How To Use Interconnection In A Sentence
However the commission is mindful of the need to "avoid a disproportionate disturbance to the business plans of stakeholders that have committed significant investments in telecommunications infrastructure in Fiji, as well as the need to give legal and commercial certainty to investors on long-term interconnection rates so as to manage effectively their respective businesses". - Gateway to Fiji Islands - News
I found myself in roughly equal measure deeply impressed by his insights into the interconnections between key figures and events across the region, and frustrated by his paranoia about continental western Europe (the "Euroids") and the British intelligence services (though if even a quarter of what he alleges is true, there are some very serious questions to answer, for instance about the Macedonian arms plot of 1993).
Extracts from Doctor Who and the Dæmons: what the Master thinks of the Doctor
The interconnection matrix of the banyan network was obtained and simulation calculation was carried out, which accords with experimental results.
It is possible to achieve a density of half a billion interconnections per square centimeter.
MR. STEINBERG: I have a parallel answer to Lael's answer on NTT interconnection, which is that we are having ongoing discussions.
Press Briefing By Brainard And Steinberg

The design of a gateway that can interconnect teletex and OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) networks is shown.
CEF Cable entrance facility CEI Comparable efficient interconnection CEI Comparably efficient interconnection CEN European committee of standards CENELEC European committee of standards (electrotechnics)
Tricks of the Trade Issue #6 by Hype (Christmas Edition)
I always suspected that if Poetry is inherently a matter of interconnections (what we Pinoys also call pakikiramdam and what I lately have been calling algebraic as a result of three months of tutoring a 13-year-old boy in four years worth of math), such a book can hold together -- also recall Gertrude Stein's observation (I paraphrase) about how a word arbitrarily placed next to another word will rub together for some unexpected frisson if not generate some meaning.
'Convergence' is an appealing term conjuring up an image of things neatly slotting together, and there is some technical justification as proprietary communications and interconnections are replaced by one unified approach-transmitting everything over the internetworking protocol (IP), the foundation of the Internet. Papers
The homiletic nod toward the interconnection of general education and research is commonplace.
They demonstrate the close interconnection between landforms and paedogenesis, palaeochemistry, climatology, archaeology, archaeomagnetism, radio-carbon dating, palaeoecology and faunal extinction.
Willandra Lakes Region, Australia
Both in practice and in theory, he moved always toward new interconnections between body and soul, life and art, morality and psychology.
The new SOP packaging platform prototype enables microminiaturization of consumer products through the elimination of surface passive components and interconnection lengths, while significantly improving performance.
The interconnection matrix of the banyan network was obtained and simulation calculation was carried out, which accords with experimental results.
Stability of the wrist depends on the geometry of the individual carpal bones and the ligamentous interconnections that control movement of one bone on another.
Optical interconnects will be one of the major alternatives for upgrading speed whenever conventional electrical interconnection fails to provide the required bandwidth.
In fact, it was being installed to run concurrent with the interconnection equipment which should be in place by the same date, said Agard.
Every beat of the story is built on interconnections that at first seem like coincidence.
Chapter Two systematically illustrates the history and main contents of DCT, as well as the organization and interconnections of the verbal and non-verbal system.
The strength of the book is its intricate mapping of interconnections across a range of media.
Structural aspects relate to the principles of interconnection in the system.
The structural elements that support the overall tabletop also act as raceways and interconnections for all our electrical work.
They can be used to obtain information on network topology, policy, and interconnection information in order to construct routing tables.
It is our sense of interconnection with all living things that brings us to respect the rights of animals.
It will include hierarchical cell and audit trail services and provide provisional Open Systems Interconnection specifications.
It will include hierarchical cell and audit trail services and provide provisional Open Systems Interconnection specifications.
With the two examples from Nematomorpha and Gastrotricha I aimed to exemplify these interconnections and show gaps in knowledge that are mainly due to the evaluation of nematomorphs and gastrotrichs as ‘lesser known groups.’
Secretary Chu announced the release of a $60 million solicitation seeking proposals to develop long-term interconnection plans in each of the regions, which will include dialogue and collaboration among states within an interconnection on how best to meet the area's long-term electricity supply needs.
U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
The density of optical interconnections can be much greater than even the most advanced silicon and gallium arsenide processes.
By the government of God, I understand the fixed and unalterable order of nature and the interconnection of natural things.
Noyce came up with the two key inventions to make a practical integrated circuit: by leaving the oxide on, one could run interconnections as metal films over the top of its devices; and one could also put structures inside the silicon that isolated one transistor from the other.
The Accidental Entrepreneur
Its emphasis is largely qualitative, demonstrating and playing with the interconnection between differing methodologies as a kind of intertextuality, a bricolage.
Transparency is essential for dealing with higher-level issues than physical media and interconnection that the underlying network infrastructure is in charge of.
It is important to emphasize that such a conception of historical interconnections does not situate itself in universalist claims about Shakespeare's representation of history.
It will also identify and cognize the categories, regularities and principles of warfare in interconnection with the general knowledge about the war.
We have no conception of the interconnections that influence us in our associations of words and meanings.
At present, when the results of the investigation of nature need only be conceived of dialectically, that is in the sense of their mutual interconnection, to arrive at a system of nature sufficient for our time, when the dialectical character of this interconnection forces itself into the metaphysically trained minds of experimental scientists, against their will, today a philosophy of nature is finally disposed of, every attempt at its resurrection would not only be superfluous, it would even be a step backwards.
Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy
Interconnecting components within an enclosed compartment extend through openings in the housings to provide electrical interconnections to the next compartment to be assembled.
The sense of juxtaposition is heard within the context of a greater sense of structural unity, achieved through the interconnection of ideas.
Scholars and admirers of baroque painting will enjoy studying this work and sorting out the many interconnections between father and daughter.
I also suggest that it can be argued (with evidence) that this quantum interconnection is a key element for consciousness in living things.
Changing Your Name
Beside the central image of the city in the east wall, to which we will return momentarily, the heptagonal figure offers a perpetual motion machine by which to contemplate the interconnection of worldly and divine wisdom.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Strangely enough, the stepping out of the body is at once a stepping into the body, expanded by the sense of interconnection.
Such interconnection is traditionally asserted in the principle of causality or natural law.
How the interconnection weights are changed is the function of the learning algorithm.
In both embodiments, interconnections between electronic components forming the electronic circuit are made without the use of glass feedthroughs which greatly simplifies the cost and complexity of the package.
I parametrically simulate all of: both short and long term potentiation from digital signal frequencies, axonial growth and destruction, formation of excitatory or inhibitory receptors, as appropriate (based on source neurotransmitter type or if it is a correlate verses anti-correlate interconnection).
MachineMachine (formerly 'The Huge Entity')
Interconnection delay has become a dominant factor in IC design.
Each of the photographs in his early series relies on its interconnection with the others for its complete reading.
They demonstrate the close interconnection between landforms and paedogenesis, palaeochemistry, climatology, archaeology, archaeomagnetism, radio-carbon dating, palaeoecology and faunal extinction.
Willandra Lakes Region, Australia
In addition, TeleWest says that it is in negotiation with other cable franchise holders on possible interconnection of their networks.
We work within an ecofeminist understanding of the interconnection of all life and the intersection of all forms of oppression," she explains.
Animal rights, ecofeminism, and rooster rehab
The reaction to the growing interconnection is a creeping "social psychosis.
Douglas LaBier: A Rising "Social Psychosis" in Public and Private Life
an interconnection between the two buildings
These vessels form a web of complex interconnections with the channels.
Davis, however, looks for an English equivalent that might work in both contexts, so as not to efface their suggestive interconnection.
Infinite interconnection is an idea both beguiling and intuitively true, but long displaced by a default fragmentation.
June « 2009 « Sentence first
In many issues of the reliability of copper interconnection, we place the emphasis on electromigration and stress migration.
For our model to be valid, we have to assume that the degree of interconnections is uniform across the cell; otherwise, Den would be a function of position.
In his many books and articles, he posed sweeping questions about the nature of Islamic art, seeking to discover the impulses that generated its specific forms and dynamics of growth, and to explore the interconnections between faith and sociohistorical circumstances in its development.
NYT > Home Page
It considers humanity and humility, our preposterous smallness in a vast world, the idea of interconnection, the possibility of love, the breath of creation, the spiritual value of journey.
Austin360 - XL Headlines
The rate for off-peak period remains unchanged at 77 cents and as the agreements have no "suspensive resolutive" conditions that bind the authority or its processes, it holds that this reduction in interconnection rates will be passed through to the consumers.
Media community of South Africa
The love of system, of interconnection, which is perhaps the inmost essence of the intellectual impulse, can find free play in mathematics as nowhere else.
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays
The methods of 3D interconnection can be classified into the wire bonding, flip chip, through silicon via(TSV) and film wire technology, whose advantages and disadvantages are analyzed.
Method for making metal contacts and interconnections concurrently on semiconductor integrated circuits.
A recent carrier business case study looked at a network with a discrete network element configuration totaling 23 bays, including MSPPs, DWDM, ATM, IP router, GigE switch, and patch panel / interconnections.
Yet quality serves not only to forge successful interconnections within the industry, but also to create points of disconnection.
Although he stresses specificity and immediateness, his analysis shows the interconnections among labor, the trade unions, and political parties.
Then, the paper states the core theory of networking essence, the Reference Model of Open System Interconnection published by ISO/OSI.
These different interconnections between the many regulatory genes, if diagrammed fully, would form an intricate webwork, much more complex that the few arrows in this cartoon.
The affinity with the framed tube arises from the interconnections of the towers around the remainder of the perimeter.
Rudimentary tracheal metameres invaginate but lack primary branching and interconnections.
A new science is giving us a renewed sense of our interconnection with all things, of our relationality, and of the numinosity, extraordinary depth and prodigious richness of nature.
God, Strings, Emergence, and the Future of the World By Nicola Hoggard Creegan
What the vanishing bees are telling us is the same thing the vanishing field birds are telling us~ we are at a critical ecologicalthresholdin our evolution and unless we take dramatic steps to change our life threatening habits&excesses and, instead, embrace ourinterconnection with nature~ theecosystem will collapse and the human being as a species willeventuallygo the way of the vanishing bees.
The presentation, development, and interconnection of ideas must be based on relationship.
A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA.
His study analyzed how perceived problems—such as intermittency—could be overcome with interconnection of offshore wind systems and careful turbine placement.
The Comtac features dual microphones, giving you directional hearing and an interface for boom mike and radio interconnection, but my favorite feature is the on/off volume control.
Indeed, FCoE will take hold initially at the server access layer and as standards and characteristics of the technology mature -- such as the IETF TRILL (Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links) standard for multihop and multipathing capabilities -- it is expected to be deployed deeper into the core of the data center networks to facilitate the construction of much larger converged fabrics.
HP consolidates, protects data centers
The proposed satellite interconnection system that I was fighting so hard to stop suddenly looked terribly appealing.
It is known that any complex system has a certain structure with its intrinsic elements and interconnections.
It is suggested that mycorrhizal interconnections between plants may be involved in significant movement of organic carbon to and from coachwood seedlings.
Accordingly a theremin is a direct lesson in the interconnection of you, the environment, and others in a way that I do not see as straightforwardly obvious for other instruments.
[theremin] we are all connected
Department of Energy to implement synchrophasors, also known as phasor measurement units (PMUs), to more accurately measure voltage and current within the Eastern Interconnection.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
The density of optical interconnections can be much greater than even the most advanced silicon and gallium arsenide processes.