How To Use Internship In A Sentence
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The Volokh Conspiracy » “Bush Voters Are Stupid”:
The word 'internship' carries no legal definition and therefore often leads to graduate exploitation," said Mr Curtis.
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Students can take advantage of internship and dissertation opportunities with companies in the energy and financial sectors that have sponsorship links to the university.
Times, Sunday Times
Get an internship - the single best way in.
Times, Sunday Times
This includes offering positions to students who undertake internships in the summer vacation of their second year at university.
Times, Sunday Times

After her speech, the education secretary said she was not in favour of banning unpaid internships of more than four weeks.
Times, Sunday Times
Older workers are less likely to consider an internship but they are an excellent way for career changers to enter a new profession.
Many college students are getting experience before they graduate by participating in internships, cooperative education, fellowships, and summer work.
Well, RPT, they each came out of a public university med school about $150K or so down, got paid peanuts for their internship and residencies, started actually earning money in heir mid thirties, worked hard in private practice, paid it all off, and lived wisely.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
You receive a grade on your transcript for your internship course, just as you do for your academic courses.
It was a continuous learning experience that followed me from dietetic internship into dietitian practice.
They engage in internship experiences in the community in any field that interests them.
Gary Stager: Wanna be a School Reformer? You Better do Your Homework!
The researchers found that students were securing internships earlier in their degree course and companies were taking on increasing numbers of former interns.
Times, Sunday Times
One of my professors recommended me for an internship and now I have a permanent job at the company.
You receive a grade on your transcript for your internship course, just as you do for your academic courses.
Students are demanding more opportunities for high quality work placements and internships as employment skills and experience become a central part of a university experience.
Times, Sunday Times
The abolition of unpaid internships really does seem minor.
Times, Sunday Times
Articulate their career interests, with an emphasis on summer internships or post baccalaureate plans.
Students in the upper grades do an internship two afternoons every week.
We had the chance to find out more about the companies and their summer internship programmes.
Times, Sunday Times
Many students arrange internships or work-study placements during the second trimester.
Village Voice headlined "A Sleeping Class: Young Americans Fight for Every Cause But Their Own." book, my beat was the economic headwinds young people are facing: mounting student loans, credit card debt, unemployment, unpaid internships or short-term, part-time, no-benefits jobs that have them joining a new "precariat.
The Full Feed from
Throughout college, I had a slew of unpaid internships.
Students undertake a summer internship of eight to ten weeks between their first and second years.
Times, Sunday Times
The other core difference is that an internship is a job, albeit of limited duration.
Times, Sunday Times
Employers are increasingly offering only unpaid internships.
Times, Sunday Times
If you are interested in becoming a penguin caretaker or aquarist, contact your local zoo or aquarium to inquire about internships, volunteer opportunities, and jobs.
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There is an extensive internship programme and many courses offer work placement opportunities.
Times, Sunday Times
Real regulation of internships would involve dictatorial and illiberal measures and a lot of policing.
Times, Sunday Times
We could change the system of student support so people could get paid for internships; universities could change the length of courses to include work experience.
Times, Sunday Times
In view of the contributions of German émigrés, the experiential program was named Émigré Memorial German Internship Program.
Offers of internships grew and nearly half of summer interns were offered a job at the end of their MBA.
Times, Sunday Times
This includes offering positions to students who undertake internships in the summer vacation of their second year at university.
Times, Sunday Times
This includes offering positions to students who undertake internships in the summer vacation of their second year at university.
Times, Sunday Times
He then embarked upon a year in Prague, where his mother's ambassadorial connections secured a year-long internship as a trainee diplomat with the European Commission.
Internship students must be college seniors or graduates with a major or concentration in therapeutic recreation.
Therapeutic recreation student program types and applications
He writes: 'It is simply untrue that all internships are exploitative relationships that only advantage the employer.
The Sun
TVGuide. com: So does that mean Annie's internship is kaput too?
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Look for volunteer opps or unpaid internships, and score some job experience that's truly priceless.
The introduction of paid additional work experience or internship schemes would help.
Times, Sunday Times
He studied medicine at the University of Rochester before taking an internship at Harvard University to specialize in gerontology and the kidney.
Nascar has started an internship program geared toward minority college students.
He branded unpaid internships'a scourge on social mobility '.
The Sun
We will have somebody to help them get internships and another person getting discount tickets for the theatre and encouraging them to go to the ballet.
Times, Sunday Times
Actually, as a resident physician who is responsible for internship, I never plan to make friends or keep close relationship with interns...
Many students arrange internships or work-study placements during the second trimester.
When she completed her internship in 1901, and chose to work in anatomical and histological research under a fellowship.
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I know that some will think me a grinch for bellyaching over what is only a handful of blue-chip internships.
Times, Sunday Times
Should you unilaterally decide to recede from the internship agreement 20 days or more before the start date of internship, you forfeit an administrative fee of €200.
He added: 'This job advertisement is clearly for an unpaid internship.
The Sun
How good are law firms when it comes to valuable vacation placements and internships?
Times, Sunday Times
Like unpaid internships, the cost of most courses makes them prohibitive for many people.
Times, Sunday Times
The name-drop made for good TV but doesn't seem to be what scored her a ticket to the show's vaunted "Hollywood auditions": The Seattle native didn't yet know she'd get the fall internship when she first showed up for a Idol cattle-call in Milwaukee last July.
White House intern Molly DeWolf Swenson took time off to try out for "American Idol"
Such experiences include (but are not limited to) teaching assistantships in botany or biology courses, faculty-supervised research, and off-campus internships.
It is open to undergraduates aged 18 to 28 at Australian universities and provides internships and mentorships in the region.
This includes offering positions to students who undertake internships in the summer vacation of their second year at university.
Times, Sunday Times
This year she hopes that her internship at Dystel and Goderich Literary Management will allow her to land a job in book publishing upon graduation.
Vanessa's Story
Pay for placements and internships has also increased by an average of five per cent - almost double the rise in average salaries.
The Sun
Well my displeasure of my internship is well documented.
Blog De Ganz | Archive | August
Their training consisted of a rotating internship for a year in which they learned surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, and medicine.
Such placements and internships are offered by increasing numbers of universities.
Times, Sunday Times
It also noted that most legal internships are in London, which can seem impractical and too expensive to some students.
Times, Sunday Times
At the time the university students were on a summer internship with the investment bank.
Times, Sunday Times
Such placements and internships are offered by increasing numbers of universities.
Times, Sunday Times
Alexis is doing an internship at our winery. le stage = internship le/la stagiaire = intern, trainee le ménage = housework le souci = worry la garçonnière = bachelor pad le fromage = cheese la demoiselle = the young lady la gastro (gastronomie) = gastronomy hélas = alas une mère = mother (note: this word is missing from the sound file)
Stagiaire - French Word-A-Day
How good are law firms when it comes to valuable vacation placements and internships?
Times, Sunday Times
The issue with the unpaid private sector internship is its effect on driving down employment which I kinda thought any member of congress would consider a problem.
Think Progress » Rep. Issa Crusades Against Unpaid White House Internships, While Not Paying Many Of His Own Interns
Then they often fail on a piece of academic work or fail to get an internship.
Times, Sunday Times
Successful alumni offer mentoring and the university provides bursaries to support work experience and internships both in the UK and overseas.
Times, Sunday Times
As Ross Perlin puts it in this timely and clear-sighted book, the first on the internship boom, "In much of the developed world, the subtle, relentless pressure to do an internship is now simply part of being young.
Intern Nation by Ross Perlin – review
If we have our students articulate their goals and think critically and reflectively about their internship experiences, then they will connect the classroom lessons with the larger world.
The internship is unpaid and both full and part-time applicants are encouraged to apply.
Think Progress » Rep. Issa Crusades Against Unpaid White House Internships, While Not Paying Many Of His Own Interns
The results show that 83% do not place their students in a perioperative preceptorship or internship.
Some 74% of business schools saw an increase in internship opportunities in 2010; in 2009, 69% of schools reported a decline, according to the MBA Career Services Council, an industry group that monitors global M.B.A. employment.
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Mr Cameron, however, openly acknowledged that he been helped out by family connections with what he called a "definite leg-up internship" at his father's stockbrokers.
Evening Standard - Home
During a summer internship with the East Harlem Tenants Council, he discovered the drug culture and immediately immersed himself in what he calls his "heroin career.
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The end of the course has an examination and internship for all candidates.
And he arranged for her to have a second internship the next summer.
Times, Sunday Times
Internships and co-op opportunities turn classroom theory into practical, hands-on experience.
Many career centers facilitate establishment of internships and preceptorships.
But he said he too had been helped out by family connections with what he called a "definite leg-up internship" at his father's stockbrokers.
WalesOnline - Home
New York record-label flunky Garrett (Long) manages to score with Erin (Barrymore), a Stanford journalism grad student in the final weeks of her summer internship at something called "the New York Sentinel.
Actually, as a resident physician who is responsible for internship, I never plan to make friends or keep close relationship with interns...
But they were very pushy - my mum would force me to do internships at different magazines in the holidays.
Times, Sunday Times
This type of teacher interaction did not occur four years later during these same students' internship teaching
Beginning with its April meeting, CoA will accredit internship programs for up to seven years.
Educational coordinator: Some clinical trials companies offer internships for students enrolled in clinical laboratory courses.
A Supreme Court clerkship is now an “internship” ... because Kagan had one, I guess.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Preliminary Reflections on the Kagan Nomination
Successful alumni offer mentoring and the university provides bursaries to support work experience and internships both in the UK and overseas.
Times, Sunday Times
BAR CLASS GRASS student: daniel Favourite lunch Full meal Favourite place Canteen in Engineering Campus Daniel is a student, and he is doing an internship within the Design Faculty.
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• An internship is like a job interview that lasts three months. - Tips for college students on how to search for a job
Dual Internship students must be college seniors or graduates with a major or concentration in therapeutic recreation.
Therapeutic recreation student program types and applications
Internship and postdoc sites will now inform students whether they'll be interviewed
Mngani said the current internship covers three or four domains such as internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology.
The need for work experience or internships is a message that has clearly got through.
Times, Sunday Times
The summer internship at the News Desk at Getty Images New York follows, where he will receive first hand experience in photojournalism in a working news agency.
Students will complete two professional internships, as hazzanim and as Jewish educators, as well as choral performance internships with either the Zamir Chorale of Boston or Koleinu: The Jewish Community Chorus of Boston, both based at Hebrew College.
The point of an internship is to learn something, so you must keep that in mind as you assign the intern duties.
The idiot students who got the broadcast internships are the same idiots who now have the broadcast jobs.
Educational coordinator: Some clinical trials companies offer internships for students enrolled in clinical laboratory courses.
Although the school system guarantees youths an interview for a possible internship, it does not promise them an actual placement.
Their training consisted of a rotating internship for a year in which they learned surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, and medicine.
It is a grey area where or when work experience or internship turns into unpaid or cheap labour.
Times, Sunday Times
After a crash course on German the night prior to the interview, Nikki was offered the internship and will travel to Sydney soon to further her study of the German language.
These organizations can make you aware of internship opportunities, which are ideal for giving you experience and exposure into the industry.
A quarter offer paid internships and a third run open days and other taster experiences.
Times, Sunday Times
Not with the National Hockey League but in his betweentimes internship at Vogue?
Sean Avery's Vogue Internship: In Which He Doesn't Always Have to Wear a Shirt
We have withstood internship accompany setbacks, but also withstood the joy!
The owner looked at my CV, the numerous internships squeezed together with painstaking artifice to make it all fit onto one page, and then looked at me, perched pertly on the chair in front of him, in the new suit and heels my father bought me, with only a hint of neutral makeup, a 21st-century secular martyr.
The internship myth | Emily Sands-Bonin
Real regulation of internships would involve dictatorial and illiberal measures and a lot of policing.
Times, Sunday Times
An unpaid internship in the basement labyrinth was offered to the winning paraphraser.
The Times Literary Supplement
Work hard in school, sample lots of afterschool activities, and find out about summer courses or camps, as well as internship opportunities.
This October she looks forward to starting her dietetic internship at Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre.
Interns in our internship program undertake projects and engage in research and writing.
Perhaps you decide to take an unpaid internship.
Times, Sunday Times
They are the ones who would have to fund projects, internships, jobs.
Times, Sunday Times
As dietitians primarily employed in long-term care, our common experience was that our traditional teaching hospital dietetic internships had not prepared us for work in continuing care facilities.
However, the jobcentre has forbidden him from taking up these short-term internships.
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Adjustments to the current study plan in the schools of medicine and stomatology have been incorporated, among them those referring to a greater bond between the student and patient, such as the practice of familiarization and modifications to the internship.
For traditional programs, it could mean adding chat room conferencing or online discussion centers for students on internships.
Students can look to the magazine for everything from overviews of emerging trends in psychology practice, research and education to advice on finding an internship or postdoc.
But she could find only unpaid internships and had to support herself by working as a medical secretary.
Times, Sunday Times
Additionally, some educational facilities require that a central office approve student internship placements.
Could a company charge me to do an unpaid internship?
Times, Sunday Times
What is the difference between work experience and an internship?
Times, Sunday Times
It also noted that most legal internships are in London, which can seem impractical and too expensive to some students.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a great source for internships, postdoc opportunities, and research positions to enhance career potential.
As an African-American and a recent Harvard graduate, I have found that my day-to-day life loan payments and choosing a job over a non-paying internship is shaped more by my socioeconomic profile (lower middle class) than by my racial one.
Balloon Juice » 2004 » June
Only one of six schools of nursing offered a perioperative preceptorship or post graduate internship.
If you attend a relatively large church, then chances are you may be familiar with church internship or residency programs.
Christianity Today
In the industrial and engineering cluster, students participated in multi-week internships and prepared independent projects related to their work-site experiences.
Acclaiming this document, Lord Sugar, who remains on work experience in the Lords after some sort of Labour internship, asked why the coalition does not "bring in some kind of head honcho from the private sector who knows what they are doing and pay them the right amount of money, which they would be paid in a large organisation".
Why are we letting business big shots alter our society?
The students then stay linked to these schools for their practicum and for a full-year internship.
The mission of CII is to promote and support the business of international trade and CII, a non-profit organization, promotes industry awareness, preserves the history of intermodalism, and engages scholarly interest in the field by organizing educational conferences and seminars, serving as an information resource, providing networking opportunities, offering career guidance, arranging internships, and facilitating scholarships.
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I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm. I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports.
Dotar Sojat: Well, RPT, they each came out of a public university med school about $150K or so down, got paid peanuts for their internship and residencies, started actually earning money in heir mid thirties, worked hard in private practice, paid it all off, and lived wisely.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
Why dont I see internships or work-study experiences on you resume?
The final two semesters involve a half-time internship placement and an ongoing professional seminar.
Perhaps the most rewarding experience is a six-week summer internship.
Times, Sunday Times
Some seek extra practicum experiences outside their academic departments prior to internship in an effort to compensate for the lack of breadth in their training.
I know that some will think me a grinch for bellyaching over what is only a handful of blue-chip internships.
Times, Sunday Times