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How To Use Intimidate In A Sentence

  • Oh I forgot, the nice man intimidated her into signing the car documents over to him.
  • Any knowledge that I inquire is from the limited public sources that the APD can't suppress or intimidate. City of Aurora's Labor Union Negotiations Continue with Mixed Progress, Complaints and Counter-Complaints
  • This is an attempt to intimidate and blackguard the prison officers and this is an attempt that will fail.
  • Nevertheless, the only East European country to sign up has been Romania (and the Romanian government is now back-pedalling, claiming that it was intimidated by Washington).
  • Let us walk away with the lessons of this," Gray told the crowd of dozens of employees, after adding that such an incident can "intimidate" elected officials from participating in outreach such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's event Saturday. D.C. government observes moment of silence for Ariz. victims
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  • The Clinton Center has written (and reportedly succeeded) to pressure and influence (intimidate) ABC to "revise" the series. In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • The report said he used harassment and threats to intimidate television journalists.
  • There's not a huge level of power available-you can snap the throttle open without feeling intimidated.
  • Quite a few of them would even stub out their cigarettes so enraptured, and intimidated, would they be by the blizzard of technical virtuosity that we, today, take for granted. Debra Levine: Ballets Russes Updated: Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Turns 15
  • Too many students left the teach-in feeling intimidated not by the overwhelming opposition to the war, but to the way an academic forum became a fervid presentation of an exclusive viewpoint.
  • They have vandalised property, strewn litter and intimidated staff and residents.
  • The university marshal arrived with the six ‘bedels,’ who are proctors carrying long silver rods to intimidate unruly undergraduates into better behavior.
  • But I don't respond well to threats, and I was not going to let this schoolyard bully intimidate me.
  • And the stakes are high - tribal peoples are intimidated, beaten and sometimes killed for opposing modern-day land grabs.
  • ‘I'm gonna ask this one more time,’ he says, enunciating every word clearly and forcefully, adding just enough edge to intimidate.
  • Mr Williams praised the Gardaí but vowed not to be intimidated by those in the criminal underworld who he has been exposing for more than a decade.
  • Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.
  • She will lampoon "Cameron's stupendously inane soundbite about a security fightback being followed by a social fightback" and claim the prime minister's vision for dealing with socially excluded people is "the idea of ghettoes, where the undeserving poor can be kept and contained through heavy policing, CCTV surveillance and the use of benefits as a stick to intimidate. Green party leader seeks to woo Liberal Democrats
  • Nevertheless, the only East European country to sign up has been Romania (and the Romanian government is now back-pedalling, claiming that it was intimidated by Washington).
  • What has happened to the player whose very presence intimidated those around him?
  • Then having signalled that he was quite unintimidated he replied mildly: `Who told you I was negotiating with Christie's? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The Naval Postgraduate School has defined cyberterrorism as the unlawful destruction or disruption of digital property to intimidate or coerce people.
  • They tried to intimidate the young people into voting for them.
  • The parent tries to intimidate or scare the child into backing down.
  • George Mason coach Jim Larranaga admitted the Patriots were intimidated from the start.
  • Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.
  • The thief intimidated the boy into not telling the police.
  • But it is much harder to nobble 12 independent jurors than it is to bribe or intimidate one judge.
  • Peasant leaders say their communities are still targeted in a counter-insurgency campaign by the military that intimidates poor, mainly indigenous civilians.
  • Our hawksbills were visiting in search of food and unintimidated by the sharks or by us.
  • Although he was easily intimidated by the other boys, especially by Jack, he did not lack the self-confidence to protest or speak out against the indignities from the boys as the shy former choirboy Simon did.
  • Menacing warlords intimidate, the Taliban strikes and the foreigners remain unwilling to risk the necessary relationships they need to develop with Afghans. Patricia DeGennaro: Mr. President, Take a Firm Lead in Afghanistan
  • Children have voracious appetites for authenticity, but in drama we should never intimidate them with factual information.
  • Most of the men seem to be intimidated by her, or at least, contemptuous of her because she's disingenuous.
  • This - this creepy silence - will be the consequence of dusting off rarely used statutes to still the tongues of leakers and intimidate the press in its pursuit of truth, fame and choice restaurant tables.
  • With so many details to remember, it is understandable that many birders are intimidated by this accipitrine affinity.
  • They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
  • To say that shoppers feel intimidated by them is a slur on their characters.
  • I waited a few seconds, Strange trying to intimidate mc with his frozen scowl. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • The growth of anticommunist violence in Miami had intimidated many people from taking activist roles in liberal politics throughout south Florida.
  • Thibeh added that since Manji is such a strong speaker she was able to intimidate those who were asking her questions.
  • Mr. Boyle, a former Syracuse cop appointed by former Republican Governor George Pataki, told the Post last week that current Democratic Governor David Paterson's administration had tried to "intimidate" him into accepting a $500,000 settlement in lieu of yanking liquor licenses at nine Cipriani eateries, including the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center. Powerful Liquor Authority Chairman Now Less Powerful
  • They hire heavies to drive minibuses and intimidate our picket lines.
  • It becomes clear these men are self-styled vigilantes who are attempting to intimidate the looters and take back the goods they have stolen.
  • Shock and awe rested, it was argued, ultimately on the ability to ‘frighten, scare, intimidate and disarm’.
  • Rossiter refused to be intimidated and met Bradley's level gaze, steady in his resolve.
  • We are a peaceful people - yet we're not a fragile people, and we will not be intimidated by thugs and killers.
  • Then you put in very long hours and collect a nice salary, while employing your jargon to intimidate outsiders. The Guardian World News
  • Maybe she felt intimidated by their bald, shiny appearance - promising nothing but uncalculated, unsystematic and unpredictable rolling movements, which only seemed to increase the possibility of her becoming a loser in the game.
  • Some people are intimidated by his size, but in fact he's a gentle giant.
  • No, I am not in any way, shape, or form condoning the idea of sawing off a person's head in order to try to intimidate the nation from where said person came. CIA interrogations: "tough enough"?
  • Then they attempted a repeat of the 1970s hostage-style device, blindfolding foreigners in a ploy designed to intimidate troops out of the country.
  • Clearly not intimidated by a design challenge, British table mathematician, designer and artist Anthony Leyland has developed these creative tables sliced, bent, shaped and reworked from a single 1-square meter sheet of steel. Too Peace Table
  • The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.
  • However, the breed du jour for people who want to intimidate their neighbourhood is the pit bull, so the number of pit bull attacks is growing. We get a bad rap
  • His hideous ears must represent the eavesdroping spies of the Inquisition who intimidated and stifled the people. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Don't let politicians or the media browbeat you, intimidate you or lie about you.
  • I don't usually argue back to him, he intimidates me, but he caught me at a bad time.
  • But there was really a better chance of finding Rhodes in the open, for he peregrinated here, there and everywhere, too much of a fatalist, or too fond of fresh air to be intimidated by what was flying in it. The Siege of Kimberley
  • Now Mr. Prime Minister, this Turkey of politically pressured columnists, officially intimidated hand-holders and beaten-up art gallery attendees is not the progressive democratic country you were talking about. Elcin Poyrazlar: Democracy Is Coming to Turkey?
  • It's an ambassador program for hackers who want to come to New York, but are intimidated by the city, " Wegener says.
  • The opposition African Christian Democratic Party said it hoped Nel's arrest would not "intimidate" the prosecuting authority from proceeding against Selebi. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Just as my fellow students were intimidated by formal grammar, a lot of otherwise sophisticated people are intimidated by spirits, cocktails and mixed drinks.
  • The press is heavily controlled and intimidated into self-censorship.
  • You no longer have to settle with existing designs, or be intimidated by the workload of redesigning your sites.
  • He comported himself so stiffly during cocktails that Jim Maier suspected the bishop might be feeling intimidated.
  • I was motoring along, a little intimidated by the evil eye I was getting from taxi drivers, when the bus in front of me stopped to pick up passengers.
  • In last year's presidential elections, the main opposition candidate - a Hutu - was harassed, his supporters intimidated and ballot stuffing was rife.
  • Tyminski declined to concede defeat immediately and claimed that people had been intimidated into voting for Walesa.
  • He took a couple steps forward and thrust out with his sword, hoping to intimidate them or scare them away.
  • I waited a few seconds, Strange trying to intimidate mc with his frozen scowl. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • To be honest the school itself intimidated her, with its stainless reputation, wealthy attendants, and so to speak beautiful people.
  • Despite promises of police reform, police continue to use torture to intimidate, harass and humiliate women detainees to extract money or information.
  • Members of the public said they had been scared and felt intimidated because of the large numbers of youths congregating near their homes.
  • The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.
  • I was too little to understand what had happened and too intimidated to argue with the teacher.
  • Gehrig launching moonshot after moonshot, the Yankees had intimidated the singles-hitting Pirates into submission.
  • Nothing bothers me more than to hear lawyers using legal language to intimidate and get their way.
  • More often, the Provisionals intimidated the owners of bombed buildings into sharing with them part of the compensation.
  • The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager.
  • He strode toward her, not appearing the least intimidated by the dirk she brandished. Healing the Highlander
  • Older boys are using wrestling holds to intimidate younger students.
  • It was obvious that Rhee had intimidated the national assembly with threats of arrest.
  • You have been intimidated by their moralising self-righteousness, brow-beaten by their puritanical spartanism, seduced by their appointment-diary ethics.
  • A gang of six teenagers intimidated him and his friends before demanding his mobile phone.
  • It was odd how dressing unusually could cause people to feel scared and intimidated of you.
  • Now I have to go and intimidate Mr Mills for a while as payback for his flippant remark.
  • By the time I graduated, gothic halls no longer intimidated me; nor did walking into an oak-panelled room full of folk in dinner jackets; nor did small talk with drunk rugby players destined for a job in their uncle's merchant bank. Crib sheet 14.09.10
  • The Press who are agast in their behavior and doing their part of the political process by not doing the investigating and having enough thick skin to not be intimidated by either party. Lipstick on a pig – now everyone’s saying it
  • He said the rebels, armed with automatic rifles and machetes, went on a shooting rampage, apparently to intimidate the villagers.
  • I think of myself as a very friendly, easy, accessible guy, but I seem to intimidate people, or at least the fact of who I am intimidates people.
  • Following the trial, the people of New York City awarded Hamilton the 'freedom of the city' and gave him a gold box inscribed with "For let the laws be never so much overborne by some one individual's power, let the spirit of freedom be never so intimidated, still sooner or later they assert themselves. Jury Nullification: The Right of Free Americans
  • In both cases, what is going on is a display of pinstriped muscle – an attempt to wheedle, lobby and finally intimidate government from making whatever decisions it feels are necessary in the national rather than sectional interest. North Sea oil: Trading blows with Mr Osborne | Editorial
  • Engle says that when she filed a grievance, DWP managers denied her overtime pay, hassled her about the dress code and intimidated her by hovering around her workstation.
  • Lunia was flattered at having her portrait painted by a gifted artist, but at first she felt rather intimidated by the experience.
  • Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated---G. B. Shaw, Irish playwright.
  • Men of low status were not always intimidated by such judgments and even colonial women occasionally acted as a group to intrude their own moral sensibilities onto the public stage.
  • He was a pretty big guy, who would make a point of approaching any crowd of rowdies, who would generally demonstrate their rowdiness by what was then called ‘mopery’, which basically meant being publicly unintimidated. Matthew Yglesias » What if Bernanke Isn’t Reconfirmed
  • The aim was to energise the galleries and, it was hoped, intimidate the American players and it appeared to work. Ryder Cup 2010: Colin Montgomerie feels the force is with Europe
  • I'd read in a book once of people who were less intimidated by bankers who wore regular clothes and made house calls, even though they were scamming their clients.
  • The floral arrangement of lilies intimidated me a bit because it was bigger than me - good to hide behind.
  • I was shy, and felt intimidated by the older students.
  • Not wishing the return in your favor, unless it is clear that it ought to be so, and not willing to be cheated out of it, or to be 'bulldozed' or intimidated, the truth is palpable that you ought to have the vote of Louisiana, and we believe that you will have ti, by an honest and fair return, according to the letter and spirit of the law of Louisiana. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • Kids who were initially intimidated by the thought of sewing soon came to realize how fun and fulfilling quilting together could be.
  • Rail officials brought in police armed with lathis to intimidate an angry crowd of relatives gathered near the crash site.
  • Using brutal tactics Duvalier created a rural militia to intimidate the population.
  • It was claimed that voters had been threatened and intimidated into giving away their postal ballot papers.
  • He testified that the Hells Angels organization has a reputation for violence and intimidation, such that the mere fact of being a member is enough to intimidate others.
  • The average golfer can be intimidated when the ball is bunkered.
  • As the final got underway, Collins wasted no time, snagging a right and blasting the lip on the outside, zigzagging to the inside where he belted another lipper, clearing showing he was not intimidated. Transworld Surf» | Transworld Surf
  • 'Bovver boots' are footwear designed to intimidate and injure, or give the impression of doing so, or even make an ironic comment on this.
  • It's the quintessence of a free society not to be intimidated into silence. Times, Sunday Times
  • First off, don't let the "3" in the title intimidate you. Talking About Games!
  • Most of the men seem to be intimidated by her, or at least, contemptuous of her because she's disingenuous.
  • Amy felt intimidated and energized by her in equal proportions. THE WHITE DOVE
  • No amount of threats will intimidate or frighten us off our path for fairness and justice.
  • A growing number of abolitionists say it intimidates newcomers to court, gives self-importance to those who officiate there and makes the justice system look fusty, out of touch and just a little ridiculous.
  • In the film, Carina talks about those who use their faith to intimidate or convert other people.
  • The government sent 30,000 troops and 20,000 police officers into the Altiplano region, home to many of the Indigenous peasants who were crucial to last October's rebellion, in a clear attempt to intimidate potential abstainers.
  • I waited a few seconds, Strange trying to intimidate mc with his frozen scowl. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • There may be room for the assertion that the bailiff was not tactful and that his firmness and size intimidated those in that room.
  • More than anything, it is the hermetic mysteries of maths, remembered with discomfort from schooldays, that intimidate the public and make journalists wary as to how to mediate between scientists and a non-scientific audience.
  • Plus he's a smug know-it-all brat who shouts down or tries to intimidate anyone he can't outsmart, which is almost anyone. Latest Articles
  • I adore mussels, but I've always been intimidated by the instructions saying to "debeard" them. Mussels
  • More than anything, it is the hermetic mysteries of maths, remembered with discomfort from schooldays, that intimidate the public and make journalists wary as to how to mediate between scientists and a non-scientific audience.
  • But as they had not made any vows in joining the community, the term, _simple vows_, of which some did not understand either the nature or the force, was another stumbling-block, and intimidated a few. Life of Venerable Sister Margaret Bourgeois
  • If those in government allow themselves to be intimidated into neutrality because they harbour private peccadilloes, they will sell the pass to the prophets of moral nihilism.
  • That's why I let you intimidate me the last time I tried to question you. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • A proper inquiry became almost impossible, and she was intimidated, at work and outside.
  • One concern the lead counsel might have is that their team will seem like a bunch of bullies: Too many lawyers around the courtroom could intimidate a jury.
  • The press release said the intelligence service also "located, intimidated and killed defectors and dissidents living abroad."
  • The rebels systematically practiced torture in order to extort money, punish non-cooperation, and intimidate others, the special rapporteur said.
  • Sheriffs and justices of the peace retained by a lord would not be impartial: juries could be packed or intimidated.
  • Witnesses in criminal proceedings against these people are being intimidated, so they do not make any statements or withdraw those already made.
  • She had been in here far too many times to allow the darkness to intimidate her in any way.
  • Some needed traits include being a self-starter, not getting intimidated easily, being adaptable to change, enjoying competition, being able to address risk, making decisions quickly, and not seeing mistakes as failures. Marc Joseph: Is It Time To Be an Entrepreneur?
  • The interdict meant if either of the two intimidated Souter, or incited anyone else to bully her, they would be arrested.
  • Brass saw her as a spitfire who wouldn't be intimidated by the big brains of Thacker, Lampson, and Keely, or be cowed by pen computing's checkered history.
  • It actually slightly intimidated me in return, which I guess was the point.
  • I now realise that, every day, a cowed and intimidated Guardian publishes story after story in support of Israel, focusing relentlessly upon the beleaguerment of its citizens under the onslaught from Hamas while never carrying anything in favour of the Palestinians, presenting the Middle East entirely through a pro-Israel prism and never even reporting the Palestinian point of view except for a few contemptuous references suggesting that they are always lying. Everything is now illuminated
  • Many people feel intimidated by overt and perceived misbehaviour in public spaces.
  • Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by those who request records-whether they be attorneys, insurance companies, licensing authorities or hospital credentialing committees.
  • FITZWATER: Well, the "cockamamy" part of the idea that a President is going to be so intimidated by the press or wilt under the pressure and walk out of the Presidency, or something like that. Call the Briefing! Bush & Reagan, Sam & Helen: A Decade with Presidents and the Press
  • It was hilarious to see how hard the boy was trying to intimidate a small wisp of a girl and failing miserably.
  • It wants to crush any alternatives, and to intimidate the world with its awesome military power.
  • To give him his due, the counter clerk refused to be intimidated.
  • That's why I let you intimidate me the last time I tried to question you. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • Officials say the shirts are intended to intimidate witnesses to crime.
  • Lunia was flattered at having her portrait painted by a gifted artist, but at first she felt rather intimidated by the experience.
  • Our State and Federal Governments, intimidated by the medical fraternity's recent show of muscle, have scuttled new liability legislation through their parliaments post-haste.
  • Yeah, he wants to follow close, but I can intimidate him real easy, and he won't like that. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • She laughed, flexing the muscles of her benumbed leg: "Your expression intimidated me. The Common Law
  • They tried to intimidate the young people into voting for them.
  • I wasn't intimidated at all, I think because he's so warm and affable and such a generous actor.
  • He had an annoying habit of standing at windows when he wanted to intimidate her.
  • They are untouchable - nobody is prepared to go to court because they are too intimidated.
  • The Dialogue Group was simply looking for a clever way to intimidate Ray.
  • They lie, rob, cheat, push hard drugs, intimidate innocent people and run protection rackets.
  • Tactical nukes can be launched over an unpopulated area from field artillery guns or aircraft to halt an enemy advance or in an effort to intimidate a numerically stronger enemy.
  • They told me that if I voted for McCain mobs of protesters would descend on people homes to intimidate their children. The Volokh Conspiracy » Was SEIU’s Picketing Illegal, Whether or Not They Trespassed?
  • On Sunday, July 27th, anti-fascists ( "antifa") came together from across Southern Ontario to confront and shut down an attempt by long time hate organizers to intimidate the participants of London's 2008 Pride Parade. London Indymedia Features
  • They were a very strange folk, with a riddling dialect that made even Levee, no stranger to the art of persuasion, feel intimidated.
  • Clare stood her ground in the meeting and refused to be intimidated even when Michael got angry.
  • Mr. Prime Minister, the Turkey with politically pressured columnists, intimidated hand-holders and beaten-up art gallery attendees is not the progressive democratic country you talk about. Elcin Poyrazlar: Democracy Is Coming to Turkey?
  • I refuse to be intimidated by high-pressure sales techniques.
  • In addition, they seem to do so in a clandestine, even secretive fashion, targeting those who are not only the most pliant and suggestible, but also the easiest to intimidate, shame or bribe into silence.
  • The tendency of men to intimidate women drivers by constant honking and crowding them out needs to be dealt with strictly.
  • We look so chicken-livered to the rest of the world that they think they can easily intimidate us into doing what they want.
  • He is not intimidated by pressure, and the club is trying to take advantage of that as much as possible.
  • He has strong-armed the media, intimidated opponents and sanctioned massive extrajudicial killings of supposed drug dealers.
  • As the Van Doren family play their favourite parlour game - trading Shakespearian quotes across the dinner table - an arriviste young lawyer watches, open-mouthed and clearly intimidated.
  • Cutting into the squishy orb was enough to intimidate me right out of the biology program in high school; thereafter, I stuck with chemistry and physics—anything to avoid animal parts in a nonculinary setting. 127 Hours
  • _Ce brave homme_ (I like the old sacristan's term of _brave homme_, as it is one of the few untranslateable French words) flew to the cathedral at the moment that a horde of brigands had entered it to commence the work of mutilation; and, seconded by nothing but his known character for resolution, and an athletic person, fairly intimidated and turned them out for the time. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone Made During the Year 1819
  • They attacked free settlers and used terror to intimidate those opposed to slavery.
  • Bullies try to shame and intimidate their victims and make them feel inadequate.
  • Do you think this attitude goes hand-in-hand with the fear many adults have of making art (perhaps intimidated by not being able to make something "good")? baby gooroo® is an online community where parents and health professionals share knowledge and access timely information. HS Blog - Homeschool Blog
  • Yeah, he wants to follow close, but I can intimidate him real easy, and he won't like that. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Likes to intimidate opponents before big races such as kissing both his biceps, striking a double biceps pose, and throwing a phantom right-handed uppercut knock-out blow.
  • The running dogs of the masculinist oppressors will never intimidate me!
  • Brooke replied, a little quieter than before, as if being intimidated by his sudden firm and maddened notion.
  • Their sometimes confused requests for help have taught me that many people will give up on what you might call liturgically correct computing advice: They get tired, they get lost, they get intimidated and sometimes they wind up worse off than if they'd done nothing. How to set up your new computer, 2010 edition (with video)
  • Until that happens, I see it as an attempt to intimidate, which is wrong, but not an incident where anyone was actually denied a vote based on current information. Patterico's Pontifications
  • US INTELLIGENCE personnel ordered military dog handlers to use unmuzzled dogs to intimidate detainees at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, according to The Washington Post.
  • The street started to decline about five years ago when police had to move one innocent family out after they had been intimidated and criminal damage had been caused to their home.
  • The union claimed the Royal Mail was trying to intimidate and bully workers into agreeing unacceptable working practices.
  • They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
  • It was inexpressible, naturally, but they all knew it: they were intimidated. THE SCAR
  • A regime which tries to denationalise the great majority of the population is described as moving in the right direction when it tries to entice and intimidate the Coloured and NO ACCOMMODATION WITH APARTHEID
  • They put out a simplistic script of ‘good vs evil ‘that was taken up by a pliant and intimidated media.’
  • The men of Bononia and Mutina are swearing mightily—and not because they felt themselves intimidated. Antony and Cleopatra
  • They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs.
  • Bigger then old King Kong, badder than a junkyard dog! exclaims Malcolm, to whip the crowd into a betting frenzy and to intimidate his opponent. Minigames in RPGs « Geek Related
  • Earlier this year officers launched the town's first dispersal order in Stratton to split up gangs of troublesome teenagers that congregate to cause criminal damage, daub graffiti and intimidate people.
  • Then there is Hodge, who repeatedly provokes and intimidates Quinn in the bowl and half-pipe as well as at his home. Reviews
  • Did they think they had some right to bully me, to intimidate me, to own me?
  • Do not be intimidated by his seniority or his future in-law status.
  • The Neanderthaler culture had survival challenges that would intimidate any of us H. Sap. Think Progress » CPAC will feature a Pelosi piñata and Reid punching bag.
  • Tom Donovan, then the head of the Chicago Board of Trade, struck back, announcing that he would not be "intimidated by some blond, 5-ft. 2-in.
  • His age means he won't step into a huddle and be intimidated by older teammates.
  • Others say he is a bruiser who uses his size to intimidate opponents.

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