How To Use Interpretable In A Sentence

  • However, since they do not, in fact, use any term interpretable as expressing an explicit concept of experience, we should stick closely to their terminology and characterize “personal knowledge” (qin zhi, B70) as knowledge by observation (guan). Mohist Canons
  • He sighed and then gave an uninterpretable smile, ‘And the cycle starts again.’
  • If you want a nonsegmental feature interpretable as a cluster, one possibility that doesn't impose on the estabilish'd sound laws of Greek is preaspiration: /pajto/ pʰajʰto? Linear A treatment of consonant clusters
  • But varying more than one thing at a time in a scientific experiment usually makes the results uninterpretable.
  • You might think it looks more impressive that way, but it's just irritatingly illegible and uninterpretable.
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  • This technique can be used to generate easily interpretable maps, to animate past and future incidence and to provide consistent visualizations for a national disease atlas.
  • Because our quantitative analysis requires the comparison of behavior of many individual bacteria in different host cells, these sources of variability would make the results of such an experiment uninterpretable.
  • You might think it looks more impressive that way, but it's just irritatingly illegible and uninterpretable.
  • For Lukacs, Dostoevsky was strictly speaking uninterpretable, an incomprehensible dead end within the modern world or a harbinger of something new that only ‘later artists will one day weave into a great unity’.
  • Uninterpretable levels can result in large amounts of wasted laboratory resources.
  • This statistic provides an easily interpretable measure of the relative quality of the two model fits.
  • And so art became baffling and uninterpretable without acquaintance with arcane theory.
  • Similarly with pits, ditches, banks, graves and all those amorphous uninterpretable semi-features that abound on sites.
  • Use figures and graphs in place of — or at least to illustrate — words, but make sure they are clearly and consistently labelled, not too complex and easily interpretable.
  • Was it really acceptable to work with uninterpretable terms in equational derivations? The Algebra of Logic Tradition
  • Diverse other adjectives interpretable as flaws of character could be imputed to him, but he was nevertheless invaluable, and when all was said and done that was what really mattered.
  • Those uninterpretable tablets, those tablets for which no hermeneutic was necessary, were shattered.
  • But curiously, for me the hardest part of the project was after the excavation: finding a way of interpreting the seemingly uninterpretable.
  • Without this special knowledge, a statement that someone ‘spilled the beans' would be uninterpretable.
  • Finally, the remaining three components seemed to consist of uninterpretable noise.
  • A coordinate construction of the form ‘A, or B, and both’ is neither grammatical nor clearly interpretable.
  • I do not wish to suggest that it is uninterpretable, but only that any interpretation must be seen as something other than the final one.
  • Shift models are a perfect example of why performing simulations in the absence of theory can lead to entirely uninterpretable results.
  • With compartmental modeling, not only are simulated neural networks interpretable as vector-to-vector transformers. The Philosophy of Neuroscience
  • However, in our hands this method of measuring UV-induced inflammation was not reproducible, and our standard errors were so large as to render the data uninterpretable.
  • Its interpretable level is what they indicate that helps us achieve the same ourselves, namely their scriptural pronouncements and realizations. The Gelug-Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra ��� 1 The Buddhist Framework
  • Both the laboratory and the human studies are essentially uninterpretable because of their lack of information on the risks of adverse events occurring in both new and reused devices.
  • Another review found only one study that met their entrance criteria, and that study had so many methodological difficulties that they found it uninterpretable.
  • One of the results of relativism is the inability to discuss place as anything other than an uninterpretable given.
  • One alternative to considering the beauty of either art or nature as mimetic is to posit nature as art, that is, to admit that nature itself is exponible, or at least interpretable.
  • The original message may not at first be interpretable, but then it is disambiguated through a zoom in.
  • The forms womyn and wimmin are seen as more detached from man, the origin of woman being wifman, meaning ‘female human being’ but easily interpretable as ‘wife of a man’.
  • Scores above 1 are an indication that all other results are uninterpretable or random choices, and the user is encouraged to disregard all of the findings for that subject.
  • Rather, we have several massive and quite uninterpretable tables of figures reporting such things as ‘the average annual percentage change in coronary events over the last five years’ whatever that might mean.
  • Egad, I missed an important issue here: "If you want a nonsegmental feature interpretable as a cluster, one possibility that doesn't impose on the estabilish'd sound laws of Greek is preaspiration: /pajto/ pʰajʰto? Linear A treatment of consonant clusters
  • Selecting thresholds to maximise significance renders the claimed level of significance uninterpretable, and information is lost by grouping institutions into categories.
  • In our data, the fluctuations in dysrythmias and ill-defined descriptions and complications of heart disease are uninterpretable, and AIHD is not traceable after 1980 without inclusion of the latter.

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