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How To Use Interment In A Sentence

  • All interments will be made facing east, i.e., with the head at the west end of the grave.
  • He said that plans for the reinterment could now progress. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the most recent statement is that his interment was a sham, and was part of a well-devised plan for facilitating his escape from France to Germany during the prevalence of rumoured attempts to restore the Stuarts, and that, after marrying the Countess of Waldsteine-Waters, he lived, bearing her name, to the age of eighty-six. Celebrated Claimants from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton
  • A private ash interment will be held at a later date.
  • Funeral services will take place at la chapelle du Centre funeraire Cote-des-Neiges, 4525 chemin de la cote-des-neiges in Montreal at 9 a.m., Friday August 1 followed by the niche interment at 10 a.m. at the cimetiere Notre-Dame-des-Neiges, 4601, chemin de la Cote-des-Neiges, Montreal. Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite, 1963-2008
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  • Then after lunch they will take her from there to the graveyard for the interment. AMERICAN GODS
  • The funeral proceeded to St. Mary's Cemetery for interment in the presence of a large gathering of family and friends.
  • Cemetery for a formal disinterment ceremony on April Remains Returned List WWII
  • I understand that you want a short service here in the house and then straight to the churchyard for the interment. GOODBYE CURATE
  • They likewise carefully watch the corpse by night and day till the time of interment, and conceive that "the deil tinkles at the lyke-wake" of those who felt in their dead-thraw the agonies and terrors of remorse. ' Guy Mannering — Complete
  • Services were held yesterday, with interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery.
  • A state of expectation is growing in Spain regarding the disinterment of the body of the great Spanish poet, author and playwright, Federico Garcia Lorca.
  • The ceaseless reinterments in a big town churchyard meant, in any case, that you could not expect a grave site to be permanently set apart for its tenant.
  • When I heard the first disinterment was not positive it gave me a sick feeling," Scott Warner said. Marine's body exhumed, positively identified after errors revealed at Arlington
  • Much New England rum was consumed at this gathering, and also before the procession to the grave, and after the interment the whole party returned to the house for an "arval," and drank again. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • `He seemed positively overjoyed to witness his late wife's interment. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • The story of the discerption of his body explained the circumstance that the honor of his interment was claimed by so many different places in Egypt.
  • The members were informed that the Council is currently in the process of computerising the records for the cemetery which will set out in detail all information relating to interments and available grave plots.
  • A wake was held in the family home in Boston and interment took place last Saturday following the celebration of Requiem Mass.
  • More serious conjectures find some examples of sepulture in elephants, cranes, the sepulchral cells of pismires, and practice of bees, — which civil society carrieth out their dead, and hath exequies, if not interments. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • In this context, the insistence we noted earlier on cutting the restraining bands upon the hands and feet of the deceased before interment has a clear significance.
  • A spouse divorced from the primary eligible, or widowed and remarried, is not eligible for interment.
  • She died in Canada on Monday, August 1, and her funeral services and interment took place in Vancouver.
  • The burial of the four Army airmen is the latest of the Pentagon's interments of American servicement supposedly accounted for after being missing in action in Southeast Asia from the Vietnem War, which ended in Nelson, David L.
  • The seemingly deliberate placement of the biface immediately below the skull resembles a purposeful interment. Buhl Woman
  • A rough box was their coffin, and their interment was a dog's burial. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
  • A. a mark of respect for the memory of Harry A. Blackmun, retired A.sociate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of A.erica, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff on the day of his interment. Proclamation On Death Of Justice Harry Blackmun
  • Proof of his popularity was the large number of mourners at both his funeral and interment.
  • In these there is clear evidence of the interment of what are known to archaeologists as grave goods, including worked and unworked bone and flint, beads fashioned from shells or human teeth, and items of food.
  • The graves with headstones have been easier to verify because officials can use the name to pull the paperwork, which consists of a record of interment, a gravesite card that details where in the cemetery the deceased is buried, and an intake form used for scheduling funerals. Scope of burial mistakes at Arlington is a mystery
  • Most mourners had walked along the canal towpath between St James and Devizes Cemetery for the interment.
  • The following interments are taken from the official city records of burials in Linwood Cemetery.
  • Sometimes easier words are changed into harder; as, burial, into sepulture or interment; dry [2], into desiccative; dryness, into siccity or aridity; fit, into paroxism; for the easiest word, whatever it be, can never be translated into one more easy. ' Life Of Johnson
  • The Cemetery shall not be held responsible for any order authorizing an interment given by telephone.
  • Afterwards, the funeral proceeded to Knock Cemetery for interment.
  • Interment took place in the adjoining cemetery, following Requiem Mass at 2 pm on Wednesday, January 26.
  • So I go to a disinterment of a couple of murder victims on the dusty outskirts of town. Phil Bronstein: Robert Novak, the Prince of Darkness for better or worse...
  • It is perhaps necessary to add that the superstition illustrated by the following story, namely, that the corpse last buried is obliged, during his juniority of interment, to supply his brother tenants of the churchyard in which he lies, with fresh water to allay the burning thirst of purgatory, is prevalent throughout the south of Ireland. The Purcell Papers
  • There are two options for finding information about the interments in Smithville Cemetery.
  • So she hired an attorney to handle the legalities of disinterment and sent remains from the mausoleum to a lab in Remains Returned List WWII
  • The ashes of a person who meets the criteria for burial can either be inurned in the Columbarium or given ground interment, according to the wishes of the eligible or next of kin.
  • Today we honour the Unknown Warrior, and I was privileged to take part in the service this morning at the cathedral and the interment this afternoon at the National War Memorial.
  • Only then did her family release her body for reinterment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some developments in biomedical research relevant to pro - longevity are: “immortality” of tissue cultures, prolon - gation of life by underfeeding or cooling, studies of atherosclerosis, isolation of “status quo” hormones, discovery of protective action of glycerol and dimethyl sulphoxide in freezing (the “cryonics” movement and the first interment at ultra-low temperature in 1967). LONGEVITY
  • After the Westminster Abbey funeral the coffin will then travel by road to Windsor for a private committal service and interment at St George's Chapel, within the precincts of Windsor Castle, later that day.
  • Royal Marines fired three volleys over the grave at the interment.
  • This is place where they dig up kings for their reinterment. Times, Sunday Times
  • But its exploration of the past is more than a disinterment, an autopsy explaining the death of American promise.
  • I actually enjoyed Robert Wade's disinterment of 'proletarianization'- a word one doesn't come across much anymore.
  • An event of his abbacy was the interment in Croyland church of the Saxon Earl Walthe of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Interment of ashes took place in Ballinrobe cemetery.
  • Thus some explanations are unavoidably reciprocal or circular, as _hind, the female of the stag; stag, the male of the hind_: sometimes easier words are changed into harder, as _burial_ into _sepulture, or interment, drier_ into _desiccative, dryness_ into _siccity_ or Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books with Introductions, Notes and Illustrations
  • A study of this collection leads to the belief that all the specimens are from one interment, that is, the grave of a single individual. Illustrated Catalogue of a Portion of the Collections Made During the Field Season of 1881 Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1881-82, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1884, pages 427-510
  • But World War II interfered with the planned reinterment.
  • Funerary practices normally involve a simple ceremony of blessings and remembrance by family members and friends in a chapel or funeral parlor, leading to interment or cremation.
  • The original interment records were preserved on microfilm, and when they were digitized from the microfilm, they were stored on 4 CD's. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Cremation to follow and a private family interment of ashes to take place at a later date.
  • More serious conjectures find some examples of sepulture in elephants, cranes, the sepulchral cells of pismires, and practice of bees, — which civil society carrieth out their dead, and hath exequies, if not interments. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • The places chosen for these unorthodox interments were often sites of ancient churches or graveyards, or of ruined abbeys etc.
  • The lifeless form was hastily conveyed under ground where had been the circus ring and where the chances of discovery and disinterment were remote. Archive 2010-01-24
  • The people, as though they had not duly rewarded his deserts when alive, but still were in his debt, decreed him a public interment, every one contributing his quadrans towards the charge; the women, besides, by private consent, mourned The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • By many this isolated rock is considered the arx or citadel of Veii; but the existence of so many sepulchral caves in it is, as Mr. Dennis says, conclusive of the fact that it was the Necropolis of the ancient city, which must therefore, according to Etruscan and Roman usage regarding the interment of the dead, have been outside the walls. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • One of the most moving experiences for me was going to Arras in France, to the re-interment of two fusiliers who had died in World War I.
  • The team tours the countryside, organising digs and disinterments and, as they try to find the dead sons of forgotten families, they wonder at the sense and scale of their task.
  • Burial is commonly called interment It is frequently has a considerable price tag and unquestionably the most pricey part of a funeral We Blog A Lot
  • ‘I spoke to fusiliers whose parents live in Halifax One of the most moving experiences for me was going to Arras in France, to the re-interment of two fusiliers who had died in World War I. The corpses had been found as a result of the War Graves Commission; there're still many people missing.Road, Whitworth and Spotland,’ he said.
  • _gold_, senor, that is, with the solitary exception of a strong wooden box (which, even after so long an interment, offered considerable resistance to my efforts to open it), containing an assortment of what I took to be pebbles of different kinds, but which I afterwards found were unpolished gems. For Treasure Bound
  • Due to extensive evidence that the identification of the eight Americans and two South Vietnamese crew members aboard this flight is highly inconclusive, the interment will be a difficult time for many family members whose loved ones were lost in this incident. Williams, James E.
  • Later, with close family members, she drove to Windsor for the committal service and interment at St George's Chapel, within the Castle precincts.
  • The disinterment is a very painful process," Chávez said. INTER PRESS SERVICE
  • Exhumation and re-interment of remains will be handled in a sensitive way.
  • A private family interment took place at Rosewood Memorial Gardens.
  • The mix-up occurred at the burial of a Middlesbrough woman whose interment had to be delayed for three hours while gravediggers set to work.
  • They are said to have had importance in rituals, possibly as a focus for interment of the dead.
  • Sometimes easier words are changed into harder; as, burial, into sepulture or interment; dry [2], into desiccative; dryness, into siccity or aridity; fit, into paroxism; for the easiest word, whatever it be, can never be translated into one more easy. ' Life Of Johnson
  • Each grave is for the interment of one casket.
  • I also direct that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff until sunset on the day of his interment. Obama issues proclamation in Kennedy's honor
  • Private ash interment will take place at a later date.
  • Please avoid walking across interment sections except to visit interment spaces.
  • There was a large concourse of mourners at his removal on Saturday evening to St. Laurence's Church Ballinroad and again on Sunday morning at his Requiem Mass and interment in the adjoining ceremony.
  • In some cases the long-revered bones were found to be fabrications of wax or plaster: films of the disinterments were shown throughout the republic and were a persuasive anti-religious weapon.
  • Following Requiem Mass interment took place in Towerhill cemetery.
  • A necrological mass at the St. John the Baptist Cathedral follows before the interment at the Medalla Milagrosa Catholic Cemetery at 3 p.m.
  • Following requiem Mass interment took place in the local cemetery.
  • They likewise carefully watch the corpse by night and day till the time of interment, and conceive that “the deil tinkles at the lykewake” of those who felt in their dead-thraw the agonies and terrors of remorse. Notes
  • Paddy's funeral took place on Saturday in St. Clare's Church with interment in Mullies Cemetery.
  • People said he shudna've done that, but they were aa neatly stacked in the kirk atween interments, and he's an awfy man wi a drink on him. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Italians had carried the report home with them; among whom there were some who made bold to say that they had seen Messer Torello d'Istria's dead body, and had been present at its interment. The Decameron, Volume II
  • It is tempting to speculate that the four processed burials represent winter primary interments made in the unfrozen ground of the house floor, but other interpretations are possible.
  • They likewise carefully watch the corpse by night and day till the time of interment, and conceive that “the deil tinkles at the lyke-wake” of those who felt in their dead-thraw the agonies and terrors of remorse.’ Guy Mannering
  • Annette, prepared the corpse for interment; and, having wrapt it in cerements, and covered it with a winding-sheet, they watched beside it, till past midnight, when they heard the approaching footsteps of the men, who were to lay it in its earthy bed. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • After Mass, interment took place in the adjoining cemetery.
  • But after December 4, when he witnessed the disinterment of four American women murdered by Salvadoran soldiers, his life would never be the same.
  • Despite the density of burials in the immediate area, no interments overlie the stone pavement.
  • The surrender, capped by a reinterment and memorial ceremony, showcased efforts by faculty members to move beyond tugs-of war over ancient relics and to forge respectful ties with Native Americans.
  • I wish to assure your readers that those in charge of the exhumation and reinterment were not similarly careless.

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