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How To Use Interfering In A Sentence

  • We have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • Our mercenaries (Blackwater and Haliburton and their minion) will still be on the ground, interfering with the new government whenever it drifts from the preordained path carved out by the American government since The Carter Doctrine. CNN Poll: Americans overwhelming support moving US combat troops out of Iraqi cities
  • In the meantime, Mr. Meyer is enjoined from in any way further interfering with the flow of water in the channel from the plaintiffs’ land across his land.
  • This, of course, does not stop her noseying around, interfering and gossiping to her heart's content, especially to her completely hen-pecked hubby Norman.
  • Chemists discovered that in the presence of light, rhodium compounds react with DNA, and they ultimately kill malignant cells by interfering with their ability to reproduce.
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  • Refurbishing the toilets and washrooms will cost more than it would in other schools, because the pipework and cisterns will need to be boxed in to prevent the children interfering with them.
  • Ida Willis is a no-nonsense, interfering housekeeper whose temperament is ill-suited to her clients.
  • The guards told her that they had caught, or almost caught, detainees sexually interfering with the child.
  • Since they taste just like breakfast, you can floss in the morning before eating without worrying about the usually minty taste of floss interfering with the flavors of the meal. Baking Bites » Print » Cupcake Floss
  • Nor are the skies above frequented by commercial airlines, which eliminates interfering radar signals.
  • Under his breath the man quietly cursed the interfering clerk who could bring his master's grand design to nothing.
  • I am not at all frightened by your threats, and I shall know how to deal with you if you persist in interfering with me or persecuting Kilmeny. Kilmeny of the Orchard
  • And this minority stakeholder is interfering with “fair and balanced” coverage. Think Progress » Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’
  • I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone.
  • Genetic engineers should not be allowed to play God, interfering with the basic patterns of Nature.
  • She still had a little bit of conscience left, interfering with her demonly freedom. Up In A Heaval
  • He admitted criminal damage, burglary and interfering with vehicles. The Sun
  • He mistakes Vernon for an officious bartender, Irving for an interfering fellow john; meanwhile, he gets more soused and the situation more fraught.
  • That interfering old cow has never liked me.
  • And I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone. GRACE
  • Carter had paid them scant attention; he was too deeply engrossed in the matter at hand, and confident that his bodyguard could handle these interfering snoopers if the pigmies and the Dark Ones could not. "Once in a Blue Moon" by Harl Vincent, part 5
  • It was also found, that one of these circles, containing six or eight children only, could move within the other when it contained a larger number, without those in the one interfering in the least with those of the other; and the effect became still more imposing when _between_ these, and _without_ them, two other bands of children joined hands, united in the song, and moved round in opposite directions. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • They reject help from outside agencies which they see as interfering and so often show a poor response to therapy and intervention.
  • Members of one party interfering in the primary process of the other is just another sign of the deepening divisions and frowing lack of respect for one another which is destroying our ability to function as a modern democracy. Schneider: Did 'Operation Chaos' succeed in Indiana?
  • I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone.
  • The interfering in-laws featured well in the comedy elements as the situation descended into chaos.
  • Burmese peace negotiators have accused the Chinese government of interfering with the talks to sabotage a deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a minimum they clearly meant to preclude the federal government from interfering in religious matters, but equally clearly they did not intend to disestablish state churches or authorize the federal government to do so.
  • They were accused of interfering with voters or exerting undue influence .
  • I used to listen to John Peel in the late seventies and early eighties when radio one was still on AM only and you had to tune it exactly or you got Radio Moscow interfering.
  • HOWEVER, the second you begin darting in and out of traffic like a gang of overmedicated pinheads and interfering with its normal flow, you not only break traffic laws but you also create a considerable amount of danger to other pedestrians, to law-abiding drivers who may or may not support the war and are otherwise minding their own business, and to medical and law enforcement personnel. Protesters Snarl Downtown Traffic at
  • For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.
  • The more frequently we meet such difficult complications, and see with our own eyes their successful treatment, the more we learn to appreciate the fact, _that Apis cures to a certainty the most dangerous affections of this kind, and that the anti-psoric remedy corrects at the same time the primary degeneration of the tissues, without either interfering with the operations of the other drug, on the contrary, by assisting each other_. Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • Bankrupting a city and interfering with its commercial activities can have big impacts, you know.
  • Endotracheal tubes promote colonization by interfering with the cough reflex and by stimulating excessive mucus secretion.
  • The influence of syphilis, except in its gummatous form, in interfering with union is doubtful. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • The virus increases the risk of cancer by interfering with two vital intracellular processes: reproduction and repair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six million people - one in four of the workforce - are employed by the State, some as little more than interfering busybodies.
  • GOP sources said Palin's call galvanized conservatives on the race but angered some insiders who resented her interfering in the matter. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The Chinese government then condemned the Nobel Committee for interfering in its internal affairs.
  • Wohler's criminal record included offences of going equipped for theft, criminal damage, aggravated vehicle taking, interfering with a vehicle and disqualified driving.
  • In other words, the military sees itself persuing both an occupation-as-nation-building and military action against recalcitrant elements supporting, aiding, abetting, or otherwise interfering with the pursuit of al Qaeda, namely the resurgent Taliban. Muddling Afghanistan
  • He believed her to be simply a vulgar, interfering, brazen-faced virago. A dollop from Trollope | clusterflock
  • By simulation results, it shows that the main lobe ofpattern can point to the direction of arrival of target user accurately, and the antenna pattern can minimize interfering signals actively.
  • Also, the trio has not completely figured out how to use its dazzling chops effectively without interfering with the main objective: to communicate with the listener.
  • This paper described the restraint of interfering targets for the purpose of raising the reliability of the television tracking system.
  • By means of program training, direct individual student guidance and indirect parental guidance, an integrative educational interfering model was conducted to promote pupils learning adaptability.
  • I am NOT an interfering busybody - leastways I can keep my trap firmly shut on any conundrum I don't know about.
  • There are, however, a few medications that should not betaken with milk, and your doctor should be able to advise you if that'sthe case with the ones you aretaking – it's all amatter of the milk interfering with (mostly delaying, but not usually preventing) your uptake of the drug from your gut. Doctor, doctor: Popping pills, plus moles and melanoma
  • Laws of Manu or the Analects does not mean that I "venerate" European high culture; it just means that I know the origins of our regulative political ideals, and I think students should come broadly to know them, too -- and, since you persist in obscuring the point, it means that if emphasis on political correctness and multiculturalism in high school textbooks of history or politics, etc., is interfering with the acquisition of that knowledge, then that emphasis is pernicious. | Top Stories
  • They do this by interfering with an enzyme that triggers a cascade of reactions that drives the production of cytokines and inflammation.
  • The scanner examines the iris with infrared light that reduces reflections and penetrates glasses and contact lenses, preventing eyewear from interfering with recognition.
  • In fact, interfering with "entrepreneurialism," even if by objecting to racist products is, according to Lawson, downright un-American. Lisa Wade: What the Obama Sock Monkey Scandal Tells Us About U.S. Race Relations
  • They reject help from outside agencies which they see as interfering and so often show a poor response to therapy and intervention.
  • Lauder also admitted jointly interfering with a van without consent.
  • Satellite engineers also designed antennas that did not interfere with systems orbiting nearby and recommended adequate separation between satellites to prevent signals from interfering.
  • My daughter-in-law said that I was interfering, but I was only trying to help.
  • Melanie don't you feel a bit awkward interfering these nobilities 'proud march into Islamic slavery? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • When, instead, we insisted on interfering, we made ourselves responsible for improving the situation; and, no matter what Congress "disclaimed," or what intention it Problems of Expansion As Considered In Papers and Addresses
  • I don't know, swarthy Latin flowers swanning over here, stealing our innocent British flowers and ‘interfering with their genetic integrity’.
  • People may roll their eyes and talk about overprotective, interfering grandmothers.
  • Sarah is stroppy, opinionated and interfering.
  • BEIRUT: Israel is sending automated voice messages to mobile phones and interfering with phone lines in Beirut and southern Lebanon in what appears to be an attempt to incite the Lebanese against Hizbullah one day after a United Nations-brokered prisoner swap, Lebanese media reported on Thursday morning. Typical israeli behavior
  • Not all appendages in rotifers function by directly interfering with predatory attack.
  • Questions need to be asked about whether there is a way to shorten the process without interfering with justice.
  • Mr. Todd, would visit the bark and offer interfering suggestions, after the manner of captains, which only embarrassed the officers; and Mr. Todd would take advantage of these occasions to make landlubberly comments and show a sad ignorance of things nautical. "Where Angels Fear to Tread" and Other Stories of the Sea
  • In this way, frequencies can be re-used in other cell clusters, allowing far more users onto the airwaves without any risk of their signals interfering.
  • The usual sort of thing we've seen in these kind of demonstrations, burning the American flag, burning the Israeli flag, calling for the U.S. to stop interfering, what they call interfering here in Lebanon. CNN Transcript Mar 15, 2005
  • NO '' (1962): Sean Connery's first screen outing as James Bond pits novelist Ian Fleming's superspy against the title villain (Joseph Wiseman), who is interfering with rocket launches. Berks county news
  • Both accused Delta of interfering in the elections by intimidating workers with antiunion messages. Labor Board Broadens Delta Probe
  • The CIA was extremely wary of interfering with the foreign Press; in the past, such interference had rebounded.
  • They were horrible - greedy and interfering, and mean and small-minded.
  • Then each man would bring in the horses he had charge of, keep them still hoppled and tie them to short stakes carried with us, driven close into the ground, giving each one as much room as could be without interfering with others, so that they could feed also during the night. Autobiography of John Ball - Across the Plains to Oregon, 1832
  • This too was the nanny state interfering, unenforceable, an infringement of civil liberty.
  • In it, he alleged that the mayor's office had unfairly targeted him after he accused Mr. Regalado of interfering with the police department's antigambling operations. Miami Police Chief Is Suspended
  • Doors that swing inwards present the problem of curtain fabric interfering with the operation of the doors.
  • It was clear the Italian couple and Russians were aghast but keeping clear of interfering.
  • How do you deal with difficult grandchildren while avoiding the pitfalls of interfering or being over-critical?
  • Anchored off Port au Prince, that gives the aid effort a helicopter airfield where refueling and maintenance operations can take place without interfering with ground operations at the main airfield. Think Progress » Chavez Attacks U.S. Efforts In Haiti: ‘They Are Occupying Haiti Undercover’
  • Once a ball touches an infielder, the chance of a runner interfering with a batted ball becomes remote.
  • So any vote against cloture is now an “attempted” filibuster that justifies actual filibusters of all subsequent nominees or, worse, anonymous holds, regardless of whether the “attempt” had a plausible chance of success or was merely a symbolic protest with no likelihood of actually interfering with a nomination? The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Lithwick’s Lament
  • It says Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or interfering with the free exercise thereof.
  • Synthetic small interfering RNA molecules can be introduced into cells by using reagents such as cationic lipids to promote uptake across the cell membrane.
  • The girl told her the defendant had been touching her, interfering with her and groping her.
  • His code is a little new to us; and I feel justified in proceeding upon the theory that every man should help him, and that it is within his (Wilson's) proper function to throw Mr. Everyman down whenever public good requires it, and that his silence never estops him from interfering at any time. Letters of Franklin K. Lane
  • But the court threw out the Mass. law not just based on it conducting foreign affairs, but also in interfering with intl. commerce. The Volokh Conspiracy » AZ Boycott and the Constitution:
  • To them, she appeared an interfering busybody, a pushy incomer meddling with their heritage.
  • I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone.
  • Most work by interfering with metabolic pathways that are unique to bacteria - eg, penicillin weakens bacteria cell walls but has no effect on human tissue. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said that the offence was introduced to deter telegraphers from interfering with messages as they tapped them out and was enshrined in law in the Wireless Telegraphy Act dating back to the turn of the 20th century.
  • This, of course, does not stop her noseying around, interfering and gossiping to her heart's content, especially to her completely hen-pecked hubby Norman.
  • The law will not allow public authorities to be bothered by interfering busybodies and demands personal involvement to guard against this.
  • After his unusual demureness in face of the star-making machinery, I'm pleased to see Philip Pullman recovering his characteristic pugnacity to defend his dark materials from the interference of the interfering Faithful: Religion grants its adherents malign, intoxicating and morally corrosive sensations. Philip Gets His Groove Back
  • The war is already interfering with the harvesting of winter crops and the planting of spring ones.
  • When, during locomotion, injury is inflicted upon the mesial side of an extremity by the swinging foot of the other member, the condition is termed interfering. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Evidence is mounting against the received wisdom that interfering with a person's cholesterol intake can reliably alter his or her destiny.
  • He once threatened me with a knife after I stopped him interfering with a vehicle left in by a customer.
  • She sentenced Cradden to six months imprisonment for malicious damage to a car and a further three months for interfering with a car, both to run consecutively.
  • Addressing a group of judiciary officials on Saturday, President Ahmadinejad questioned President Obama's objective in making what he described as interfering remarks about the current political situation in Iran. Sweetness & Light
  • Keeping in good spirits they blamed the unfortunate episode on the ‘socialist’ government for interfering in the market they had been fixing to become trillionaires in.
  • These devices are so low-powered that there's no risk of them interfering with other equipment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plan has been severely criticized by many members of the public for interfering with the property market and causing a slump in apartment prices.
  • The problem of debris from the smashed part interfering with gases that must pass through tiny tubes was solved by sintering a filter into a central gasket.
  • Doors that swing inwards present the problem of curtain fabric interfering with the operation of the doors.
  • The German women -- bronzed, buxom lasses, for the most part, in jaunty hats and feathers -- look very sharp after their young men, interfering sadly between them and the insinuating sergeants. Enlistment of Irish and German Emigrants on the Battery, at New York
  • He is good at standing back and not interfering too much, just being there as a shoulder to cry on if I need it.
  • Seems the Saudis aren't the only foreigners interested in interfering with the American election: 04/23/2004
  • One might then be closer to the realm of saying that one is interfering with the procedures that apply.
  • But do so, mind you, without interfering with anyone's shot at achieving the "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" version of The American Dream; while still allowing people and companies who are already rich to keep getting richer and richer; but while also asking that in exchange for all the top-tier salaries, profits, dividends, and interest income they take out of our economy, there be a mandatory, no-loopholes-allowed "giveback" requirement -- in the form of high taxes that may sting a bit, but which will allow them to remain quite rich -- while helping reduce the deficit without taking a heavy toll on the poor and the middle class OpEdNews - OpEdNews.Com Progressive, Tough Liberal News and Opinion
  • The illogical and purely emotional positions of these shrill flat-earthers are now interfering with real medical and psychological research.
  • Especially if it isn't interfering with their ability to be a good employee. The Sun
  • Come along," said Archie; "if they were duppies they will be afraid of interfering with white people, and if black fellows, they are still less likely to trouble us. The Missing Ship The Log of the "Ouzel" Galley
  • Coffee has been blamed for increasing the pulse rate and for interfering with the efficiency of the digestive process.
  • Generally, I am happy with my work and enjoy my job - it just has an annoying habit of interfering with my life!
  • We have no interest in interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • It's a simple three-way swap, it's not interfering with anyone and there's no extra expense to the council.
  • This government is full of interfering busybodies.
  • When (pip!) a message interfering intermitting interskips from them (pet!) on herzian waves, (call her venicey names! call her a stell!) a butterfly from her zipclasped handbag, a wounded dove astarted from, escaping out her forecotes. Finnegans Wake
  • None of them were actively interested in interfering in the markets, so there was little correlation of any kind. Gallup mutters about relationship between Dow, approval ratings. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Ballast and a lump of concrete had been placed on the line and the youngsters had been seen throwing stones while running on the tracks and interfering with signalling equipment.
  • If you have been watching the news lately, Iranian supreme leader condemning the US and the UK in interfering in their election, gee why can't we be concerned and be diplomatic at the same time, they are going to do what they want anyways. House expected to vote on Iranian resolution
  • It also acts as a kind of depressant by interfering with the flow of information between nerve cells. Undefined
  • Something I found curious was the fact that to fit in some audio headers where the PCI slots were to be placed, and to stop the cards from interfering with the header, the pins were bent at a 90 degree angle.
  • The drive there would normally be a pleasant bimble around winding country lanes, but is rendered more alarming by the fact that I can't use the clutch properly and my crutches keep sliding off the passenger seat and interfering with the steering wheel.
  • The Television New Zealand Act specifically prevents me from interfering in the day-to-day operations of broadcasting, including programming decisions.
  • Interfering with or preventing children from developing cognitive autonomy discourages their efforts to learn how to learn.
  • He had no compunction about interfering in her private affairs.
  • Without interfering with the ape, the researchers used a forceplate to record the forces exerted by the gibbon's feet as it leapt, and two high speed cameras to record details of its body position, and the angles of its legs, body and arms. his revealed that the gibbon uses four distinct modes of leaping, categorised as the orthograde single footed take-off, the orthograde two footed take-off, the orthograde squat jump and the pronograde single footed take off. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • I don't believe in a wife interfering with her husband; and business was that bad, and your 'ealth' asn't been the same since them colds you caught standing about in them betting rings, so I don't see how you could help it. Esther Waters
  • Now, I've thrown the bloodhounds because they wouldn't stop interfering, trying to be smart.
  • The Government should cease interfering with the judiciary and start levelling with the citizenry.
  • After which an unlucky thirdsman, interfering, gets shot, and buried _as_ one of the others -- "which is witty, let us 'ope," as the poetical historian of the quarrel between A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • Many universities report that they instituted the zones to protect free speech rights and prevent demonstrations from interfering with other campus activities.
  • It also prohibited the federal government from interfering with the free exercise of religion.
  • They were accused of interfering in China's internal affairs .
  • We support the (SADC) leaders on their progressive stand of not interfering with Zimbabwean government's position on redressing what gave rise to the struggle for national liberation - namely the repossession of the land for equitable distribution amongst the indigenous people who were robbed of their land by British colonial settlers," he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The core of the problem is those countries are interfering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking at the situation in Macedonia, the United States, through this administration, has stepped up its efforts to help the Macedonian government deal with what they describe as Albanian extremists coming over from Kosovo interfering and trying to undermine, in the eyes of the Bush Administration, the legitimate Macedonian government. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Yugoslav Authorities Arrest Slobodan Milosevic - March 30, 2001
  • These interfering foreigners include ex-pat non-governmental organisation workers and UN officials.
  • But their newfound romance is soon dealt a bit of a curveball when Lenni's conniving, interfering mother is inadvertently killed - or was she?
  • Imagine the power I'd have; no more interfering from big-head.
  • To avoid interfering with steel erection, the precast seating risers followed the steel at night, using the same crawler cranes.
  • The mind was a delicate mechanism that he disliked interfering with at the best of times.
  • When an American takes lawful action to defend from the crime perpetrated by the intellectual property rights owner, the intellectual property rights owner can use intellectual property laws to sue people for interfering with property rights when they try and stop a theft. Friends don’t spy on friends
  • This congealed muck was interfering with the filter.
  • Nor are the skies above frequented by commercial airlines, which eliminates interfering radar signals.
  • Wharton had previous convictions which included interfering with cars, robbery, aggravated vehicle taking, dangerous driving and driving while disqualified.
  • This year alone he has been charged with arson, criminal damage, interfering with a car and two counts of common assault.
  • One programme editor praised him to me for being less interfering than some of his predecessors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the name Lamaze will seldom appear in these pages, it’s inspired by the plain wisdom of the Lamaze belief that birth is simply and beautifully designed, and that interfering in that process without a medical reason increases risk to mothers and babies. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • And if I thought you were — ahem — somewhat unfortunate in former undertakings, and enterprises, and connexions, which might cause you to live unsettledly and more private, I could have — eh — very little pleasure — to aggravate your case by interfering, or requiring explanations, which are often more easily asked than given. Redgauntlet
  • The mind was a delicate mechanism that he disliked interfering with at the best of times.
  • Pushing aside an interfering boxwood plant, she emerged into a small clearing.
  • When you think of geoengineering as interfering in a spontaneously organized and self-regulating system, it sounds a lot like interfering in a free market.
  • She's a foolish interfering old woman!
  • Ailurophobia can severely disrupt normal life, interfering with school, work, or social relationships.
  • Now a generation of southern Republicans, brought up resenting the interfering ways of the federal government, is wielding disproportionate power.
  • I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone.
  • In response, President Fillmore issued a proclamation asking citizens to cease interfering with law enforcement officers.
  • Starring Sally Phillips as Clare, the control freak who likes nothing better than interfering in other people's lives, this series finds her still struggling to control both her professional and private life.
  • Without interfering with the ape, the researchers used a forceplate to record the forces exerted by the gibbon's feet as it leapt, and two high speed cameras to record details of its body position, and the angles of its legs, body and arms. his revealed that the gibbon uses four distinct modes of leaping, categorised as the orthograde single footed take-off, the orthograde two footed take-off, the orthograde squat jump and the pronograde single footed take off. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • It does not feel, subjectively, like some interfering, adventitious stuff has been removed.
  • Prior to the decision, local anticrime groups urged Mexico's government and judicial system not to grant Ms. Cassez the appeal and accused the French government of interfering in the case. Mexican Court Strikes Down Frenchwoman's Appeal
  • We would all be a lot better off if these interfering busybodies left well enough alone.
  • The problem was that the leadership was so incompetent that it succeeded in interfering with local relief efforts but failed to provide any federal relief efforts. The scandal of Katrina « BuzzMachine
  • When he does manage to express himself, his gaggle of interfering sisters humiliate him for the effort.
  • Genetic engineers should not be allowed to play God, interfering with the basic patterns of Nature.
  • Who's been interfering with the clock? It's stopped.
  • A certain mademoiselle has appeared in your garden and she is interfering with your pointless life? THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • In it, he raged against the loss of liberty that the industrial revolution and interfering government had imposed on the freeborn citizens of Albion.
  • February 4th, 2010 at 5: 18 pm tombaker says: orrin hatch best learn his place, and stop interfering with our Military Leadership. Think Progress » Hatch blasts ‘liberal groups’ for ‘misconstruing’ his position on DADT: ‘I certainly do not support repeal.’
  • There is great danger of having the bellyband too tight, and, in the early weeks, it is often the cause of great discomfort -- often interfering with the normal expansion of the stomach at meal time. The Mother and Her Child
  • This will prevent other processes from interfering with our server while it is actually in the process of delivering a page.
  • He was booked on suspicion of making threats with intent to terrorize and on suspicion of interfering with a person's civil rights.
  • DjDiverDan says: gasman, above and beyond the tabloid elements, the Anna Nicole Smith/Marshall case is really only legally interesting on the issue of Bankruptcy Jurisdiction — why Anna Nicole could assert her Texas state-law tort claim (interfering with the expectancy of an inheritance) in her Bankruptcy Case. The Volokh Conspiracy » San Francisco Program on Anna Nicole Smith Case:
  • I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone.
  • I'm not sure 'interfering' is exactly the way I see it, Nick. Assorted and discombobulated thoughts about editors
  • Now, it is a peculiar fact, as shown by Massart, Bordet and others, in researches on chemiotaxis, that nearly all these poisons have the power of repelling leucocytes, and of seriously interfering with them in the performance of their functions, and this power assumes a special significance in connection with our subject this afternoon. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • It was their practice to avoid interfering with buffalo or other dangerous game so far as possible, but pallah, hartebeeste, koodoo, waterbuck and other antelopes were slain in the manner described, sometimes in great numbers. Kafir Stories Seven Short Stories
  • Affecting 30,000 people in the United States alone," The Sun reports, "cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that can clog the lungs and damage the pancreas, interfering with the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Outlook for people with cystic fibrosis improving
  • Thus far, these patients have proved relatively refractory to potential therapies interfering with individual molecules.
  • Mai, a forty-year-old school teacher, strives to make a normal life for herself and her children, despite her trauma at having to cope with an errant husband and interfering extended family.
  • The worst of the fallacy is the assumption that “worth” means only economic value, without any other factor interfering, and, as you note, that “worth” based on economic value in the current cultural environment somehow trumps any other consideration. Matthew Yglesias » Hispanics and Crime
  • The White House claims the Congressional agency is overstepping its bounds and unconstitutionally interfering with the functioning of the executive branch.
  • The key is making a site distinct without interfering with its usability.
  • Vigilant and obnoxiously interfering, the policeman has a long and curiously curved beak, designed for probing into the affairs of crabs, and unless the "hatter" has hastily stopped the mouth of its shaft with My Tropic Isle
  • It is a defence to the tort of maintenance or champerty that the person interfering in the litigation has an interest recognised by law in the proceedings.
  • He has asked the court to interdict the other parties from interfering with his work and that of other office-bearers.
  • Differential pairs have to be used, and that means having to add shielding around the pins and often using extra pins to provide round planes to stop the signals interfering with each other through crosstalk at these speeds.
  • A certain mademoiselle has appeared in your garden and she is interfering with your pointless life? THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • This choice should lie with individual proprietors and is not a decision to be made by an interfering nanny state!
  • The net-net of all this is that the U.S. could grow more quickly if it stopped spending so much and interfering, but it is growing nonetheless. No More Steroids Needed For U.S. Economy
  • She was arrested and charged with criminal damage, assault, interfering with motor vehicles, aggravated trespass and harassment, and causing alarm and distress.
  • In response, President Fillmore issued a proclamation asking citizens to cease interfering with law enforcement officers.
  • The girl told her the defendant had been touching her, interfering with her and groping her.
  • Two months later, the chief wrote a letter to the mayor, copied to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the state attorney's office, accusing Mr. Regalado of interfering with the police department's antigambling operations. Miami Police Chief Is Suspended
  • The links are very easily read, the headlines are concise, and the use of bold in the copy allows for skimming without interfering with reading.
  • Interfering with or preventing children from developing cognitive autonomy discourages their efforts to learn how to learn.
  • There is a lot of cynicism about political contributions interfering with the process, and with good reason.
  • They reject help from outside agencies which they see as interfering and so often show a poor response to therapy and intervention.

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