How To Use Interpretative In A Sentence
Ravel's exclusive publishing arrangement notwithstanding, it's not uncommon for musical works to be published over time by different publishers and subsequently freighted with the conflicting, sometimes overzealous or heavy-handed input of seriatim editors reflecting shifting interpretative mores.
Four Lost Measures Found
It correctly perceived a shift in interpretative focus away from the Bible's literal narrative and toward the authors and traditionists behind or below that narrative.
Also called "the commute". trishaw drivers are of the "interpretative" school of charioteering.
Since hua jing ( sublimity ) is essentially an interpretative hypothesis, Qian s definition does not exhaust its connotations.
Children were asked to design an interpretative poster which highlighted the vulnerability and needs of Britain's threatened otter population.

A second kind, called interpretative or fictitious, was afterwards added.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
However, as Deacon notes, many things can be said to have physical or temporal contiguity so there must be something more to this interpretative process.
The heart of the grammar is the syntax; the phonology and the semantics are purely "interpretative," in the sense that they describe the sound and the meaning of the sentences produced by the syntax but do not generate any sentences themselves.
A Special Supplement: Chomsky's Revolution in Linguistics
To find the picture's meaning occulted in the thing itself, to discover a structure that will resolve all interpretative debate: these are art history's perennial dreams.
I've used the multivalent interpretative possibilities to allow plots, elements, and events to overlap.
The interpretative can be viewed as the broadest perception, into which the adaptive and linear models can be fitted.
No. It’s much more interpretative, which is what music should be.
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The biblical parable of the talents was the central interpretative puzzle in this regard since it appears to advocate usury and, worse still, the careful preserver loses all and the usurer gains more.
Not much has survived regarding "Categories," which scholars know was the subject of intense philosophical debate in the first-century B.C. The commentary found in the palimpsest has offered a wealth of details about that debate, and as a result "it enriches our understanding of an ancient and medieval interpretative tradition regarding the treatise that was considered to be the proper entry route into Aristotelianism," says David Sedley, a classics professor also at Cambridge.
Reading Beneath the Lines
This indirect placement of interpretative elements on the ‘fringes’ of the film's diegesis points towards a greater system of absence and presence that structures The Big Sleep.
What he does is give them the interpretative keys to the story; he lays out for them how to give the parable meaning by giving it one meaning—the sower is the Son of Man; the field is the world, etc.
Parables do not save
I did find myself wondering whether some of the projections involved in the relentlessly sexualized interpretation of this image in Extremities might not also make some readers smile at what they consider interpretative absurdities.
Debates about censorship and journalistic ethics prevented an interpretative, critical investigation of the disaster.
While iconography is a descriptive and classificatory discipline, iconology is an interpretative method, which aims to contextualize works of art culturally and explore their possible meanings.
It is a record of events, with interpretative comments woven into the narrative.
We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.
In the opinion, however, of those who divide interpretative bigamies into ex defectu sacramenti and ex delicto bigamies, it is necessary, in the case where a grave sin is the cause of the irregularity, to name both the irregularity ex delicto (with sin) and the irregularity ex defectu sacramenti (without sin).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Among other findings, it concluded that universities should place more emphasis on developing basic interpretative and communication skills in students.
Bigamy is called interpretative, when, by fiction of law, a person is accounted as having had two wives, when in reality he had but one.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
Moreover, once they are collected, considerable interpretative skill is required to ascertain the meaning of the materials that have been uncovered.
Rational players do not just automatically use one model and investors, in the real world, differ in approach, self-interest and interpretative emphasis; they recognize that their information is imperfect and that they are constantly buffeted by what Frydman and Goldberg call "nonroutine" change, such as innovations, perturbations of the Zeitgeist or, for that matter, revolutions and earthquakes.
Robert Teitelman: Frydman and Goldberg's Beyond Mechanical Markets
Such books were subversive and only to be treated with great caution and interpretative skill.
However, taking nothing for granted, and in part because of some of the difficulties I at first encountered, I have been energetic in seeking to extend the range of my interpretative skills.
The biblical parable of the talents was the central interpretative puzzle in this regard since it appears to advocate usury and, worse still, the careful preserver loses all and the usurer gains more.
This rambling museum is the antithesis of modern interpretative centres.
He stresses that the exegesis offers a critical explanation setting up the interpretative framework for the examiner.
Success in judicial astrology largely depends on the skill and interpretative judgement of the astrologer.
Experience has shown that ampelography is a field of systematic botany requiring very specialized skills and interpretative ability, as well as an extraordinary memory.
The grant will finance a site survey, clearing of vegetation, stabilization of structural remains and the installation of interpretative panels and visitor paths.
In applications for dispensations mention of only two out of the many marriages is sufficient, and that whether they are all real or interpretative or mixed bigamies.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Photography's variety and self-effacing ubiquity have also made it an elusive historical entity, defying traditional interpretative or narrative structures.
With the work of Richardson and the ensuing wave of sentimentalism that swept through Europe, the emotionalism attributed to women was placed in a new interpretative framework.
Another perfect way to explore the subtle wonders of the wild is on interpretative bush walks, a favourite with bird watchers and plant enthusiasts.
Like other popular scripting languages, including Perl, JavaScript, VB - script and Rexx, Tcl is an interpretative language.
Such an approach is in keeping with the guidelines for the original conference, which stressed the interpretative importance of indigenous concepts of self.
One readily accepts this interpretative excellent, but what is the cost?
The systems that are the special concern of AI are systems employing symbolic representations, and their interpretative procedures are symbol-manipulating processes.
interpretative" classic aerial view over the highway we had approached on, as it tightly hugged the coastal rocks. Recent Updates
In this context, the relevant principles are that words should be interpreted in the way in which a reasonable commercial person would construe them, and literalism should be resisted in the interpretative process.
Subsequent nestings depend on one's own interpretative methods.
A life that claims, like Etty Hillesum's, to 'give shelter' to God and love and suffering invites a particular kind of interpretative labour.
Romanes Lecture, Oxford - 'Religious Lives'
Georgi's brilliant interpretative finesse in skilful performance is a delight throughout.
All the oscars need to do to improve is stop the broadway-like production numbers, forget the interpretative dance choreography, and for god's sakes fire Bruce Vilanch as head writer. kencosgrove
Oscars Producer Gives a Ceremony Post-Mortem | /Film
All this is taken by Derrida's critics for an attack on truth itself, referentiality and the stability of interpretative contexts.
His career was marked by his exceptional interpretative skills and he was widely regarded as one of the finest dance-actors of his generation.
The blinkered tendency to derive all-encompassing, universal answers has dumbed down semantic questions, eclipsed interpretative discussion and blinded scholarship to the ways in which context could cook up hermeneutic content.
In fact, the exhibition brims with other themes that invite elaboration that would give interpretative depth.
Such rote interpretative strategies betray a lack of imagination, like the cocktail-party boor who laughs at every wisecrack.
In a nutshell, interpretative expansion of the patient's capacity for reflective awareness of old, repetitive organizing principles occurs concomitantly with the emotional impact and meanings of ongoing relational experiences with the therapist, and both are indissoluble components of a unitary therapeutic process that establishes the possibility of alternative principles for organizing experience, whereby the patient's emotional horizons can become widened, enriched, more flexible and more complex.
Robert D. Stolorow: What Is Character and How Does it Change?
The complete bastardization of this artifact's transcription combined with agrammatical flights of interpretative whimsy are not becoming of someone flaunting a doctorate.
Religion in Ancient Etruria: A comedy of errors that keeps on giving
Indeed, Peter Gutmann isn't far off when he calls the interpretative approach "far more akin ... to hysterical passion.
Mengelberg's Mahler
But Philosophy is more than the attempt to refine and subtilize our ordinary words so as to fit them for the higher service of interpretative thought, more even than the endeavour to improve the stock of ideas no matter how come by, by which we interpret to ourselves whatever it imports us to understand.
Progress and History
You handed over your interpretative readerly function and let someone else do the thinking, and the performing, for you.
The Times Literary Supplement
We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.
One aim of this essay is to address the issue of interpretations of nineteenth-century art by considering the limits of certain interpretative methods associated with iconography and iconology.
The explanation that Jesus gives is not The Explanation for All Ages; it is what we could call a hermeneutical pattern, or an interpretative model.
Parables do not save
In general, this book successfully refines several prevalent interpretative paradigms, most notably the purported decline of propertied women into indolence and luxury and the rise of separate spheres.
The result was an interpretative epiphany, a physical and intellectual dexterity that defies equalling.
Times, Sunday Times
The Doric qualities of his work are becoming recognized also, and he is being read, as he has always been read by his true disciples -- so not inappropriately to name those who have come under his graver spell -- not merely as a _prosateur_ of purple patches, or a sophist of honeyed counsels tragically easy to misapply, but as an artist of the interpretative imagination of rare insight and magic, a writer of deep humanity as well as aesthetic beauty, and the teacher of
Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
But the texts both canonical and extracanonical that he discusses are key ones, and the interpretative possibilities he raises are interesting and provocative.
Review of Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the God of Israel
On the other hand, this hybridization can in its turn become a demon and effectively take possession of and try to control the interpretative agenda.
Comments i object to the use of "interpretative," rather than "interpretive," in the title. otherwise, this is a fine article.
Galle on Interpretative Theory and Tax Shelter Regulation
We shall now explore three alternatives to the rational model: logical incrementalism, the interpretative paradigm and action rationality.