How To Use Intercalation In A Sentence

  • Ashur points to the late addition of this intercalated month, and makes it probable also that the intercalation is the work of astronomers standing under Assyrian authority. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • XRD analysis showed that better intercalation effect could be obtained by adopting ammonium ion with longer molecule length, solvent method and high density polyethylene.
  • After this series, I plan to do one called "Present day batteries" where I will focus on intercalation and then one called "Future of batteries" where conversion etc will come in. A Brief History of Batteries- Part 1
  • “The word seems to be a Customs intercalation,” constitutional scholar Joaquin Bernas, SJ noted. "A Republic Of Letters"
  • Some agents such as intoplicine, the acridine XR5000 (DACA) bind to DNA by intercalation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
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  • But the Prophet, in the tenth Hijrah year, most unwisely forbade “Nasy” = triennial intercalation (Koran ix. 36) and thus the lunar month went round all the seasons. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In places, intercalations of sandstone have mylonitic fabrics.
  • Thus, a mid-tibia amputation, when grafted to the mid-femur of a host, will heal without intercalation.
  • Viotti M, Hadjantonakis AK (2008) The endoderm of the mouse embryo arises by dynamic widespread intercalation of embryonic and extraembryonic lineages. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In the Nevada species the costae are more dense, with narrower interspaces and less of a tendency for medial intercalation.
  • Near the base of the succession there are local intercalations of thin-bedded pink micritic limestone, up to 20 cm thick.
  • Extensive transitional landforms comprise an extremely complex intercalation of limestone massifs and terrigenous terrain with a diversity of rock types. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam
  • Extensive transitional landforms comprise an extremely complex intercalation of limestone massifs and terrigenous terrain with a diversity of rock types. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam
  • The intercalation of a 12-day New Fire festival period once every 52 years brought the Mexicas into nearly perfect synchronization with the true cycles of earth and sun. Mysteries of the Fifth Sun: the Aztec Calendar
  • Most of the unit is composed of intercalations of differently coloured, pervasively foliated, purplish red or bluish grey varicoloured calcareous shales.
  • According to the Gregorian rule of intercalation, therefore, every year of which the number is divisible by four without a remainder is a leap year, excepting the centurial years, which are only leap years when divisible by four after omitting the two ciphers. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • For many years, the method of choice for supercoiled plasmid and virus DNA purification was cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation in the presence of an intercalation agent (such as ethidium bromide or propidium iodide). Archive 2005-10-01
  • In this thesis, polyethylene was chose and its nanocomposites had been prepared successfully via melt intercalation.
  • The Grey Chalk contains common intercalations of thin, marly layers, with omnipresent bioturbation.
  • The sediments form both relatively thick formations and thin intercalations between basalts.
  • For many years, the method of choice for supercoiled plasmid and virus DNA purification was cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation in the presence of an intercalation agent (such as ethidium bromide or propidium iodide). Archive 2005-10-01
  • Epiclastic intercalations are present, but rare.
  • This involves a substantial intercalation of neurons to form an association area between the sensory and motor parts of the elementary brain.
  • The intercalations are generally medial between higher-order ribs in the central part of the disk but may be off-center in interspaces or multiple in lateral sectors, particularly on the posterior side.
  • The lower Cubagua Formation consists of gray shale with glauconite, abundant pyrite nodules, gray limonite, and some sandy intercalation with fine clastics probably carried out by turbidity currents.
  • In order to study the performance of VPO laminated structure, intercalation was carried on with the organic alkylamine and the metal complexes as the guest species respectively.
  • Astronomers, on the other hand, sought to introduce a regular intercalation by means of a cycle of fixed period.
  • More specifically, an increase in thermal fluctuations of actin filaments in the softer cells and the lamellipodium can expedite the intercalation of G-actin that leads to the enhanced protrusion.
  • The intercalation of the drug test between application and hiring tilts the playing field even further, establishing that you, and not the employer, are the one who has something to prove. Nickel and Dimed

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