimidating in aspect, she was warm and affectionate beneath the surface.
  • And have them think they have succeeded in intimidating me? Aleta Dey
  • He is not just a football player intimidating opponents with biceps and triceps.
  • This morning he received a telegram from a man named George Brasfield, who had lost his job Thursday at a biscuit company in San Francisco for objecting to the distribution of "nefarious, intimidating" anti-Sinclair literature at his office. Greg Mitchell: Dispatches From Incredible 1934 Campaign: Upton Sinclair Fights Back Against Hollywood Scare Tactics
  • Inauguration indestructability of Harris Tweed inexplicability of actually choosing to be a gastroenterologist information technology (intimidating effects of) ingenious early Victorian epitaphs The Peach
  • It means preventing insurgents from killing, injuring, and intimidating the local population or preventing them from supporting the government supported by the counterinsurgent. Derrick Crowe: Petraeus and Co. Can't Keep Their Spin Straight on the Afghanistan War
  • Just the same, her role is the showy one - a crippled up, palsied, intimidating patient in a care home for the elderly.
  • Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 1055 is a dominant member of a small galaxy group a mere 60 million light-years away toward the intimidating constellation Cetus.
  • You practically needed a stepladder to get their autographs, and their sheer size and strength was intimidating and overwhelming.
  • The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers.
  • Sure, they have the Mitzvah Mobile, but how intimidating is that? Shofar, sho good? « A Bird’s Nest
  • Indian scoring opportunity, and his intimidating size and solidity in the backline will be a valuable asset when the Socceroos face South Korea on January 15 AEDT. | Top Stories
  • Again, very simple to fit - you backcomb a section of hair at the crown of your head, clip in your little friend and become instantly intimidating. Evening Standard - Home
  • There was some short guy standing on the right end of the line, cracking his knuckles trying hard to look intimidating.
  • He just looks a lot less intimidating now, and more friendly and approachable.

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