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How To Use Intersect In A Sentence

  • There are expressways, smaller lanes, on-ramps and off-ramps and intersections.
  • BALLARD ROAD, right northbound lane along Ballard from 500 feet south of Evergreen Drive to the intersection of Ballard and Evergreen Drive, closed to facilitate construction of a proposed right turn lane. The Appleton Post-Crescent Latest Headlines
  • The cheapest way I can think of to make people feel like they owe you is to have a crumply cardboard sign saying "Will Work For Food" and hold it up near a busy intersection. Don't Do Me Any Favors, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The fabrics and eclectic prints are worked in original ways, with the intersecting pieces creating cut-outs and keyholes.
  • Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles. Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
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  • Vehicles would move to ‘points of domination’ (the intersections) to maximize the ability to traverse the turret and use the CITV.
  • However, for our purposes, we have used a working definition anchored on Haramiyavia, assuming that the unknown intersection between multituberculates and modern mammals is the appropriate break point.
  • Three-decker novel about the contrasting, intersecting lives of a Chinese boy and girl, born in the same mainland village and brought to America by force of circumstances. Obama Talks. People Listen. Markets Tank.
  • The roads intersect near the bridge.
  • He paused at the intersection, fearful that a hard leather boot was waiting for him no matter which way he ran.
  • One of the girls had been to New York before, and fairly expertly navigated us to a tiny gay piano bar set in a tiny triangular building created by the intersection of grid lines and old Indian trails.
  • Technically there are three kinds of peony: herbaceous, tree and intersectional. Times, Sunday Times
  • The blood from this young soldier's forehead intersects the salty tears coming from his misty eyes.
  • First, the relative inclination of the two orbits means their paths do not intersect.
  • Urban arterial road is the main undertaker for the urban transportation. The transportation capacity can be improved by combining and controlling many intersections in one trunk road.
  • The binomial designates a duel made up of two individuated forces which intersect.
  • It was charted and well known to all navigators, lying on the line of 16o west longitude, right at its intersection by the tenth parallel north latitude, and only a few miles away from Diana Shoal. Goliah
  • Iron is transferred via ground water from topographically higher areas and precipitation occurs at valley base, where the land surface intersects the water table.
  • The intersections become street-performing pitches, and crowds of hundreds watch someone escape from a straitjacket or juggle machetes or eat fire.
  • Yet the historical part of Edinburgh, the part most frequented by visitors, is a slum intersected by ancient houses that have been segregated and turned into museums and training-colleges.
  • Holes SA-202, SA - 207, SA-218, SA-220, SA-225, SA-231, SA-232, SA-235 and SA-236 did not intersect significant mineralization which we define as a mineralized core length of 10m with Latest News from SYS-CON MEDIA
  • One strength of the presentation is the emphasis on the dual views of a linear system as intersecting planes and as combinations of column vectors.
  • Many of the companies for which she performs work, such as bakeware and food-storage manufacturer Pyrex, with which she has a contract, do not appear to have interests that intersect with, or business before, the state. First Couple Show Limits of Law
  • I was a bit worried at her lack of street riding experience, but where the bike path intersected driveways and cross streets, everyone stopped and waved us through.
  • Associated Press A Libyan rebel mans an antiaircraft gun on Sunday while fellow fighters load ammunition at an intersection just outside the oil city of Brega as they await a signal to advance. Libya Rebels Tap Army Defectors
  • In this case, we should put at the intersections between the rows and columns the figures corresponding to the required initial levels of preceding themes or subjects.
  • The photons intersected at a prism called a beamsplitter, where they entangled, and then zipped onwards on separate paths to detectors. Zee News : India National
  • The Blue Horizon was on a seldom-used shipping lane, its heading intersected by a small red dot a short distance in front of them.
  • How can intersectionality help us articulate, listen to, and understand diverse experiences?
  • But I do talk to my IR brethren in terms that we both understand, and I even do work at the intersection of IR and theory (Christine Lee and I are currently coauthoring a paper on normativity in realist theory). Theory Theory
  • There is no denying that this is an odd moment captured forever - the curious intersection of a revolution and a dissipated Hollywood has-been.
  • Since none of the campaigns intersect with each other, this can be quite jarring to your feeling of progress, especially with the limited amount of gameplay.
  • Among the technologies being explored are transit vehicle priority at signalised intersections and the use of a mobile bus-mounted machine vision system for transit and traffic monitoring.
  • The elongation of the well bore is the result of compressive shear failure on intersecting conjugate planes, which causes pieces of the borehole wall to spall off.
  • From the valley floor the line “could be traced along the mountain sides, following all the angles and sinuosities of the ridges for many miles—always preserving its horizontality—sometimes being high up above the plain, and again intersecting long and high slopes of gravel and sand; on such places a beach-line could be read.” Colossus
  • Since E lies on the circumference of both circles, it is located at one of the points of intersection.
  • At the intersection was a human figure, neither male nor female, arms outstretched as in a crucifixion, but not nailed. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Glossy, visually pleasing vertical bars of black and white enamel intersect a variety of colorful, hard-edge shapes and geometric figures in reds, yellow, blues and greens.
  • Located where the bisectors of a triangle's three angles intersect, the incenter is the center of the largest circle that can be inscribed inside that triangle.
  • When they arrived at one particular intersection, they found it was now blocked by debris and rubble.
  • Conversely, the trail intersections homeward-bound ants encounter have branches that fork at a sharp angle and a gentle one.
  • We board a 21-passenger white minibus, the price of emissions, at the intersection of Interstate 10 and Indian Avenue, and sit back as Ken Huskey aka White Horse, a 40-year veteran in the energy industry, takes the wheel and the mic, delivering in best AM DJ voice a dazzling non-stop physics-laden eclogue on the 300-hundred-foot-high spears with periwinkles on top, and their awesome powers. Richard Bangs: How Green Is My Valley?
  • With traffic intersections allowing just 12 seconds for the pedestrian to cross the road, the solution perhaps lies in foot overbridges and underpasses.
  • The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth.
  • This film has compelling intersecting historical references via the dress of the 18th century and the African batiks (cloth designs) of today.
  • The Hughes intersected the River Scheldt and altered course eastward, the roadstead and Port of Antwerp growing on the horizon. CORMORANT
  • In the meantime, it is also proven that the non transversal intersection mentioned above exactly corresponds to the static bifurcation point, i. e. the critical point of voltage collapse.
  • These features include veins, fold-related fractures, cleavage and cleavage/bedding intersections.
  • For me, these two definitions do not just create a crossroads of meaning when intersected but more so, the saliency of the connection is that one is a mircocosm standing in for the macrocosm. Maytha Alhassen: Love is... ?
  • At that time "street art" as it is known today didn't exist, there were two visual experiences happening at the same time, the murals and the graff and they both intersected. Carmen Zella: InterZona Urban Art
  • The beach systems are formed entirely by groundwater outflow and sapping where the water table intersects the beach face.
  • In 1873 he proved an important result on the intersection of two algebraic curves.
  • However, as an illustrator, to not explore the territory where these two vectors intersect is short-changing the audience, the client, the author, the book, and myself. MIND MELD: The 'Responsibility' of Cover Art
  • That's the main intersection where I hope my leadership can make a real difference. Christianity Today
  • His rise coincides with Tom's life falling apart - his wife leaves him, and by mischance he becomes prime suspect in a horrific crime - and their stories intersect.
  • The intermingling performed by the act of anthropophagy, and the intersection of the past and present that occurs in the building of cultural identity, suggests that the time of this “meal” is, to borrow a phrase, “out of joint.” Archive 2008-02-01
  • The arrow in Fig.4A denotes the point of intersection used for sensitivity analyses.
  • The speeding Corvette swerved to avoid intersection traffic and went into a spin.
  • I drove along the same route only this time I past the larger intersection at T. C. Jester where I know Lucy hardly ever comes to a complete stop; doing what I call a shuffle as opposed to a legal complete stop. T F Stern's Rantings
  • (It is assumed that no more than two lines intersect at any point inside the circle).
  • Below, the greens of windswept reeds and phragmites are intersected constantly by the twisting, interlocking Hackensack and Passaic Rivers, canal drainages, raised highways and railroad tracks.
  • Traffic will be allowed to move along Simmonds Street, but the following intersections on that road will be closed.
  • Buildings are clustered to encourage student/faculty dialogue and are intersected by quaint plazas, terraces, lavender gardens, and colonnades.
  • Obviously whether the postmark actually intersects the stamp or not has an impact on whether or not it's still functionally usable as a medium of letter exchange, so that's probably an extra piece of metadata there.
  • So as the powers that be cannot control drivers who fall asleep, drivers who fail to give way, drivers who drink, drivers who have prangs at intersections, or the sad state of our roads, they have announced a new idea.
  • It was a deep black and similar to a Christian cross, except that the top half of the cross had been intersected thrice more, each line smaller than the last.
  • A cross-axis at the entrance hall opens to the left onto an elaborately shaped dining room - a square with intersecting hemicycles and a half-octagon - and to the right onto a ‘den’ with a half-octagonal porch beyond.
  • The crazed driver tears through the intersection and barely avoids a brutal collision with an oncoming tractor trailer.
  • We conclude that A is the only point of intersection of that line with the parabola.
  • He also defined the vanishing line to a given plane, not parallel to the plane of the picture, as the intersection of the plane through the eye parallel to the given plane.
  • Drill hole MWNE-08-40 intersected a 66.1 metre core-length interval having radioactivity readings ranging from 300 counts per second ( "cps") to greater than 9,999 cps (off-scale). Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • But in the realm where corporate aviation intersects politics, predictable battlelines are drawn.
  • The intersection is steps away from independent bookstores, record shops, sushi joints and pubs.
  • In the London ‘Rubaiyat’, the ornamentation characterised by scroll-like involutions of ‘A Book of Verse’ is largely replaced by overlapping elliptical and oval shapes formed from the intersections of vine branches.
  • The results of one such program, SIXTRI, suggested that the incenters of the small triangles formed by three intersecting cevians through special points, lie on an ellipse, while their circumcenters lie on a conic.
  • -- Street patterns must be easily navigable and latticelike, with blocks that are not too big and intersections that are not too far apart. Terms, mind-sets must be changed to encourage and enable more walking in cities
  • As in, "The transverse occipital sulcus intersects the intraparietal sulcus near the level of the parieto-occipital fissure" and "The Sahara is in Afghanistan, I think." ... Boing Boing
  • Take a left turn at the intersection.
  • The Degree Confluence Project is an interesting initiative to take an organized sampling of the world by visiting and photographing each point of Earth’s surface where latitude and longitude intersect in integer degrees. Reflective Surface - Archives: 2003 April
  • Here, when there is cooperativity and the repressive activities of u and v are balanced the null clines, being sigmoids, intersect three times.
  • The analysis focused on a typical four-lane arterial route with signalised intersections at 250 metre spacing.
  • Stand at a busy intersection sometime during a smog alert and watch the pedestrians. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • It is essential, however, that these paths intersect at key points, so one can stray or purposively deviate from an easier trail to a more difficult one (or from a more defined to a less defined one).
  • This article has presented intersectionality as a way of framing the various interactions of race and gender in the context of violence against women of color.
  • Each intersection of wires becomes a pixel, or dot on the screen.
  • They were brown and pentangular, with a short stem, and slightly punctured at the intersections. Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • For example, at each location on the globe, the geomagnetic field lines intersect the Earth's surface at a specific angle of inclination.
  • It's important to analyze the recurring intersection between homophobia and sexism worldwide.
  • Gas has been produced along the entire Gay - Spencer - Richardson trend which intersected by north - south trending fold structures.
  • A low power laser could create what would appear like a ‘wall of light’ at the intersections of taxiways and runways.
  • Another problem is that the word roundabout brings up for many people an image of an old "traffic circle" or, in the Northeast, a "rotary" intersection. Davextreme
  • However, greater road width at the intersection was found to have broadly the same benefit as ghost islands.
  • The radium-bearing minerals are torbernite and autunite (hydrous copper-uranium and calcium-uranium phosphates), and are found in dark felsite dikes near their intersections with east-west gold-silver-quartz veins. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The roads intersect near the bridge.
  • Present plant communities are evidently ephemeral aggregations controlled by intersecting gradients of floral change.
  • The null isoclines give the threshold of zero growth for each of the two species, and their intersection specifies the equilibrium point.
  • Laughloch stood before the wide, panoramic window that overlooked the street intersection.
  • The singularity point where all universes intersected was now a polyhedral globe and characters could be standing inside, outside, or anywhere and that would be the “floor” of the CROSSROADS for him or her. The Codex Continual » Bulwark Comics: CROSSROADS
  • The police motorcycles performed magnificently on intersection control while the motorcycles doing the outriding maintained their assigned positions at the back of the presidential limousine and toward the curb. The Kennedy Detail
  • The construction involves joining some points and drawing through some of the points of intersection lines parallel to other lines.
  • Given the growing interest in intersectionality, the absence of comments on how racism intersects with class and gender relations is surprising.
  • The impression one has when looking at maps of large-scale structure is that of a vast cosmic web, a complex network of intersecting chains and sheets.
  • The first stage of his plan was to airlift nearly three battalions of infantry to a crow's-foot of seven intersecting valleys, twelve miles south of Bong Son. Chickenhawk
  • She walked all day, plodding down deserted alleyways and running across busy intersections.
  • The North was ready and the 1913 celebration of the Battle of Gettysburg emerged as nothing less than an intersectional, or better still, national lovefest.
  • Using arrangements of thin intersecting bands he found he could create the illusion of a third or fourth colour.
  • Representation of road network topology in the intersection is a difficult point in transportation GIS.
  • Drag to add a left - facing intersecting corner; you can flip it if you want.
  • Note the star μ, which serves to point out the Winter Solstice, where the solstitial colure intersects the ecliptic. A Field Book of the Stars
  • The Gadsden Purchase represents a point of intersection between mid-nineteenth-century commercial expansionism and the debate over slavery.
  • Examine the condition of the flashings around chimneys, flue pipes, vent caps and anyplace where the roof and walls intersect.
  • Gall stones may lodge at the intersection, causing obstruction to the flow of pancreatic juices or bile.
  • Contents of conjunctions are the intersections of the sets representing their conjuncts.
  • Rather, they tend to develop in the many nooks and crannies formed where roof planes intersect, or where roofs abut walls.
  • We work within an ecofeminist understanding of the interconnection of all life and the intersection of all forms of oppression," she explains. Animal rights, ecofeminism, and rooster rehab
  • Even the traffic policeman at the intersection of the two roads was in a mellow mood.
  • All three deal with the way money corrupts people, but more specifically, how every transaction in life is based on money and how the intersection of money and personal relationships destroys or, at very best, warps everyone's life.
  • Since normals to a straight line never intersect and tangents coincide with the curve, evolutes, involutes and pedal curves are not too interesting.
  • Next year we will be working on a transmedia project that deals with the intersection of energy conservation and personal lifestyle.
  • These distance measurements tell you that you are situated somewhere on the circle where two spheres intersect.
  • There are then two unattached cords of some strength, called the pull line and the forked line, which latter is attached, when required for use, to the two staves nearest the birdcatcher, at the intersection of the top line. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • The radium-bearing minerals are torbernite and autunite (hydrous copper-uranium and calcium-uranium phosphates), and are found in dark felsite dikes near their intersections with east-west gold-silver-quartz veins. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • As a derivation of plain weave, The mesh of main wires is broad, and the cross wires stick together closely, letting liquids or air pass through the intersections of the main and cross wire.
  • At each intersection, Converse had cringed in anticipation of the bullet, the blade, the hatchet.
  • Rhythmic and precise, the keyboards, guitars and drums mingle like city traffic, intersecting sharply at right angles.
  • Instead of being neighbors, or even divided by a physical barrier, the two cities exist simultaneously in the same area, so that in frequent cases known as "crosshatching" the space of one city intersects and criss-crosses the other. The City & The City
  • Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections.
  • In an effort to curtail vehicles running red lights, "tattletale" lights have been installed at two intersections in the Burbank area. Local News from
  • The original spiral structure is hard to detect due to not only the loose and delicate meshwork but also the rarity of a cross section that intersects this inner part.
  • The motorcyclist was the only person involved in a crash at the intersection of State Highway 1 and Bosher Road at Wellsford, 115km north of Auckland. Undefined
  • It may have been inevitable that the fringes of Labour and the Nationalists would intersect in the aftermath of the election.
  • To most “normal” people the question of where the laws of the state and the laws of war intersect is a difficult one. The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
  • The fact that relative factor endowments provide a valid prediction of the intersectoral pattern of trade was established in this chapter.
  • Graphically, the intersection of the supply curve and the demand curve for the product will indicate the equilibrium point.
  • Every time she thought she had a clear line to a point something would intersect. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • The solutions to the equations describing the motions produced by this law are called conic sections - ellipses, hyperbolae and parabolae - which you get by intersecting a plane and a cone.
  • The state needs over one billion dollars and this intersection is a long way off in time no matter if it is 3 miles or 5 miles or whatever. Think Progress » Hastert Defends Profits by Claiming $207 Million Parkway Provides No Benefits for Nearby Homeowners
  • Their dialogue is a fascinating exploration of the intersection of cultural concerns and writerly processes, giving readers a privileged glimpse into this increasingly rich and varied production.
  • Like the lines of longitude on Earth, each great circle eventually intersects with every other great circle at the poles of the sphere.
  • Since normals to a straight line never intersect and tangents coincide with the curve, evolutes, involutes and pedal curves are not too interesting.
  • The students from the youth activist group blockaded an intersection just outside the central plaza.
  • At points like Green Corner or any of the other intersections along Park Street, a handful of policemen could be seen, wholly incapable of preventing crime or intercepting criminals.
  • I used to be a mining engineer, and, to be more precise, would produce maps that estimate where mineral deposits would intersect the surface.
  • Hence relative scale-adjusted commodity prices and relative factor rewards provide a valid prediction of the intersectoral pattern of trade.
  • At least a dozen times over the past two years I've heard the sickening thud and tortured tire screech that signals a fresh wreck in the intersection.
  • I also got into what I later learned was called the intersectionality between women's rights and other social justice issues but saw as an important part of the equality my parents taught me was important: standing up for my friends who were out or who coped, as best they could, with being people of color in a very majority-white and sometimes unfriendly environment. Megan Carpentier: A Feminist's U-Turn: A Torrid Tale of Disappointment and Discovery
  • The class followed my every step for drawing cones intersected by planes to produce each of the four conics sections. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teacher Tales
  • But Wood said the province is blowing the safety issue out of proportion on the stretch of road that connects with West Vancouver and that 80 per cent of the accidents are at signalized intersections in Whistler and Squamish.
  • A contribution by a function to one of the key activities is indicated by a symbol at the intersection.
  • Tyrrel turned away from the man, and hastily left the hotel — not, however, by the road which led to the Aultoun, but by a footpath among the natural copsewood, which, following the course of the brook, intersected the usual horse-road to Shaws – Castle, the seat of Mr. Mowbray, at a romantic spot called the Buck-stane. Saint Ronan's Well
  • Fore wings with a broad, submarginal, upright, white band, which is much narrower hindward, and is intersected by the black veins. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • On this day, the town's main intersection was abuzz, awaiting Saudi royalty.
  • As Mr. Casey maneuvered the large vehicle through traffic, he said he wouldn't mind having an altercation with another driver: "It would be cool to have a taxi sideswipe us and be at this intersection and have an argument. Storm Chaser and Tank Blow Into Town
  • Like the lines of longitude on Earth, each great circle eventually intersects with every other great circle at the poles of the sphere.
  • Particularly did it differ from the Roman vault in that, while the latter had a level crown, obtained by using semicircular lateral and transverse arches and elliptical groin arches (naturally formed by the intersection of two semicircular barrel vaults of equal radius), the "Lombard" vault was constructed with semicircular diagonals, the result being that domical form which was always retained by the Gothic builders of France because of its intrinsic beauty. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • At every intersection, in every town, there was a traffic policeman or two, waving us on.
  • This applied not only at intersections and crosswalks, but anywhere.
  • The victim reported that she placed her vehicle in reverse and ducked down as she stepped on the gas swerving back and forth out of the immediate intersection.
  • For young people who remain in congregations, worship is found to be interesting because it is an engaging intersection of the gospel with their lives.
  • Your left thumb should meet your right hand where your lifeline and heartline intersect.
  • All carriageways of the road, which is near the busy intersection with the M6, were reopened by 2.30 pm yesterday.
  • Between 10 and 15 cats, including a pregnant puss, have been found dead near the intersection of Balmain Rd and Moore St in the past year.
  • The tax bill has tucked in it, and noticed by virtually no one, a measure that would kill the Mayor's proposal to install cameras to catch red-light scofflaws at the city's most dangerous intersections.
  • Dong Xoai, Vietnam 1965 tells the story of Detachment A-342's assignment to the title location, a strategically critical position due to its proximity to several roads that intersect near it. Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
  • Different models were explored to estimate the accident rate at road intersections.
  • Motorists will be able to proceed through the intersection after yielding to circulating traffic on the left.
  • When all pieces have been placed on the board, the players move the pieces around one intersection at a time.
  • At the key intersection the road signs direct travelers to either continue west or turn south.
  • Re: Hence, the benefits of a secular society, where we can incessantly dick with the intersection between the “nihilistic, unnatural, [and] antihuman” and the City of God, the better to make life in the here and now not suck. Matthew Yglesias » Iceland Bans Strip Clubs
  • In his writing and frequent lectures, Jackson explores the intersection of science and society, agronomy and ecology, culture and politics.
  • But never mind all those skulls lined up at the intersection of the Aztec pyramid and the Catholic cathedral on stage.
  • The new edition pays closer attention to intersectionality and hybrid identities.
  • If it leaks, the repair is usually as easy as adding some caulking at the inside of the shower at the intersection between the wall and the base. 2009 July | Reuben's Home Inspection Blog
  • We spectated as the traffic merged uneasily and shifted itself past the complex intersection at midday.
  • Working at the intersection of computer science, biophysics, material science, biomechanics, and psychophysics, Matsuoka creates sophisticated prosthetic devices and designs complementary rehabilitation strategies. Yoky Matsuoka: Neurobotics
  • Still, I believe the intersection of cultures in behavioral research is where behavior analysis may be maximally useful.
  • Venn extended Boole's mathematical logic and is best known to mathematicians and logicians for his diagrammatic way of representing sets, and their unions and intersections.
  • The most notable shot is a flyover of a cloverleaf highway intersection that is perfectly composited and executed.
  • The policeman regulated traffic at the intersection.
  • The bisectors of the angles BAC and MON intersect at R.
  • Since normals to a straight line never intersect and tangents coincide with the curve, evolutes, involutes and pedal curves are not too interesting.
  • Both authors make some effort to be intersectional in their approach. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is my belief, as a trans person and intersectional anarchafeminist, that it is in our best interests to make our voices heard directly. Call for submissions for enTRANS’d, a trans-queer feminist ‘zine
  • Three groups of intersections - signalised intersections, roundabouts, and priority intersections - were evaluated.
  • the set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things
  • The upper palate was broad, its intersecting sutures largely unfused. Spider Bones
  • Most of the summer this has entailed looking at the enormous caladiums obstructing my view of the intersection.
  • Several studies which examined the RLC effect at nearby intersections also found significant positive changes in driver behaviour at these sites, which can be treated as RLC spatial halo effect.
  • A hierarchical adaptive fuzzy control system for an isolated urban traffic intersection is proposed, and an evolution strategy is used to modify the fuzzy membership functions of the system.
  • Adelaide River is the next road and rail intersection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simple results on arrangements of lines can be proved merely by observing that the lines and their intersections can be represented as a planar graph.
  • A lesser film would have merely re-enacted the events of Goya's life and shown you his art; Saura manages to portray their intersection.
  • Try tracing each plaited mat design, making sure you don't change direction at any intersection.
  • It was this organized effort to undermine slavery… that put such a strain on intersectional relations and sent antagonists and protagonists of slavery scurrying headlong into the 1850s determined to have their uncompromising way.
  • Venn diagrams deal with sets, their union and intersection.
  • Murray and Johansson are brought together by chance, their lives intersecting in the hotel.
  • The names of roads, intersections, and neighbourhoods in several cities flow effortlessly from his mouth.
  • Inspired by sand roses, the tiny formations that crystallize just below the desert's surface, the building's dozens of disclike forms, intersecting at odd angles and piling up unevenly atop one another, celebrate a delicate beauty in the desert landscape that is invisible to those who have not spent time there. NYT > Home Page
  • The disclosure came as City Controller Wendy Greuel issued an audit finding the photo enforcement program bypassed some of the city's most dangerous intersections and is costing the city more than $1 million a year to operate, despite fines and fees that can exceed $500. Steve Parker: It's Official: "Red Light Cameras" Don't Work
  • I disagree; I think that the fact that the 3 circles intersected makes a triquetra makes it funnier. Scary stories.

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