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How To Use Interbreed In A Sentence

  • Although the territories of populations overlap, they do not interbreed.
  • And indeed there is, since many cannot interbreed, which is one of the defining aspects of a species. Lauri Lebo blog and the End of the World - The Panda's Thumb
  • Some naturalists would separate them from the other cats, but the connection is supplied by the last species which, though possessing certain features of the lynx, yet interbreeds with the true cats. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Gray moths still could interbreed with black moths, proving that they belonged to the same species.
  • Alan Templeton, a geneticist at Washington University in St. Louis who headed the study reported in Nature, has concluded that yes, there was interbreeding between the different groups.
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  • A+B are quite similar in reproductive capacity, and the interpopulation breeding is even higher than A’s intrapopulation breeding success though no error is given, so is indicative of a potentially interbreeding unit. How many species? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Interbreeding between our ancestors and other ancient human species was common until about 40,000 years ago, according to scientists. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is part of a complex of closely related gull species that interbreed readily.
  • The larger savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the smaller forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) are capable of interbreeding.
  • He said that two organisms belonged to the same species if they are able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
  • Some zoologists believe that the differing lifestyles of polar bears and grizzlies will prevent widespread interbreeding in the wild. Times, Sunday Times
  • These wild oxen appear to have made no detectable contribution to the domestic gene pool; they did not interbreed with their domestic contemporaries.
  • These races can interbreed but they never produce halfbreeds.
  • He says pet rabbits have a habit of digging their way to freedom, especially if kept outside in a garden, and that they often interbreed with native populations.
  • Because they are free to interbreed, the wild stock is of more or less mixed origin.
  • Theories have ranged from interspecies genocide to interbreeding to humans' superior communication skills, hunting technology, and social organization.
  • Interbreeding with domestic cats has made it difficult to know whether conservation would protect the wildcat or a crossbreed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Racial differences will be ironed out by interbreeding, producing a uniform race of coffee-coloured people. And a Rrrratio of Ten Females to Each Male…
  • In 1978, the Act was amended and the new definition provides that a species includes “any subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population segment (DPS) of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature” (ESA, Section 4). (emphasis added) Distinct Population Segment policy (1996) under the Endangered Species Act, United States
  • The rats offer several advantages to researchers: the rodents are a distinct species from later European stowaways, and therefore did not interbreed.
  • I don't necessarily believe your argument that after a short period of fisticuffs everyone settles down nicely and interbreeds. Army Rumour Service
  • Was there any interbreeding with Neanderthals as modern humans moved into Europe?
  • Another prediction of such a surfing model is that even a very small number of events of interbreeding can result in appreciable allele frequencies of Neandertal alleles in the present-day populations. The Volokh Conspiracy » “I, for One, Welcome My Neandertal Ancestry”
  • As a result, the fly provides the first evidence that two different animal species can interbreed and evolve into a new, distinct animal if their hybrid moves to a new habitat, the study suggests.
  • Since their arrival in Africa, Indian cattle genes have thrived and through interbreeding, have spread throughout the continent.
  • They were rare , and the pure - strain wild turkeys had begun to interbreed with farmers domestic stock.
  • Horses and zebras, for example, can interbreed but no one considers them the same species.
  • Racial differences will be a thing of the past as interbreeding produces a single coffee-coloured skin tone. Human Race Will Split Into Two Different Species | Impact Lab
  • A pretty little green bird called a greenie or chickowee used to be officially Meliphaga and is now Lichenostomus, and three species of Australian magpies, because they were found to interbreed, are now one species with the old specific names retained as varietal names, so that South Australia's emblem, the white-backed magpie, maggie to his friends, is in full dress Gymnorhina tibicens hypoleuca. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
  • The populations in the various parts of the world ocean are all genetically separate subspecies and, while they may co-mingle in breeding grounds, they rarely if ever interbreed.
  • Anyway, I'm one of the inbreed, were a little less powerful to the interbreed, and of course, because this is a super hero type dream the interbreed are the bad guys. [Help] Most Recent Posts
  • Wild Atlantic salmon stocks will be wiped out within decades because of interbreeding with escaped farmed stocks, leading scientists have warned.
  • these species do not interbreed
  • Where the distributions of two wind-pollinated tree species of the same genus (e.g., spruce, pine, larches) approach each other or overlap, the trees can interbreed and form hybrid offspring. Climate change and insects as a forest disturbance in the Arctic
  • Whether consanguineous marriages, such as are permitted in civilised nations, and which would not be considered as close interbreeding in the case of our domesticated animals, cause any injury will never be known with certainty until a census is taken with this object in view. Cue outrage in three, two, one…
  • These differences in color are sufficient to prevent interbreeding among existing species.
  • Paabo has shown there was interbreeding between, at the present count, four distinct lines of hominin.
  • The latter, I find, is usually addressed as "Slinkie" by her friends, and the former is known as "Cattalo Charley" because he once formed a joint-stock company which was to make a fortune interbreeding buffalo and range-cattle, the product of that happy union being known, I believe, as "cattalo. The Prairie Child
  • This helps explain why the success of hybrids is so variable and also why some species can, and others cannot, interbreed.
  • As a woman who grew up in a lacrosse town on Long Island, attended Maryland and worked the men's lacrosse team, this idea that they "interbreed" is ridiculous. Politics Daily
  • These markers will be used to estimate interbreeding between field populations of the two developmental morphs to assess whether there is any evidence of speciation.
  • Using Canon's panoramic Atlantic AF grouping - which features 9 individualist sensors, including a bicentric interbreed identify saucer with a broad exactitude device for f / 2.8 or faster lenses - makes capturing split-second state sequences possible.
  • The concept of a species whose capital depends upon interbreeding is complex. Sleeping With the Enemy: Octavia Butler's Dawn
  • New scientific information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service suggests the spotted owl is not entirely dependent on old-growth forest for habitat and faces a significant threat from interbreeding with the barred owl.
  • It is part of a complex of closely related gull species that interbreed readily.
  • Although the ethological isolation varies in intensity from strain to strain, apparently no interbreeding takes place where the geographic distribution areas of two or even three incipient species overlap (EHRMAN19 65). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • In a weird duplication of manifest destiny, the white folks (plus assimilates without a culture of their own) are now going to educate, civilize, interbreed with, and take control of the indigenes. Mind Meld Make-Up Test with Geoff Ryman
  • This is sometimes leading to interbreeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Gavaeus frontalis_ interbreeds freely with domesticated cattle of all kinds. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • The biological definition of a species states that if two races interbreed they belong in the same species.
  • Non-indigenous rainbow interbreeds and competes with native species, and brown trout are threatened as a result.
  • The AKC is rigorously against any kind of interbreeding, and has adopted a system of “pure” breeds that guarantees extensive amounts of destructive inbreeding will continue. Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
  • In fact, recent evidence from the sequencing of the Neanderthal genome suggests interbreeding, meaning Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Or worse, by eating genetically engineered "Frankenfish" that could escape through torn nets and interbreed with the wild fish stocks, are we doing more harm than good to our bodies and the earth? Mark Hyman, MD: Wild Fish? Farmed Fish? What Should We Eat?
  • The gaur interbreeds with the mithan, and both have a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 58. 6 Wild Banteng
  • Varieties and eventually species would be formed despite any tendency for interbreeding with the main body of the population in the centre.
  • The ruddy duck, a native of North America, is now interbreeding with its close relative.
  • And though there are no discernible physical barriers to prevent intermingling or interbreeding, I have never seen mixed herds or any individual that looks like an intermediate form, or hybrid.
  • A big concern is how to keep the takhi from interbreeding with domesticated horses, which the park does by wherever possible keeping domesticated horses away from the outskirts of the park. Wild Horses Drag You Away
  • Now scientists have concluded that guenon monkeys evolved facial patterns to prevent interbreeding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Horses, zebras and donkeys are probably descended from an equine (horse-like) kind, since they can interbreed, although the offspring are sterile.
  • Since the birds interbreed they cannot be classed as different species.
  • There are 54 to 58 species of Motacillidae, some of which interbreed.
  • A live-bearer, it is closely related to the southern platyfish or "platy" (X. maculatus) and can interbreed with it. - Articles related to Population Research Presents a Sobering Prognosis
  • If a species interbreeds with other species, the crossbreeds are their descendants. Demons Don't Dream
  • When the three species come into contact, they defend territories from one another and do not interbreed.
  • Morphological species are important in palaeontology, for interbreeding ability does not fossilize.
  • A local, usually stable population of interbreeding organisms of the same kind or species.
  • The plant also faces a more immediate threat in the form of Spanish bluebells, an invasive species which has escaped from gardens and interbreeds with the native bluebell to produce a hybrid. Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • The potential of disease was an even bigger threat than interbreeding, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Genetic barriers to interbreeding in closely related birds are few, and fertile hybrid crosses are known between members of different genera that have presumably been separate for millions of years.
  • That would depend on the actual degree of interbreeding, along with mutation rate, population size, epistatic interactions, etc. "Intraspecific macroevolution" within domestic dog breeds - The Panda's Thumb
  • If both types inhabit the same place in the field, they usually interbreed.
  • The sheep interbreed competition resulted in Mr Marwood being pulled forward with his home bred Charollais ewe, a daughter of the renowned tup Westonvale Jubilee, on its first show outing.
  • The human race and their technologically able allies moved forth into the galaxy and dispersed, creating new worlds, and through interbreeding, new subspecies of races.
  • They believed themselves descended from demigods whose divinity had degraded through centuries of interbreeding with lesser races.
  • The Government agreed to wipe out the UK's ruddy duck population after it was found the north American duck was challenging the survival of the globally-threatened white-headed duck through interbreeding.
  • If this process goes on long enough, parent and daughter species can no longer interbreed, and there results a new species.
  • Reproductive isolation - not interbreeding with either of the parent species - is one requirement for a species.
  • It is declining because of interbreeding with domestic cats and exposure to disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • A+B are quite similar in reproductive capacity, and the interpopulation breeding is even higher than A’s intrapopulation breeding success though no error is given, so is indicative of a potentially interbreeding unit. How many species? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Farmed fish regularly and in increasing numbers escape into the wild where they interbreed, spread diseases to native species and dilute the natural gene pool.
  • But taxonomists rarely actually test interbreeding with live animals or plants to see if they could actually produce healthy, fertile offspring.
  • White Teeth is a feast of aurality, of overlapping, interweaving, interbreeding modes of speech. Culture |
  • The finding splits the difference in a long-running scholarly debate over whether people are solely African in origin, or spring from "multiregional" interbreeding of early human species. Neanderthals and humans interbred, fossils indicate
  • Organisms from distinct but closely related species may be able to interbreed.
  • This is the first time interbreeding has been shown to have had clear evolutionary benefits. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is due to fears that they will interbreed with the ‘native’ red deer, as it is well documented that – despite their anatomical and ecological differences – the two species readily hybridise, with the hybrids being fully interfertile (which, incidentally, is relevant to the whole ‘domestic dogs represent a distinct species’ argument). Archive 2006-10-01
  • Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany had previously dismissed the idea of interbreeding when he analysed Neanderthal mitochondrial The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • With closely related animals that can interbreed, it's not unusual for the dominant species to absorb the other, Trinkaus says.

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