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How To Use Interstellar In A Sentence

  • He added that interstellar travel - between solar systems - was far less likely.
  • It slows as it begins to collide with the interstellar medium, and the point where the solar wind slows down is the termination shock; the point where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance is called the heliopause; the point where the interstellar medium, traveling in the opposite direction, slows down as it collides with the heliosphere is the bow shock. Spacecraft Detects Mysterious "Ribbon" at Edge of Solar System | Universe Today
  • The Sun and most of the Solar System are bathed in a huge cloud of interstellar hydrogen.
  • Most galaxies abound with interstellar gas and dust the detritus of countless generations of stars.
  • This bubble is the heliosphere shaped like a long wind sock as it moves with the Sun through interstellar space.
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  • Barleycorn sends his White Logic, the argent messenger of truth beyond truth, the antithesis of life, cruel and bleak as interstellar space, pulseless and frozen as absolute zero, dazzling with the frost of irrefragable logic and unforgettable fact. Chapter 35
  • A long tail of interstellar dust shines in the reflected light of nearby stars in this view of a nebula in the constellation Corona Australis (the southern crown). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Anyway, interstellar travel would be amazingly expensive - perhaps too expensive for most civilizations to contemplate.
  • Its tails allows us to probe the physics of the interaction between an isolated neutron star and the interstellar medium.
  • A rather good tale that beings with a tense and exciting mission of subterfuge to escape from a very fascist dystopia to start a colony in interstellar space. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Coyote - Allen M. Steele
  • Zephro Carnelian has his own interstellar craft in a berth.
  • The solar wind loses its identity in the interstellar medium at a distance no less than that of the outer planets.
  • Some scientists tend to scoff at the idea of interstellar travel because of the enormous distances that separate the stars.
  • The ramjet is a device for using the interstellar hydrogen as a means for propulsion. I Don’t Understand ?
  • An archaeologist from the Threshers Verity Auger becomes embroiled in interstellar intrigue when she discovers a duplicate Earth, held in stasis by alien technology, has become active and in fact can now be visited. REVIEW: Century Rain by Alastair Reynolds
  • The new data suggests, however, that the interstellar magnetic field slips around the heliosphere and the outer shell, called the heliosheath, leaving the spherical shape of the heliosphere intact. Cassini/IBEX Data Changes View of Heliosphere Shape | Universe Today
  • It is quite likely that future interstellar explorers will have a wide range of new worlds to explore.
  • So many years without hard, physical evidence; the extreme unlikeliness of a successful cover-up that spans over fifty years, one that would involve not only multiple U.S. administrations, but numerous foreign governments; the distances involved in interstellar travel ... Governments Suppress Alien Truth - Former NASA Astronaut Edgar Mitchell - NASA Watch
  • I mean, when we were little kids we were led to believe that we were going to have droids and light sabres and interstellar flight by 1995.
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • The track is pure bliss, from the interstellar electrical storm opening to the whammy bar keytar solo that closes it out.
  • This propulsion concept could be used as the engine for an interstellar probe.
  • Crash rescue, after all, is a general cross mankind bears-and may have to bear for some centuries yet-in payment for the poor forethought the first interstellar explorers exercised in the practice of a science called gnotobiosis. Anywhen
  • Kirk stood in silence for a long time, gazing at the aphotic depths of interstellar space. Ishmael
  • Instead, they could be interstellar rovers captured by the Sun's gravity.
  • Our bodies are made from interstellar dust which is the remains of ancient dead stars, cosmic debris and galactic particles.
  • The January Dancer by Michael Flynn - Starting with Captain Amos January, who quickly loses it, and then the others who fought, schemed, and killed to get it, we travel around the complex, decadent, brawling, mongrelized interstellar human civilization the artifact might save or destroy. Books in the Mail (W/E 08/16/2008)
  • Life on Earth may have been kickstarted thanks to carbon molecules and dust that drift through interstellar space, said Pascale Ehrenfreund, an astrochemist at George Washington University, Washington. MyWire: MyWire Top Stories
  • When they arrive at an interstellar waystation, they find that it's being hammered by hypergravity shock waves originating in nearby Starmaker, better known to Bandicut as the Great Orion Nebula. Free eBook: Sunborn by Jeffrey A. Carver (Multiple Formats)
  • The jagged geometry of supersmooth Europa; the idiosyncratic surfaces of the other orbs floating serenely in space; the pristine interstellar vacuum; the inscrutable emptiness of intergalactic space, that immense, echoing, absolutely featureless void enveloping the spinning galaxies: it all serves as a perfect philosophical mirror image, reflecting back the quandary of the species, the limitations of human knowledge. A Space in Time
  • FOPS provides a wide-ranging reference for researchers who are starting out in interstellar propulsion. Frontiers of Propulsion Science « dudegalea
  • The concept of interstellar panspermia has been a philosophical luxury; it may soon become a necessity if constraints of evolutionary theory continue to conspire against an origin of life in our solar system.
  • Glycolaldehyde contains exactly the same atoms, though in a different molecular structure, as methyl formate and acetic acid, both of which were detected previously in interstellar clouds.
  • Three of our space probes have left the solar system altogether and are now adrift in interstellar space, carrying earthlings' assorted greetings to whoever stumbles upon them.
  • Both Voyagers are headed towards the outer boundary of the solar system in search of the heliopause, the region where the Sun's influence wanes and the beginning of interstellar space can be sensed.
  • To their surprise, there was enough data to complete a map of the intensity of the atoms, and discovered a belt of hot, high pressure particles where the interstellar wind flows by our heliosheath bubble. Cassini/IBEX Data Changes View of Heliosphere Shape | Universe Today
  • I love this article in which Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe says that life was brought here to Earth by comets, a theory he jointly proposed called panspermia in which interstellar dust is partly organic in nature and in comets. We Are All Aliens!
  • Both spacecraft are now in a region known as the "heliosheath", the outermost layer of the Solar System, where the solar wind, which can travel 16 miles per second, is being slowed down by the rising pressure of interstellar gas. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The lynchpins of the album are undoubtedly two early, majestic songs that distill the mix of the down-to-earth and the interstellar to its purest state.
  • The solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago from an interstellar cloud of gas and dust.
  • The products of those clever hands, the tiny instruments, the delicate microminiaturized control circuits, the incredibly fine lacework and tapestries, formed the bulk of Santos 'interstellar trade. The Lani People
  • And now the interstellar dust is channeled more efficiently towards the inner Solar System.
  • That’s the first point I want to get across: that if the distances involved in interplanetary travel are enormous, and the travel times fit to rival the first Australian settlers, then the distances and times involved in interstellar travel are mind-numbing. Grudging admission « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • For the crew of a spacecraft ramping up to light speed, interstellar space would appear highly compressed, thereby increasing the number of hydrogen atoms hitting the craft.
  • Tracy and I walked the halls, and fucked and ate and sightsaw, and one day wound up in a great dark cavern of the winds, in which were suspended ten thousand interstellar warships, bristling with missile launchers and turrets and ray projectors. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • My old posts were generally so random they were actually making a collective run on the interstellar plane for God of Chaos, a coveted position that apparently necessitates a lot of haphazard references to various florae and faunae and a creepy tendency to drop in Latin for no obvious reason. What Should You Do With Lousy Old Blog Posts?
  • Most will crash into the Sun, strike another planet, or be flung by Jupiter's gravity into interstellar space.
  • These fields are maintained by a "ramjet" effect, energy picked up from interstellar gas as we mosey along. The Forever War
  • The 3D pdf format, which can be displayed by any computer with up-to-date Adobe Reader software installed, was used to present a "dendrogram" illustrating the role of gravitation in the formation of stars within mighty interstellar gas clouds. The Register
  • Star Dragon is steeped in cosmology, the physics of interstellar travel, exobiology, artificial intelligence, bioscience. Themes in Science Fiction: Cultural Relativism and Absolute Morality
  • That includes two Voyager probes looking for the heliopause, where true interstellar space begins.
  • Not while the earth was constantly being bombarded by cosmic rays from interstellar space.
  • They may not exit the comet clouds and into proper interstellar space for up to another 40,000 years after that.
  • One of the things astrobiologists are interested in is trying to understand the formation of organic molecules in space, in interstellar clouds and meteorites.
  • The poem swung in majestic rhythm to the cool tumult of interstellar conflict, to the onset of starry hosts, to the impact of cold suns and the flaming up of nebular in the darkened void; and through it all, unceasing and faint, like a silver shuttle, ran the frail, piping voice of man, a querulous chirp amid the screaming of planets and the crash of systems. Chapter 35
  • My old posts were generally so random they were actually making a collective run on the interstellar plane for God of Chaos, a coveted position that apparently necessitates a lot of haphazard references to various florae and faunae and a creepy tendency to drop in Latin for no obvious reason. What Should You Do With Lousy Old Blog Posts?
  • And in 1995, with Mike Jura at UCLA, we published a paper suggesting that if it was in space, it should be responsible for some very puzzling features that have been known for 90 years called the diffuse interstellar bands. Happy Birthday, Buckyballs!
  • The golden, starry wonders of the dark universe unfurled before the brave interstellar vessel “Argus” like a black flag of victory with a whole bunch of holes in it as the mysterious mission buoyantly commenced that would one day resolve critical questions about space, time, and the appropriate ratio of nuts to chips in a perfect chocolate chip cookie. Campbell and Strugeon Full Details
  • Both novels also rely on a rare drug as an important player in interstellar politics. The Snow Queen
  • In excited atoms, energy radiated as photons eventually leaks into the vast interstellar spaces and redshifts away.
  • Light waves become polarized as they bounce off objects or are pushed and pulled by the magnetic fields of interstellar space.
  • Comets, with their hugely eccentric orbits, may pass far beyond the outer planets to spend their aphelion in the vast interstellar darkness beyond the Kuiper Belt . » artnouveauho: Aphelion
  • It is divided into two half-circle formed segments by a dark lane of interstellar dust in front of it.
  • Carl Sagan: The spacecraft will be encountered and the record played only if there are advanced spacefaring civilizations in interstellar space. Critical Thinking Exercise
  • NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer satellite, or IBEX, discovered the narrow ribbon, which completes nearly a full circle across the sky.
  • Inside what is known as the heliosphere, the pressure from the energetic stream of charged particles emitted by the sun exceeds that in interstellar space. Voyager Heads for the Stars
  • On an interstellar penal colony, a group of criminal aliens steal a spaceship and chart a course for Earth.
  • Bussard's "ramjet" design used magnetic fields generated by the craft to scoop up the tenuous gas of interstellar space. New Scientist - Online News
  • A race capable of interstellar travel should be experienced enough to know that possession of a weapon is the sign of an individual, not a herd animal. The Volokh Conspiracy » Good Tips in Case You Find Yourself Being the Person Who Makes First Contact with Intelligent Extraterrestrials
  • Most notably our 1973 discovery of DCN, the first deuterated molecular species found in interstellar space, enabled me to trace the distribution of deuterium in the galaxy. Arno Penzias - Autobiography
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • To represent a disk-shaped galaxy we adopt a two-gas-disk model (one for the interstellar gas disk and the other for the stellar disk). The following conclusions are drawn from our analysis: 1.
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • Orion is home to the famous Orion nebula, a glowing cloud of interstellar gas where new stars are being born.
  • On single-crewed vessels the pilot would often use coldsleep, relying on die AI systems to handle the simple and tedious work of long interstellar transits. The City Who Fought
  • I read up on interstellar objects and astrophysics and studied quasars, pulsars and supernovas, but my main focus was black holes.
  • The molecules, called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are common in interstellar space, and many believe they were among the raw materials for life.
  • This interstellar ichthyoid neatly disposed of a problem all science-fiction authors have:how to let alien species talk to one another.
  • Astronomers want to know how much of the dust in the Solar System is shed by comets and asteroids, and how much comes directly from interstellar space.
  • We just had to plan for interstellar travel if we were ever to encounter really interesting planets with intelligent beings.
  • Spelljammer, introduced in 1989, is probably the barmiest D&D setting, featuring sailing ships which can cross the interstellar void to other worlds. The Worlds of D&D: Overview
  • Wright believed that changes in interstellar space constituted, in a way similar to meteorology, “cosmical weather” (PD 10). Chauncey Wright
  • Reminiscent of Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" is an image of a light "echo" illuminating trillions of miles of interstellar dust around the Red Giant star V838 Monocerotis. Ars Technica
  • On the other hand, there are ways to reach other civilizations without interstellar travel.
  • The solar wind loses its identity in the interstellar medium at a distance no less than that of the outer planets.
  • And, in interstellar news, today Earth's moon and the planet Jupiter will rendezvous in the predawn sky, probably for some coffee, maybe a bagel with a little shmear.
  • The huge distances between Earth and the nearest star make it necessary for us to conceive of extremely high-velocity starships if interstellar travel is to be possible with durations less than a human lifetime.
  • Astronomers made more than 104,000 observations with it, including planets, comets, stars, interstellar gas, supernovae, planetary aurorae, galaxies, and quasars. Times, Sunday Times
  • This solar wind inflates a giant bubble in interstellar space called the heliosphere -- the region of space dominated by the Sun's influence in which the - Articles related to U.N. ends Kyoto CO2 offset drought ahead of key meet
  • The belly of the ship rumbled as the Interstellar Drive Unit ignited.
  • The Earth sits in a stream of accelerated particles coming in from the Sun, interstellar material, and galactic sources.
  • Before that happens, the asteroid/planet fragment is attacked by Interstellar Carrion feeding off the dead and dying planets. 52 – Week 20 – God is Fragged | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • We sometimes use the word nebula to refer to galaxies, various types of star clusters, and various kinds of interstellar dust or gas clouds.
  • Interstellar heatproof-sailplaning enthusiasts beware. The Register
  • Like those elementary school cartoons showing self-propagating, transverse oscillating waves of electric and magnetic fields, the physical laws of interstellar travel are twinned with intrachronological transfer. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The greatest challenge of interstellar travel is the enormous distances between stars.
  • Python and the Stephen Fry compo « dudegalea dudegalea interstellar systems engineer Python and the Stephen Fry compo « dudegalea
  • Interstellar space could, in general, be defined as a rarified nothingness, a more perfect vacuum than anything achievable in a laboratory. Trek to Madworld
  • What's happened to transporters, interstellar travel, the alien visitors (friendly, mind), roll up tellys, and colour changing wallpaper?
  • Even as I was saying it, I was remembering the strange interstellar journey I had just taken with Roylynn Prouix only a few moments before. FATAL FLAW
  • Humanity has stumbled across the Alcheringa, a sort of an interstellar river that ships can use to travel between the stars. Archive 2008-02-01
  • As Duros political power was transferred from ancient royal rulers to a wealthy coalition of interstellar shipping firms, all connection to ancestral roots were severed.
  • During the encounter, one is thrown into the eccentric orbit and remains in the Solar System while the other is ejected into interstellar space where it wanders forever.
  • During the encounter, one is thrown into the eccentric orbit and remains in the Solar System while the other is ejected into interstellar space where it wanders forever.
  • We will soon be making contact with beings that are interstellar, intergalactic, and interdimensional.
  • We sometimes use the word nebula to refer to galaxies, various types of star clusters, and various kinds of interstellar dust or gas clouds.
  • Simple laws of physics suggest, that gas-dust complexes in the interstellar medium may evolve , first into protostars and subsequently into stars.
  • This could compromise our ability to distinguish between interstellar dust and interplanetary dust.
  • When we've colonized space and mastered interstellar travel, can there even be sci-fi anymore?
  • Within this inner space, the plan of "beginning and end." moving waves between stellar and tangular hyperbolae of fields about centrifugal actions of the surround - interstellar matter. a star cluster, solar system or 15 The then newly formed stars ing light forms give rise to the be - a n d planets contain a core center 20 The grasp of certain laws of planet are created/establishing an ginnings of the galactic form. which is interpenetrated by an the universe is facilitated if we interconnecting force of universal 12 These pyramidal light forms elongated primary cone within a have a distinct picture, of the invis - gravitation a n d the operations of contain the basic codes of the ma - shorter secondary cone operating in ible operations before us. waves pervading nature. terial cycles of creation, and pro - pairs, creating a bipolarity. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This task is complicated by the multitude of chemical compounds in the interstellar medium and the elemental line spectra in the originating star light.
  • Barleycorn sends his White Logic, the argent messenger of truth beyond truth, the antithesis of life, cruel and bleak as interstellar space, pulseless and frozen as absolute zero, dazzling with the frost of irrefragable logic and unforgettable fact. Chapter 35
  • Claiming that his planet is super tough and desirous of Earth for an interstellar hangout, the original space ghost claims to have weapons capable of destroying major cities.
  • Very few species had achieved interstellar travel at this time in the Galaxy.
  • At the edge of the heliosheath is the heliopause, a demarcation line that bounds our solar system from interstellar space. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Where there is one self-luminious body (or sun) in the interstellary spaces, there are probably not less than forty non-luminous or dark cosmical bodies revolving about their respective centres of light and heat, as the attending planets revolve about the common centre of gravity in our own system. Life: Its True Genesis
  • The second part is devoted to more practical studies, ranging from the characterisation of exotic interstellar molecules, the accurate determination of spectroscopic constants, excited states structures and EPR parameters through photochemical and charge-transfer processes, cluster chemistry and fullerenes, muonium chemistry, to the possible prediction of the response of materials to electric fields in view of nonlinear optical applications. AvaxHome
  • That a Heinlein character is nicknamed “slipstick” for his proficiency with the slide rule is a minor lapse of imagination in a future of moving highways, extraterrestrial colonies, asteroid mining, interstellar travel, near-immortality and other technological marvels. The Computer I Want for Christmas, and Other Thoughts
  • Life on Earth may have been kickstarted thanks to carbon molecules and dust that drift through interstellar space, said Pascale Ehrenfreund, an astrochemist at George Washington University, The Times of India
  • We might have cured cancer, terraformed Mars, ended world hunger, discovered new energy sources, developed interstellar travel, and met fantastic alien races.
  • the density of hydrogen in interplanetary and interstellar space
  • The explosion then blasts the elements into interstellar space.
  • In excited atoms, energy radiated as photons eventually leaks into the vast interstellar spaces and redshifts away.
  • Like generations of farm boys behind him, Bill had fled the open space for cubicles: first to college, then to graduate school, and ultimately into astroengineering where, to his amazement, he'd been selected to help crew humanity's first interstellar spaceship. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • In the disk of our Milky Way Galaxy about 10 percent of visible matter is in the form of gas, called the interstellar medium (ISM).
  • Alpha Centauri or Die shows a Solar System government either disillusioned with interstellar travel, or perhaps having more jackboot clad reasons. Archive 2010-01-01
  • More recently, astrophysicists explained the intraday variability in luminosity as a scintillation in the interstellar medium rather than rapid quasar rotation.
  • While I do suspect that meaningful interstellar travel is impossible, long-term colonization is not technically impossible – hibernation + travel at even 1% the speed of light are not impossible. If the Earth is Rare, We May Not Hear from ET | Universe Today
  • It involves the magnetohydrodynamics of the interstellar medium and the region of the heliopause, which is much smaller. Spacecraft Detects Mysterious "Ribbon" at Edge of Solar System | Universe Today
  • The signal was spread out, with the higher frequencies arriving at the telescope before the lower frequencies, which happens when a signal passes through electrically charged gas in interstellar and intergalactic space. Cosmic Ghost Leaves Radio Footprint | Impact Lab
  • Having stolen an interstellar rocket and propelled himself into orbit, he is now moments away from asphyxiation as his oxygen runs low.
  • They're all over our solar system, they're in interstellar clouds, and there's every reason to think that they're smeared and splatted all over the universe.
  • Early in the formation of the solar system, the interstellar space between the earth and the sun was filled with a lot of dustlike particles. The Source
  • This solar wind inflates a giant bubble in interstellar space called the heliosphere -- the region of space dominated by the Sun's influence in which the Earth and other planets reside. - Articles related to U.N. ends Kyoto CO2 offset drought ahead of key meet
  • Astronomical observations suggest that the Sun is presently moving through a warm, tenuous interstellar cloud made of dust and gas, one of several that make up our local galactic neighbourhood.
  • Interstellar Signals" had more gravitas, with Mr. Colley playing arco bass and Mr. Rogers extracting theremin-like sounds from his floorboard electronics set-up. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • Technologies based on resources drawn from all over the Solar System will make interstellar trips affordable.
  • Belonging to what many interstellar beings consider “one of the goofiest-looking species in the universe” is hard enough, but being an intellectual laughing stock just adds insult to injury. Galactic Gentle | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The two Voyagers are located in the outermost layer of the heliosphere, or "heliosheath," where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gas. Signs of the Times
  • The solar wind loses its identity in the interstellar medium at a distance no less than that of the outer planets.
  • The huge distances between Earth and the nearest star make it necessary for us to conceive of extremely high-velocity starships if interstellar travel is to be possible.
  • Most of the remaining one percent is the very component that makes Bok globules opaque - the interstellar dust.
  • It is another spacecraft, an interstellar explorer that charted the Tau Ceti and Epsilon Indi systems in the mid-twenty-second century.
  • Its measurements show that the fast wind predominates in the heliosphere, which is a huge bubble blown into interstellar space by the Sun's outpourings, and extending far beyond the outermost planets.
  • Together, the results create the first map of the heliosphere and its thick outer layer known as the heliosheath, where solar wind streaming out from the sun gets heated and slowed as it interacts with the interstellar medium. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • Theories of the general interstellar medium require that these large rarefied cavities exist, and astronomers believe the cavities were formed by the combined action of energetic supernova events and the outflowing winds of clusters of hot and young stars. Local Interstellar Gas Mapped in 3-D | Universe Today
  • Orion was originally designed as an interplanetary spacecraft for missions to the Moon or Mars, but the design was adapted for interstellar travel.
  • This duet is adumbrative of ‘Trane's last album, Interstellar Space, which comprises duets between ‘Trane and drummer Rashied Ali.
  • More dark clouds of interstellar dust with intriguing shapes are seen silhouetted against the glowing interstellar gas at the top right.
  • Come on, did you suspect that the smell of rotten eggs might one day lead to practical interstellar space travel?
  • (A nebula is an interstellar cloud of gas, dust and plasma where stars can both emerge and die.) “This spectacular event is the death of a star,” said study team member James Lloyd of Cornell University. Discovery of the Red Square Nebula | Impact Lab

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