How To Use Interruption In A Sentence

  • The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.
  • Dr. Orkborne, much incommoded by this second interruption, coldly begged to know his pleasure. Camilla
  • The rally has defied all odds and logic with only two, short interruptions since it began its climb in August 1982.
  • This is the lowest attendance for the first four days since 2007, when frequent rain interruptions hit the first week. Times, Sunday Times
  • He employed extremes in sonority and revels in distortions and interruptions, often through the ironic use of recognizable fragments from the everyday world. A Fierce Enthusiasm
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  • Mr. Johnson simply ignored the remark and told the girl, Justine, to sit down, and continued with the day's study without further interruption.
  • Ignoring all interruptions, I focused on Alex, the person I was now guarding, and silently assessed his position.
  • The pair maintained their concentration and composure throughout the various interruptions for drizzle and bad light to hold out. The Sun
  • As Anna and Claire's stratagems become more and more elaborate, Catherine's constant interruptions get funnier and funnier.
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • Direct losses include claims under property coverage, workers' comp, life and accident, business interruption, general liability and more.
  • The evidence put to them is censored, controlled, delivered after frequent and unwelcome interruptions and often without being understood. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had expected a degree of disturbance and interruption as I switched over to Retirement Pension from Incapacity Benefit, and still do.
  • The Council of Trent was the 18th oecumenical council of the Church, assembled at Trent, a town in the Austrian Tyrol, and sat, with certain interruptions, from December 13, 1545, until December 4, The Philippine Islands
  • From 1133 the office was hereditary in the de Vere family, though with interruptions and vicissitudes, until it passed in 1626 to their cousins the Berties, as Lords Willoughby de Eresby.
  • So saying, the Robin flew from the thorn-tree to another part of the grounds, where he could amuse himself without interruption; and the Tortoise began to hustle under the leaves and rubbish again, with a view to taking his nap. Parables From Nature
  • The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.
  • There are marked temporal interruptions and ellipses between the episodes; there are edits but they are kept to a minimum.
  • Sometimes interruption of the aortic arch is diagnosed on a fetal ultrasound and/or fetal echocardiogram. Interruption of the Aortic Arch
  • There are many other risks of business interruption and suspension that cannot be transferred to an insurance company.
  • Though the Chief Minister ignored the interruptions a couple of times, the third time she said someone was doing it deliberately.
  • Rein speaks of the removal of an enormous echinococcus cyst of the omentum without interruption of pregnancy. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • I could not bear the idea of interruption before the first number of my "Fishes" is finished. Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence
  • They'd heard her a little at rehearsal, but not properly, not consistently, and not without interruption and background noise.
  • At stake in this description is the very interruption of cognitive and performative language that de Man explains will emerge in the book itself — i.e., the interruption of the difference between a book about romanticism (cognitive, constative) and a book of romanticism and its disruption 'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
  • But this interruption also blocks the passage of ideas by shifting emphasis away from the signified.
  • Electricity boards have no commitment to supply quality power without interruption, but users face disconnection if charges are not remitted periodically.
  • The CCRIF will enable governments to purchase catastrophe coverage akin to business interruption insurance that will provide them with an early cash payment after a major hurricane or earthquake.
  • The researchers discovered that when a sound was restored perceptually (ie when the participant "heard" it), slow brain waves called theta oscillations, which occur when the brain is encoding boundaries of sound, were suppressed during the interruption of that sound. Health News from Medical News Today
  • My speech was going well until I was put off my stroke by an interruption.
  • They had for a long series of years been debarred from the privilege of religious worship, and as there was reason to fear that a continued neglect of divine ordinances would draw down upon them the judgments of offended heaven, they begged permission to go three days 'journey into the desert -- a place of seclusion -- where their sacrificial observances would neither suffer interruption nor give umbrage to the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Not that I'm not pleased to have a straight day to write in, but I'll be even more pleased when promotion season is over and I can get back to making stuff up without interruption.
  • Another highlight: gear changes are executed without any interruption of the driving power.
  • She is not expecting Dysart until the day has well grown into its afternoon; but, book in hand, she has escaped from all possible visitors to spend a quiet hour in the old earwiggy shanty at the end of the garden, sure of finding herself safe there from interruptions. April's Lady A Novel
  • There have been over 500 aftershocks since the temblor, causing interruptions in the rescue effort.
  • When, however, the little insignificant figure we have described approached so nigh as to receive some interruption from the warders, he dashed his dusky green turban from his head, showed that his beard and eyebrows were shaved like those of a professed buffoon, and that the expression of his fantastic and writhen features, as well as of his little black eyes, which glittered like jet, was that of a crazed imagination. The Talisman
  • On the contrary, the patient, like one provoked by interruption, changed her posture, and called out with an impatient tone, "Nurse -- nurse, turn my face to the wa ', that I may never answer to that name ony mair, and never see mair of a wicked world. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • My speech went quite well until I was put off my stroke by the interruption.
  • Amid jokes and badinage, the rehearsal started with Jimi Hendirx's Purple Haze and carried on with the entire Le Quattro Stagioni almost without interruption.
  • The overall bill from lost profit and business interruption ran into the millions. The Sun
  • Marking did not affect their behavior; marked workers continued with their task without interruption.
  • The door had been locked, so even if Charlie had wanted to know what was happening, Talos ensured that no interruptions to his work could occur. NaNoWriMo: Date At The Museum « The Graveyard
  • Would the ability to reassign resources without downtime or service interruption be beneficial?
  • Stunned by the awkward interruption, the cringing star was quick to explain: "That is so embarrassing! That is my phone."
  • If bowel sounds are present, repeated doses of oral activated charcoal may be administered to enhance the elimination of glutethimide through interruption of its enterohepatic recirculation. Loads
  • We apologize for the interruption to our transmissions this afternoon.
  • What about the high-level internal misconduct and criminal activity, and the daily reality of cybercrime and business interruption?
  • An extra £79 million was claimed for business interruption.
  • This paper analyzes the relationship between gender difference and conversation strategy in general, and indirectness, interruption and coherence and cohesion in particular.
  • I am a fairly robust debater and can cope with interruption and heckling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only diacritical marks here employed are the acute accent for stressed syllables and the apostrophe between two vowels to indicate the glottic closure or interruption of sound (improperly sometimes called a guttural) that prevents the two from coalescing. Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
  • She struggled against all the interruptions to keep the thread of her argument.
  • If you've been worrying about losing IQ points to "infomania" - constant email and phone interruptions - you can put your mind at ease.
  • The game continued after a short interruption because of rain.
  • I used to laugh it off, referring to it as a ‘bad drip,’ but the joke has worn thin over the years, to the extent that now the whole thing is no more than a boring interruption to my daily life.
  • Interruptions were swept aside with a wave of his hand.
  • The making so many fires, as above, did indeed consume an unusual quantity of coals; and that upon one or two stops of the ships coming up, whether by contrary weather or by the interruption of enemies I do not remember, but the price of coals was exceeding dear, even as high as 4 a chalder; but it soon abated when the ships came in, and as afterwards they had a freer passage, the price was very reasonable all the rest of that year. A Journal Of The Plague Year
  • Miss Devenish, obviously used to these interruptions, offered Dougal another digestive biscuit.
  • The pleasure of this discourse had such a dulcifying tendency, that, although two causes of delay occurred, each of much more serious duration than that which had drawn down his wrath upon the unlucky Mrs. Macleuchar, our = Antiquary = only bestowed on the delay the honour of a few episodical poohs and pshaws, which rather seemed to regard the interruption of his disquisition than the retardation of his journey. The Antiquary
  • By cystotomy Reamy removed a double hair-pin from a woman pregnant six and a half months, without interruption, and according to Mann again, McClintock extracted stones from the bladder by the urethra in the fourth month of pregnancy, and Phillips did the same in the seventh month. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Rule 8.01 says that once a pitcher starts his windup he must continue ‘without interruption or alteration.’
  • The curiosity is that home telephones have gradually taken on behaviours that reflect this issue of intrusion and interruption.
  • How fortunate he had been to come upon Enid alone and talk to her without interruption, —without once seeing Mrs. Royce’s face, always masked in powder, peering at him from behind a drawn blind. II. Book Two: Enid
  • No country is arterialized by such a vast system of navigable streams, to have constructed which as canals of equal capacity would have cost more than ten billions of dollars, and then these canals would have been subjected to large tolls, the cost of their annual repairs would have been enormous, and the interruption by lockage a serious obstacle. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1864
  • He reached for his constant-interruption controls but pulled back, remembering that such a move would result in automatic forfeit.
  • The evidence put to them is censored, controlled, delivered after frequent and unwelcome interruptions and often without being understood. Times, Sunday Times
  • From Baudelaire's Journaux Intimes 2:ii: 'Le Dandy doit aspirer à être sublime sans interruption; il doit vivre et dormir devant un miroir.' Archive 2007-11-01
  • Try to find a quiet place that has no possibility of disturbance or interruption.
  • The speaker was completely thrown by theinterruption.
  • Any interruption in that process would have delayed innovation and hurt the global economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evidence put to them is censored, controlled, delivered after frequent and unwelcome interruptions and often without being understood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often there were interruptions from correctional officers and other jail staff.
  • Not doing well results in dissonant silence or an intentionally dissonant interruption. Music Sweet Music
  • The constant interruptions stopped me settling to my work.
  • I found it hard to work with all the noise and constant interruptions.
  • 'indefiniteness' and 'general imbecility' of what we had to offer -- all so unworthy a _Bostonian_ audience -- we commenced, and with many interruptions of applause, concluded. International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
  • The rally has defied all odds and logic with only two, short interruptions since it began its climb in August 1982.
  • It was an interruption of his concentration upon the interminable playing of dominoes, or cards, or throwing dice.
  • Apparently, these interruptions do not tend to occur at particular places in the sequence.
  • Strauss proudly believed in writing at two levels, the "exoteric", which itself would be the layer which contained his own lies, while the deeper truths were to be gleaned by not ignoring any single hinted-at interruption. Conservatives Lie
  • Jules et Jim is an epic of inconsequence, the historical sweep of the first world war and the rise of nazism reduced to interruptions to the enigmatic potentialities of private life. Truffaut: growing backwards into childhood
  • Numerous interruptions have prevented me from finishing my work.
  • One conscientious timekeeper would note these interruptions, as well as the reason for a worker's absence.
  • There will be no interruption to fuel supply. The Sun
  • Such an impulse, following immediately upon the interruption of the circuit of the transmitting battery, acts to destroy the effect of the "tailing" or static discharge of the line, L, upon the receiving instrument, and also to neutralize the same throughout the line. Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884
  • I now expect to be booked on cable TV to expatiate on my brilliant findings without interruption.
  • If, then, a long life hardly breeds a case in which it is strictly lawful to interrupt a co-dialogist, what are we to think of those who move in conversation by the very principle of interruption? The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • On the contrary, the patient, like one provoked by interruption, changed her posture, and called out with an impatient tone, ` ` Nurse --- nurse, turn my face to the wa ', that I may never answer to that name ony mair, and never see mair of a wicked world.' ' The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • We worked together, with only a short interruption, from the time we were both appointed to be judges of the Court of Appeal.
  • What research has shown though is that the interruptions that emails and phone calls facilitate affect our ability to remember things. Mind Hacks: Does email really reduce IQ ?
  • Minor movements of less than a hundred metres or so are probably best regarded as interruptions in one main cycle.
  • The rage of Cuttikins at this interruption was considerable; he looked at me as if he could have eaten me raw, and remarked with a concentrated spleen, 'Well, I must say, never did I see any human being so improved in amiability as you are. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • [Interruption] Oh, he says it is because he loves them - it is aroha.
  • Poets are selfish, self-centred people who regard neighbours as noisy interruptions rather than deserving objects in need of a helping hand.
  • Interruption of oxygen supply to the fetus was classically considered to be the main causal factor explaining later cerebral palsy.
  • Can I please have this conversation on the phone without interruptions?
  • Cope is derailed by enthusiastic interjections from proprietary fans and the show lurches from one interruption to another.
  • But by mid-afternoon on Monday an unrelated incident occurred which will cause further interruptions in water supply.
  • It contains the name of the vessel and that of her master, her tunnage, and the number of her crew, certifying that she belongs to the subjects of a particular state, and requiring all persons at peace with that state, to suffer her to proceed on her voyage without interruption. The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
  • Synergy is aiming to offer a single policy covering a range of areas from business interruption, motor and liability insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rally has defied all odds and logic with only two, short interruptions since it began its climb in August 1982.
  • Still smarting from the terrible interruption to their plans by those cunning security measures in airports - what wily geniuses the enemy are to have thought of making the check-in staff ask such questions!
  • The annual throng of whitebaiters converging on Lake Ferry has been subject to an unseasonal interruption to the harvest just as catches were beginning to grow.
  • I managed to work for two hours without interruption.
  • How many interruptions could we endure and for how long? Times, Sunday Times
  • But any interruption, whether it's an e-mail, a phone call, or a walk-up, will break this flow and it takes time (15 minutes on average based on the statistics) to get back into the flow again.
  • Robson reports a multi-locular cyst of the ovary with extensive adhesions of the uterus, removed at the tenth week of pregnancy and ovariotomy performed without any interruption of the ordinary course of labor. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The only other interruption was an early evening telephone call from my sister, who responded to my mumbling incoherence by asking whether I was drunk.
  • But I just ask the Minister, taking into account all the interruptions, why fortified wine was not included in this legislation.
  • Interruptions were swept aside with a wave of his hand.
  • All three have endured untimely interruptions from snow and ice not seen for a generation. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can even build internal cliffhangers into a half-hour or hour-long program and use the interruptions to their advantage. March « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • The buzz of the comunit was a welcome interruption. Survivors
  • Normal speech is a muddle, a mix of sentence fragments and hesitations, repetitions and interruptions.
  • For seven weeks he had worked at it without interruption; and for seven weeks he had been happy: companioned by the vivid creatures of his brain; and, better still, by a quickened undersense of his mother's vital share in the 'blossom and fruit of his life.' Far to Seek A Romance of England and India
  • But the judge maintained that the jurors 'ability to impartially decide an "inarguably" high-profile case could be impaired by unsolicited interruptions. Blagojevich Trial: Jury To Begin Deliberations
  • You had to hear the sneer in his voice for that, and the ludicrous interruptions.
  • The angry officer, quite out of breath, could only point at the depredator, who, unaware of the approach of any interruption, still continued to enjoy his unhallowed meal. Ralph Rashleigh
  • The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
  • The whole adds up to a book that takes some time to read, because there are so many interruptions for laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Subsequent nomarchs and high priests may have caused some interruption in the redistributive patterns by reneging on some of the contractual terms, particularly those that may have adversely affected their own revenues.
  • VFV (in a cold voice): Attention readers of EDF, your non-fiction scheduled interruption is now over. FOCUS • by Oonah V Joslin
  • Im not commenting on this particular post/subject but if your a journalist and ask a question you should allow the questionee to answer the question without interruption. Think Progress » VIDEO: Bret Baier Interviewing Obama Vs. Bret Baier Interviewing Bush
  • the telephone is an annoying interruption
  • Her large supporting cast never really comes to life, and she allows too many strangely unfocused interruptions to her narrative flow.
  • From the excellent way she handled the interruption, it was clear that she'd had to deal with the heckler before, but the crowd lost patience with him and booed him to silence.
  • We desiderate means of instruction which involve no interruption of our ordinary habits; nor need we seek it long, for the natural course of things brings it about, while we debate over it. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • She kept redialing and the interruptions didn't seem to bother her.
  • Although the billeting officer could not have realized it, this second interruption worked to her advantage. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • Business interruption: arson to you and me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or at least he was trying to, in-between constant interruptions from his star player. The Sun
  • The first half consists of two scenes of dialogue with choral interruptions. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Since their Nobel lectures describe one collaborative effort, I suggest that we listen to them without interruption.
  • his intolerance of interruptions
  • Now people complain that a woman's monthly periods are an interruption and an inconvenience.
  • An active e-commerce operation has almost no time to spare for restore after a data interruption.
  • These were the casual sallies of his pride; but the avarice of the chagan was a more steady and tractable passion: a rich and regular supply of silk apparel, furniture, and plate, introduced the rudiments of art and luxury among the tents of the Scythians; their appetite was stimulated by the pepper and cinnamon of India; the annual subsidy or tribute was raised from fourscore to one hundred and twenty thousand pieces of gold; and after each hostile interruption, the payment of the arrears, with exorbitant interest, was always made the first condition of the new treaty. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • Lock the door to ensure us from interruption.
  • Here was a place where she could dream to her heart's content in peaceful solitude and study her scores without interruption.
  • Wimbledon has literally been awash with interruptions in its final week.
  • In common with most other business interruption products, his policy does not cover general service faults. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
  • If an oration is too long, "it should be divided and each single part should be excellently shaped and put in a certain place in right order, that is, so that one thought may follow another without interruption or disturbance. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The moment a good talker is aware of having broken into the speech of his converser, he forestalls interruption by waiting to hear what was about to be said. Conversation What to Say and How to Say it
  • For in the cross, God's interruption of 'history' and the very grace by which we are given to live vulnerably in history, by way of the excess of God's agapeic love which comes ever anew from Faith and Theology
  • In some jobs, and this is one of them, there is no such thing as a day off, or a night off, or a holiday without interruption.
  • Abnormal interruption of these integrated signaling pathways by food-related and environmental toxicants results in diseased states, such as cancer.
  • her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions
  • The game continued after a short interruption because of rain.
  • Both machines have a pause button for interruptions.
  • The rest of the night continued with fun, fellowship, and no unexpected interruptions.
  • The standard definition broadcast was shown without any interruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, I don't know what you call interruption, but this is a complete stopper; I can't make any impression with the pick, it is as hard as rock; and then comes some of those old walls that are rather harder than granite -- you may as well pick at a cart-load of pig iron. Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 3
  • Appealing to both forces, we ascribe interruption to perceptions and continuance to objects.
  • A peaceful, relaxing environment, free of interruptions and disturbances, is best.
  • Try to find a quiet place that has no possibility of disturbance or interruption.
  • The thing that astonishes me is that, in spite of everything, all the false starts and interruptions, the new cat story got written through to a second version in the end.
  • The speaker was completely thrown off by the interruption.
  • As a student of waves, Cass is steadfast in his insistence that this period is an interruption - not a halt: a technology downturn, not a global downturn.
  • The pair maintained their concentration and composure throughout the various interruptions for drizzle and bad light to hold out. The Sun
  • This has to be a continuous process, without periods of storage or interruptions.
  • The boy had never received animal insulin and there had been no interruption in his treatment.
  • The game continued after a short interruption because of rain.
  • The permissions I give and am given by the interruptions of my thought in the corner of my room contrive my cadences, showing the line breaks to the onrush of my words.
  • The first half consists of two scenes of dialogue with choral interruptions. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one to find Dimbleby's show increasingly an excuse for him to indulge his ego and behave pompously, as he tries to cram a quart into a pint pot by badgering his 'guests' with interruptions and snidey remarks to make himself look of a superior intelligence. Johnson, Benn and Harman Shine on Question Time
  • I managed to work for two hours without interruption.
  • They included termination of the pregnancy, continuation of the pregnancy without intervention allowing nature to follow its course with expectations of early delivery and possible cardiac complications in the pump twin, or interruption of the blood supply to the anomalous parabiotic twin using either bipolar cord cauterization or radiofrequency ablation of the blood supply. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • As editing is the reading moment: the multimplication of material in Divestiture — A yields a thresholding surplus, a hyper-trophy of enjoyments: its post-personalizing thrill bursting from an energizing strangeness of interferences, interruptions, and diastrophic collisions. /ubu Editions, Third Series: 12 New Titles : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • And the things you hold in short-term memory vanish assoon as there is an interruption.
  • She looked up at me sharply, clearly nettled by the interruption.
  • Let's go somewhere where we can talk without interruption.
  • With many interruptions, she finally managed to update her friend. I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY
  • London winter, between Parliaments and rakery, is a little too much without interruption for an elderly personage, that verges towards -- I won't say what. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • Above we have a neat little cable pattern that is useful as a simple interruption of stocking stitch along a complete garment.
  • Once the underpass is through vehicles plying on Chord Road can cross this junction without any interruption as in the case of Mekhri Circle.
  • Any interruption in this intermediation process will bring this protracted period of rampant money supply expansion to a conclusion, with enormous consequences.
  • It was almost as if the two month lay-off had been of benefit rather than a frustrating interruption to a burgeoning career.
  • Saoud had indeed once given orders, that none of these Turkish pilgrims, who still flocked from Yembo to this tomb, even after the interruption of the regular pilgrim-caravans, should any more be permitted to enter Medina: and this he did to prevent what he called their idolatrous praying; a practice which it was impossible to abolish without excluding them at once from the mosque; this prohibition Saoud did not think proper to enforce: he therefore preferred keeping them from the city, under pretence that their improper behaviour rendered such a proceeding necessary. Travels in Arabia
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • It all helps to minimise business interruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she adds that she finds its constant interruptions annoying, and switches it off when she wants to concentrate.
  • There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor.
  • The monetary role enabled the coin to function properly as a coin by ensuring that it circulated smoothly and without interruption.
  • They found that slow brain waves called theta oscillations, which are involved in encoding boundaries of sounds, were suppressed during an interruption in a sound when that sound was illusorily restored. Daily News & Analysis
  • Inside, huge grindstones are crushing wheat into flour once again, after an interruption of a century or so.
  • A personal dream at the moment, after all the frantic activity of the past year, would be to settle for a holiday or, failing that, a shot on the swings without interruption.
  • Thirdly, in hearing every man apart, one may examine, when there is need, the truth or probability of his reasons, and of the grounds of the advice he gives, by frequent interruptions and objections; which cannot be done in an assembly, where in every difficult question a man is rather astonied and dazzled with the variety of discourse upon it, than informed of the course he ought to take. Leviathan
  • They accept his habitual interruptions with good grace.
  • It was about differences. [Interruption] I say to the member opposite, who is ranting, that at that time there was difference between the religious fraternity.
  • In fact, the only interruption to my singing was when I'd slap my arm or thigh or back trying to swat one of the evil bloodsuckers.
  • Any interruption in that process would have delayed innovation and hurt the global economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • persisting for several years usually with new herbaceousgrowth from a perennating part b : continuing without interruption : constant, perpetual clutch at 1:10 PM December 24, 2010 - News
  • Goliath continued, wanting no disturbance or interruption in his clarification.
  • No excess noise was audible, and sound flowed continuously, free of blips or other interruptions.
  • Never mind the interruption; proceed with your story.
  • We apologize for this service interruption and are working hard to resolve the problem.
  • Their right of defence was curtailed by interruptions from the judge and the apparently hand-picked audience of hostile spectators.
  • The data recorded about actual interruptions supports the view that the so-called "work-day" is made up largely of frustration time.

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