
How To Use Intention In A Sentence

  • While maintaining a level of accessibility and providing information are important, this must not dumb the work down, compromise the artists' intentions, or remove the challenge aspect of art that many people thrive on.
  • It had begun the seventies with the declared intention of contributing 0.7 percent of the gross national product in official aid.
  • On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Searle wants to deny that collective intentions are analyzable in terms of singular intentions, but he also wants (and in my view with better reasons) to deny that there are collective spirits or other mysterious creations.
  • The Waterford publicans, who have signified their intention to defy the ban, are following in the footsteps of their colleagues in Kerry, Cork, Donegal and Wexford.
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  • Where the company is seeking general authority to purchase shares in the market they must state their intentions regarding the authority granted.
  • I'm personally offended both by the error on the Times website and by your association of me with what you call the intentional slander of US marines. Rightwing Spin That Haditha Massacre Never Occurred
  • Two rows behind the bench sits a sweet-faced junior college girl who just announced her intention to play for Oregon next year.
  • Opening to the power of intention, you begin knowing that conception, birth and death are all natural aspects of the energy field of creation. Wayne Dyer 
  • So long as the defendant does not communicate his intention, he commits no offence.
  • Dishonesty is always one way of climbing the ladder of success, but dishonest intentions and manipulations are more prone to fail. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • His intention took shape in action.
  • I have no intention of retiring just yet.
  • The new shareholder has declared the intention to conclude agreements with the plant's creditors and restore the production.
  • He had no intention of paying for the meal out of his own pocket.
  • And the intention of the work is purely propagandistic - it is not to stimulate thought, but to close it down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Willoughby in outwearying: she asked herself how much she had gained by struggling: -- every effort seemed to expend her spirit's force, and rendered her less able to get the clear vision of her prospects, as though it had sunk her deeper: the contrary of her intention to make each further step confirm her liberty. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • He needed at least three days to assess the genuineness of their intentions.
  • The arresting part of this photo is not her femaleness, although foregrounding her gender seems to be the intention, but the condition of her gun, which is old, chipped, and rusty.
  • That last post might have been a completely unintentional plagiarism of a song that I haven't heard for probably eighteen years.
  • So the theories are that perhaps somebody intentionally detonated this weapon in what's sometimes called fragging, an intentional effort to kill officers, and in this case, two officers. CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2005
  • The Crown case was that the lawful activity which they had intentionally disrupted was retail selling. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was the one who had convinced him to bring the bomb, even if it wasn't intentional.
  • Philosophy aims only at the truth, not at mere persuasion regardless of truth, which is a dubious enterprise in both its intentions and its methods.
  • Such an intention must be clearly manifested by unmistakable and unambiguous language.
  • While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering. The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
  • Tara of Helium saw it coming and leaped for the tree toward which she had been moving, and the banth realized her intention and redoubled his speed. The Chessmen of Mars
  • The intention behind not allowing the registration of cases is to keep the crime figures low thereby projecting a crimeless state. Why Dalits have slammed Mayawati's Sarv-jan Formula?
  • ‘We differ from them… only in degree, not intention,’ she declares.
  • The kaiser, he said, had no intention of taking permanent possession of Venezuelan territory.
  • Whether you overslept or had a flat tire, airlines often will waive such fees for passengers who unintentionally miss flights.
  • The state's intentions, of using the entire coastline for desalination, were revealed when chief minister Ashok Chavan recently instructed officials to explore the idea of allotting land to private parties for setting up desalination plants on design, build, operate and transfer basis. Daily News & Analysis
  • When a well-intentioned program yields unwelcome results, for example, a truth-aversive organization will seek to minimize or disguise these consquences.
  • The intention is to provide practical and ethical guidance on risk issues.
  • He reiterates the issues at the end of each chapter, with a brief summation of the argument, thus giving the reader a basic understanding of each author's particular intention.
  • He didn't make his intentions clear in his letter.
  • Many South Africans are apparently wary of what they see as ignoble intentions by profit-hungry American drug companies.
  • In all three cases the conclusion reached was that a deliberate intention to breach the order was not a necessary element for a finding of contempt of court.
  • This was a man who had no intention of allowing any error to distract from his all-important evidence in defence of the Government.
  • We have been talking about the intentionality of consciousness, the role of sensation in perception, and so on.
  • And then, I will consider shutting down discussions, by deleting, that I consider to be drawing the discussion offtrack, especially if I think this is being done intentionally. No more Feminism 101 here
  • A pope determined to bring his message to the world makes himself vulnerable to the malign intentions of fanatics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly though the intention had been to get to see the Crypt, where the Rakoff collection of comics is stored, both our minds let it slip till too late - but I did see the really cool old lifts with the doors you have to close manually and suchlike, plus having a nice lunch with companiable conversation. A day away at the V&A but not at play
  • It is not the intention of the book to critique the theory or substantive findings of the studies. Critical Social Research
  • I will not intentionally injure you or harm you in any long-lasting way.
  • I'm sorry I offended you; it wasn't my intention.
  • Its intention is to restore pride in the past and create a more mannered society.
  • The council has announced its intention to crack down on parking offences.
  • Is there a parallel between taking up a storekeepers time by pretending to shop and ask prices for items we know we will not buy and dating the opposite sex with no intention of a committed relationship?
  • I would have solved the problem by demonstrating that the use of the term “etymologist” was intentional, as follows: Cheeseburger Gothic » Snip snip.
  • He has sent the authority a resignation letter signalling his intention to quit from next Monday.
  • It is not my intention to review the relevant jurisprudence in this ruling.
  • Because actually your intention includes whatever you aim at achieving.
  • We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic 
  • Ray Bradbury turned 90 years old on Aug. 22, and the science fiction pioneer has no intention of slowing down.
  • The baronetage of Nova Scotia was devised in 1624 as a means of promoting the "plantation" of that province, and James announced his intention of creating a hundred baronets, each of whom was to support six colonists for two years (or pay 2000 marks in lieu thereof) and also to pay 1000 marks to Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic 
  • The pressure has now reached such a pitch that White can no longer hold out in the centre, but must declare his intentions. Times, Sunday Times
  • he was upfront about his intentions
  • No matter: "My intention is just to send it right back into the ThredUp system and trade up again. Sign of the times: Going swapping, not shopping
  • It may be based on true events but its feel-good intentions often feel formulaic and it sometimes seems to lack the courage of its convictions.
  • Embracing the new orthodoxy with almost catechistic devotion, they insisted on the importance of construing each constitutional provision according to the presumed intentions of the Framers, no matter how disruptive or radical the consequences might be. Rehnquist the Great?
  • Provided the discrimination was not indirect and unintentional, damages can be awarded to take account of injury to feelings.
  • The intentions were good, which is why Brooke couldn't really fault him.
  • No doubt, the intention of the landowner throughout is to hold a market monthly on these Saturdays.
  • They were all in their street clothes, so I'd figured they'd vacated the locker room with the intention of going home… until they'd noticed the basketballs.
  • Why do individuals' actions not always give on to their intentioned ends?
  • The original intention had been that it would hold 1000 prisoners. The Prisons We Deserve
  • The ruling of the Lord Chief Justice that a book written with pure intention and meant to convey useful knowledge might yet be obscene, drew from me a pamphlet entitled, “Is the Bible Indictable?”, in which I showed that the Bible came clearly within the judge's ruling. Autobiographical Sketches
  • International Business Machines Corp. is one company that raised concerns about how it would be affected by the Dodd-Frank Act. It is among several large corporations that believe, without further clarification in rulemaking, they may be unintentionally caught up in the definition of a "major swaps participant" — essentially a non-dealer that regularly engages in swaps — despite their swaps being legitimate. Minimum Thresholds for Swaps Urged
  • This intentional manipulation by the author, perhaps already let the readers nebulously perceive a remote Utopia upon seeing the chirping swallows.
  • Oborne regrets the 'loss of self restraint' and his intention is to recreate it, or rather to again 'ostracise' and 'thrust beyond the outer margins of debate' those who dare to speak out about the impact of Islam on the British way of life. The British National Party
  • The intention is to rely on them in the next 15 years or so to give our astronauts a lift into space. Think Progress » Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger When Asked About His Justification Of IRS Attack
  • Dr Leander Starr Jameson led a group of over 500 men with the intention of taking control of the town, but was met and overpowered by the burghers in Krugersdorp, 30 kilometres north west of the town.
  • Times-Union an "initial investigation revealed that someone in the regional office intentionally entered veterans 'claim documents with incorrect dates -- called' backdating '-- into an internal database. The Full Feed from
  • Ministers of any government have no intention of relinquishing control over local government spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also meant intentionally making our groups more diverse so that group members can experience the richness of diversity. Christianity Today
  • But it clearly has "" written on the side of it-it *has* to be intentional, as much fun as the other possibilities are. Call Me!
  • The original intention had been that it would hold 1000 prisoners. The Prisons We Deserve
  • Bypassing the media seems to have been effective in converting voting intention.
  • Yet God's all-wise, necessary and patient method of working out this intention in time is through calling individual human beings one-by-one to himself through prevenient grace and election.
  • He couldn't risk having her think his intentions were less than honorable.
  • Colors are faithfully rendered but a bit muted; this appears to be intentional.
  • Surma is made from antimony sulfide, but it may contain lead as an accidental impurity that remains in antimony sulfide or it may be an intentional adulterant.
  • Yet he saw consequences the most unpleasant in this rumour of her attachment; and though he still privately hoped that the behaviour of Mandlebert was the effect of some transient embarrassment, he wished her removed from all intercourse with him that was not sought by himself, while the incertitude of his intentions militated against her struggles for indifference. Camilla
  • It is curious and probably fitting that the first clear evidence for discarnate intention was taught to me by my deceased mother. The Sacred Promise
  • Of course, the pain associated with birthing was considered entirely natural, while the protraction of pain and suffering associated with foot-binding was altogether an intentional act of the human will.
  • If practice is undertaken for mental or spiritual gain, that intention will determine the results.
  • I had bought a box of black hair dye earlier with the intention of using it, but had lost my nerve when I got home with it.
  • For instance, if in an emotional dream you injured someone intentionally, you could perform a simple penance the next day to atone, such as fasting one meal.
  • Since I was talking generalities rather than specifics, it wasn't my intention to spend a lot of time searching and counting replies.
  • No sooner does a government attempt to go beyond its political sphere than it exercises, even unintentionally, an insupportable tyranny.
  • While both deontologists and rule - utilitarians are rule-followers, deontology explicitly stresses duty and intention rather than outcome, whereas the ultimate focus of rule-utilitarianism is on consequences.
  • I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her.
  • If you have no intention of marrying her, you shouldn't keep leading her on.
  • The union has signalled the workers' intention to strike.
  • At around 6 p.m. Buenos Aires time, 19 hours after declaring a state of siege, De la Rua announced his intention to resign.
  • Stuff has been happening, but it's all kind of introspective, sad stuff that isn't that easy to write, even if I did have any intention of splashing it all over the web.
  • Unintentionally or not, it even takes a dig at humans.
  • These were all blameless cases of unintentional and unwitting mental telegraphy, I judge.
  • The other reason I make this statement is because a week before this book landed on my desk, I had bought an open-end ticket to Ireland and gave notice of my intention to quit my job.
  • This flight-deck director didn't understand the pilot's intentions, or he wouldn't have run out on the deck and started to chock and chain the aircraft.
  • Now I begin to see light on their good intentions.
  • If that doesn't quite amount to an intention to offend, it does amount to culpable negligence in avoiding pointless offence. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the avenger of blood pursues him, they must not surrender the one accused, because he killed his neighbor unintentionally and without malice aforethought.
  • There is no first-strike plan or intention on the part of the South or the United States. Bernard Rowan: Oh, My Korea
  • My post, while intentionally understated, is meant to provoke one to think about the insanity of "sameness" being the purpose of education. "No Child Left Behind" Is Nothing New In Albuquerque
  • He drew five intentional passes in the second game of a meaningless 1929 double-header with the Phillies.
  • As to relations with the opposite sex, Skinner would cut no ice with Germaine Greer but he makes a well-intentioned if misdirected stab at equality.
  • The Israeli government is so concerned that America's adversaries may miscalculate U.S. intentions that it is privately urging Washington to make it clear that the U.S. would intervene in Saudi Arabia should the survival of that government be threatened. The Arab Spring and U.S. Policy: The View From Jerusalem
  • When they embark upon marrying someone, they should do so with sincerity of purpose and with the intention of creating a harmonious relationship.
  • But she has no intention of changing her spendthrift ways. The Sun
  • Why not respect the intention implied by the choice of impermanent materials and the adoption of quick and casual techniques?
  • Bottom trawling (scraping large nets across the seabed) kills coral, stirs up sediment causing pollutants to migrate into seaweed and other fish feed, and scoops up large amounts of by-catch -- other sealife, like turtles and dolphins unintentionally caught and wasted. Cathy Erway: The Pescatore's Dilemma
  • The intention is to take the town's fate in hand, until such time as democratic elections are held.
  • You have succeeded in dividing the readership, you have brought in sympathetic readership from another blog, as was your intention, to support your position, and start your verbal donnybrook." and Why I Hate the Booth Babe Story, a Guest Editorial by Holly A.
  • The intention of the Department to maintain a skeleton staff of graders at beef factories is not a solution.
  • Although the intention was to create new and independent economic and cultural centers, most of the satellite towns remain economically dependent on Beijing, and have only become dormitory towns," Jeffrey Johnson, who specializes in Chinese megacities at New York's Columbia University, said in emailed comments. Reuters: Press Release
  • As a youth he had no intention of pursuing a military career, but he was drafted into the revolutionary army in 1793.
  • Last night I was reminded once again that despite my best intentions, political discussions make my eyes glaze over like two yummy little doughnut holes.
  • The Referees Committee was formed at a meeting attended by 17 referees with three excused, but to date there are still two referees who have not answered the call, or indeed, signified their intentions, one way or another.
  • He went down the wicket even to bowlers of extreme pace with the intention of making them drop the ball short, and when they did so, he would cut or pull the ball savagely.
  • In the frontier-land, fences and stockades announce intentions rather than mark realities.
  • It's rather appropriate that the logo for Disney is a mouse, because The Walt Disney Company this week announced its intention to throw money down a rathole.
  • He had no intention of enduring this smothering by overkindness any longer than it took him to figure out how to run away, and where to run to. The Fourth R
  • In the early days of electric lighting, fixtures intentionally flaunted naked bulbs so that no one could possibly mistake them for gas.
  • Just the luck of the draw, or intentional preadaptation (front-loading)? Critic in the Matrix
  • General David Petraeus, in a rare public show of indecorum, last week suggested that corruption has been a part of Afghan culture since the country came into existence, which is a sentiment that is not only, from a historical and anthropological perspective, wholly ignorant, but one that exposes intentions on the General's part that seem both dubious as well as misplaced. Michael Hughes: Afghanistan Corrupted by U.S. and 30 Years of Foreign Meddling
  • It is then that, stripped for a brief moment of our armour of complacency and self-esteem, we see ourselves as we are -- frightful chumps in a world where nothing goes right; a grey world in which, hoping to click, we merely get the raspberry; where, animated by the best intentions, we nevertheless succeed in perpetrating the scaliest bloomers and landing our loved ones neck-deep in the gumbo. Jill the Reckless
  • Professor Johnson has indicated his intention to retire at the end of next year.
  • The only beauties of the place, and those unintentional, were the long lines of hand-planted shade-trees, uglified as far as possible with whitewashed trunks and croppy heads, but still lovable, growing, living things. Animal Heroes
  • Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ann Coulter, Christian Chauvinist:
  • The bill's promoter stated specifically that he has no intention of going on to tackle shooting or angling.
  • Perhaps the phrase "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good" are more than the words of an often despised and misunderstood singer. Michael Gilmour: Yusuf Islam, Salman Rushdie And Censorship
  • The funniest malapropisms and turns of phrase tend to be unintentional bloopers.
  • Our President has no intention of intervening in your internal affairs.
  • The wizard of Wishaw was not to be denied, however, conjuring a remarkable - and intentional - shot in which he ricocheted one red off another and into the top corner.
  • The wristbands are not freely distributed to our employees as it would deviate from the original intention to help our target beneficiaries in Indonesia who need curative eye treatment.
  • He is also indicted with knowingly and intentionally combining, conspiring, confederating with people to possess with intent to distribute the substance in violation of US laws.
  • That faded resolution and pronounced vignetting isn't intentional.
  • Yet he dreams of being king and solemnly publishes his intentions 169 to regain power and rebuild an empire.
  • In short, good intentions and well-meaning ideas only go so far. Christianity Today
  • They hide their real intentions behind a smoke screen of religious piety.
  • It is very difficult to express emotions in email or news; your joking comment appear to be very serious to the recipient and can lead to unmeant reactions or conflicts (flames); so use emoticons to express your intention.
  • In a documentary set on Bodmin Moor the humour was unintentional and painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is charecteristic behavior:::As time wears on we lose the god's help and sucess becomes increasingly more difficult::: 1. Prior to 60s movies sucked INTENTIONALLY 2. Popular music scene "repetitious", replaced with dynamicism of the 70s. DesignerBlog
  • To do this, the child requires considerable cognitive flexibility and a good understanding of the concept of intention.
  • She almost pitied the Seth's clingy girlfriend, except that the busty girl really should have known better than to intentionally provoke her.
  • Ominously, the party had also announced its intention to liberalize the sector.
  • The intention was to evoke an unreal elsewhere, an imaginary place both freaky and familiar.
  • Well-intentioned parents, he says, mold their children from pre-school to high school in preparation for admission in to one of the Ivies.
  • I have never used the term tar baby, have now placed it on my official “do not use” list along with all sorts of other terms, and generally try to be very sensitive to how slurs can figuratively cut and bleed even when used unintentionally. Is Tony Snow, Press Secretary to the Pres. a Racist?
  • Above all, he liked working with conductors who were clear about their intentions - if not they would receive short shrift. Times, Sunday Times
  • In case it be thought that a note of selfpity has crept in to this account of my apparent boredom, I must say that the intention was never to complain about my fate, but merely to explain the form of my protest. An Autobiography
  • It was naive what was done, uncalled for, and unwanted, but all acted out with the best intentions in mind.
  • Botha also scored the first try, after just three minutes, as the Boks made their intentions clear from the kick-off as they drove strongly into the Irish territory.
  • When these folk intentionally misgender trans people, and use anti-transgender pejoratives, and identify trans people as "dangerous," then they engage in hate speech. Pam's House Blend - Front Page
  • I assure you that the missing direct reference was certainly not intentional, more an oversight.
  • Let me start out by saying that the author of that article was my aunt, and I don't believe she would ever intentionally misrepresent me.
  • A slight movement of the hand telegraphed his intention to shoot.
  • Unable to see out the operator inside was responsible for a few unintentional gropes during rehearsals!
  • Signal your intention to change the lane in good time by using the blinker and if necessary, by hand signalling, says the handbook.
  • I know his intentions were good. Times, Sunday Times
  • His intention took shape in action.
  • Not that she had any intentions of cooking the brussels sprouts that evening, but she had to give herself a job of some sort to do. MURDER MOVES IN
  • As I understand it it can all be sorted out, but you are — I suspect unintentionally and in good faith — offering a bit of a straw man due to your not distinguishing a few key concepts, such as prudentialism versus constitutional judgment, empathy for a legal injustice versus sympathy resulting in bias, and a judge versus a justice. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Ambiguity, Empathy, and the Role of Judicial Power:
  • It will then be an offence to act with the intention of stirring up religious hatred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Breen said Mr Kerry had no intention of depriving his employer of the van, and that he was nosing out of the car park when the accident happened.
  • It is not clear whether Elizabeth is referring here to the deconstructionist theory of the late twentieth century which undermined the assumption that texts have intentional, recuperable meanings — in which case Kafka is a bad example, because his texts were recognized as being radically indeterminate in meaning well before the advent of poststructuralism — or whether she is saying that Kafka was a kind of prophet of deconstruction. Disturbing the Peace
  • The USDA's Horse Protection Program is meant to protect these wonderful animals, ensuring that Tennessee Walking Horses are not subjected to the abusive practice of "soring" -- the intentional infliction of pain to a horse's legs or hooves in order to force an artificial, exaggerated gait. Wayne Pacelle: Federal Audit Finds Rampant Abuses of Show Horses; Agency Reform Promised
  • Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones.
  • After that, he quickly eradicated any romantic intentions he had harbored for Captain Crowell, as she was now his commander and employer.
  • Can you give me some indication as to your intentions?
  • Previously the drama and detail of the foreground had carried almost the full weight of an artist's intention. Umbria - the green heart of Italy
  • The intention was to convince City's players that they were now part of a winning machine but the complaints about his aloof manner have been frequent. Times, Sunday Times
  • To reflect this, God's name seems to have been intentionally left out of the narrative, appearing only as a hidden acrostic.
  • It is a fearsomely complicated one, and I would never dream of showing it in a non-technical book about science if my intention was to be instructive.
  • It has been called blasphemous; it is not intentionally blasphemous; as I have said, Oscar always put himself quite na飗ely in the place of any historical character. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • What was your intention in using such an unflattering picture when you could have easily used a normal picture? Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Moreau’s on madness, which he read during these months of mental relaxation, drew from him an acknowledgment wherein he foreshadowed his intention of studying anatomy and myology. Balzac
  • It is both intentional and conscious and unintentional and unconscious.
  • At this moment, I have the deepest yearning. Let cloud wisher to bless with full intention, embellish your sweet dream, wish you to own a happy happy New Year!
  • In a statement, they said, They react in fury and menace to our intention to show the film and have boasted that their threats of aggressive demonstrations prevented its previous showing in the Mother of Parliaments. Archive 2009-02-01
  • There’s the infill crowd, although well intentioned, is dead wrong. PEC's "Clarion" Opposes Sprawl at
  • Rogers had no intention of being a confectioner.
  • Grieve suggests that brave good-faith have-a-go heroes will not face arrest, and then in disconcerting non sequitor that once arrested, investigated and passed to the CPS good intentions will be a factor in deciding what next. Con-Watch: Have-a-Go-Hero Dominic Grieve
  • It is assisted by conscious intention on our part to recover balance and vibrant health.
  • If you refer," said Meldon, "to my intention of calling civilly on Sir The Simpkins Plot
  • EL ALTO, Bolivia — Tattered dummies look down on this city from street poles in barren squares, like scarecrows for anyone with bad intentions. The Wind From The South
  • Nor is it the intention of this reviewer to compare the translation with those of other equally eminent scholars.
  • Sydney Chaffee continued, "I've gotten closer to achieving a balance between two extremes in my own intentions -- the extreme concreteness of many 9th graders' first intentions and the extreme flimsiness of the overly poetic, grand intentions of my first few years which were hard for me to know if I was actually doing. Meg Campbell: What's Your Intention This School Year?
  • There was never any serious intention to bring to justice those responsible for the May riots.
  • When this arises together with the aspiration to attain full enlightenment, then you have realized bodhichitta, that is, the altruistic intention to become fully enlightened for the sake of all sentient beings. Training the Mind: Verse 7
  • They have also indicated an intention to grant a form of license, which would permit only the acceptance of clay and topsoil at the landfill for the purpose of restoration and landscaping.
  • Video teleconferencing obviates the need to collocate staffs and reduces ambiguity in commanders' intentions.
  • There's an unintentional air of elitism about the event, specialising as it does on unsullied perfect specimens.
  • The tapes provided evidence of her intentions.
  • Instead I have come to realise that I must bear the guilty burden of forty years of unintentional eco-terrorism.
  • The trial lasted a whole hour, the intention being, I suppose, to reproduce that tediousness which is so characteristic of real trials. Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions
  • We had no intention of making it seem as if some of the benefits of heliotherapy were suggested by you.

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