How To Use Intercom In A Sentence

  • Paige Craven, a sophomore at Souhegan, found out about the program via the intercom, and the idea piqued her interest. | Web Feeds
  • Intercoms, wiring - everything would be shot.
  • This posting is about intercommunication among Zapoteco villagers in Oaxaca State and the notion that communications among various villages can be improved by foreigners introducing radio signal interrelationships to, supposedly, improve inter-village understanding and, perhaps, harmony. Radio stations in Oaxaca
  • So soon as I got them, I sent our partys to sease on them, and found not only three of those rogues, but also ane intercomend minister called King. Old Mortality
  • The intercom buzzed, and Max let Jared inside the building.
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  • If we consider the complex character of our people, the variety of races which we have adopted into the Canadian family, the extent of territory over which they are scattered, the diversity of their interests, the difference of languages and resulting handicap in intercommunication, we have cause to marvel that the Canadian nation in so brief a period has become so united as it is. Some Canadian Problems
  • The pilot announced over the intercom that the plane had been hit by lightning but would be continuing its journey as planned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Agatha used the intercom to buzz what she called ‘servant headquarters’ and ordered two maids to come down.
  • After the initial jolt, there was silence over the intercoms.
  • SUSPEN intercomparison of ultraviolet spectroradiometers. Long-term change and variability in surface UV irradiance in the Arctic
  • Lipton had barely entered his office when the intercom buzzed.
  • What he aimed at was intercommunion rather than structural unity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intercom is the fanciest thing in my apartment. The Intercom
  • Could it be time to install two-way intercoms in all carriages, so that we can offer a cheery hello to the driver whenever we set foot on a train?
  • By the edge of the doorframe was the usual door control and intercom, installed both inside and outside rooms. The Dragon Lensman
  • A moment later, the intercom chirped and a deeply gruff voice spoke from the speaker.
  • State governments continue to attach a high priority to maintaining law and order and monitoring intercommunity relations at the district level.
  • He pushed a button on the intercom. "Yes?" came a voice.
  • This reflects the general insulation of the community, where there are specific delineations between northern and southern Thais and where intercommunity outreach with other groups has been almost nonexistent.
  • Based on findings demonstrating an inverse relation between home-range size and intercommunity competition, we expected to find a similar relation in our study.
  • Other external features include extensive landscaped open spaces adjoining parklands, video intercoms to each unit, underground car parking and a high-speed lift from the car park to all floors.
  • Either she had ears like a bat or she'd been on her way downstairs anyway when the intercom sounded.
  • Ladies and gentlemen," one of them would intone into the intercom. KISS OF THE BEES
  • You can’t homogenise sparse regions Africa, Siberia, because you cannot intercompare stations. New Satellite Data « Climate Audit
  • The two of you communicate over an intercom, with the experimenter standing next to you.
  • Those that pray/prey on streetcorners, and those that think they are being persecuted if they cannot teach creation myths in science or have the school administrator endorse Christianity over the intercom are the ones that concern me. Fort sumter, brooklyn
  • In the wonderful system of the telephone with its miracle of intercommunication there is, as you know, at each instrument that little film of metal which we call the transmitter, into which the message is delivered, and whose vibrations are repeated scores of miles away. Mornings in the College Chapel Short Addresses to Young Men on Personal Religion
  • Whatever may be the responsibility of those nations whose executives possess the power of declaring war and of adopting other coercive remedies without the intervention of the legislative department, for the language held by the Executive in addressing that department, it is obvious that under the Constitution of the United States, which gives to the Executive no such powers, but vests them exclusively in the Legislature, whilst at the same time it imposes on the Executive the duty of laying before the Legislature the state of the nation, with such recommendations as he may deem proper, no such responsibility can be admitted without impairing that freedom of intercommunication which is essential to the system and without surrendering in this important particular the right of self-government. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 3, part 1: Andrew Jackson (Second Term)
  • Visitors can identify themselves by intercom before the door is unlocked. Christianity Today
  • He was in the process of updating his log when the intercom buzzed.
  • Electricity is even transferred by intercommunicated systems. 16th Workers Federation Congress Closes
  • The intercom buzzes suddenly, drawing me away from the song.
  • The real barrier to public networks supporting intercommunication is the lack of a business model that makes sense.
  • If you wish to intercompare and evaluate availability of source code for paleoclimate studies, I strongly welcome the effort. Martin's Big Day « Climate Audit
  • Entrance is through a spacious hallway with recessed lighting, oak flooring, a walk-in storage closet and a security intercom.
  • May 31, 2006, 4: 35 pm cheapest cars to insure says: cheapest cars to insure diatribe dissension gentlest accomplices intercommunicate! The Volokh Conspiracy » MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INSURANCE CRISIS:
  • Driving past a guard booth or getting buzzed up via intercom - what's the difference?
  • Automatic anti-theft system: Including entrance control system and access control system, anti-theft alarm system, visual monitoring system, intercommunication system, patrol system, etc.
  • The next thing was the intercom buzzing outside our bedroom. The Sun
  • A flight attendant finally contacted the cabin by intercom and the aircraft turned around to complete its journey from San Diego. The Sun
  • Just as Kimberly was about to say something else, the intercom crackled to life.
  • He had impressions, possibly gross and unjust, in regard to the way women move constantly together amid such considerations and subtly intercommunicate, when they don't still more subtly dissemble, the hopes or fears of which persons of the opposite sex form the subject. The Tragic Muse
  • The Blue Hawk leader nodded solemnly and passed her the speaker for the intercom.
  • Welcome to negotiate and purchase, reciprocity benefit, the friendship of intercommunication , pot strength cooperates, value shares.
  • With EHRs that easily intercommunicate, we can reward better teamwork among providers to re-integrate care despite our fragmented healthcare business model. Francine Hardaway: Are Electronic Health Records the Answer?
  • The intercom beside the door buzzed and came to life.
  • All apartments in Rosehaven come with Gold Shield electric heating, security intercoms and higher than average ceilings.
  • Some systems allow you to use another handset as the intercom instead of the base station.
  • But though there was a tradition of unity, it had been greatly changed by the industrialization of the south-east, and intercommunication was poor.
  • In 1956 a consensus about the doctrine on the Lord's Supper with the Dutch Reformed Church was accepted, which made intercommunion possible between the Lutherans and the Reformed.
  • I'm hollering to Royal to go but there's so much noise that nobody can hear anything plus Royal's intercom is no longer connected. "OUR TURN NEXT"
  • Intercompany sales or loans can be used to switch profits from one country to another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again something sacred is done in all the sacraments, which belongs to the notion of "Sacrifice"; and the faithful intercommunicate through all the sacraments, which this Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • In addition to these I have in mind the construction of roads in the Southern and Eastern parts of the Province; from Fort Erie and Niagara Falls between the waters of the Thames River and Lake Erie, through Guelph and Palmerston, reaching to the Huron and Bruce districts, and giving to the Province a means of intercommunication which is comprehensive, and yet easy and simple. Good Roads and the Public Welfare
  • Tests were run over telephones and intercoms to determine optimum degrees of loudness for giving instructions and commands.
  • The intercom buzzed and I proceeded to jump three feet in the opposite direction.
  • I fancy Mr. Morritt is in the secret; yet, as I am not certain, I will keep on the secure side and not mention it when I write to him, however one may long to _intercommune_ on such subjects with those likely to hold the same faith. Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Volume V (of 10)
  • Radio communications in armoured units were therefore paralleled in artillery and tactical aviation and allowed for intercommunication between them.
  • As Nelson abstractedly went over some of the myriad of reports that covered his desk, the intercom on his desk interrupted him.
  • The Bower is biggit on the verra march line, 'she explained,' an 'the ben is ower on the Scots side whaur we intercommune,' and Meg, with her arms akimbo and her mouth on the grin, contemplated her enemy in scornful triumph. Border Ghost Stories
  • The woman on the airport intercom sounds lovely and understanding.
  • He reached across and clipped the doctor's lifeline on to the frame and handed him the intercom phone. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • While it is critical that members of NGOs and community-based organizations do whatever possible to increase intercommunal positivity and decrease negativity and suffering, it may be best to do so in a manner divorced from the "peace process," so as to avoid the polarization that can result from falling prey to the politics of the attractor. Peter T. Coleman, PhD: The Mathematics of Middle East Conflict and Peace
  • A bogus workman called at six homes in Blackburn claiming to have been sent from a housing association to drill a hole for a cable so a second workman could install an intercom later.
  • I think we should have intercoms between the cars.
  • The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate.
  • As nearly all ships 'cabins on those hot routes do, ours intercommunicated by a metal grill for ventilating purposes, and a word spoken in one cabin above a whisper could be heard in the next. The Ivory Trail
  • Corp., for one, said its $25 million net loss for the quarter was explained by $96 million in "net foreign currency remeasurement losses on intercompany loans. Forex Markets Show Companies Need Better Hedging
  • In addition, all UK companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange and many others of any size who are not, have a report and analysis available from ICC (InterCompany Comparisons) who can be accessed via on -- line dial -- up, through a viewdata interface and also by Datastream customers. At King Lyndon's Court
  • The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate.
  • An announcement came over the intercom: ‘QM1 Grob has the conn.’
  • Cardinal Connell antagonised Anglicans on several occasions with his remarks about intercommunion and the Church of Ireland, but relationships are likely to improve with Martin at the helm.
  • The attacks were accompanied by intercommunity divide on the ground that new followers of Jesus are abandoning their old communitarian norms, causing conflicts.
  • The company also has a contract to supply multimode radars to Boeing Co. for P-8I maritime surveillance planes and is responsible for installation of intercommunication systems for C-17 Globemaster III airlifters. Mahindra & Mahindra Signs Initial Pact With US-Based Telephonics
  • Welcome to negotiate and purchase, reciprocity benefit, the friendship of intercommunication , pot strength cooperates, value shares.
  • In any event, documentation to justify the arm's length principle for the intercompany borrowings appears to be a good strategy to distant from the 5% penalty tax in case of any adjustment.
  • The intercom was a metal box that signified the end of my parent's marriage. Ryan Sindon: Upside-down
  • The Captain was just beginning to grow angry, when she remembered that all of the intercoms in both hangars frequently shorted out, due to the heavy fumes and chemicals present.
  • Our technological advances have increased exponentially over a few centuries, but our intercommunity and interracial skills have improved little.
  • These rooms intercommunicate
  • Some few of them do communicate with other main channels to the great upper river, and others are main channels themselves; but most of them intercommunicate with each other and lead nowhere in particular, and you can't even get there because of their shallowness. Travels in West Africa
  • In the latter case, there's also an option to run an audio input directly to your intercom, rather than using the adapter for your headset.
  • Each apartment has feature windows, security intercoms, fitted kitchens which include oven, hob and extractor fan, washer-dryer and fridge-freezer.
  • Mr. Rossiter pursued all the natural sciences with an industry and enthusiasm only possible to a man who lives in so lonely and retired a place as Cloudland, and who has, therefore, none of the thousand dissipations of time resulting from our modern system of intercommunication, which is fast producing a state of shallow and superficial knowledge. Oldtown Folks
  • An announcement came over the intercom: ‘QM1 Grob has the conn.’
  • This posting is about intercommunication among Zapoteco villagers in Oaxaca State and the notion that communications among various villages can be improved by foreigners introducing radio signal interrelationships to, supposedly, improve inter-village understanding and, perhaps, harmony. Radio stations in Oaxaca
  • they intercepted intercommunication between enemy ships
  • buy vicodin without a precription vindication minks bungles hail.intercommunicated Egyptology The Volokh Conspiracy » Startling Change in Educational Background and Voting Preference:
  • The massive interdependency and large scale intercommunication is already here. How to Succeed at Becoming Borg (Without Really Trying)
  • What could be more conventional than the taps on the wall by which prisoners in neighboring cells intercommunicate in code?
  • Polly gingerly took up the receiver of the entryphone intercom that hung on the wall beside her front door.
  • Helena Parrish stopped the Mercedes and spoke into an intercom. MORE TALES OF THE CITY
  • On the intercom next to the plaque, she pressed the button marked Adelphi Travel. CHAMELEON
  • Urban location choices rest with not only land's convenience, availability and traffic cost, but also the condition of informational establishment and intercommunicating environment.
  • Literally the insular was a floating population, and derived the advantage of intercommunication. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • The apartment intercom buzzed and Hannah went to answer it.
  • Regarding intercommunion, the LCA Statement's warning against implying ‘a unity which is not a reality in other realms of faith and order’ comes as a bit of a surprise from non-Missourians!
  • He leaned forward and thumbed the intercom button on the computer terminal.
  • On one of the gateposts was a bellpush and intercom, and above me a video camera on a pole was monitoring my presence. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • Above all, all hopes of intercommunion would end. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spoke to her on the intercom and said I'd call round later.
  • “The definition of language we use in the Ethnologue places a strong emphasis,” said Dr. Lewis, “on the ability to intercommunicate as the test for splitting or joining.” Inkblurt · How Linguists and Missionaries Share a Bible of 6,912 Languages – New York Times
  • However, in order to reach definitive conclusions in an RCM intercomparison, ensemble simulations with adequate spin-up (time for regional model processes to equilibrate with prescribed external forcings) and equivalent initialization of surface fields are required [31]. Regional modeling of the Arctic
  • [Footnote: Some geographical writers apply the term bifurcation exclusively to this intercommunication of rivers; others, with more etymological propriety, use it to express the division of great rivers into branches at the head of their deltas. The Earth as Modified by Human Action
  • Simple communicators, baby-minders, intercoms, and toys can often be on the same frequencies.
  • The intercoms sold to let parents listen in to every snuffle, sob and cry operate in the same frequency band as the wireless networks more and more of us are installing and can generate so much interference that they make them unusable. Living with flakey WiFi
  • Once students understand this language, they can put this new literacy into practice in intercommunication with teachers and their peers.
  • ‘Captain, you have an incoming laser-link transmission from the Agamemnon,’ the radioman's voice said through the intercom.
  • Security is tight, with intercoms at entrances, high, enclosed fencing, and only stipulated adults are allowed to fetch children.
  • The intercom gave only a monosyllabic grunt. Bomber
  • In addition to the disturbances, graffiti had been daubed on the intercom and rubbish strewn in the street outside. The Sun
  • The primitive foundations many times lacked a public plaza or even streets, so some of the religious complexes were surrounded by houses or "ecuaros" which intercommunicated with one another, creating a unique urban-planning concept in México. The Meseta Purepecha
  • Within the islands, there was intercommunity trading and even warring networks.
  • March 7, 2006, 10: 02 am buy vicodin without a precription says: buy vicodin without a precription vindication minks bungles hail. intercommunicated Egyptology The Volokh Conspiracy » Startling Change in Educational Background and Voting Preference:
  • Standard cell intercomparisons require measuring the potential difference between a reference and an unknown standard cell.
  • He pushed a button on the intercom. "Yes?" came a voice.
  • In particular, there is a need for intercomparison of permafrost models using the same input parameters and standardized measures for quantifying changes in permafrost boundaries. Permafrost in the Arctic
  • Nevertheless, the Chancellor was exercised over the matter of intercommunion, saying:It is still the case, for instance, that those who are in the Catholic Church are told that they are not in communion with the Anglican Church—although I have seen that. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Participants in the ARCMIP project are seeking to improve model representations through an intercomparison of simulations by different models and comparison with observations made during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean field — experiment year (October 1997 to October 1998). Regional modeling of the Arctic
  • The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate.
  • I had just finished garnishing two bagels with cream cheese when the gate's intercom buzzed.
  • The onus for initiating this particular intercommunity communication is on Dalits.
  • There was no intercom downstairs, her building being older. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • Two pedestrian access gates are electronically controlled by intercoms in each apartment.
  • He found a bulkhead intercom and called sickbay, using the prearranged code just in case anyone else was listening. BLAZE OF GLORY
  • They talked through their own intercom system, and the assistant made marks on the map with a grease pencil.
  • A tall iron fence surrounds their house and electronic gates with an intercom are the only way in.
  • All of the condominium homes are equipped with desirable features such as Formica laminate countertops in the kitchens and master bathrooms, Mid-Continent 42-inch oak cabinetry, oak vanities in the bathrooms, soaring 9-foot ceilings, Dal ceramic tile in both bathrooms, gas fireplaces, luxurious tubs in the master bathrooms, security systems with intercoms and private balconies or terraces. Paramus Post
  • In 1931 the Bonn agreement established intercommunion between the Anglican Church and those Old Catholic Churches in the Union of Utrecht. Germany - Sermon at Thanksgiving Service
  • Many people insist that this unity should be simply anticipated by requesting or demanding intercommunion before the communion of the Churches has been restored. Television
  • They can then speak, sounding as if they are at home on an intercom system. The Sun
  • He used the office intercom to order coffee and biscuits for five.
  •     The intercom is the fanciest thing in my apartment. The Intercom
  • Now, when all these studies reach the point of intercommunion and connection with one another, and come to be considered in their mutual affinities, then, I think, but not till then, will the pursuit of them have a value for our objects; otherwise there is no profit in them. The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
  • He has also been firm in his ban on illicit intercommunion, to the extent of telling one state premier (a non-Catholic) not to receive Communion, as he had earlier done at official functions in Catholic churches.
  • The difference from ‘close communion’ is that reciprocal intercommunion was with other denominations and not just local congregations and clergy.
  • Apparently the saddo had the intercoms printed AND DNAd!!! on March 3, 2010 at 2: 28 am RocketDodger I’m Here For An Argument. No You’re Not! Yes I am! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • David & Charles, North Pomfret, Vermont, 1976. 144 pp. As long ago as 1905 the great British dialectologist Joseph Wright observed: "There can be no doubt that pure dialect speech is rapidly disappearing even in country districts, owing to the spread of education, and to modern facilities for intercommunication. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 2
  • The parent company had to provide against the intercompany debt that arose from funds lent to keep the business going. Times, Sunday Times
  • An improvised curtain covered the window between the two rooms, so the intercom was the only means of communication.
  • The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate.
  • I press an intercom button. The Sun
  • From tomorrow a video intercom system is expected to be installed. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the intercom she recognized Landon's voice and immediately understood he was extremely inebriated to the point where his speech was undecipherable.
  • On one of the gateposts was a bellpush and intercom, and above me a video camera on a pole was monitoring my presence. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • Individual unique Christian units, be they persons or churches, keep their independence, but through dynamic intercommunion and mutual influence, spontaneously interact to achieve unity.
  • I also see more and more effort put into “ensembles” of various kinds: model intercomparison projects, perturbed physics ensembles, varied initial conditions, and so on. 2009 March 16 | Serendipity
  • There are four blocks, each with front doors that had a push-button intercom system.
  • The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.
  • A small panel in the wall next to the headboard was the intercom outlet. WILLIE MAYS
  • Since propinquity is a common source of tensions, most particular attention was paid to avoiding intercommunion with other Lutherans who professed a seductive approximation of doctrinal agreement.
  • Considering that the TAC and FiF have full intercommunion agreements, and the fact that these folks are identical in terms of faith and practice, it borders on insane for bishop Broadhurst to turn his nose up towards the TAC. Slow posting continues till mid-August...
  • After profuse pledges to call me on the intercom to assist her to the bathroom, she proceeded to get up unattended promptly falling on the cane and gashing her shin so badly she was sitting in a pool of blood by the time I got there.
  • There is such a thing in our national life -- a constant process, although often unrecognized -- as social anastomosis: the intercommunication by branch of every vein and veinlet of the politico-social body, and thereby the coming into touch of lives apparently alien. Flamsted quarries
  • The intercom beeped on a console near the galley and Merlin moved to thumb the control.
  • The captain kept coming on the intercom and talking about his'beautiful' plane. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the observation room, visitors can view the surgery on monitors and communicate with the surgical team through intercoms.
  • An eternal basis of human intercommunication is reason. Emily Greene Balch - Nobel Lecture
  • Ruby raced to the intercom and control console for the electronic gates.
  • ‘Attention shoppers, the mall is now closing, the mall is now closing’ an announcing voice said from the intercoms.
  • We believe there are better ways of achieving intercommunal relations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peru has benefited from over 30 years of development of native titles and territories in the context of a sometimes-supportive government and strong intercommunity organizations.
  • ‘The principal wants to talk to you,’ the lady said, Jo nodded as the lady buzzed in the intercom.
  • Motivated by this, an international intercomparison of regional model simulations for the Arctic, ARCMIP, has been organized under the auspices of the World Climate Research Programme. Regional modeling of the Arctic
  • The next issue will include an examination of the new encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, issued this past Holy Week, looking with particular interest at what it says about intercommunion between Catholics and other Christians.
  • The enterprises can integrate their resources, reduce the cost and improve the efficiency through the information intercommunity in the supply chain.
  • He may have inadvertently broadcast the message because he did not know how to operate the radio and the intercom.
  • Just when I thought I'd have to maul someone to eat, the intercom buzzed.
  • For example, as each telephone set is newly added to the system, the new telephone set adaptively determines its own allocation of resources, e.g., intercom numbers, etc.
  • Ladies and gentlemen," one of them would intone into the intercom. KISS OF THE BEES
  • The intercom was a babble of voices, some calm, most excited. Lawnmower Season
  • The interrogator began speaking through an intercom, his voice garbled in static.
  • As households began to accumulate larger cattle herds, cattle assumed an increasingly important role not only as the principal anchor of agrarian livelihoods but also as the primary means of expressing intercommunity relationships and political power, notably power over people through the transfer of cattle as bridewealth. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Its gravamen is that marriage is an embodied spiritual "intercommunion" established by free, complete, mutual self-gift. The ecclesiology of the body
  • Jamie's intercom buzzed again and he picked up the receiver.
  • The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate.
  • What an immeasurable profit it would be for the human race if we were able to intercommunicate by means of one language. Esperanto: Hearings before the Committee on Education
  • If intercompany loans are kept to a minimum, there is less impact on group reporting. Times, Sunday Times
  • After what seemed like five or ten minutes, the plane righted itself and the pilot came on the intercom saying that a ‘nasty man’ had tried to crash the plane.
  • Nobody answered the intercom at his home despite the lights being on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coordination between affiliated firms takes various forms but intercompany stockholding is one of the most obvious.
  • The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch.
  • Moreover, the successful analysis of narrative process of documentaries by the advance of intercommunication system of documentaries is also considerable innovative compared with previous counterpart.
  • But this thing they call ‘spiritualism,’ wherein a medium intercommunicates with the dead, is a fraud from start to finish.
  • This hardworking area features a full work desk with mail cubbies and drawers, whole-house intercom, and room for a computer.
  • Project to intercompare regional climate simulation (PIRCS): Description and initial results. Regional modeling of the Arctic
  • They tend to live with their own nationalities, engaging sometimes in intercommunal fights. Times, Sunday Times
  • We installed a security system with an intercom so that I didn't have to answer the door to strangers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following this encounter, a joint commission was established to explore the road to full intercommunion between the two churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first, Language is a social phenomenon, is also the tool of social intercommunication.
  • Zeke shrugged, and as they went out the door, they heard the intercom chittering.
  • I like to be honest and to face the differences honestly, but I do not think that the whole question of intercommunion is being sufficiently clearly dealt with at the moment.
  • The voice of John's secretary came over the telephone intercom and he retreated behind his desk to take care of it.
  • Standard features include fitted kitchens, extensive tiling in bathroom areas and on kitchen splashbacks, Gold Shield electric heating and a security intercom system.
  • Philosophy in fiction tells, among various other matters, of the perils of this intimate acquaintance with a flattering familiar in the 'purer' -- a person who more than ceases to be of else to us after his ideal shall have led up men from their flint and arrowhead caverns to intercommunicative daylight. Diana of the Crossways — Volume 1
  • Intercommunal fighting continued fitfully, with occasional upsurges of intense violence.
  • At 8: 30, as I peacefully dreamed of building and living in a tree house, the intercom sounded.
  • Oh yeah, for an extra kick to dad’s balls, an intercom is left on at his bedside, enabling him to listen in on the arguing with tears rolling down his face. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • In the days ahead we shall make clear, in words and in actions, our commitment to ensuring that intercommunity relations in our city do not become another victim of this war.
  • As soon as she starts to relax, the intercom buzzes on her desk and she presses the ‘receive’ button with a polished fingernail.

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