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How To Use Interregnum In A Sentence

  • That is why I'm able to look at this period that one might characterise as an interregnum, I'm able to look at this period now with considerable calm, because the organisation is being led by a remarkable team of executive directors.
  • Ottokar, taking advantage of the interregnum in the German Empire, extended his power over Carinthia, Carniola, and Istria. 1255
  • Matters, however, reverted to an interregnum, and owing to the repeated adjournment of the elections on one pretext after another, there were no fewer than fourteen interregna. The History of Rome, Vol. II
  • They couldn't get him out of committee during the Democratic interregnum.
  • Both sacred and secular music suffered with the Civil War and the subsequent interregnum.
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  • The interreges declined to hold the elections in consequence of the hostile attitude of the plebs, and the contest went on till the eleventh interregnum. The History of Rome, Vol. II
  • It was from the Monastery of St. Ipaty in Kostroma, forty miles east of Yaroslavl, that the first Romanov czar emerged from hiding, in 1613, to end the Time of Troubles — a fifteen-year interregnum of civil war, invasion, and famine following a disputed succession to the throne — and inaugurate the dynasty that would rule until the Bolshevik Revolution. Escape to Old Russia
  • However, to continue, the interregnum at Christ Church had left the still infant church in the care of the curate-in-charge.
  • For much of the 13th century, the Emperor was absent from Germany, locked in the conflict with the papacy which terminated with the interregnum of 1250-72.
  • Instead of using the peacetime interregnum to hone their military skills, senior military officers sought out civilian missions to justify their existence.
  • During the interregnum following the beheading of Charles I in 1649, Parliament forced the submission of governments that supported the displaced Stuart monarchy.
  • Some try to make sense out of the post-cold war interregnum during which progressive people in many nations tried to come to terms with past atrocities; all mean to be suggestive rather than exhaustive in their treatment.
  • VINCI: Well, we are technically now in what is called the interregnum, which is the period in between two reigns. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
  • There was thus an interregnum of 60 years - with one exception.
  • Before the end of the Interregnum he had amassed a modest fortune and had begun styling himself gentleman.
  • _Quinqueviri_ in Portingale, that in the interregnum were appointed overseers of the comon wealthe, and so hath joyned that kingdome to his, with all the ilandes, townes, domynions belonginge to that crowne? The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
  • It is for this reason that the imagery of the 1990s as an interregnum is somewhat misleading.
  • ZAHN (voice over): Now that Pope John Paul II has died and official process, know as interregnum, or between the reigns, has begun. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
  • In the anxious interregnum before the Jan. 20 Inauguration, Permanent Washington bestirs itself, extending its hand and digging in its heels at the same time. CLINTON'S CHALLENGE
  • COOPER: And of course now, we are in what is called the interregnum, the period between the popes. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
  • What potential of virulent propaganda and electoral mileage the move had, has already been made evident from the sampling of reactions that emerged between the short interregnum of the announcement and the withdrawal.
  • It was the interregnum before Nicholls came, and I gather that the Vice-Chancellor swayed things for some reason. A DEATH IN TIME
  • When after what may be called the unphilosophical interregnum which followed Brown's death, Hamilton became professor, the Scottish tradition was blended with the very different theories derived from Kant. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • Ancient Mesopotamia is a symbolic resource for a future Iraq as it was once before during a short interregnum before the Ba'athist regime came to power in 1963.
  • Seriously, I am sorry that you are in interregnum ... Fermata
  • The British remained in the region until the 1960s, after a brief interregnum during World War II, when the Japanese occupied Malaysia and Singapore.
  • I had avidly followed the space program for two years, having first become interested in it (and all things astronomical) during the interregnum between Gemini and Apollo.
  • It's as simple as this: we're in an interregnum, that brief period of time before some bright young hacker or some clever company solves this problem definitively.
  • The presidential interregnum is a recurrent period of danger. The Founders’ Great Mistake
  • This Olympian view of custodianship was vehemently rejected by Mercouri, who in 1981 became her country's minister of culture (a post she held, save a four-year interregnum, until her death in 1994). Grading the New Acropolis
  • The present situation constitutionally is more of an incommodious interregnum. Archive 2009-05-01
  • After a short interregnum, May Day was once again the centre of worldwide protest after the First World War.
  • When the king died and his successor was not on the spot to assume the reins of government, the archimagus was regent during the interregnum, as, for instance, between the death of Nabopolassar and the accession of Nebuchadnezzar. [ A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • Before the end of the Interregnum he had amassed a modest fortune and had begun styling himself gentleman.
  • On this mysterious chastisement, which some think consisted in an attack of the madness called lycanthropy, as well as on the interregnum which it must have caused, Babylonian annals are silent: clever hypotheses have been devised either to explain this silence, or in scanning documents in order to find in them traces of the wanted interregnum The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • This is called the interregnum, the period between the popes. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
  • The ages of this world were marked by great struggles against Evil, and the interregnums were medieval dark ages, mired in feudalism and ignorance.
  • Secularity is, by its very nature, a temporary interregnum between two intensely religious periods of world history.
  • The English Renaissance, begun haltingly under Queen Elizabeth, reborn under Inigo Jones but repressed during the interregnum, now found its feet. British architecture: the baroque in Britain
  • Their fast-flowing waters were a defense against the Dead, particularly during the two centuries of the Interregnum. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • We have been in a period of interregnum since the end of the cold war, and we are now moving to a General Crisis.
  • The death of this pope, ushers in a period known as the interregnum, or between the reigns. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005
  • This interregnum was to last for almost sixty years before any stable government could be re-established.
  • All of the flags at the Vatican, and at the offices of papal nuncios throughout the world, will be a half-mast throughout the interregnum.
  • The only breathing space independence-minded Communists would have to regroup would be during the interregnum before the French colonial administration reoccupied its posts.
  • The camerlengo, or chamberlain who is the cardinal who governs the church in this interregnum period, what around here is known as the sede vacante, that is the seat of Peter is vacant, the camerlengo would come to the papal apartment if he wasn't already there, and he would perform this brief ritual to ascertain that the pope is dead. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
  • Are there again interregnum periods between the ages as between gold and silver? Every generation throws a hero up the pop charts | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • However, I noticed how well you coped in the interregnum before Father Whit-taker's induction. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Since the Long Parliament and those of the interregnum had abused their authority as freely as Charles I had done, it seemed pointless to build them up as a counterpoise to the Crown.
  • What begins now -- we are in what is called the interregnum period, the period after which the pope has died and a new pope has not yet been -- been named. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005

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