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How To Use Intently In A Sentence

  • He listened intently, jabbed furiously three or four times at the transmitting key, then leapt to his feet, tearing his headphones off. THE LONELY SEA
  • Back in the early fifties people across the land followed the Redex trial intently, listening in for updates in the daily news broadcasts from their valve radiograms.
  • Here were five hugely accomplished musicians who were listening to each other as intently as members of a string quartet. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one had ever peered at her so intently before, and she generally avoided talking to other people, particularly fully fledged Clayr. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • stood watching intently
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Enhance Your English Writing Skills
  • In the brightly illuminated room beyond the hall Helena and Gregory were playing parchesi -- Gregory firmly grasped the cup from which he intently rolled the dice; Helena shook the fair hair from her eyes and, it immediately developed, moved a pink marker farther than proper. Cytherea
  • He did this sitting down, and he stood up to do it; and all the while the dog sat in the snow, its wolf-brush of a tail curled around warmly over its forefeet, its sharp wolf-ears pricked forward intently as it watched the man. To Build a Fire
  • Their eyes teeming with concentration searched the graphs and numbers on the screen intently as the information changed second by second.
  • Instead, she studied the Fannings intently for clues as to their mysterious behavior.
  • That key person needs to listen intently, take voluminous notes, and collect all class handouts, texts, and tests.
  • The other evening, Pluviose listened intently to the radio as he headed across the Triboro Bridge toward Manhattan. Mike Barnicle: Driving Through History
  • He was looking and listening as intently as politeness allowed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The audience listened intently, strolled among the plants, watched the dozy fish, sipped tea, snoozed, read books: it was quite magical.
  • Under Reese's guidance, Hansen focuses intently on building core strength and complementing the building of muscle strength with the maintenance of flexibility.
  • She was wearing a nightgown hitched up above her knees, wide-spread thighs supporting a lapboard and pad upon which she was writing intently. Will
  • Like two gunslingers, the pair must now size each other up, staring intently through narrowed eyes, trigger fingers twitching, working out who will make the first move.
  • Hamma sat beside me staring intently forward and indicating the direction that we should take with a flick of his finger.
  • Two hundred Dwarves in the audience craned forward, watching the drama intently.
  • According to this finely observed account, he learned most about the animals by querying hunters and listening intently to what they had to say.
  • The 2 girls sat on Grace's bed listening intently to their friend's voice on the speakerphone.
  • Out of the corner of my eye, however, I can see two dark-suited men wearing shades leaning against a wall staring at me intently.
  • When we arrived, we followed her around the central room of the temple as if she were a museum docent, listening intently to her stories.
  • Miss Pinkerton, the math teacher; writes problems and equations on the board, and I listen intently to her explanations.
  • Here, in the scrubby land mantled in the after glow of a soft sunset, springbok leapt and Cape mountain zebra grazed even as herds of black wildebeest stared at us intently and then galloped away.
  • She speaks softly but intently, cutting a striking figure in black knee-length boots with her prominent features framed by jet black hair.
  • This is how the edge of the forest mocks a birdwatcher: though I'm looking intently for warblers, vireos, and tanagers, I get only house sparrows.
  • A few seagulls circled, squawked at Joe, and two pigeons on the crane's jib watched him intently.
  • He set down the caba containing his instruments, and medicaments, adjusted his glasses, and stooping over, intently studied the wound made by the cobra. The Jungle Fugitives A Tale of Life and Adventure in India Including also Many Stories of American Adventure, Enterprise and Daring
  • A collective roar of approval came from the big crowd of multihull sailors on the beach - except one skipper who was standing, staring intently at his stopwatch.
  • _not_ chew gum, but she whistled, and the teachers who reproved her most for what they called a boyish trick, always listened intently, when the clear, musical notes, now soft and low, now loud and shrill, were heard outside, or in the building. Tracy Park
  • He was unaware of her gaze, and she watched him intently, speculating fancifully about the strange warp of soul that led him, a young man with signal powers, to fritter away his time on the writing of stories and poems foredoomed to mediocrity and failure. Chapter 20
  • Allan listened intently, sometimes requesting a soupçon of elaboration, and considered all this for some moments.
  • I listened intently, for he was right, his plans were very cunning.
  • The boy didn't look up but instead kept on gazing intently at the boring grey material of the driver's seat.
  • Russell swore and steered intently for a few seconds as the sky blattered at them. So long, and thanks for all the fish
  • And there were the young people behind her listening intently. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stared intently at the magistrates' bench and his defence solicitor throughout the case and spoke only to confirm his name and address.
  • '_I have made him think, I have made him think_,' he repeats gleefully; and, sure of his point, he delights in having held our attention so intently as to cause us to debate the issue with ourselves. The Book-Hunter at Home
  • Her eyes were unblinking, staring intently on the path in front of her, taking in every dark detail.
  • He had snapped his helmet on but not yet fastened it, and was leaning forward, listening intently.
  • During these experiments Woola had been standing at my side gazing intently at the door, and as my glance fell upon him it occurred to me to test the correctness of my hypothesis, that this portal had been the means of ingress to the temple used by Thurid, the black dator, and Matai Shang, Father of Therns. The Warlord of Mars
  • The children were following every word of the story intently.
  • Matty sank quietly down on the stairs and listened intently, his fingers pretending to redo the laces of his sneakers. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Here springbok leapt and Cape mountain zebra grazed even as herds of black wildebeest stared at us intently and then galloped away.
  • She thought she caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to peer intently that way.
  • It is amazing how I could intently focus on this little TV like screen directly in front of me tending to my hexes, carabiners, rope, hand and foot holds.
  • Dat ar 'charm'll fotch de gal, Billy, sho;" the individual addressed did not appear to observe the remark, but was looking intently across the lot. Bond and Free: A Tale of the South
  • I looked over my shoulder and saw Ethyl on shore, still holding that big honker, standing there frozen as she watched my every move intently. Would You Risk Almost-Certain Death for Your Dog?
  • Standing on a parapet of fictive marble, dressed in the brown habit of his order, St Francis gazes intently at a wooden crucifix held between his crossed hands.
  • He watched her intently as she per-formed this habitual act-then climbed into her lap and let her hold him.
  • I nosed the glass with some apprehension because Abi and my parents - knowing how much I've disliked whisky in the past - were all watching me intently to see what I thought.
  • At the farthest edge of the insipient mob, sitting on his horse and watching my uncle's face intently, was the very Mexican whom I had twice seen at Vanguards of the Plains
  • She peered at me intently. Times, Sunday Times
  • She peered at me intently. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was looking and listening as intently as politeness allowed. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a snort, she propped her elbows on the table and stared at him intently, her expression tough and vulnerable at the same time. My Soul to Keep
  • Standing on the bridge of Iron Duke, a small figure in a belted blue raincoat with a white scarf knotted at his neck, Jellicoe stared intently at the hazy line of sea and sky to the south. Castles of Steel
  • Frowning intently, he unwinds his orange turban, knots it in a ligature around his right biceps, and starts pumping his arm.
  • And the old man looked, stared, somewhat glary-eyed, look intently at Muse as if he was a religious man of some kind, you know a convinced assurance this was not the end of this tribulation, almost a remorseless gleam in his eyes, something strange to me, I continued however to keep a careful distance away from this occurrence. Frankie Horror | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The eyes of all were intently fixed upon the solitary sleeper who lay on his back on a lauhala mat a hundred feet away under the monkey-pod trees. THE BONES OF KAHEKILI
  • When she looked at the fire, it was blurred, and the smoke wreathed lazily; she stared intently at that smoke, pretending she could see each and every particle, that she was as small as they were.
  • Yes," replied Dexie, "they are rather dear, _dear shad_," and she looked intently at her plate, well knowing how Plaisted was glaring at her. Miss Dexie A Romance of the Provinces
  • At first Robber Mother answered in short, gruff sentences, but by degrees she became more subdued and listened more intently. Christmas in Legend and Story A Book for Boys and Girls
  • His eyes intently focused on the black sphere in the middle of the lab.
  • But after-images (of complementary colour and brightness) can be caused by staring intently at any pattern of high contrast.
  • As a certified Sodomite, attuned to homophobic undercurrents, I'm intently aware of subtext in narratives, how superficially fun and fluffy entertainment can carry the dodgiest of messages. Archive 2010-05-01
  • Ragnhildr listened intently, because something deep in her bosom told her Adeline was a liar.
  • As I walked into the room I looked around to find Mark watching me intently.
  • The assassin's eyes widened at hearing the way she shaped her words, then he studied her face intently.
  • After a few weeks the figures become familiar; a few old women, wearing housecoats and kerchiefs; a young girl, maybe a teenager, who stares at him intently each time.
  • Alexander stood at the edge of the balcony for a moment, contemplating the quandary, intently observed by Constantine.
  • They're listening intently or with anger to a master of sound bytes who staged a dramatic comeback.
  • Brenna climbed up on the chair beside her, perched her chin on her elbows and watched her intently.
  • The animal's footfalls seemed to echo in the woofs as the boy continued to listen intently.
  • Taking long breaths to hide the agitated beats of my thudding heart, I leaned forward more intently to analyze the picture.
  • The distillate started to drip from the end of the copper coil, and Max hovered attentively, diverting clear condensate into a shot glass, sniffing intently, and tasting with his fingertip. Hipster Moonshine
  • Pollock's solution was to study and copy the compositions of the old masters so intently that he internalized their rhythms.
  • They listened intently as U.K. Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks talked about the lessons he took from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, "one of the greatest Jewish leaders, not just of our time, but of all time," in cultivating his own sense of Jewish responsibility and leadership. Baila Olidort: U.K. Chief Rabbi Shares Lessons In Leadership At Chabad Conference
  • Danny lowered himself to the floor and sat cross-legged listening intently to the conversation.
  • All of them listened intently to what the broadwing had to say, necks stretched out, and heads cocked a little to one side. The Black Gryphon
  • He was looking at her intently, as if he expected she might do something surprising, like flying up the chimney.
  • Spike, he sat down on the plank-sheer where he had stood, and remained there ruminating intently for two or three minutes. Jack Tier
  • Matty sank quietly down on the stairs and listened intently, his fingers pretending to redo the laces of his sneakers. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • A wolf stood at the rim of the hollow, gazing at them intently with golden eyes.
  • You might be thinking intently but you will look disengaged. The Sun
  • I listened intently, and presently heard a light “pitapat,” as if some one was walking across the floor; and while I was trying to muster up courage to call out, there was a sharp click, a flood of light illumined the cell, and I saw that the intruder was a man. Golden Days for Boys and Girls Volume VIII, No 25: May 21, 1887
  • She watched the pair intently, impeccable mastery of her emotions leaving her features completely blank.
  • My eyes and head begin to ache from looking so intently for any sign of hydrothermal activity in the area.
  • Hamma sat beside me staring intently forward and indicating the direction that we should take with a flick of his finger.
  • Chun, who by that stage of his presidency often monopolized meetings with visitors, this time listened intently.
  • ‘You can't,’ the other responded, crunching her popcorn and looking at the scene intently.
  • Luce was studying them intently, when the click of the latch told her Michele was back.
  • Not only that, but they took little five-minute breaks between each songs, carefully selecting, unselecting and reselecting which instruments they would play for the next song and discussing it all terribly intently.
  • A little further on, a hard – featured old man with a deeply – wrinkled face, was intently perusing a lengthy will with the aid of a pair of horn spectacles: occasionally pausing from his task, and slily noting down some brief memorandum of the bequests contained in it. Sketches by Boz
  • The one-way conversation lasted about 30 seconds as Moore, his face pale, eyes slightly milky and head tilting to one side, listened intently.
  • The writing in this collection resides and disports itself very intently within the field of language-presence and language-process.
  • I am huddled in a tight semicircle with a group of exceedingly hirsute young men, all wearing corduroy sport coats, all staring intently at the stage.
  • He started staring at them really intently, and his eyes were making these little saccades over the patterns, scanning them like crazy.
  • She looked at everyone and saw concerned faces watching her intently.
  • Although they cannot see fully yet, they listen intently when we tell them of these things.
  • I listened intently, taking mental notes on their descriptions of the seracs, the crevasses, the hanging glaciers.
  • His eyes were transfixed in a blank stare, not seeming to recognize anything around him, but focused intently upon the licks of flame that jumped and fluttered off of the burning wood beneath the cooking grate.
  • She intently watched their polished movements, sometimes involving switching between instruments - Naomi to the timbrel and Ellen to the oboe, pennywhistle or clarinet.
  • They scan the flocks of seabirds and waders and warblers intently, because they know that, in the midst of a thousand common birds, there may be one rare bird hitching a ride.
  • He was lounging back against the tree trunk a few yards away, consulting his compass and studying the map intently.
  • Doran was clutching the bottle with both hands and sucking intently.
  • He would listen intently to his mother's lessons and as his prodigious talent became apparent she began to teach him, too.
  • They appreciated him as a foeman worthy of their intellect, and they listened intently, following every word. Chapter 38
  • To watch about 200 people, women on one side and men on the other, dressed in fantastically vibrant cloth and listening intently was an out of body experience. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Gemma turned around and caught the stranger looking at her intently.
  • It was difficult to focus her eyes, but she saw that he was gazing intently into them.
  • On my entry, fifteen fat men in towels immediately stop what they're doing and stare intently.
  • Carl watched Emma and Michael intently as they spoke, following the conversation, looking from face to face.
  • This she held out before her now with both hands as one does with an offering and, after another silent pause, she began to sing in a clear alto, the song of her own making, which Forest around seemed to understand, listening intently.
  • I listened intently, taking mental notes on their descriptions of the seracs, the crevasses, the hanging glaciers.
  • An overflow audience was intently learning the signs and, like a sing-along at a concert, doing a sign-along.
  • She intently studied his penmanship, admiring the elegant arches, careless flicks, and long loops of his letters.
  • We watched the horizon intently, trying to guess where the sun would emerge. Suddenly, Bill pointed to one small area of brilliant orange-red.
  • When I was at home for university vacations, he would sit listening to me intently, head tilted to one side, as I poured out all the problems of an average early twenty-something.
  • I was speaking so softly, especially as they had all been ignoring me so intently before.
  • As he turned away from repointing the chimney, she watched his face intently. SANDS OF TIME
  • I was reminded today, while concentrating more intently on mastering turns than not mowing pedestrians down, of my realization when I learnt skiing that I wouldn't want to be downslope from me.
  • The addiction to the scoop is the reason so many journalists choose to tote that notepad and stanch that hangover and, ignoring a gathering avalanche of doubts, listen so intently to a succession of batty and battier strangers who phone or e-mail or show up in the lobby unannounced to say they know where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. A Claim to Camelot
  • But I reckon I heerd somethin 'russlin' about thaar to the back of yer, mister," he added suddenly, gazing intently in the direction he had intimated, to the rear of the young engineer, where the prairie-grass had already grown to some height. Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek
  • Greg moved back, watching intently to see what could happen.
  • It was difficult to focus her eyes, but she saw that he was gazing intently into them.
  • Absolute stillness broods over them; no tremor is discernible in leaf or petal; the wide blue flowers gaze up intently into the wide blue sky. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Cal-ee-forn-ee-yeh," he mumbled twice and thrice, listening intently to the sound of the syllables as they fell from his lips. THE WHITE MAN'S WAY
  • My father whispered to him that music was going forward, which he would not, my father thinks, have found out; and, placing him on the best seat vacant, told his daughters to go on with the duet, while Dr. Johnson, intently rolling towards them one eye -- for they say he does not see with the other -- made a grave nod, and gave a dignified motion with one hand, in silent approvance of the proceeding. ' Life of Johnson, Volume 2 1765-1776
  • Listen intently, and you'll hear the buzzing of mosquitoes, bees, and houseflies.
  • Ryan's gaze was fixed intently on her face, a small smile on his lips.
  • She peered at me intently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unbeknownst to them, a pair of brown eyes with a purple tint was watching them intently.
  • The jury was listening intently, a few times taking notes.
  • They are listening intently to a young man asking them to confide their darkest secrets to one another. The Sun
  • Many of them featured the "stoej-gnpf," a plump, earnest, snouty creature whom Gorey depicted gazing intently at the address on the envelope or reclining under enigmatic machines. Gorey's Flights of Fancy
  • Some of the tiled tabletops have built-in checkerboards, and on a recent evening I watched a visiting family bent intently over a game.
  • His face, laced with concentration, peered intently into two laptop screens that encompassed the majority of his minimal setup.
  • He stared intently at me and said: 'It is not inevitable. The Sun
  • I looked from one intently interested catlike face to another, suddenly embarrassed about how the confession would sound to them.
  • Phil decided he could do nothing better than go from door to door, listening intently at each one, then enter the room and flash his light about, for each of the boys had provided himself with a heavy batteried flashlamp. The Ranger Boys and the Border Smugglers
  • The man was unmoved by the declaration and stood watching Jet intently.
  • Indeed, they were, and so intently that they paid no attention to me in the car next to them.
  • Birders listen intently for songs they haven't heard for months as they search for "FOS" (first-of-season) sightings of species that have either returned from the tropics to nest or are passing through on their way to more northerly nesting areas. Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Mulder was on the sink, watching intently as John Brown batted around what my bleary eyes assumed was a bottlecap or tuft of hair.
  • Plato listened intently, offering reassurances every step of the way.
  • He stopped his prep work and watched me intently.
  • The redhead was staring at him intently, his hair hanging in his eyes a bit and his hands clasped at his elbows.
  • Emy, always modest and bashful, had blushed and refused to let him draw her, claiming that it embarrassed her to have him watching her so intently.
  • The drums plod along intently, keyboards ping and buzz about.
  • Gazing intently at his own re - flection, he thought his problem, aware, though he knew not how it was done, that his query or plea for aid regis - tered somewhere. Merlin's Mirror
  • Charles and his companion, a strapping young underkeeper, evidently anxious to distinguish himself, waited, listening intently in the intervals of silence. The Danvers Jewels, and Sir Charles Danvers
  • Since there are no national campaigns, these governor's races are going to be watched intently.
  • Focusing intently on the object, he was relatively relieved to discover that it was a copper sphere with a serpent wrapped around it, not the grim skull that he expected to see.
  • Here were five hugely accomplished musicians who were listening to each other as intently as members of a string quartet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peter listened intently as Manion gave him a detailed account of the conversation.
  • No one had ever peered at her so intently before, and she generally avoided talking to other people, particularly fully fledged Clayr. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Bach stared at Hunter intently for a few moments, then his expression relaxed and he nodded contritely. Hell’s Gate
  • My mom shifts her weight from one foot to the other, crossing her arms and putting one hand at her chin, staring intently at the creature.
  • She was intently watching the television with a broad grin spread across her lively face.
  • He had finally spotted the elegant outline of the sparrowhawk and appeared to be watching it intently. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • A soft wavering dot appeared on the horizon, which Barth watched intently.
  • They have been hard at work most of the day, and they look upon the sociable evening hours as a time to be given up to what the Scotch call "daffing"; that is to say, a sort of nimble interchange of humorous or interesting gossip; a man who pursues a subject intently is apt to be thought a bore. From a College Window
  • She could still feel his eyes on her, knifing through her body, and gazing intently at her thoughts, her soul, her heart.
  • the class was listening quietly and intently
  • The audience watches intently, but the spell is broken when three boisterous local kids barge into the gallery.
  • Sarah had curled herself somehow into a fetal position in the other armchair and was watching the exchange intently. AFTERMATH
  • On my entry, fifteen fat men in towels immediately stop what they're doing and stare intently.
  • No evidence is found that would suggest in all the circumstances that the transaction was intently improvident or fraudulent.
  • Sitting behind a large wooden desk sat an old rather frumpy man in a well-worn smoking jacket, unlit pipe in one hand, staring intently at an open book in front of him.
  • They are listening intently to a young man asking them to confide their darkest secrets to one another. The Sun
  • Sir Richard was looking at me intently, like a fancier examining a prize pigeon. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • She focused intently at it and as she watched, Doremi could see the figure inside begin to move and pluck a melody on the strings of the lute.
  • He stared at her intently, as if the word liar were printed across the bridge of her nose. Sweet Dalliance
  • And we’re eating them, we’re eating them, intently claiming our corporate freebie benefits, especially those of us for whom it is dorkishly illicit, and we don’t really care because it’s now seven-thirty A.M. on a Sunday. 21 DOG YEARS
  • Looking intently at the two forlorn figures standing silently before her, her heart was filled with pity and she remembered what the Master said one day to His disciples in Capernaum, "Whoso receiveth one such little child in my name receiveth me. Daughters of India
  • Dressed in white sandshoes, cream shirt and with a receding hairline, the accused sat quietly in the dock leaning forward and listening intently to the legal proceedings. The Northern Star
  • He had finally spotted the elegant outline of the sparrowhawk and appeared to be watching it intently. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Radcliff gazed at Hunter intently for several moments, then his expression relaxed into a smile. Hell’s Gate
  • The producer Damon Dash pumped a shoulder to a pre-prandial drum session performed by an attractive brunette, while one table over, Fran Lebowitz perched on her chair, staring intently as if absorbing the music through her nostrils. The Transom
  • She listened intently to the music, losing herself in its beauty.
  • Beside her sat a yellow and wrinkled woman of forty-five, with a low neck, in a black headdress, with a toothless smile on her intently-preoccupied and empty face, and in the inner recesses of the box was visible an elderly man in a wide frock-coat and high cravat, with an expression of dull dignity and a kind of ingratiating distrustfulness in his little eyes, with dyed moustache and whiskers, a large meaningless forehead and wrinkled cheeks, by every sign a retired general. Chapter XII
  • Sara was intently studying the ivory and black keys of the piano.
  • One place shows a bit of shimmer and another place has a slight color bleed; but if you weren't looking intently for it you'd never notice.
  • And most unusual to be in a theatre audience that listened so intently.
  • She was the only attendee, watching intently as he coaxed snakes from one basket to another with the mouth of his oboe.
  • That he thought of her intently, constantly, I need hardly say; most people wondered why such a clever young man shouldn't "devote" himself to something; but to himself he seemed absorbingly occupied. Madame De Mauves
  • You have an ability to concentrate and work intently on anything which holds your interest.
  • No one had ever peered at her so intently before, and she generally avoided talking to other people, particularly fully fledged Clayr. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The only noise came from the hum of the tires on the highway and Lizzie's intermittent sniffles; she pulled herself up from the floor and stepped carefully into the front seat where Jake was staring intently at the road.
  • She stared intently as he closed his eyes, and strummed the first chord.
  • I just stand there, intently examining a fully open rose, not knowing what to say.
  • Some were noisy, some were listening intently, and one seemed to be daydreaming.
  • I once saw a van-man join a motorway from a slip road while intently reading his screen. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was unaware of her gaze, and she watched him intently, speculating fancifully about the strange warp of soul that led him, a young man with signal powers, to fritter away his time on the writing of stories and poems foredoomed to mediocrity and failure. Chapter 20
  • listened intently
  • I looked from one intently interested catlike face to another, suddenly embarrassed about how the confession would sound to them.
  • But as Audrey passes the Green Chapel with its rotten slate and brilliant cobweb-encrusting of moss, she pauses, listens intently, and only struggles with herself for a moment before she pushes the gate open. To Each A Song « A Fly in Amber
  • Staring intently at the screen he grins and grimaces, laughing at some gurning by Ant, screwing up his face when Dec fluffs a line.
  • I'm distracted, tense and edgy, staring intently at the phone willing it to bring me good news.

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