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How To Use Interminably In A Sentence

  • Democrats like to blather interminably about democracy, which presumably represents their ideal.
  • If time flies when you're having fun, it drags interminably when you're waiting to get a party started, according to the players who have been stuck in the wings this week.
  • The tarmac scorched a black trail through an interminably flat landscape of spinifex bush.
  • An old hand will tell you the peculiarities of every spike in England, as: at A you are allowed to smoke but there are bugs in the cells; at B the beds are comfortable but the porter is a bully; at C they let you out early in the morning but the tea is undrinkable; at D the officials steal your money if you have anyand so on interminably. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • He knew his business about the former, and was, I'm told, an expert rider; as for the latter, about which he prosed interminably, I can say only that my abiding memory of Ischl lodge is of rank upon rank of chamois horns covering the walls from floor to ceiling, wherever you went, all shot by the royal sportsman. Watershed
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  • Early on it does seem like they get it, introducing her as she reads an interminably precious essay on the fictitious high-living toddler Eloise, as if to say this privileged sophisticate is about to be schooled in the fact that the history of New York is written not in the ink of The Algonquin Roundtable but in the blood of the innocent; by the second act, however, as Erica is released from the hospital to the sanctity of her condo (where memories of her dead boyfriend center solely on their sex life) the film loses the courage of this conviction and becomes a 9mm REGARDING HENRY (1991), with Erica coltishly adjusting to a new world of pain depicted as a labyrinth of angles so canted I kept expecting Erica to walk into The Penguin's lair. Why ugly things happen to beautiful people
  • For the rest, he prosed interminably and played German music on the piano, with me applauding like hell. Fiancée
  • A gigantic brown sculpture of figures - revolutionary heroes in a typical propaganda pose - stood on top of an interminably wide flight of concrete steps.
  • IS IS RIGHT, and another old man who discoursed interminably about the cosmos and the father-atom and the mother-atom. Chapter 7
  • Similarly, it has been decreed that concierges watch television interminably while their rather large cats doze, and that the entrance to the building must smell of pot-au-feu, cabbage soup, or a country-style cassoulet. Excerpt: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
  • A prime example of this systemic program weakness (aptly spun by the network and Russert's pals as a positive during the interminably long post-Russert death rattle brattle on television) was this past Sunday when Gov. Beverly Davis: Time to Bury the "Meet the Press" Format
  • A knapsack of uneaten food that my mother had packed for the journey, the midnight departure from Prague, and the interminably long train journey sitting on hard wooden seats, the night boat to Harwich, and then London and a new beginning. Call for snapshots of migration
  • He risked his neck in speeding, overcrowded buses with bald tyres, he was shot at by bandits, robbed and spat at, obliged to sleep in malarial flop houses and insanitary trains and to wait interminably.
  • As you can guess, it oscillates interminably and swings in the wind.
  • In training for the fight, Liston had skipped rope interminably to Coleman Hawkins's ‘Night Train’.
  • a theological student with whom I argued interminably
  • The remaining couples showcased three dances during what seemed an interminably long show, including the freestyle and a "megamix" that pitted Mya, Osmond and Kelly Osbourne directly against each other. Chronicle

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