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How To Use Interbreeding In A Sentence

  • Alan Templeton, a geneticist at Washington University in St. Louis who headed the study reported in Nature, has concluded that yes, there was interbreeding between the different groups.
  • The potential of disease was an even bigger threat than interbreeding, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • These differences in color are sufficient to prevent interbreeding among existing species.
  • Another prediction of such a surfing model is that even a very small number of events of interbreeding can result in appreciable allele frequencies of Neandertal alleles in the present-day populations. The Volokh Conspiracy » “I, for One, Welcome My Neandertal Ancestry”
  • Was there any interbreeding with Neanderthals as modern humans moved into Europe?
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  • Racial differences will be ironed out by interbreeding, producing a uniform race of coffee-coloured people. And a Rrrratio of Ten Females to Each Male…
  • Interbreeding with domestic cats has made it difficult to know whether conservation would protect the wildcat or a crossbreed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Theories have ranged from interspecies genocide to interbreeding to humans' superior communication skills, hunting technology, and social organization.
  • Some zoologists believe that the differing lifestyles of polar bears and grizzlies will prevent widespread interbreeding in the wild. Times, Sunday Times
  • The larger savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the smaller forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) are capable of interbreeding.
  • Interbreeding between our ancestors and other ancient human species was common until about 40,000 years ago, according to scientists. Times, Sunday Times
  • A+B are quite similar in reproductive capacity, and the interpopulation breeding is even higher than A’s intrapopulation breeding success though no error is given, so is indicative of a potentially interbreeding unit. How many species? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Genetic barriers to interbreeding in closely related birds are few, and fertile hybrid crosses are known between members of different genera that have presumably been separate for millions of years.
  • Although the ethological isolation varies in intensity from strain to strain, apparently no interbreeding takes place where the geographic distribution areas of two or even three incipient species overlap (EHRMAN19 65). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • New scientific information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service suggests the spotted owl is not entirely dependent on old-growth forest for habitat and faces a significant threat from interbreeding with the barred owl.
  • The concept of a species whose capital depends upon interbreeding is complex. Sleeping With the Enemy: Octavia Butler's Dawn
  • These markers will be used to estimate interbreeding between field populations of the two developmental morphs to assess whether there is any evidence of speciation.
  • The latter, I find, is usually addressed as "Slinkie" by her friends, and the former is known as "Cattalo Charley" because he once formed a joint-stock company which was to make a fortune interbreeding buffalo and range-cattle, the product of that happy union being known, I believe, as "cattalo. The Prairie Child
  • Paabo has shown there was interbreeding between, at the present count, four distinct lines of hominin.
  • Whether consanguineous marriages, such as are permitted in civilised nations, and which would not be considered as close interbreeding in the case of our domesticated animals, cause any injury will never be known with certainty until a census is taken with this object in view. Cue outrage in three, two, one…
  • Wild Atlantic salmon stocks will be wiped out within decades because of interbreeding with escaped farmed stocks, leading scientists have warned.
  • Racial differences will be a thing of the past as interbreeding produces a single coffee-coloured skin tone. Human Race Will Split Into Two Different Species | Impact Lab
  • Since their arrival in Africa, Indian cattle genes have thrived and through interbreeding, have spread throughout the continent.
  • Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany had previously dismissed the idea of interbreeding when he analysed Neanderthal mitochondrial The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • A local, usually stable population of interbreeding organisms of the same kind or species.
  • Morphological species are important in palaeontology, for interbreeding ability does not fossilize.
  • Now scientists have concluded that guenon monkeys evolved facial patterns to prevent interbreeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • A big concern is how to keep the takhi from interbreeding with domesticated horses, which the park does by wherever possible keeping domesticated horses away from the outskirts of the park. Wild Horses Drag You Away
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • The ruddy duck, a native of North America, is now interbreeding with its close relative.
  • Varieties and eventually species would be formed despite any tendency for interbreeding with the main body of the population in the centre.
  • In fact, recent evidence from the sequencing of the Neanderthal genome suggests interbreeding, meaning Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • This is sometimes leading to interbreeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • And though there are no discernible physical barriers to prevent intermingling or interbreeding, I have never seen mixed herds or any individual that looks like an intermediate form, or hybrid.
  • It is declining because of interbreeding with domestic cats and exposure to disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the first time interbreeding has been shown to have had clear evolutionary benefits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The finding splits the difference in a long-running scholarly debate over whether people are solely African in origin, or spring from "multiregional" interbreeding of early human species. Neanderthals and humans interbred, fossils indicate
  • White Teeth is a feast of aurality, of overlapping, interweaving, interbreeding modes of speech. Culture |
  • But taxonomists rarely actually test interbreeding with live animals or plants to see if they could actually produce healthy, fertile offspring.
  • A+B are quite similar in reproductive capacity, and the interpopulation breeding is even higher than A’s intrapopulation breeding success though no error is given, so is indicative of a potentially interbreeding unit. How many species? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Reproductive isolation - not interbreeding with either of the parent species - is one requirement for a species.
  • The Government agreed to wipe out the UK's ruddy duck population after it was found the north American duck was challenging the survival of the globally-threatened white-headed duck through interbreeding.
  • They believed themselves descended from demigods whose divinity had degraded through centuries of interbreeding with lesser races.
  • The human race and their technologically able allies moved forth into the galaxy and dispersed, creating new worlds, and through interbreeding, new subspecies of races.
  • That would depend on the actual degree of interbreeding, along with mutation rate, population size, epistatic interactions, etc. "Intraspecific macroevolution" within domestic dog breeds - The Panda's Thumb

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