
How To Use Intimately In A Sentence

  • His approach, like photographer Nan Goldin, brought him intimately close to his subjects - the generation of b-boys and b-girls.
  • King Arthur was surrounded by fey women, all intimately concerned with his fate.
  • The spies on both sides are pretty louche characters, and espionage is portrayed as intimately bound up with military and business interests.
  • Concerntug the v* - trade* the force of my argument goes no farther than this; — that its Juppftfliou, by the ISrihfli government only, other nations continuing the trade as ufua\ % who would of cotirfe felSC on what we funender, would anfwer the purpofes of humanity, cither to the negroes tn Africa, or to thofe already in the Weft Indies; and I have quoted* in fupport of this opinion, the authoiitiesof men (naval commander! and others) who arc intimately acquainted with the trade, though no ways intended in its continuance; and I have not yet met with any evidence or argument* to Kivtttdate their testimony. The Monthly Review
  • Those of us who had the honour and the rare advantage of knowing him intimately and well over many years find, upon looking back upon that vast experience, something unique, over and above the learning, over and above the application of that learning to Thomism, which is surely the very heart of the Dominican affair. Belloc Speaks - To the Undying Memory
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  • The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.
  • The name of this illustrious saint is intimately connected with a most magnificent specimen of calligraphical art of the eighth century, preserved in the Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • The activity, or appetition, that Leibniz regards as characterizing the monads is intimately bound up with his Principle of Sufficient Reason. Continental Rationalism
  • Fragments of granite have been observed at Teneriffe; the island of Gomora, from the details furnished me by M. Broussonnet, contains a nucleus of micaceous schist: — the quartz disseminated in the sand, which we found on the shore of Graciosa, is a different substance from the lavas and the trappean porphyries so intimately connected with volcanic productions. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Ideas about interlinguas are intimately tied up with ideas about the representation of meaning.
  • While at the BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas next week, I’ll be signing copies of my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself in which I intimately share living with cerebral palsy to show others that cp is not a death sentence, but rather a life sentence: Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » November
  • It's a cliché, but also a truism, that love and hate are not opposites but, rather, intimately entwined.
  • His voice has an elemental beauty - abrasively sexy one minute and angelic the next - that seems both totally of its time and yet is transcendent enough to speak intimately to every individual's situation.
  • If you're not intimately familiar with Indian vegetarian cooking, it's too easy to order dishes that closely replicate each other.
  • Miss Fan lacked such an interrogator with whom she could whisper intimately.
  • That which intimately comprises the nature of repentance is, sorrow on account of sin committed, and of its demerit, which is so much the deeper, as the acknowledgment of sin is clearer, and more copious. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • More closely connected works explore elevated horizontal structures like that of "Bouquet of Concaves," while further variations—curves and polychromy that both enhances and defies three-dimensional form—are proposed by other, even more intimately related sculptures. Works of Many Dimensions
  • She felt she knew him, knew him intimately, that he personally protected her and watched over her.
  • The emergence of standard languages, as well as literary forms, is intimately connected with socio-political context.
  • Whereas the Soviet Union and America built separate economic spheres, globalisation has bound the American and Chinese economies intimately together, to mutual advantage.
  • If she had responded that she was intimately familiar with all BUSH policies and terminology, you would have just claimed MORE OF THE SAME, like she was reading from the bush play book. Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 9/11/08
  • His new position was unsalaried, but he was able to support himself and his family with a stipend from the Carl Zeiss Stiftung, a foundation that gave money to the University of Jena, and with which Ernst Abbe was intimately involved.
  • The effect that is brought about in such a way is a theandric reality, that is, fully divine and fully human: both elements intimately fused even if not "confused. Archive 2008-03-09
  • The history of doppelgängers and doubles, you see, is intimately bound up with human mortality and the origins of image making.
  • Both these patriarchs fathered large families from a number of wives, both were intimately involved with the holy sanctuary of the Kaaba at Mecca and both were renowned for the open-handed generosity with which they cared for pilgrims.
  • Gentleman, gracefull of person, excellent in speech, and every way as active as no man could be more: his name Pyrrhus, highly affected of Nicostratus, and more intimately trusted then all the rest. The Decameron
  • First and most important, according to serious theism, God is constantly, immediately, intimately and directly active in his creation: he constantly upholds it in existence and providentially governs it.
  • So perfect was his jockeyship, so clever his management of the animal he mounted, so intimately acquainted was he with every cross-road in the neighborhood of the metropolis -- a book of which he constructed, and carried constantly about his person --, as well as with many other parts of England, particularly the counties of Chester, York, and Lancaster, that he outstripped every pursuer, and baffled all attempts at capture. Rookwood
  • He was aware, intimately and bitterly, that his dread had been his mother's first fateful gift to him. THE OUTSIDER
  • According to the orbs, “As we touch your individual psyches you begin consciously to experience yourselves as intimately connected with all other life forms on this planet and throughout the cosmos.” Daniel Pinchbeck’s Glastonbury Orbs Experience | Disinformation
  • They were intimately connected by an active worldwide electronic network, encrypted where necessary.
  • Consequently, for common-pool resources whose flows are highly subtractive, institutional arrangements related to the allocation of the flow of services are intimately tied to the sustainability of the resource.
  • Unfortunately, however, many orpiment localities also contain abundant to trace realgar, sometimes intimately intergrown with the orpiment, leading to overall specimen stability problems.
  • Pudding (Hanswurst) twice removed; and Kasperl is as intimately bound up in the German nature as his cousin Punch in the English. A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
  • Most people in high level government positions today are intimately connected with big business.
  • Life, death, bloom and fade are intimately coupled.
  • From its beginning, ontology has always intimately related to ethics and politics.
  • The ongoing crisis in the Caucasus is intimately related to the strategic control over energy pipeline and transportation corridors. The Eurasian Corridor: Pipeline Geopolitics and the New Cold War | Disinformation
  • Instead, all of the film's humor is intimately connected to its characters and their psychologies, which is probably why the film just keeps getting funnier and funnier as it goes along and we get to know these characters better and better. Archive 2007-11-01
  • After its formation, the hyaloplasm becomes granular, except a thin layer which remains intimately con - nected with the apex of the papilla (Fig. 7, a). Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Supergene, manganiferous clay umbers are intimately associated with both the iron and barite deposits.
  • Although intimately related, mechanical and thermodynamic stability are different quantities.
  • To become a true archer you must know your bow intimately, its pressure points, the places to massage it back into shape after a humid day, the parts that need care when stringing or unstringing it… the list goes on.
  • Affairs of the heart are not encouraged, although sexual dalliances can be handled with deft precision by those intimately, although not actually, involved.
  • The term "pocket deal" usually implies that a broker is intimately involved in working with the seller, despite the lack of an official listing. NYT > Home Page
  • I had an opportunity to study rare creatures like viperfishes and goosefishes, firsthand - in fact so intimately that they both bit me on the fingers.
  • Haskil plays the two concertos intimately but not reticently.
  • The development of human civilisation is intimately bound up with the domestication of cereals.
  • But, intimately acquainted with the Kirshner world through his familial ties, Andras's repugnance is complicated by a potent blend of envy, exile, and secret longing.
  • The ability to reduce area and span during the recovery stroke is intimately associated with the design of the propulsive limbs in small animals.
  • Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong.
  • In their new role, grandmothers became intimately involved with their grandchildren by assuming primary responsibility for their care.
  • Jenkins, is eloquent exceedingly upon the _narcotine_ of fashionable life: declares that its soothing influences were unequalled by vapour of purest mundungus, or acetate of morphia, or even pill of opium, blended intimately with glass of _eau-de-vie_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • At the point of union (to facilitate which there is a hiatus in the margins of the peduncle) the sarcode or “flesh” of the coral is denuded, its place being occupied by ligaments, which by minute ramifications adhere so intimately to the coral stock or stem that severance therefrom cannot be effected without loss of life to the mollusc. My Tropic Isle
  • The fore-brain or prosencephalon consists of: (1) the diencephalon, corresponding in a large measure to the third ventricle and the structures which bound it; and (2) the telencephalon, comprising the largest part of the brain, viz., the cerebral hemispheres; these hemispheres are intimately connected with each other across the middle line, and each contains a large cavity, named the lateral ventricle. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • He sees things, anticipates events, and often prearranges them; smells war if the secretary of the navy is seen to run for a street-car, is intimately acquainted with The Voice in the Fog
  • A strange, unfamiliar yet intimately familiar sensation pricked at her back then, and she reached back to touch… what on earth!
  • The plant has a fascinating history of origin and domestication, and has been intimately involved in human history.
  • He led toward the back of the house, introducing Lanyard to a spacious apartment, a library uncommonly well furnished, rather more than comfortably yet without a trace of ostentation in its complete luxury, a warm room, a room intimately lived in, a room, in short, characteristically The False Faces Further Adventures from the History of the Lone Wolf
  • His slightest frown might perturb them, his anger terrify them, his command compel them to certain death; yet, on the other hand, not one of them would have dreamed of addressing him otherwise than intimately by his first name, which name, "Hardman," was transmuted by their tongues into Kanaka THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • One of the requisite job skills for a head waiter in a high class Austrian restaurant is being intimately familiar with the title possessed by every regular customer, and most occasional customers, of said restaurant. Neptunus Lex
  • Mornington (author of the well-known glees) as a cousin, and as intimately connected with her brother the great _foudroyant_ performer on the organ. Note Book of an English Opium-Eater
  • Jenkins, is eloquent exceedingly upon the _narcotine_ of fashionable life: declares that its soothing influences were unequalled by vapour of purest mundungus, or acetate of morphia, or even pill of opium, blended intimately with glass of _eau-de-vie_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • Before entering upon the subject proper of this paper, I will briefly outline the history of massage, which, as an alleviant of human suffering, is intimately connected with the history of medicine in its earliest days; almost equally venerable is the history of this art as applied to midwifery, and this leads directly to the subject in hand, external manipulations in the obstetric practice of primitive people. Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • Inner consciousness and outer reality are intimately related and co-create each other.
  • I am probably what I consider to be one of the new generations of soft-hearted parents who like to be intimately involved in every aspect of my children's lives.
  • In coordinate dependency, however, the order of clausal constituency seems to be intimately related to that of affixation.
  • The Albert and Argent mines, South Africa, have produced arborescent masses of silver, some to several kilograms in weight and often in, or associated intimately with, bornite.
  • The history of doppelgängers and doubles, you see, is intimately bound up with human mortality and the origins of image making.
  • Therefore the possibility of there being a natural monopoly is intimately related to the assumptions regarding potential entrant behaviour.
  • Dr. Talbot spoke Urdu and Hindustani and became intimately familiar with Indian culture by studying at what is now Aligarh Muslim University in India and also at a Vedic ashram. Phillips Talbot, witness to history in India and Pakistan, dies at 95
  • Peirce's Hegelianism, which he increasingly professed as he approached his most mature philosophy, is more difficult to understand than his Kantianism, partly because it is everywhere intimately tied to his entire late theory of signs (semeiotic) and sign use (semeiosis), as well as to his evolutionism and to his rather puzzling doctrine of mind. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • The adrenals are intimately involved in the stress response.
  • Excerpted and condensed from Glenda’s recently released autobiography ‘I’ll Do It Myself’, in which she intimately shares her life story to show others cerebral palsy is not a death sentence, but rather a life sentence. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » April
  • Juan defends his dealings with the gay fizgig Fifine as a step to the fuller appreciation of Elvire; he demands freedom to escape only as a means of possessing more surely and intimately what he has. Robert Browning
  • Kagan spends the first about 10 sessions presenting an apologia (sort of) for the physicalist [5] view that the soul is "[something the body can do]" [1] rather than an immaterial entity intimately associated with the body (what is called the dualist view). By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog
  • And they saw learning as some-thing intimately connected with self.
  • As someone who was intimately involved in dealing with the most sensitive national security secrets out there, how big of a flap is this?
  • Both these patriarchs fathered large families from a number of wives, both were intimately involved with the holy sanctuary of the Kaaba at Mecca and both were renowned for the open-handed generosity with which they cared for pilgrims.
  • As the lands falls away from the street, the verandah forms a raised entrance terrace behind the cottage, overlooking a sunken court neatly and intimately defined by the new timber and metal three-storey extension.
  • If I had realized I would soon become intimately familiar with one of these little sand-whipped desert oases, I might not have dozed through that particular brief.
  • If they think consciousness is epiphenomenal, or emergent, or otherwise intimately related to the brain – still no. Bunny and a Book
  • He was — what is the phrase I'm looking for — not intimately acquainted with his subject.
  • In most rocks feldspar is in too small grains and is too intimately associated with other minerals to be of commercial importance; in only one type of rock, pegmatite, which is an igneous rock of extremely coarse and irregular texture, are the feldspar crystals sufficiently large and concentrated to be commercially available. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The survival of whales is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean.
  • Perhaps no one works more intimately with the corps than the ballet masters.
  • Even after taking all possible precautions to finely comminute these substances by mechanical means, still only imperfect results are obtained, for the impurities, that is to say, the sand, can never be so intimately mixed with the lighter particles that a sample of 0.5 to Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.
  • (Galen, "De qual. incorp." in "Fr. Stoic.", ed. von Arnim, II, 6); He penetrates the world "as honey does the honeycomb" (Tertullian, "Adv. Hermogenem", 44), this God so intimately mingled with the world is fire or ignited air; inasmuch as He is the principle controlling the universe, He is called Logos; and inasmuch as He IS the germ from which all else develops, He is called the seminal Logos (logos spermatikos). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Some who knew Wills much more intimately than Dacus did would question such a laudative expression.
  • The design of the stock is highly ergonomic and totally ambidextrous, so it doesn't take long at all to become intimately familiar with the gun.
  • The Sloane model seems to be intimately connected with a rare medal of Doria, which has been described as ‘perhaps the most beautiful’ of all his medallic portraits.
  • They went to their places with that spirit of stolid cheeriness which is the wonder and admiration of every one who knows Tommy Atkins intimately. Kitchener's Mob Adventures of an American in the British Army
  • Aaron in particular has come to know the woods, hills and lochs intimately, as substitutes for his remote, unloving parents.
  • It is impossible to know the man's inner thoughts, so intimately linked as he is to machines, a set of cold devices enabling him to move, speak, and breathe.
  • If thereexisted such a thing as an antistress gene, it was intimately interwoven in the commander's DNA. The Dig
  • Without the full orchestra, we do get to hear Newman sing it to us more intimately, but I think the orchestra helped it sound "juicier," you know? Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Yet our everyday understanding of this term is intimately connected with the idea of choice.
  • The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.
  • Romantic rhetoric helped conceal the impact of eighteenth-century courtships on economic and community status; thus were love and power intimately intertwined.
  • The survival of whales is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean.
  • Who can say how profoundly and intimately the underlying and hitherto undiscovered Laws of Speech may be consociated with the basic The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The physician took notice of his breathing hard, and his mouth being open; and from these diagnostics declared, that the liquidum nervosum was intimately affected, and the saliva impregnated with the spiculated particles of the virus, howsoever contracted. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • That to be penetrable and indiscerpible is as truly attributed to Bodies, as to Spirits; and to be impenetrable and discerpible agrees as well to Spirits as to Bodies; for that the difference is Gradual and not Essential; And that no Creature, or Created Spirit, can be intimately present in any Creature, because Intrinsick Presence only pertains to God and Christ; and therefore that Philosophical Penetration of Created Spirits, in regard of Bodies, is a mere Scholastick Fiction. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
  • Though the Bureau was indeed an intelligence department, the nature of its work in China was intimately connected to the Communist International.
  • No, by "people" I mean the EPO: the problem is that the EPO would be intimately involved with all aspects, as the article explains: "If EPO-educated Patent Agents are now entering the judicative branch, this means that this branch is also going to be under control of the European Patent Office. Copying Patent Stupidity
  • You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.
  • Hubbell, part of the Clintons' inner circle, is intimately familiar with their financial affairs.
  • The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.
  • Examples are plant root respiration, the sloughing of dead material from roots, root exudation, and the growth and respiration of microorganisms intimately associated with plant roots. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on function of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • The bottom line is that when he imagines being with you more intimately (and trust me, he does think about these things), he pauses and then says to himself, "Nah. ABC News: Top Stories
  • The usage is intimately linked with the distinction which grammarians made between restrictive and non-restrictive clauses.
  • The fibers which pass into the vestibulospinal fasciculus are intimately concerned with equilibratory reflexes. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
  • We found that depression is very intimately linked with the andropause.
  • I happen to know that miserable wretch intimately, as I stare at him each morning in the mirror.
  • There are no good statistics on the number of servicemen who fraternized with German women, but estimates from the summer of 1945 suggest that while in some units only a few men were intimately acquainted with German civilians, in others, fraternization "was the rule rather than the exception. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • Stay off the computer -- If are intimately connected to someone online, that's a red flag.
  • Half an hour’s cautious questioning decided each of us that the other was ‘safe’; and then for hours, while the train jolted slowly through the pitch-black night, sitting up in our bunks with bottles of beer handy, we damned the British Empiredamned it from the inside, intelligently and intimately. The Road to Wigan Pier
  • They are commonly exposed as small stocks, bosses, sheets and dykes and are often intimately related to the granitoids outlined above.
  • In this country, however, we have not so far been so fortunate, or otherwise, as to attain the Continental ideal of what the graphic portion of a literary performance should be; and the question is intimately associated, particularly in France and among foreign buyers of the French school, who are numerous in all parts of the world, with that of binding, inasmuch as a volume possessing pictorial embellishments of whatever kind must fulfil all requirements in that respect no less than in the outward vesture, and what may be termed the complemental book-plate. The Book-Collector A General Survey of the Pursuit and of those who have engaged in it at Home and Abroad from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
  • Sequela: The pillow towel is the easiest actually stick on skin excretive is sweat fluid, oily be soiled, because it wants everyday, contact at least 8 hours intimately with your skin.
  • Despite the fact that I edited this book, and was intimately involved with the material, I gave it a reread and I have to say, it rocks.
  • As a Daptone label project -- and in the age of Saadiq and Barkley -- it could be called "revivalist", save for the fact that Bradley was born in '48 and knows this sound intimately. Michael Vazquez: Huffington Post Exclusive Music World Premiere: On The Twentieth Anniversary Of Nevermind, SPIN Curates A Tribute Album (Audio)
  • In charting the travails of graduate school, Porter passingly notes another important personal development that is intimately connected to his educational life: He devotes only one paragraph to meeting his future wife at Yale.
  • This man-made labyrinth, constructed on a variety of levels, combines intimately with the rock's own vast natural system of fissures, tunnels and caverns to form a veritable honeycomb inside it.
  • And in the minds of the colored population the American steamer is so intimately associated with the idea of those great tin cans in which food - stuffs are brought from the United States, that the onomatope applied to the can, because of the sound outgiven by it when tapped, -- _bom! Two Years in the French West Indies
  • To be thrown so intimately with this distinguished and stately old lady, and to hear from her own lips, told with a mother's eager warmth, delightful home gossipry of the bold leader of the famous Pamunkey expedition, was an incident that appealed most strongly to the hero-worshiping, enthusiastic temperament of this young girl. War-time sketches : historical and otherwise,
  • Which being the case, no wonder if error, oiled with obsequiousness, (which generally gains friends, though deserves none worth having,) has often the advantage of truth, and thereby slides more easily and intimately into the fool's bosom, than the uncourtliness of truth will suffer it to do. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • In nonmammalian vertebrates, tooth replacement is intimately related to growth.
  • It was an isolated place with no docks and no homes, centered on a fragile land break bordered by sea, and thus more intimately connected to a wider world.
  • Depicting three figures or portraits on each treated in typical Dumas style, the effect was at once awesome and intimately unsettling as noses melt into eyes and smiles become leers.
  • ‘What a relief,’ he agreed, relaxing in a sweater and slacks in the smaller, more intimately lit restaurant.
  • Those who knew these men intimately were charged with the duty to relate their heroic deaths to their families upon returning to the Capital.
  • Allain exposed me to a world in which wine is intimately connected to people, particularly the people who grow it. Wine Person of the Decade - nominations open! | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The media establishment has always been solicitous of the poor, and through much fine reporting over the years has become intimately familiar with them.
  • Three sigma" is a manufacturing concept used to control processes, a concept that I am intimately familiar with. Blogrolling: A Mini-Me?
  • The scenery spots are intimately connected with the culture. The culture itself is the setting point and soul of modern tourism and its connotation is the basis of high level scenery spots.
  • After including pressouts for several sessions, you'll become intimately familiar with the location and function of your serratus anterior muscles. The Overhead Press: Bodybuilding's Forgotten Muscle Builder by Chris Colucci
  • At the center of the panel, Rama and Sita sit intimately together in a nicely appointed shelter, gesturing to a small begging squirrel.
  • Good-humoured, often merry, abounding in kindness and generosity, he passed for a man as happy as he was prosperous; yet those who talked intimately with him obtained now and then a glimpse of something not quite in harmony with these characteristics, a touch of what would be called fancifulness, of uncertain spirits. The Crown of Life
  • It is clear from careful experimental work with all ciliated cells that have been examined, from alga to mice, that a functioning cilium requires a working IFT. 12 The problem of the origin of the cilium is now intimately connected to the problem of the origin of IFT. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • You don't have to understand intimately all the workings of the algorithms and programs that make it happen.
  • Living intimately with the world, they have become prosperous in the eyes of the Laodiceans but poor and naked in the eyes of God and the author.
  • But it is most intimately associated with the earliest stratum of divinities, for it has been homologized with each of the members of the earliest Trinity, the Great Mother, the Water God, and the Warrior Sun The Evolution of the Dragon
  • He knew that constable intimately, but refrained from taking notice of him, and passed on with an air and expression which were meant to convey the idea of infantine innocence. Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished A Tale of City Arab Life and Adventure
  • Our existence on the planet is ecologically intimately bound to the life of trees.
  • The cycle of weekly liturgies, the daily routine of morning prayer and evening song, and the unceasing invocation of the name of Jesus were intimately connected and interactively life-giving as blood cells in a body.
  • He was concerned with subtle shifts in the commitment to the biblical gospel in the organisation that he had been intimately involved with over many years.
  • Hubbell, part of the Clintons' inner circle, is intimately familiar with their financial affairs.
  • She remembered -- she, then strong in her own untempted truth -- asking him, if he did not think that buying in the cheapest and selling in the dearest market proved some want of the transparent justice which is so intimately connected with the idea of truth: and she had used the word chivalric -- and her father had corrected her with the higher word, Christian; and so drawn the argument upon himself, while she sate silent by with a slight feeling of contempt. North and South
  • Teves was also an author of RA 8047 and hence is presumed to intimately know the Congressional deliberations conducted prior to the enactment of that law. On the Great Book Blockade of 2009 (Updated 7 May) (with BDAP Paper) « BAHAY TALINHAGA
  • In one specimen stephanite was intimately associated with pyrite in a matrix of tabular calcite crystals, all on quartz.
  • Conclusion The dysgenesis of lens capsule is intimately correlated with congenital cataract.
  • There may be genetic factors at work, but in the case of regressive autism, the primary cause has to be intimately introduced; genetics are secondary.
  • In the triangular interval between these ligaments is another fibrous cord, the apical odontoid ligament (Fig. 308), which extends from the tip of the odontoid process to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum, being intimately blended with the deep portion of the anterior atlantoöccipital membrane and superior crus of the transverse ligament of the atlas. III. Syndesmology. 5c. Articulations of the Vertebral Column with the Cranium
  • Mastery of the code of reading is intimately bound up with oral competence in a language.
  • The conception and the method are intimately correlative.
  • Voluntary expiatory suffering is what truly and really unites one to the Lord intimately. Archive 2009-02-01
  • In these terms, journalism is even compared to the scientific method, intimately connected with accumulation of facts and analysis, and reportage of evidence.
  • The rise of the internet has been intimately connected with the gratification of sexual desire.
  • what is singular about his use of them is that no other artist, of his time or any other, has painted them so directly, intimately and pertinently
  • I was not satisfied with the lyric alone, supreme as it may seem in its moment: a voice speaking directly, intimately to us from any time and place.
  • The innermost or perineural sheath sends a process around the arteria centralis retinæ into the interior of the nerve, and enters intimately into its structure. IX. Neurology. 5b. The Optic Nerve
  • These deposits are intimately associated with the porphyric parts of intermediate to acid plutons in orogenic belts.
  • Cults and sacrifices in classical Greece were intimately linked to civic distinctions and in their staggering multiplicity they also reflect the regionalism and particularism of classical Greek society.
  • It occurs in millimeter-sized anhedral grains or as bronze-colored hairlike crystals intimately intergrown with the oxide minerals.
  • In the Hebrew Text, the idea of redemption is directly expressed by the verbs ga’ál and padah, and by their derivatives to which the word kophér (ransom) is intimately related. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Intimately involved in the collaboration is the Government of Canada through an inspired programme called Technology Partnerships Canada (TPC), as well as the Province of Ontario. Collaborations: Canada's New Natural Advantage
  • In their new role, grandmothers became intimately involved with their grandchildren by assuming primary responsibility for their care.
  • The essential apostolic office is that of the bishop, an office intimately associated with the person and ministry of Jesus Christ.
  • But the stories he presents of those intimately affected by rumour-mongering still resonate powerfully. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I am probably what I consider to be one of the new generations of soft-hearted parents who like to be intimately involved in every aspect of my children's lives.
  • Just like that -- arm in arm, joking, "ragging" -- she used to walk with him round about the home in Ireland -- the world to one another and none else in the world, except the mother who was so intimately and inseparably of them that years past her death they still spoke of her as if she were alive. Once Aboard the Lugger
  • The structure of chromatin is intimately linked to the function of the eukaryotic genome.
  • Wallaby James O'Connor was also seen dancing intimately with Australian netballer Erin Bell in the Swisse marquee. | Top Stories
  • The goddess Aphrodite was closely related to Cyprus; the mandrake was a magical plant there; and the cowry is so intimately associated with the island as to be called _Cypræa_. The Evolution of the Dragon
  • A lot of the predictors' theories seemed to be intimately connected to their own psychological make-up.
  • He intimately understands the idea of deterrence insofar that once he has a nuke, he will be able to deter other powers from countering his ambitions in the region.
  • They are the ones known intimately by cartoon cognoscenti, often memorized line-for-line and take-for-take, recited in unison by gleeful aficionados.
  • Still, so closely and intimately associated are the physiological and the psychological aspects, that the exclusion of all references to the latter would be impracticable, or, if practicable, unadvisable.
  • The inferior gluteal vessels are intimately associated and travel with the sciatic nerve.
  • We urbanites can forget that bioregional peoples - living intimately with croplands, forests, fisheries, and grasslands - still make up half the planet's population.
  • In particular it offered a rejective account of ethics and conscience which confirmed his earliest beliefs in a lawgiver and judge intimately present to the soul. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • This was intimately tied to their notion that the way out of poverty was via waged work.
  • And, further, if it be true that the human will is a physical energy, we have here the discovery of a _new force_ -- a force just as new to science as magnetism or electricity -- and vastly more interesting, since it is intimately associated with all of us, and subject to our direction, guidance, and command -- a force for us to wield and manipulate -- for weal or woe! The Problems of Psychical Research Experiments and Theories in the Realm of the Supernormal
  • The seigneurial system was intimately bound up with the ideal of living nobly: it was designed to let seigneurs consume what peasants produced.
  • The artist's brother makes mbiras, the musical instrument intimately associated with possession ceremonies; his grandfather carved head rests; and his mother was a potter and his source of inspiration.
  • None of the great ones of the earth is so intimately known to us as the magnificent histrion, whose tinselled grandeur and pompous egoism have been laid bare by the Duke of St. Simon, prince of memoirists. The Story of Paris
  • Each of these is essentially ancestor-worship, the ancestors being reckoned back through family groups, of higher and higher order, sometimes with strict reference to the principle of agnation, as in old Rome; and, as in the latter, it is intimately bound up with the whole organisation of the State. Evolution of Theology: an Anthropological Study
  • A book that revels in its 'smoke-and-mirrors' suspensefulness, that gains traction in your mind by copying your suburban predispositions intimately, and which is also filled with intelligent writing, must be a book to remember. Happy Antipodean
  • Cinema's birth or rebirth is intimately linked to its death and the process of its mourning.
  • You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.
  • The evolutionary trajectory of hominoids is intimately bound up with the exploitation of ripe, fleshy fruits.
  • The apparatus by which purposive movements are actuated is the nervous system, and also, the muscles into which the nerve fibre is so intimately interlaced. Criminal Anthropology from a Canadian View-Point
  • It is intimately connected with egotism, vanity, and spite: at its worst it becomes indistinguishable from full-blown pride.
  • half-rhyme, internal rhyme, broken rhyme, leonine rhyme, chain rhyme, random rhyme and vowels echoing intimately from inside one line across to the next. Archive 2006-08-01
  • As principal of its primary school, he knew its life intimately, and was depressed by its meagerness.
  • the two phenomena are intimately connected
  • Clearly, living so long and so intimately with other people has made him a master of the understatement.
  • The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.

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