How To Use Internationalism In A Sentence

  • This sense of internationalism can be traced right back to when Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1840s.
  • The return of the popes to Rome after their exile in Avignon in the second decade of the century probably encouraged a new internationalism, as Dufay's career in Rome and his relations with Florence, Ferrara, and Rimini show.
  • In the long term, one of the greatest threats to human liberty is internationalism.
  • Older traditions of internationalism and isolationism have been revived and adapted to post-cold war conditions.
  • The club should be congratulated for this tremendous example of internationalism.
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  • First, the Liverpool dockworkers should not be seen as emblematic of a new form of labor internationalism.
  • Fukuyama's solution...can better be described as ineffectual internationalism. Daimnation!: "Ineffectual internationalism": The failings of Francis Fukuyama
  • France, he insisted, wants a "new internationalism" based on multilateralism and compliance with international law.
  • Internationalism and its call for collective sovereignty - like socialism - may sound like the new messiah to dewy-eyed idealists.
  • This work is driven by our strong belief in internationalism, a commitment to professionalism and an enthusiasm for creativity.
  • The internationalism if film distribution has always guaranteed the rapid dispersal of any significant discovery.
  • It will take genuine multilateralism and internationalism; radical innovations and new forms of collaboration with civil society and supranational institutions.
  • In Eastern Europe, most of the new states of 1920 had fallen under Moscow-controlled communist regimes at least formally committed to the concept of proletarian internationalism.
  • This is a betrayal of what used to be called internationalism.
  • Even the high principles of liberal internationalism, with an emphasis on the League of Nations and collective security, made neutrality problematic.
  • Will the struggles against global capitalism go forward on the program of socialist internationalism or will they be diverted into the blind alley of reactionary nationalism?
  • It does not now and never has represented the Marxist program of socialist internationalism.
  • For about two decades, it seemed to many that a new national nirvana, an alternative to revolutionary socialist internationalism, had been discovered.
  • The main concept is that of an international solidarity expressed in practice through worldwide division of labor: free trade is the principal point in the program of internationalism. Christian Lange - Nobel Lecture
  • One of the bedrocks of old-style Marxism was atheist internationalism, which is of course against all religions and all kinds of nationalism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Born Jewish?
  • The socialists, following internationalism and pacifism, also argued against intervention.
  • Internationalism is at the heart of the anti-capitalist, anti-war movement.
  • Who's going to hurl abuse at internationalism when they have to fight globalisation to keep their job.
  • The fundamental belief in a rational relationship between internationalism is Grotius type of human rationality, that is, the concept of social affinity.
  • Yet despite what the majority of Americans believe and want their leaders and elected officials promote another agenda called internationalism or globalization. "My Fellow Prisoners"
  • Khalid al-Mansour is also featured in a DVD with a title that foreshadowed the internationalism of the Obama administration: Will the West Rule Forever? Post-American Presidency
  • France has had a remarkable role in the process both as the first and most vigorous agent of internationalism and as the custodian of one of the world's most culturally distinct sporting events.
  • It is an outgoing trading nation, with a military tradition that exists alongside an advanced, even unmatched, sense of internationalism.
  • Ironically, it is Spiro's unalloyed internationalism, not the New Sovereigntism, that is likely to foster U.S. rejection of international law.
  • Indeed, its appeal to internationalism may have conflicted with the ready nationalism of the audience.
  • Internationalism is not simply a utopian ideal, but an urgent practical necessity.
  • The communist embodies something further: the idea of internationalism, that is, the brotherhood, solidarity and cooperation among all men and nations in the world. CASTRO READS MAIN REPORT AT PCC CONGRESS
  • Since the end of the Cold War removed the rationale for an anti-communist alliance, the Western powers have tried to legitimise an essentially unipolar, US-dominated world order in the language of humanitarian internationalism.
  • He believed that true internationalism would result only through the attenuation of nationalism.
  • They wouldn't mind a bit of internationalism of the socialist variety.
  • They couldn't really make a counter argument about internationalism which touched people where they lived.
  • For about two decades, it seemed to many that a new national nirvana, an alternative to revolutionary socialist internationalism, had been discovered.
  • How would he differentiate between patriotism and jingoism; internationalism and xenophobia?
  • Three days of fun and internationalism are planned with the overall aim and objective of raising money to support Keighley's new twin town of Manzini in Swaziland.
  • Casablanca is the Mediterranean commercial center of Morocco, a center of tourism and French culture and internationalism.
  • Their much vaunted localism, as Boris explains, is merely enthusiasm for yet more bureaucracy, while their antiwar stance is about as far away from traditional liberal internationalism as you can get.
  • This means rediscovering the centrality of the working class and the internationalism which are at the heart of the genuine Marxist tradition.
  • We are also, instinctively so, a party of internationalism.
  • Conservative reaction, like socialist internationalism, was distinctly un-English in its lack of provincialism.
  • Instead of internationalism, we find among the Left now a sort of affectless, neutralist, smirking isolationism.
  • On the other hand, all this blah-blah about change and platforms and national footprint and internationalism is surely powerful, too.
  • Even a Vietnam War hero from the Northeast came across as too steeped in intellectualism and internationalism to understand military families.
  • Much of the pamphlet is an attack on the notion of internationalism, and is backed up by such remarks as: ‘No British statesman should feel himself authorized to spend British blood for the promotion of something superior to British interests. As I Please
  • They represented Republican extremist thinking resenting the notion of internationalism the UN represented. Reviewing Linda McQuaig's Holding the Bully's Coat
  • In the mid-1920s Stalin, who was by then the ruling party leader, abandoned the Bolsheviks' previous internationalism.
  • Under conditions of a globally integrated capitalist economy, only the perspective of socialist internationalism can provide a way forward.
  • Through Europe, there can be a kind of internationalism in name and law, but one that conceals a more fragmented continent, obsessed with regional concerns.
  • His work in internationalism and charity puts him well in the liberal side, as people see it. Matthew Yglesias » Pew on Ideology
  • In this regard, we at Macalester need to engage in more discussion about internationalism and domestic multiculturalism among ourselves first.
  • Thus the only sincere answer to Irish nationalism is English nationalism, which is a reality; and not English imperialism, which is a reactionary fiction, or English internationalism, which is a revolutionary one. What I Saw in America
  • How did he square his socialist internationalism with his love of England and the contempt he felt for the leftist intellectuals who skedaddled to America when war broke out in 1939?
  • The Cup's increasing internationalism and status as the most prized long distance handicap in world racing fits into its sporting portfolio perfectly.
  • ‘The embers of the empire shimmer like a distant blood-soaked sunset as the urban subtopias of downtown blighty rumble to the rhythms of a brand new internationalism.’
  • The world working class must rally to the banner of internationalism and unite in opposition to globally organized capital.
  • The rhetoric of internationalism faded like morning mist before the sun of reality.
  • We say that the attacks on us are part of anew tide of anti-intellectualism, anti-elitism and anti-internationalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The precocious teenage poet was committed to leftist internationalism, the united front against fascism.
  • The motive force for this enthusiasm is not internationalism or an overdose of brotherly love, but the size of the market.
  • The dreadful chicken coming home now is that internationalism and globalisation are exactly the same thing.
  • He says Scotland in Europe seems still to conjure up something of a distant challenge and this is despite the Scots' long-standing reputation for internationalism.
  • They disdained Kerry's internationalism as effeminate, unpatriotic, a character flaw, and elitist.
  • According to the author, this departure from internationalism will have grave consequences for the future of the United States in world affairs.
  • Far from being utopian, the Marxist perspective of proletarian internationalism is based on the fact that capitalism has integrated the world economy into a mighty, interconnected whole.
  • Does internationalism not foster regionalism, with all the self-contempt and self-love that that involves (as we see in, say, international tennis)?
  • Do expatriate writers and artists create cultural continuums that have more to do with a sense of regional internationalism than the binary of motherland and exile?
  • Internationalism is not simply a utopian ideal, but an urgent practical necessity.
  • Once more, then, neutralism was coupled with internationalism to define U.S. military policy.
  • She cut through all the silly shilly-shallying by pointing out that the broadcaster pursued an agenda of ‘internationalism, multi-culturalism and political correctness’.
  • We Marxists take as one of our starting-points the rejection of nationalism in favor of a higher principle, internationalism, the solidarity of the peoples of the world.
  • Each won a scholarship to Pearson College in Vancouver, a boarding school stressing internationalism and a physically demanding curriculum.
  • In other words, the process of internationalism has to be protected even at the cost of lamentable practical results.
  • The perspective of internationalism is a core characteristic of green/environmentalist thought and one we should be sceptical of …. One For My Baby
  • Now there is another of those bursts of internationalism, but on a much, much greater scale than ever before.
  • However, he agrees that Shanghai has some pluses that help to make up for this, citing the city's internationalism as an example.
  • While Reed remains a major figure with an increasingly international outlook, like the philosophers of the Enlightenment, his internationalism remains strongly tied to particularism.
  • The ALP prides itself on a tradition of humanitarianism, internationalism.
  • Reflected in the strength of spirit of the Soviet people, in its high revolutionary consciousness and culture, in its profound internationalism are its own history and the annal which it wrote during these years. RECEPTION IN THE CUBAN EMBASSY
  • American workers will find no other way to solve the problems arising out of the crisis of capitalism except along the path of socialism and internationalism.
  • 48The wartime overlap between patriotism and internationalism is also evident in the creative and political work of Adrian Scott. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • It is time for us to embrace free-market internationalism again.
  • He was an intransigent fighter for the working class under the banner of internationalism for 30 years.
  • They are hiding behind the fig leaf of the UN to give their misgivings about war an air of high-minded internationalism.
  • Abstract internationalism had a strong role to play in rationalizing much more sinister forces than appeared in the rhetoric of Petrograd.
  • Only a party based on the program of socialist internationalism and dedicated to the struggle for social equality can legitimately claim to represent the working class.
  • That very internationalism goes some way towards explaining the endurance of this genre of avant-garde art.
  • The International Workers Party fights for the working class to adopt a new class strategy - socialist internationalism.
  • Dr. Norman Bethune impersonates the spirit of proletarian internationalism.
  • James Wilson, a hat maker from the small Scottish town of Hawick, believed in free trade, internationalism and minimum interference by government, especially in the affairs of the market.
  • In fact that internationalism is deeply rooted in British traditions.
  • The Socialist Equality Party has a long record of struggle for the political independence of the working class, internationalism and socialism.
  • The coexistence of nationalism, localism and internationalism is emerging in the Tibetan Han language novels.
  • Paul Foot was throughout his life a passionate fighter for freedom, justice, internationalism, socialism and democracy.
  • No one knew its direction: Bolshevism, internationalism, nationalism. ISAAC CAMPION
  • His complexion was dark, almost worldly, just hinting at his complex tastes, his exemplary internationalism.
  • They have retained this pride in the nation, and it has always marked their brand of internationalism, so clearly on display today.
  • Neto's gesture was exemplary of internationalism, and Cuba's attitude must also be exemplarily internationalistic. INAUGURAL SESSION OF THE CUBAN NATL ASSEMBLY
  • Conservative reaction, like socialist internationalism, was distinctly un-English in its lack of provincialism.
  • He articulates internationalism with an ardor that was notably wobbly when he was in the White House.
  • He would trump his father's cautious internationalism with a new, more aggressive America, unbound and unshackled.
  • Capitalist internationalism received new impetus from its opposition to communist or socialist internationalism of the Cold War era.
  • This last section of the meditation recalls the internationalism and awareness of struggles against colonialism and what would now be called neocolonialism that characterized the circles that Ellison and Wright frequented.
  • The new version of post-Marxist collectivism wants privileges for organized groups, and "in consequence, a refeudalization of society …, multiculturalism, feminism, apolitical technocratism (based on the resentment against politics and politicians), internationalism (and especially its European variant called Europeanism) and a rapidly growing phenomenon I call NGOism. Gates of Vienna
  • Our task now is to update that tradition, to forge a bold progressive internationalism for the global age.
  • Anew internationalism is spreading across American campuses, with an increasing number of colleges now offering their students degrees in conjunction with a partner institution in another country. Ancillary Services
  • We take refuge in foreign policy systems: liberal internationalism or realpolitik, neoconservatism or noninterventionism.
  • The SEP's policy to end the war is grounded on the fundamental planks of socialist internationalism.
  • ZAKARIA: But there's also a part of it that has to do with foreign policy, where the Republican Party that you served under seemed to stand for something very coherent, a kind of hardheaded internationalism, engagement, pragmatism. CNN Transcript Nov 9, 2008

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