
How To Use Internationalist In A Sentence

  • This comes as no surprise to realists who understand that words are weapons and that internationalist ideas are the continuation of statism by other means.
  • Trocchi, novelist and avowed internationalist, could keep quiet no longer.
  • She talks more about - she has this nationalistic, internationalistic viewpoint of dealing with our enemies as it relates to being forceful, though, at the same time being diplomatic. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2008
  • Underpinning the drive to self-government was a self-confident, broad-minded, radical and internationalist perspective best embodied for many by Hamish Henderson.
  • His anxiety that nonaction with Iraq would have been wrong because then Security Council Resolutions "would have been revealed as empty threats, weakening the United Nations", as opposed to exactly what by this appointer of the staunchly Pro-Internationalist, J. Bolton to be UN Ambassador? Kerry Donor: Let's Give The Man Some Credit
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  • If the committee Republicans can be persuaded that this is simply a way for Democrats to go after a hawkish official because of his views, if they see it as what "The Wall Street Journal" editorial page called a mugging, Bolton is going to survive, because even internationalists like Chairman Lugar are not going to deny the president a choice on policy grounds. CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2005
  • Graham Marshall followed with injuries to his rib cage which according to the internationalist following the game, will possibly terminate his career.
  • Yet even though Nazism was assertively nationalistic, it managed to vie with Soviet communism—which was just as assertively internationalistic—in the struggle for world domination. The Great Experiment
  • For this reason we have said that to be internationalistic is to pay our own debt to humanity. PRESS FORUM BY VENEZUELAN JOURNALIST
  • As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalistanti - semites.
  • He remained an internationalist (what we would call a "multilateralist" today) throughout his career and even in retirement. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Independence was recast as outward-looking and internationalist rather than narrow-minded and dangerous. Why Would Scotland Leave the U.K.?
  • The isolationist/internationalist dialectical opposition is often expressed in terms of American exceptionalism.
  • He's fresh, an internationalist and touchy-feely with the electorate.
  • He has been casting a beady eye on the internationalists here.
  • In doing so, he makes himself look less like a serious, potential participant in a crowded Presidential field, and more like someone who is about to start ranting about the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and George W. Bush's membership in Skull & Bones ... all part of an "internationalist" conspiracy to create a New World Order. Sound Politics: Post-Thanksgiving Turkey
  • Well known for their anti-internationalist, anti-New Deal voting records, both subscribed to an anti-Communism that hearkened back to the xenophobic, antimodernist "100 Percent Americanism" of the 1920s. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • And born in Dundee - the original internationalist! Welcome to Free Scotland - Wee Free Scotland !
  • Perhaps they thought that if they threatened us we would become nervous, that we would immediately recall our internationalist fighters. CASTRO FAR DAY SPEECH CRITICIZES U.S. POLICY
  • It must be clear that this campaign is not based on narrow minded nationalist ideas but on genuine internationalist solidarity.
  • Naturally they are entirely satisfactory to Germany and equally naturally they are in this country satisfactory to every pro-German and pacifist and socialist and anti-American so-called internationalist…. How Wars end
  • In his semi-final Grantown's MacLean claimed the scalp of Czech internationalist Pavel Buran.
  • On the other hand, our greatest anti-internationalist is probably Father Coughlin - he also is a native of Canada. The Foreign Policy of the N.R.A.
  • Neto's gesture was exemplary of internationalism, and Cuba's attitude must also be exemplarily internationalistic. INAUGURAL SESSION OF THE CUBAN NATL ASSEMBLY
  • So Teddy Roosevelt, better remembered by later generations of Americans as a unilateralist Rough Rider, had strong internationalist credentials.
  • But he was also an internationalist, and he deeply detested the negative aspect of Russian history and what he called enslavement attitude. The Long Road to Freedom: Russia & Glasnost
  • Foreign Relations: An internationalist only when it comes to attacking the vestiges of communism, Jesse Helms harries Foggy Bottom over foreign aid and trains a suspicious eye on the United Nations. Rolling Back The Right
  • If it is true that the Jew just because of his intellectuality is a natural-born idealist, internationalist, doctrinaire, and revolutionist, while the Negro, because of his natural attachment to known familiar objects, places, and persons, is pre-adapted to conservatism and to local and personal loyalties -- if these things are true, we shall eventually have to take account of them practically. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • They praised him as a proletarian internationalist fighter of the Bethune type.
  • Internationalists had their explanations for that, of course, but these failed to carry conviction in the face of the facts.
  • Graham Marshall followed with injuries to his rib cage which according to the internationalist following the game, will possibly terminate his career.
  • We turned this magnificent bird into a truck for hauling goods and people to a tinkertoy we call the international space station, itself created in a fit of post – Cold War internationalist absentmindedness as a place where people of differing nationality can sing “Kumbaya” while weightless. Space: The Final Caliphate « Blog
  • (Applause) Without boasting, without any kind of immodesty, that is how we Cuban revolutionaries understand our internationalist duty. TRICONTINENTAL CONFERENCE
  • He wants to make the French socialists ‘cosmopolitan, internationalist, solidary, and pro-European again’.
  • The authors specifically exclude the neo-fascist movement in the west, which they describe as sharing few of the progressive and internationalist values of the other social forces. Undefined
  • This is a seismic change because it means the age of liberal internationalist capitalism is coming to an end. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have said that our modest country has developed sufficient internationalistic awareness. CASTRO ADDRESSES CLOSE OF YOUTH CONGRESS
  • In celebrating foreign food, she has proved herself more humane and internationalist than locavore leftists.
  • One set of debates is located within international relations theory, between neorealist, ˜international society™, liberal internationalist, and constructivist schools. World Government
  • Independence was recast as outward-looking and internationalist rather than a narrow-minded and dangerous venture. Scotland's Future
  • In practice, however, realist arguments for unilateralism predominate over internationalist, idealist ones.
  • It was the blind spot of the internationalist Left.
  • But for a period of some 30 years, we lacked competent, "internationalist" leadership. OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Bush Administration: a study in failure, waste, and needless death
  • There is no reason for me to go there to speak in English. [applause] I was invited to Caracas, Venezuela, a city, a country, with many heroic, patriotic traditions, which has written an indelible page in internationalistic history. MEETING WITH VENEZUELAN INTELLECTUALS & ARTISTS
  • The old dichotomies of liberal-conservative, internationalist-isolationist, dove-hawk are breaking apart.
  • Hilary and most of the Democratic Party should be indicted, tried, convicted and executed for High Treason - any "internationalist" or any Gun control advocate is a TRAITOR!! One More Sign That The End Is Near
  • It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite. Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
  • Here is the forward-looking, modern and internationalist Sweden.
  • The SEP advocates a proletarian internationalist solution to the war.
  • POG's rejection of the alliance with the United Nations would have come as a heavy blow to the League and to Theodoropoulou personally, who had invested an entire political career in internationalist feminist networking and who drew much currency from the specific relationship of the League with the United Nations, which had recently formed a special committee known as the Statute de la femme. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • The Institute's high-level hockey performance coach, Australian Steve Colledge, has chosen a judicious mix of current internationalists and younger players being prepared for the future.
  • One took the propaganda for granted, with little knowledge of how and why it had come about; another was gratified to be associated with a party that was seemingly "reformist" and "revolutionary" at the same time, pro-American and pro-Soviet, nationalistic pro tem and internationalistic traditionally; a third type was more or less mechanically drawn in by virtue of key posts held by Communists in various non-Communist organizations, such as trade unions. Revisiting American Communism: An Exchange
  • It is republican, socialist, internationalist and, on the polling evidence, still unelectable under first-past-the-post.
  • Scott's work during this period suggests his growing political engagement and ever-bolder attempts to subvert the studio system, beginning with the critique of class and corruption in Murder, My Sweet, through the internationalist antifascism of Cornered, to Crossfire, the final point on the trajectory of Scott's attempts to meld his creative and political visions. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • As a Liberal Democrat I subscribe to the internationalist approach.
  • A nationalist is someone who believes in the sovereignty of his nation-state as opposed to an internationalist or a globalist. The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • For over a century, the ultimate tribute to an old Commo when he fell off his perch, was that he'd been a great "internationalist".
  • The show of sympathy is partly heartfelt as the 'common people' know when British soldiers die for 'internationalist' politicians they have wasted their blood. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • I think the man who is, perhaps, our greatest internationalist, is Professor Shotwell of Columbia University. The Foreign Policy of the N.R.A.
  • The ensuing contradictions between internationalist democratic reformers and xenophobic worshipers of a divine emperor only grew with time.
  • As we have already demonstrated on the basis of the historical record, Cannon's struggle against Pabloism was the highpoint of his life as a Marxist revolutionary and proletarian internationalist.

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