
How To Use Intermittently In A Sentence

  • In 1805, an extremely handsome young man, he went up to Cambridge, where he attended intermittently to his studies between extravagant debauches there and in London.
  • It dawned today dankly raining, but by mid morning and my coffee pilgrimage there was sunlight, intermittently, and a warming breeze from the south.
  • Fertilized eggs often hatch at the beginning of the growth season but may continue to hatch intermittently thereafter.
  • If the characters intermittently come across as embodiments of ideas and author mouthpieces, the performances go far towards humanizing them.
  • During the Miocene the shelf was intermittently emergent, and the submarine canyons were extended to the shelf area through headward erosion.
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  • By varying the angle of reflected light, an illusion is created that the ocellar scales are intermittently emitting light, thus providing an explanation of Sanderson’s original account of the lizard 'switch [ing] on its portholes.' Archive 2006-11-01
  • We who are uninitiated in Morecambe and Wise may find the new duo more ham than wise, although still intermittently funny.
  • On the contrary, in calicular sections, several flat dissepiments are intermittently developed directly below the epitheca.
  • From the first voyage of Cartier onwards, Canada was called intermittently New France, and its possibilities were not lost sight of by a few intelligent Frenchmen on account of the fur trade. Pioneers in Canada
  • Several weeks after the completion of his work the office lights would go off and on intermittently.
  • At last, though, he was forced to admit that children would not have run so far, and he circled back toward the cabin, still calling intermittently, in hoarse, strangled croaks. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • I dislike with intensity days like today, it was dull, overcast and intermittently pouring with rain and my mood was only marginally better.
  • The rest has been left idle, used as grazing land, or intermittently cropped.
  • One young woman described spending several years traveling intermittently with various carnivals.
  • There he remained for most of the first half, only emerging intermittently to offer words of criticism or encouragement.
  • As he steamed off southeast, he came intermittently under heavy fire from ships in Beatty's and Hood's squadrons.
  • Did its reception shatter his confidence, leaving him unable to finish the other novels he worked on intermittently over his last years: "Islands in the Stream" and "The Garden of Eden" both published posthumously in heavily edited, and perhaps bowdlerized, editions? The Slow Crack-Up
  • At the very least, oxyhaemoglobin saturation should be documented before and intermittently during oxygen therapy.
  • And because he wants, intermittently, to sentimentalize their dilemmas, he has a hard time generating genuinely potent satire.
  • Attached to the pumps, multiple tubes on the floor next to the wall led into the space, where they intermittently veered off to form seven roundish tangles.
  • Intermittently, check the dish to make sure the stew remains quite brothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intermittently gripping thriller illuminating one of our planet's grubbier secrets: the ongoing slave trade, in the form of domestic help forcibly recruited from Africa's more troubled regions and bundled into Britain by human traffickers (the closing credits suggest that 5,000 slaves may be held in London alone). Tonight's TV highlights
  • The thrushes will go on singing intermittently from now onwards, but they leave their territories if it turns very cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several thousand were slaughtered in this sporadic sectarian violence which continued intermittently after 1795.
  • Many on the Internet have complained that their copy of the film freezes intermittently throughout playback.
  • For the study, researchers assigned the patients to 10 one-hour sessions of massage, relaxation therapy (which entailed breathing deeply while lying down), or thermotherapy (in which participants had their arms and legs wrapped intermittently with heating pads and warm towels). Alternative Medicine
  • One of the children, aged about six kept making a noise. It was an extremely high pitched tone with pronounced wobble, loud and sustained, intermittently for an hour or so.
  • The clashes have taken place intermittently since Friday, when the government imposed a ban on rallies in the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the cleansing work, testing will be conducted and fire alarm bell will ring intermittently.
  • The hum intermittently erupted into hypnotic chanting as the camera edged along the line-up, each player seeming to get younger and smaller all the while.
  • I began to write intermittently and spasmodically
  • Sunlight drenched us, though more than a third of the sky was black, tumid with rain, intermittently aflicker with electricity. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • One of the reasons we know this happens: Due to a labor dispute, the single largest pollution source in a Utah valley, anold integrated steel mill, operated intermittently. You Staying Young
  • The compressor intermittently inflates the balloon, which then slowly returns to its sorry, flaccid state.
  • The day was cloudy and it was sprinkling rain intermittently. May 2004
  • Many streams in the world's arid and semiarid regions run only intermittently and empty into broad, undrained basins known as playas, where they deposit their sediment and dissolved minerals.
  • The clashes have taken place intermittently since Friday, when the government imposed a ban on rallies in the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • To cap their discomfort, they're intermittently coerced into becoming part of the show.
  • The battalion was shelled intermittently with high explosive and shrapnel.
  • After showing the videos, he talks animatedly in a mixture of French and another Congolese language, Lingala, which a sprinkling of those in the audience know, while an assistant intermittently translates a few sentences into Swahili. The Trial of Thomas Lubanga
  • Labor held office, intermittently, in a number of States, but State election seemed as remote as federal victory - and only partly because of gerrymanders.
  • intermittently we questioned the barometer
  • One of the local toms has a particular dislike for her and has battered her intermittently quite badly, and so began the hunt by torchlight for her.
  • And the military, despite its intermittently heavy-handed responses, is heedful of public sentiment to a degree unprecedented under the old regime.
  • Fields affected by carryover may take on an uneven appearance with a series of stunted plants followed by healthy plants, intermittently.
  • Yet below the mesquite bosk that edges the bed of Cienagua Creek, water gurgles up and flows intermittently from a mostly underground stream.
  • After the emergency work, testing will be conducted and fire alarm bell will ring intermittently.
  • The presence of what we call motive is something that comes and goes intermittently and which may or may not be present from the first awakening of consciousness. The Complex Vision
  • In 1947 snow of a dry powdery consistency commenced to fall in the first week of February and continued intermittently for several days.
  • For instance, wall eyes tends to occur intermittently and are most often corrected with surgery at 4 to 5 years old.
  • Poison Arrows is the fruition of the band's new direction, but the results, while intermittently catchy, are largely unremarkable.
  • For the most part, therapy of chronic asthma consisted of treating bronchospastic episodes as they arose by using medications intermittently.
  • The large national concerns, which were mainly concentrated in the declining industries of textiles, shipbuilding, and steel, were intermittently protectionist in their demands.
  • The music of an enigmatic pop singer is the only salvation for some lonely teens in this intermittently extraordinary film.
  • South of the ancient Ukrainian city, however, the German defense hugged the Dnieper intermittently down to the Mius defensive line and thence to Taganrog. Deathride
  • Her fictional worlds, like those of her best-selling coevals Wally Lamb and Khaled Hosseini, are marked by trauma, persecution and suffering, relieved only intermittently by freakish moments of well-being. The Reigning Queen of Victim Lit
  • Fortunately, Selby is eager to share his expertise: the historian cum weekend warrior has been intermittently giving free lessons at his home on Victoria Peak for 15 years.
  • PEAK Read/Write speeds often occur only intermittently - more theoretical than Real-World sustained thruput in day to day tasks. - Articles related to AMD spotlights 135 new PCs based on its Vision technology
  • Schizophrenics frequently speak in a stilted, manneristic fashion, and the fluency of their speech may be intermittently disturbed, with paucity of speech, verbigeration (associations repeated in a stereotyped manner, palilalia in the aphasia literature), or perseveration (words or phrases repetitively inserted in the flow of speech). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • At 58, Fontaine shows little sign of slowing down on his amorous adventures, as intermittently recorded in Franks passim.
  • The lyrics intermittently scan as clunkily as the predictable doggerel people send in to newspapers' obituary sections.
  • The author's writing on neuroaesthetics, in which brain science figures rather intermittently, reveals how little the "tell-tale brain" tells us about ourselves. The Mind in the Mirror
  • Mostly I just find him intermittently annoying because I doubt that his studiously developed online contrarianism reflects who he really is.
  • The four will be commissioned as Army major generals for an approximate two-year term while serving intermittently in this role.
  • Well, if you've been a cop for more than five minutes you have a plethora of options: a tail light or license plate light out (or working only "intermittently"), the driver having drifted over the broken white line (a DUI?), or having driven three miles an hour over the limit, or six miles an hour under ... Norm Stamper: Arizona's Immigration Law: Is Karl 'Turd Blossom' Rove Naive or Disengenuous About it?
  • The lift has failed several times since it opened, and the shuttle bus has been pressed back into service intermittently.
  • Regional metallogeny of the Kootenay Arc also confirms the property is prospective to host significant Pb-Zn-Ag-Au-Cu mineralization as carbonate replacement (CRD) and high grade Au-Ag "veins" ranging from 1 to 10 metres in width and traced intermittently for several kilometres. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Updates will be posted to the site intermittently throughout the winter, with weekly postings to begin again March 1.
  • We already know that intermittently spinning humans in ground-based experiments that simulate zero-G result in decreased bone loss compared to not spinning them. Obama Speaks of NASA Being Adrift - NASA Watch
  • Writer Toby Whithousespent more than a year working intermittently on a drama about three roommates: a sex addict, an agoraphobe and a guy with anger-management issues. Monster Mash
  • Assuming that the converter had separated internally and was intermittently plugging the exhaust outlet, a new unit was installed.
  • Although her picturesqueness did not swarm on him with images illuminating night, subduing day, like the Countess Livia's, it was marked, it could tower and intermittently eclipse; and it was of the uplifting and healing kind by comparison, not a delicious balefulness. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 3
  • The malaria victim fevers intermittently.
  • It is also worth noting that the government has reached out intermittently to the rejectionist opposition.
  • The picture roars to life intermittently during these skilled performances, yet despite its high stakes tale of revenge and killings, the film fails to fully engage.
  • With the gear warning horn blaring and the prop windmilling, we continued gliding toward the airport with the stall warning horn intermittently chiming in.
  • In a truly democratic fashion, she encouraged comments from the gathering, all the time trying to poke fun at everything, and causing titters, chuckles and guffaws to break out intermittently.
  • We've discussed this problem intermittently, but so far we've failed to come up with a solution.
  • Throughout this period she had been intermittently feverish, anorexic and very much not herself.
  • Fortunately, Selby is eager to share his expertise: the historian cum weekend warrior has been intermittently giving free lessons at his home on Victoria Peak for 15 years.
  • When an alligator is resting, it breathes intermittently, taking one breath per minute, much like other cold-blooded reptiles.
  • It uplifts its voice about two hours before sunset and continues calling intermittently until some time after sunrise. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • His habit of showing silent actions accompanied by radically different kinds of music, is only intermittently effective.
  • a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring
  • Recent discoveries of "deep life" in cracks in the Earth's crust indicate that some bacteria and many Archaea can live in cracks in hot rocks in which there is effectively no gaseous atmosphere at all, and in which liquid water is only intermittently available. Ancient Predator Revealed!
  • If the characters intermittently come across as embodiments of ideas and author mouthpieces, the performances go far towards humanizing them.
  • Others dozed in overstuffed armchairs among stacks of suitcases, waking intermittently to drink espresso or whiskey and smoke cigarettes.
  • The commission met intermittently in Seoul but deadlocked over the issue of establishing a national government.
  • Phrases, like, oh, say, "breathing issue" and "St. Louis Children's Hospital." funny kind of gaspy, gulpy breathing thing he does, intermittently and most often when he is eating. Chicken And Cheese
  • The intermittently funny dialogue also has a sharp camp edge.
  • In their most relaxed mode, the performers bounce from trampolines to execute gymnasts' feats aloft, intermittently seizing monkey-bar poles overhead and holding hands in space.
  • It should be noted the often quoted PEAK Read/Write speeds often occur only intermittently - more theoretical than Real-World sustained thruput in day to day tasks. - Articles related to AMD spotlights 135 new PCs based on its Vision technology
  • Intermittently check if semolina is fluffy and cooked. Satyanarayan Prasad
  • A bobwhite called intermittently in the distance.
  • Among them is Jeff Atmana jaded, dissolutely resolute journalistwhose dedication to the cause of Bellini-fuelled party-going is only intermittently disturbed by the obligation to file a story. Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi by Geoff Dyer: Book summary
  • Cairn Energy PLC said it found oil "intermittently" in a 400-meter (1,300-foot) section of the Alpha-1S1 well which has now gone 4,358 meters deep. Scottish Driller Finds Oil Off Greenland
  • Similarly, there are few restrictions on temporary use of loudspeakers, such as when messages are blasted intermittently from mobile vans.
  • Animals were ventilated intermittently to peak pressure at a respiratory rate of 20 breaths per minute.
  • An ironic exception to these nineteenth-century writers who were emphasizing the mysterious, irrational, and overwhelming forces that gave rise to genius was the essayist Charles Lamb; confined at one time to a private asylum for what now would almost certainly be called manic-depressive illness, he was also the close companion to a sister intermittently insane with manic-depressive psychosis. Touched with Fire
  • There are games, gags and goss all right, but these were only intermittently entertaining.
  • My car decided to overheat intermittently, the iPod started to skip, and my phone decided it wouldn't recognise its SIM card.
  • The term vernal pool originally referred only to small, intermittently filled wetlands found in the Mediterranean-type climate of the western United States. Vernal pool
  • Teriparatide, a parathormone, predominantly stimulates bone formation when given intermittently.
  • Only intermittently do you see a hint of the psychosis you know must be a part of his makeup.
  • Fortunately, Selby is eager to share his expertise: the historian cum weekend warrior has been intermittently giving free lessons at his home on Victoria Peak for 15 years.
  • Unfortunately it was the first real night of winter and rain teemed down intermittently.
  • To one side stood a desk with an answerphone, its message light flashing intermittently. COMPULSION
  • He rounded a slight bend in the road, which then turned to gravel intermittently blotched with mud. Empty Homes, Empty Windows
  • I take sole custody of my actions of my choices even the one to be choiceless but I cannot help wonder if we might have survived if you had stepped off the bleachers strode onto the field gotten into the game with me instead of intermittently clapping from the sidelines. Seven
  • The film is intermittently nonhistorical, but not ahistorical: it is historically grounded, but sometimes disaligned from historical narratives.
  • Smaller vertical window slits are intermittently cut into the concrete flanks, forming an abstract pattern.
  • She has been held intermittently in solidarity confinement and went on hunger strike last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was given antibiotics and kept under constant observation but it was decided to monitor him intermittently when his condition appeared to improve.
  • Many streams in the world's arid and semiarid regions run only intermittently and empty into broad, undrained basins known as playas, where they deposit their sediment and dissolved minerals.
  • Massey said it injected slurry " intermittently " in the 1970s and 1980s at the Rawl processing facility but had permits. Residents, Coal Firm Negotiate
  • I recently saw a 64 year old man with a skin lesion on his knee that had been intermittently weeping pus over the past four weeks and had been growing in size.
  • In my experience it is easier to read over mistakes on the computer screen, especially since I have been staring at these word intermittently for nearly a year, and I want to eliminate as many mistakes in the manuscript as my sore eyes can catch. I am the Lorax who speaks for the trees . . . «
  • The four will be commissioned as Army major generals for an approximate two-year term while serving intermittently in this role.
  • OSS and MI6 had tracked them intermittently through the forties. VITALS
  • Altogether, these intermittently humorous but basically grim histories are transmogrified into much too pervasive farce.
  • I myself had received a battered gold locket that I lost intermittently, only to refind with great joy every time. Winter Bloom
  • Nicole was loud, unlyrical and intermittently obscene. The Guardian World News
  • Intermittently, there was the teeth-twitching sound of an unpruned rose trail scratching at the glass. A QUESTION OF PRINCIPLE
  • She has been held intermittently in solidarity confinement and went on hunger strike last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Spain midfield player had a scan yesterday after he suffered a recurrence of the problem that has troubled him intermittently over the past two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lincoln shook her head with misplaced appetite for this latest in an intermittently arduous concatenation of sterling scuffles.
  • Streams, although they may flow only intermittently, help support the growth of several trees, among them blue palo verde, mesquite, velvet ash, small-leaved mulberry, netleaf hackberry, and soapberry.
  • But this is pretty lame stuff - dated, superficial, unfocused and only intermittently engrossing.
  • Heavy rainfalls which have fallen intermittently in the Maluti and Mount Fletcher areas since Sunday have left vast destruction in their wake.
  • A supplemental respiratory device is shown that uses electronic components to regulate the flow of a respirable gas to a user, intermittently, on a demand basis.
  • He later became a communist cadre and was intermittently jailed for nine years on charges of spreading communist ideas in Nepal.
  • Neumeier's work is self-indulgently long, banal, unmusical both in its choice of scores and in its response to them, intermittently pretentious and uncertain in tone.
  • The animals of the forest were largely quiet, and the locusts chirred intermittently.
  • At the very least, oxyhaemoglobin saturation should be documented before and intermittently during oxygen therapy.
  • An idiosyncratic mix of deliberately shambolic skits, sketches, stunts and spoofs, interrupted by fervent bickering, the show appeared intermittently from 1987 to huge public and critical acclaim.
  • Yet below the mesquite bosk that edges the bed of Cienagua Creek, water gurgles up and flows intermittently from a mostly underground stream.
  • Intermittently enjoyable segments punctuate the generally underwhelming monotony of this scatological would-be musical.
  • He is moody, brilliant, sulky, a cheat, and intermittently sublime.
  • My breath is short, and my heartbeat thunders intermittently in the ear against the pillow.
  • Britannia, the oldest surviving smack belonging to the company, 71 carried a cargo of salt to Riga in 1823 but was employed intermittently after that.
  • Our kitchen tap drips intermittently, releasing one drop into the pan of water below.

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