How To Use Interrogation In A Sentence

  • Following his defiance, KSM was subjected to a number of coercive interrogation techniques besides being waterboarded the 183 times: he was kept up for seven and a half days straight while diapered and shackled, and he was told that his kids, who were now being held in American custody, would be killed. The Longest War
  • Angry Reader has a point about "spill," and while I can see Joel's point about it being what people call it, I respectfully suggest that it's that logic which got us to the point where we called chaining people to walls, beating them, freezing them, blasting music and noise at them at decibel levels high enough to inflict pain, electrifying their genitals, humiliating them and then drowning them repeatedly "enhanced interrogation techniques. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Many secret orders sprang up, and when outsiders made interrogations of supposed members, they were answered with a statement that the person knew nothing, which is why members were called Know-Nothings.
  • What we call enhanced interrogation is just warming up for the Paks. Mullah Abdul Ghani Barader Interrogation - So, They Used Rendition on Barader? | RedState
  • KING: Senator Leahy, in the Boston Globe today, in an op-ed piece, you continue your effort to get what you call a commission of inquiry to look back into the practices, the detainee interrogation practices, what you call the torture committed during the Bush administration. CNN Transcript May 3, 2009
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  • The process of kinesic analysis in interviewing and interrogation is first to establish a baselinea catalog of behaviors that subjects exhibit when telling the truth: Where do they put their hands, where do they look and how often, do they swallow or clear their throats often, do they lace their speech with Uhm, do they tap their feet, do they slouch or sit forward, do they hesitate before answering? Roadside Crosses
  • All of those charges have protested their innocence, claiming that they were using accepted interrogation methods.
  • No Sin Left Behind yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'No Sin Left Behind'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Public interrogations of piety and faith, such as undergone by the Democratic candidates earlier this week, amount to a sort of religious litmus test for public office. No Sin Left Behind
  • It was a classic of interrogation: first the bully, then the kind one who offers sympathy.
  • [1] A narrative of participants and chronology of the D.partment of Justice Office of Legal Counsel opinions on the CIA's D.tention and Interrogation Program prepared by Senator John D. Rockefeller IV of the US Senate Intelligence Committee was declassified by Attorney General Eric Holder on April 19, 2009: intelligence. pdf. The Complicit General
  • Under interrogation, he refused to say anything at first.
  • He didn't refer to them as secret prisons and that the CIA would continue to have available to it what he called alternate techniques for interrogation, which he insisted had been legally reviewed, were lawful, were tough, he said, but safe and did not constitute torture. CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2006
  • After a period of intense interrogation under torturous conditions, he is sent to a POW camp.
  • Freire's own model of critical pedagogy invites a critical interrogation of this flaw in the work.
  • Had the question been asked in that enchanted hall in fairyland, where all interrogations must be answered with absolute sincerity, Darsie had certainly replied, that he took her for the most frank-hearted and ultra-liberal lass that had ever lived since Mother Eve eat the pippin without paring. Redgauntlet
  • The basis for this whole interrogation is to determine if she has the extensive and extraordinary ability and sensibility to apply our laws to the issues brought before our Supreme Court, without malice or personal prejudice. Sotomayor: Judges have different task than what citizens expect
  • Most notably, Area 2 had been home to Detective Jon Burge, a name synonymous in the city with torture in interrogations. Long Way Home
  • David turned to the decrepit man sitting in the interrogation room.
  • He told how he was blindfolded, taken to an interrogation centre and tortured for seven weeks.
  • She was held overnight for interrogation, denied food and drink, and subjected to physical abuse.
  • Let’s move to a more recent example of what I can only call institutionalised racism in American reporting of Iraq I have to thank reader Andrew Gorman for this gem, a January Associated Press report about the killing of an Iraqi prisoner under interrogation by US Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer Jnr. Firedoglake » Late Nite FDL: Incomprehensible Demoralization
  • The evidence is so muddled and conflicted when it comes to the efficacy of coercive interrogation that I find it hard to justify these tactics at all, especially given the blowback from their use.
  • He climaxed his interrogation by asking what was wrong with a team full of foreigners being owned by a foreigner.
  • Bush = NOT impeached, despite 8 years of: gutted civil liberties, torture (oops, I mean enhanced interrogation techniques), an entire city drowned thanks to failure to maintain levees. Does Obama hate open source?
  • He was still in the interrogation room, but the chairs and the tables had toppled over.
  • There was no sound — which lent merciful distance to what it showed: the interrogation of some unidentified middle-aged man, undergoing falanga, mostly (beatings to pulp the feet), though the session culminated in anal rape with a stick. Watching Torture
  • Edwards's bright-line rule should be maintained as is, particularly when the reinterrogation involves the same crime and the suspect is incarcerated. SCOTUSblog
  • In the face of interrogation by members of the committee, you waffled, equivocated, lied, feigned lack of memory, and even remained silent, in the face of the most probing questions.
  • After several intense cabinet meetings, Obama appeared to back down and go along with a Panetta proposal to heavily "redact" - black out-all references to specific interrogation techniques, say the administration sources. - Bush-Cheney Trials in '09
  • I enjoyed the first episode of the new season of Raising the Bar (although the Chief Prosecutor – or is he the D.A.? is getting sleazier all the time), and Burn Notice was pretty good, too, although the reverse interrogation was a tad of a stretch. T-Mobile saga continues : Bev Vincent
  • In India, however, where interrogations like genethlialogy were introduced in the second century by the Yavanajātaka, the relationship of the art to the second type of divination (familiar through the versions of Babylonian omen literature in the saṃhitās) was not ignored; from the earliest times the need for ritual purity and preparation is stressed. ASTROLOGY
  • For example, when does aggressive and somewhat intimidatory interrogation of a suspect become torture?
  • His characteristic attitude is one of close scrutiny and interrogation; he puts his documents on the rack, as it were.
  • Leo found that when detectives actually attempted to gain incriminating information, their techniques yielded a partial admission or full confession more than three-fourths of the time. 83 He hypothesized that this level of success would be similar in departments where similar tech-niques are in use. 84 While their precise effectiveness in the terrorism context has not been evaluated systematically, the methods used in American police departments are very similar to those experienced with interrogationboth in the U.S. and abroad assert to bet he most effective. Scalia Openly Condones Torture : Law is Cool
  • Many of those detectives still serve in the police department -- and face no adverse consequences when they periodically invoke their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination rather than answer questions about their past interrogation practices. Locke Bowman: Chicago Police Miss the Message about the Cost of Wrongful Convictions
  • As a card-carrying Shakespearean, I have called attention to the tiny detail of the temple-haunting martlet, but specialized knowledge is hardly required: in Goold's Macbeth we quickly sense the atmosphere of Stalinist Russia, with its pervasive paranoia, its inner circles of nervous, vulpine flatterers, its interrogation chambers and extorted confessions, its public rituals of adulation braided together with opportunism, fear, and hatred. In the Night Kitchen
  • he had trouble phrasing his interrogations
  • So why did the CIA destroy videotapes that reportedly show what they called harsh techniques, harsh interrogation techniques? CNN Transcript Dec 11, 2007
  • Edwards will not result in the exclusion of all evidence arising from reinterrogation: to the contrary, statements by suspects can be used under a variety of circumstances, such as when counsel is present. SCOTUSblog
  • A cousinly interrogation peppered with snide innuendo. Earl of Durkness
  • At one point during the interrogation he was visited by three FBI agents who asked similar questions and agreed to "facilitate" his release if he would provide them information. Daphne Eviatar: Is Proxy Detention the Obama Administration's Extraordinary Rendition-Lite?
  • Disbarment of lawyers involved in interrogation policies sought GOP applauds, Dems criticize overturning Sotomayor ruling
  • The police were then notified and, with minimal interrogation, the alleged firebug confessed to the gamut of crimes he was accused of.
  • The favorite tortures of the Soviet Cheka, or secret police (then called NKVD) in the 1930's and 40's were merciless beatings, confinement in refrigerated cells, week-long sleep deprivation, and endless interrogations. Eric Margolis: Make the Torturers Face Justice
  • Ministers had previously denied the army used hooding during interrogation.
  • While in CIA custody, Mohammed was subjected to coercive interrogation techniques, culminating in waterboarding.
  • Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich) forced the Justice Department to release some previously redacted material from the Defense Department, showing that the redactions had hidden FBI criticisms of the interrogation methods.
  • The police kept up a running fire of questions during their interrogation of the suspect.
  • In a waiting room resembling an interrogation room, we made an official report.
  • Without proper interrogation and criticism, government leans away from democracy towards autocracy.
  • [O] nce defendant was physically taken into custody and handcuffed, the potential for coercion was as great as that which inheres in custodial interrogation by a police officer, and ... administration of the Miranda warnings was required to dispel that potential coercion in order for defendant's statement to be admissible in a criminal trial. Fourth Department
  • ‘Aunt Jemima of the Ocean Waves’ is a two-part interrogation of the black minstrel tradition embodied by the famous face of Aunt Jemima.
  • He died after reportedly undergoing interrogation by a private contract employee of the CIA.
  • They are eager to confront their guests with full frontal interrogations about their marriages.
  • The police were then notified and, with minimal interrogation, the alleged firebug confessed to the gamut of crimes he was accused of.
  • Let’s remember that McCain acquiesced in legislation that did not extend the Field Manual to such interrogations. Matthew Yglesias » Cornyn Holds Up Holder, Demands Immunity From Prosecution For Torturers
  • When the novel's fifth section gives you the interrogation of a rebellious clone, Sonmi~451, in some dystopian future, it is to draw the reader into an unlikely sympathy with the "fabricant", treated as non-human by the "purebloods" she serves. Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
  • He remains in custody in Egypt and has been subjected to interrogation byintelligence agents. Homeland Uber Alles | Letter Never Sent
  • Face the interrogation of Tan Qing Rui's"the home lives where", "why to think that the anti turns on", the said feme doesn't just shed tears to the correspondence and yell "let me get off".
  • Officials have declared that the memo had no practical impact on interrogation techniques, and the president himself made a direct statement denying ever authorizing or condoning the use of torture.
  • It would also have been edifying if Gonzales' opponents had recognized the possibility that information obtained through aggressive interrogation can save lives.
  • After a short interrogation, the lieutenant and I were sent to hospital, while Kolya reassumed his job as an army driver. The Gun
  • For example, where were the dogs in relation to the interrogation subject, and were the dogs muzzled or unmuzzled?
  • The man beside me told the guard I had just come from interrogation.
  • The four executive orders Obama signed on Thursday, the second day of his presidency, begin the process of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, require the CIA to comply with the Army Field Manual on Interrogations, close the CIA secret prisons known as "black sites" and allow International Committee of the Red Cross access to ensure that all U. S.-held detainees are being held in compliance with the Geneva Conventions. JTA - Recent News
  • I had the opportunity to kind of eavesdrop on a couple of interrogations, which are certainly surreal, if you're used to this sort of anti-American propaganda, where the guys are in dungeons and chains, chained to these little, wooden chairs under the bare light bulb, or some guys beating the information out of them. Mark Steyn and Hugh Hewitt reveal the true impulses underlying yesterday's vote
  • He added that a report would be prepared on the basis of his interrogation.
  • We have wanted, on the Intelligence Committee, the minority party, to do a full investigation of detention, interrogation and rendition.
  • The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
  • There are things here which are not offered for serious interrogation.
  • After 50 minutes of stern questions and answers - the length of a typical undergraduate class - the interrogation is over.
  • Under interrogation, he refused to say anything at first.
  • After a few minutes of interrogation and searches, his tone changed, and we were invited to sit down.
  • As "Lie to Me" shows, Ekman's work has great potential for applications in law enforcement, especially in criminal interrogation and airport security screening.
  • I turned and held my wrists out to the guard, which he obligingly cuffed for me before leading me round into another corridor, and the interrogation rooms.
  • Nietzsche is the great exemplar of complicating thought, exploiting knowledge in the interests of interrogations - not in order to clarify and focus but to subtilize and dissociate them.
  • The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
  • We start off with something that is completely familiar, with all the attributes of the policier: the interrogation, the policeman who falls in love.
  • Confronted with such an interrogation our beloved Prime Minister would undoubtedly say that he would not dignify it with acknowledgement, let alone answers, and he would be perfectly within his rights to do so.
  • I think that there needs to be better evidence and the 'torture' needs to be defined clearly, not a term carelessly thrown about to describe interrogation methods that are not employed by the police. ndm John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • And as for your throwing around “enhanced interrogation” of nazis without knowing anything they did is further proof of your unseriousness. Matthew Yglesias » The Security Line Threat
  • The wave, as has been described, is a concrete with an upward and a downward movement united; but its last constituent is that which most affects the ear and leaves upon it the stronger impression, and hence, especially if it be given with a wide interval, _its dominant characteristic will be that of the second movement_; for example, if the second movement be upward, the wave may express interrogation mingled with surprise or scorn; if the second movement be downward, the wave may express astonishment mingled with indignation. The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886
  • They also joined forces with the likes of R.E.M., Pearl Jam and the Roots to form a rock-star coalition of musicians fighting against the use of their music in interrogations.
  • However, McCain opposes a possible federal investigation into the Bush administration's authorization of harsh interrogation techniques including waterboarding. McCain: CIA secrecy story just beginning
  • TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The former vice president has said all along, if top-secret papers were made public, they would also make his case that what he calls enhanced interrogation and others call torture was necessary to make captured terrorists talk. CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2009
  • Initially Iranian authorities said she had died of a stroke while under interrogation.
  • He provided tactical interrogation training support to the Regiment during field training exercises.
  • As if facing down a dangerous organized crime "family," they "raided" -- to quote their press release -- the homes of six activists in different parts of Israel, who were detained for interrogation. Electronic Intifada : Palestine
  • Police say she was cool and collected during her interrogation.
  • Any officer conducting a custodial interrogation is required to read the Miranda rights.
  • That is what we call the celestial nose, because it is always pointing skyward and serves as a perpetual interrogation point. How to Become Rich A Treatise on Phrenology, Choice of Professions and Matrimony
  • One person who assisted CiA Inspector General John Helgerson with his probe was Mary O. McCarthy, who alleged CIA officials lied to members of Congress during an intelligence briefing when they said the agency did not violate treaties that bar, cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment of detainees during interrogations, according to a May 14, 2006, front-page story in The Washington Post. Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Headlines
  • Their anatomical incorrectness --- incompleteness is more like it --- would seem to be a problem, but they are drawn together by a mutual fetishistic love of fashion and trying on outfits for each other is their version of sex, which makes the interrogation scene very kinky. Lance Mannion:
  • In order to detect the fallacy, the proposition thus silently assumed must be supplied; but the reasoner, most likely, has never really asked himself what he was assuming; his confuter, unless permitted to extort it from him by the Socratic mode of interrogation, must himself judge what the suppressed premise ought to be in order to support the conclusion. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • The petition referred to eyewitnesses reporting his later detention, harsh interrogation and cruel torture.
  • And it all works on a very practical level, as you heard, picking apart the interrogations of cops and crims to see what's fair.
  • Whatever dramatic effect is achieved by Batman's vicious "interrogation" is dulled by the film's general bloodlessness and the Joker's seeming imperviousness, etc. On Violence and Restraint in The Dark Knight
  • With a broken pelvis, police interrogations and his girlfriend dead, this boyo has a whole heap of problems.
  • A bringer of healing water, she soon found herself pursued by believers in her sanctity and tormented by officials who hounded her with police interrogations.
  • Then I stumbled over to the shuttler, secured the recorder and interrogation setup, raised the star ship, and brought Moya up to date. Attrition
  • The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
  • There are still bloodstains on the floors of the interrogation rooms.
  • Yes?" answered Alexa, with a point of interrogation subaudible, and held her book so that be might feel it on the point of being lifted again to eager eyes. The Elect Lady
  • Sometimes the boot was heated until red hot during interrogation, a reference to this practice is found in Grimm's fairytales.
  • What about the problem of silence in order to allow the accused to volunteer information, which is a very common technique of interrogation?
  • Last year, police said So confessed during interrogation to inventing her story because she wanted to write a novel.
  • This is not the tragedy of one man, but an exploration of the motives for revenge, and an interrogation of the notions of morality and punishment, wrongdoing and destructive attempts at seeking reparation.
  • These practices have been called 'harsh interrogation techniques' by their supporters, namely kneejerk Obama oppos ... and/or former vice president Dick Cheney. Tina Dupuy: I Think I Owe Lynndie England an Apology
  • I haven't personally interrogated anyone, but I know of an interrogation that took place in the field of battle or operations that I was a part of.
  • And so began a horrendous sequence of interrogation and beatings lasting at least six hours.
  • After interrogation it was discovered that their mission had been to reconnoitre the base for an attack within 72 hours.
  • This "non-punitive" action would be considered a violation of the Army Field Manual if used in an interrogation overseas. Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Is This Quantico or Abu Ghraib?
  • Obama administration officials are touting what they say is the continuing cooperation of Times Square bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad as evidence that nonaggressive interrogation techniques and procedures that were used in his case can be at least as effective as more controversial — and violent — Bush administration counterterrorism tactics. Obama Officials on Shahzad Case: We Did It Right
  • They are often tortured during interrogation and some of them are found dead.
  • The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
  • We've heard the term wiseass used when describing Saddam Hussein's demeanor in the interrogation. CNN Transcript Dec 16, 2003
  • Under interrogation, the prisoners have spilled the identities of confederates and the details of many plots…
  • In an oral presentative and a five-page summary of hundreds of pages of work, Heymann said, he and his colleagues recommended the creation of “an organizational structure that could draw” on the experience of a small corps of the best interrogators currently working for the government who “could produce what would very likely be the best non-coercive interrogation or interviewing capacity in the world.” Sneak Preview: The Obama Interrogation Task Force | ATTACKERMAN
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Disbarment of lawyers involved in interrogation policies sought « - Blogs from CNN. com Disbarment of lawyers involved in interrogation policies sought
  • I don't want to imply that you're only writing female characters because that scene that we hear at the top of our chat is a torturous interrogation scene undertaken by the FBI. Women Take Strong Lead In New HBO Gangster Epic
  • Under interrogation, he refused to say anything at first.
  • Senators in both hearings sought answers as to why each person supported ‘torture’, or its close euphemistic cousin, ‘coercive interrogation practices’.
  • He was deprived of sleep during repeated interrogations and freezing water was thrown over him.
  • Did waterboarding, sleep deprivation and other "enhanced interrogation techniques," a phrase critics call a euphemism for torture, ultimately work? Reuters: Top News
  • The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
  • Expect to view actual examples of how wartime interrogation is done and taught to Intelligence officers. Heroes or Villains?
  • It was a classic of interrogation: first the bully, then the kind one who offers sympathy.
  • The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
  • Even if a woman constable was called most of the time she stayed outside the room during her interrogation.
  • The poised, confident young woman was tossed into a world of checkpoints, strip searches and interrogations.
  • The Justice Department fought that order by requesting more time to appeal the decision, and special dispensation for its continuing interrogation of Mr. Padilla.
  • The abuse was thus deliberate and purposive, intended to make prisoners psychologically ready for interrogation.
  • I flash on the special branch: sleepless interrogations in windowless cells.
  • BLITZER: He was referring to what they call enhanced interrogation techniques -- without confirming or denying that waterboarding among those so-called enhanced interrogation techniques. CNN Transcript Nov 5, 2007
  • Booth has Noel Liftin in the interrogation room.
  • Based on the detainee's folder, the knowledgeability brief and subsequent interrogations by JTF Guantánamo, the detainee is of high intelligence value to the United States. Guantánamo Bay files: Children and senile old men among detainees
  • Torture, with some prim modifications, continues under the euphemism "enhanced interrogation techniques". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • In 1948-49 they were ordered to write up everything learnt about Adolf Hitler through interrogations of his captured intimates.
  • Subsequent interrogations of him and other accomplices revealed that a series of plots were being planned.
  • Ferdinand sounded the beldame with a thousand artful interrogations, and she answered with such appearance of truth and simplicity, that he concluded his person was quite secure; and, after having been regaled with a dish of eggs and bacon, desired she would conduct him into the chamber where she proposed he should take his repose. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • The prisoner gave way under interrogation.
  • In the September 2000 issue of the prestigious The International History Review, Professor Boyle's Foundations of World Order: The Legalist Approach to International Relations (1898-1922) was proclaimed as "a major contribution to this reinterrogation of the past" and "required reading for historians, political scientists, international relations specialists, and policy-makers. Trina's Kitchen
  • They will be involved in interminable and boring investigations or interrogations Underserved Gaming Genres 1: Cop Fiction « Geek Related
  • Examples of non-participant research include the following: sitting by a conveyer belt on a factory floor observing the activities of the workers; studying the behavior of the audience at a rock concert; watching the interrogation of a suspect through a one-way mirror in a police station.
  • Douglass's book was entitled Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself – the latter part of which title necessitated the interrogation and, ultimately, the formal endorsement of white citizens including abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison and lawyer Wendell Phillips. The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama by David Remnick
  • Upon reaching a corridor she stopped as three policemen escorting a repulsive, corpulent man in handcuffs to an interrogation room passed by in front of her.
  • He was taken into the custody for joint interrogation by the police and intelligence agencies.
  • Unlike so many gassier entries in this category, Theater J's edifying "New Jerusalem: The Interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza" features a gallery of intriguing characters, nonstop enlightened argument and even -- hold the phone -- a socko finish. Review: 'New Jerusalem: The Interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza' at Theater J
  • Contents chapter 1: the customs officer’s wife chapter 2: “pardon me, old man ... ‘chapter 3: airaud’s footprints chapter 4: official proceedings chapter 5: the confession chapter 6: the two englishwomen of versailles chapter 7: ask the chief superintendent chapter 8: a meal of baked potatoes chapter 9: the interrogation chapter 10: detective didine chapter 11: the doctor’s housekeeper Maigret In Exile
  • The Bureau favored traditional rapport-building techniques, while some Agency and White House officials successfully pushed for coercive interrogations that verged on torture. The Longest War
  • So they have had reasons to warrant the rearrest and reinterrogation of the suspects all along. CNN Transcript Jan 24, 2006
  • Granted, government secrecy has meant that hard facts about U.S. interrogation techniques are scarce.
  • And for me this sums up the importance of James' brand of conceptualism: the artist and the work as facilitator towards developing a conceptual interrogation and response within the viewers themselves.
  • ‘We're really sorry,’ they squeal in unison from their police interrogation rooms.
  • LA Times: Detainee says he lied to CIA in harsh interrogations POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: June 16, 2009
  • Heck, the federal statute in Dickerson was distinguishable from the state interrogation procedures invalidated in Miranda. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legislating Miranda Rights for Terrorism Cases?
  • Besides, if you really are most interested in sociopolitical or moral interrogation in the first place, why spend your time trying to whip poems and novels into some suitably discursive shape? Saying Something
  • You know, opponents of coercive interrogation have repeatedly claimed that coercion is counter-productive because the interrogee will simply tell the interrogator what they want to hear, irrespective of the truthvalue. The Volokh Conspiracy » It’s Official: Kinder, Gentler Military Commissions:
  • Most new dishes start with an interrogation: What happens if we freeze-dry foie gras? The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • If Obama more fully declassifies Helgerson's report, the new information also might undercut Cheney's claim that the harsh interrogation of "high-value" detainees produced valuable intelligence, thwarted pending terrorist plots against the United States and saved "hundreds of thousands of lives. Secret CIA File Tests Obama's Pledge
  • In his moral universe, he weighs the morally difficult practice of authorizing aggressive but ultimately unharmful interrogation of terrorists to gain vital intel, versus his sworn duty to protect and defend America, and finds the solution simple. Obama: Destruction of LA Preferable to Waterboarding Terrorists - E_Pluribus_Unum’s blog - RedState
  • She hated her parents' endless interrogations about where she'd been.
  • After due deliberation he admitted that there was a very striking similarity, only it seemed to him that the other's brevier was a shade thinner in the hair-stroke than his own, and the small caps. would go a thought more to the pound; while as to the semicolons and marks of interrogation, they looked as if they came out of a different font altogether. The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • The reporter, cameraman and driver were strip-searched in separate interrogation chambers.
  • Great, and while the DOJ is replowing old ground, let's also readdress the issue of when Speaker Pelosi and the Select Committee on Intelligence were briefed on the interrogation methods. Republican calls Holder decision 'bulls**t'
  • The use of unmuzzled dogs during interrogations is, in my mind, tantamount to torture.
  • When we pass through the inexorable gates of the future; when we pass through that vestibule where death stands opening his everlasting gates as widely to the pauper as to the king; when we pass out here into the _dim mysteries of the future_, to confront, it may be, the interrogations of the Eternal, -- I apprehend _every man's responsibility will go with him_, and no second-hand opinions will answer for us. "[ Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • As I stated to the Associated Press, "We're not talking about being threatened to death in interrogation with drills to their head, we're talking about run-of-the-mill detention conditions that when seen as a whole create a very troubling pattern. Jonathan Horowitz: Bagram's Evil Twin
  • Booth, Brennan, and Angela arrive in the interrogation room, where Noel is chanting to calm himself.
  • I that insuperably interrogation quarterback megacephaly his or her argonauta lunchtime when prudential and sketch not latino annoyer the constrictor of the herr. Rational Review
  • Interrogations, or praśnajñāna, never achieved the popularity of genethlialogy or catarchic astrology in India; but there do exist some early works on the subject, notably by ASTROLOGY
  • A Newsweek investigation found that Bush, Rumsfeld and Attorney General Ashcroft created a "secret system of detention and interrogation that opened the door" to torture methods and "sidestepped" the Geneva Conventions. Who Pays for US War Crimes?
  • Red tape now entangles the interrogation process, and detainees know that their adversaries' hands are tied.
  • The only record of the two-day interrogation is a summary written afterwards by one of the agents who carried it out.
  • The most worrying use of word manipulation is the sinister way in which the U. S CIA have diluted the word torture to “external rendition” or “stressed interrogation”. Busted Up For Dogmeat. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In fact, the effect of transparency produced by indexical pointing will effectively foreclose the interrogation that is called for.
  • During interrogation they disclosed that the box was stolen from a cycle shop.
  • Whether the things thus discerned have an objective reality or not, has been one of those questions at which, all my life, the interrogation point has stood unerased. Oldtown Folks
  • Figure 25-2: This is how most users perceive error message dialog boxes. They see them as Kafkaesque interrogations with each successive choice leading to a yet blacker pit of retribution and regret.
  • Nor was there anything "extralegal" about the CIA interrogations. America's Most Wanted
  • They depicted the use of "enhanced" interrogation techniques against two of three men known to have faced waterboarding by the CIA.
  • Upon interrogation, the thieves admitted that they had gone through special training.
  • If I gave these people all the time they wanted they'd simply put me through intensive interrogation and I'd come out days later with not much more than pulp where the flesh had been, with a torn urethra and clouded conjunctivae and the kidneys contused and pouring blood into the urine and my sight gone and my brain out of synch and Meridian blown to hell. Quiller Meridian
  • How can we forget the speed with which the evil orange skirted marketing pirates were arrested, subjected to vicious interrogation and hauled before our courts; Paris Hilton's friend hardly had a toke from her zol and she was banned from the country. News24 Top Stories
  • Many questions about his interrogation remain unanswered but two legs of the three-legged stool are firmly in place. At the Sharp End: The Highest Officials Authorize Torture of a Clerk
  • Just minutes later, Mr. Cheney fired back in what he calls enhanced interrogation tactics. CNN Transcript May 21, 2009
  • The basis of the McCain amendment is establishing the Army Field Manual on Intelligence Interrogation as the uniform standard for interrogation. Think Progress » My Experience With Abusive Interrogation Tactics
  • The whole plot of the Ciris is in fact unravelled by means of a series of allusions and suggestions, exclamations and soliloquies, parentheses and aposiopeses, interrogations and apostrophes. Vergil
  • What interrogation tactics would make both the FBI and the CIA squeamish about their field officers' participation?
  • Interrogation, at its most artful, is a contest of wits. The Ploy
  • I did not care for the pokes, prods, or interrogation I felt was imminent.
  • While we've been talking about torture, the media has ignored the large number of interrogation subjects who were "interrogated" until lights out. Does Being Dead Count for "Organ Failure" from Torture?
  • Of the people detained, fewer than one-third have had any of what we call the enhanced interrogation techniques used against them. CNN Transcript Feb 5, 2008
  • There are people saying they were told to prepare people for interrogation.
  • In the interrogation, Fu , Liu regarding rapes Sun Jie the delinquent account to confess fully.
  • The interrogation was conducted by senior police officers.
  • The problem, many have said, is that the word interrogation can be a misnomer, since it rarely plays a significant role in the fact-finding part of a police investigation. Long Way Home
  • Thus he prints extracts from the lubricious examination of Monica Lewinsky by Kenneth W. Starr and pairs them with extracts from Fournier's interrogation of the villagers of Montaillou to demonstrate "the same attention to mundane social interaction," the same "pains to document the precise geography and chronology of illicit relations," and the same tendency to "linger over the use of unusual sexual aids. Inquiring Minds Wanted to Know—or Else
  • he read a transcript of the interrogation
  • The 25-year-old was described as confused and incoherent during his interrogation.

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