How To Use Intension In A Sentence

  • Deacon would argue that initially words are acquired as indices and only later do they gain intensional properties once symbol-symbol relations are established.
  • In broad terms, two sentences are intensionally isomorphic if and only if their corresponding elements are L-equivalent.
  • They provide a vehicle for the imaginative extension and intension of space beyond and within the realist scale of the city.
  • That not all reports of intentionality are intensional is a problem for the linguistic view according to which intensionality is the criterion of intentionality. Intentionality
  • Uncle Sam has no intension flame of war out but to pour oil on it.
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  • This paper considers the intension, expression and causes of China's fiscal contingent liability and proposes some solutions.
  • In chapter 5, attack capability is classified to high intension and low intension based on connectivity.
  • The truth makers for such counterfactuals must be either (a) the intensions of the agent that affects the selection, or (b) laws that determine how the relative fitness of having the traits would be selected in a possible world where the actual coextension doesn’t hold. 24 Against Darwinism
  • There are sentences which are neither extensional nor intensional; for example, belief-sentences.
  • On the other hand, two sentences have the same intension if they are logically equivalent, i.e., their equivalence is due to the semantic rules of the language.
  • Still, the point illustrated by nomicity is that the intensionality of a linguistic report is not sufficient for the intentionality of the reported phenomenon. Intentionality
  • The intensions were to create a seasonal fishing industry, a transatlantic operation if you will, not a self-sustaining society.
  • For in the ordinary and natural form of proposition the subject is used in extension, and the predicate in intension, that is to say, when we use a subject, we are thinking of certain objects, whereas when we use a predicate, we indicate the possession of certain attributes. Deductive Logic
  • They also have another property: aboutness or intentionality. (not intensionality, and not thinking of contexts in which coreferential terms are not substitutable salva veritate) Represent reality or some part of it as being thus and so. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • From an epistemological point of view, this makes our ability to pick out the extension of a term dependent on our knowledge of its intension. Walter Burley
  • Anscombe had drawn attention to the fact that perceptual verbs satisfy the tests for non-extensionality or intensionality (see the entry on intensional transitive verbs). The Problem of Perception
  • Medieval theories of ratios and proportions and of the intension and remission of forms were applied to problems of motion.
  • In chapter one, the concept, intension and extension of the details are put out.
  • As stunney pointed out on another thread, desires and beliefs create intensional contexts and are mutually sensitive. Carry-Over Thread
  • In the language of nominalism, the terms ‘black’ and ‘white’ purport to have mutually exclusive intensions and should therefore have mutually exclusive extensions, which they do not.
  • If so, then reports of what a compass indicates exhibit one of Chisholm's features of intensionality, namely coextensive terms are not freely substituable salva veritate in such reports. Intentionality
  • For Grice, the admission that "intensionality seems to be imbedded in the very foundations of language" doesn't preclude "extensionality. Post-Secular Conviviality
  • It has changed the way the traditional economy operates in that it makes technology a kind of input, which makes possible the transition from extensional reproduction to intensional ways.
  • Somehow, based on its sense (intension, meaning) a designating phrase may designate different things under different conditions ” in different states. Intensional Logic
  • As a result, proof theories for R either contain distribution as a primitive rule, or contain a second form of premise combination (so called extensional combination, as opposed to the intensional premise combination we have seen) which satisfies weakening and contraction. Substructural Logics
  • As stated, this view is consistent with Millianism (it would be Millianism if we assumed that the semantic value of a definite description was the individual it referred to), however in practice it is always coupled with a view on which definite descriptions have either a Russellian (see the section on Russell's theory in the entry on descriptions) or an intensional semantics (see the section on Sense Theories above). Names
  • Does Obama know that if/when Repuke scum take back the WH that they have every intension of charging him of take crime? Think Progress » Former Bush Speechwriter Attacks Reporter For Pointing Out Bush Techniques Were Used By Khmer Rouge
  • Those males caught have been lured in, this is as sick as the so called intension they had in mind. Progressive U - The new media voice for students
  • I agree with denk about the Chinese embassy bombing as intensional but not by President Clinton but someone lower rank in the CIA. In memory of Shiro Azuma
  • Frege gave the outline of a theory of intensionality, but no intensional logic in any formal sense. Intensional Logic
  • Typically, the intension states necessary and sufficient conditions, or conjunctions of properties, that must be present for an object to belong to the extension.
  • So although reports of the information carried by such physical devices exhibit some of the intensionality exhibited by reports of intentional mental states, the intensionality exhibited by the latter is clearly stronger than the intensionality exhibited by the former. Intentionality
  • However, the invariance criterion can be extended in a natural way to intensional operators. Logical Constants
  • In this paper, the authors firstly analyze intension of knowledge management and characteristics of knowledge enterprise, and then study some typical organization of knowledge enterprises.
  • It is a subject of current discussion whether this tradeoff is unavoidable and whether the lack of extensional principles in intensional Type Theory is a feature or a bug.
  • All versions of externalism have in common that intensions don't determine extensions.
  • Astronauts on the moon frequently connote intensional meaning, in the language of linguists greatness, honor, and patriotism. Obama's View of Service, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • ‘Inhalt’ stands for content, but is meant here in the sense of cognitive content or meaning rather than stuff, of intension as opposed to extension.
  • In essence, Prior's view is that there are intensional contexts but no intensions. The Sun Is Not
  • Logics which attempt to display the logical properties of intensional contexts are called intensional logics.
  • The content of an expression in a context determines a corresponding intension, which is a function from possible worlds to extensions. Again
  • For example, constructive type theory and explicit mathematics both encapsulate some form of intensionality. Set Theory: Constructive and Intuitionistic ZF
  • One which coincides in extension without coinciding in intension, that is, which applies to the same things without expressing the whole meaning, of the subject, is what is known as a Proprium or Peculiar Property. Deductive Logic
  • It'should have a basic intension and extension.
  • On an intensional reading of “want” this sort of thing can sometimes make sense. Matthew Yglesias » What Do Americans “Really” Want
  • Air bubble due to its unusual character, it can't use in strong intension construction ceramics, it just use in common daily ceramics.
  • Prior to rigidification, we could distinguish the descriptivist intensions of the names ˜the Morning Star™ and ˜the Evening Star™. Names
  • With these provisos, and barring for the moment the complications arising from the consideration of intensional factors (such as time and modalities), we may proceed to review some core mereological notions and principles. Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3
  • Millianism and the intensional interpretation of Frege's view both entail this thesis (“functionalism”) about names. Names
  • It is also widely held that in addition to having such properties as reference, truth-conditions and truth ” so-called extensional properties ” expressions of natural languages also have intensional properties, in virtue of expressing properties or propositions ” i.e., in virtue of having meanings or senses, where two expressions may have the same reference, truth-conditions or truth value, yet express different properties or propositions (Frege 1892/1997). Mental Representation
  • In view of the complication of surfactant screening in tertiary recovery, the surfactant model reducing oil-water intension has been established so as to optimize the surfactant screening method.
  • Part 1 analyzes the concept of ENI from its intension and extension aspects.
  • So it seems as if the intensionality of the report of a phenomenon is neither necessary nor sufficient for the intentionality of the reported phenomenon. Intentionality
  • Sure, some innocent, and I use the term innocent loosely because it would be hard for a priest to be innocent in that environment of poverty, occassionly get shot unintensionly. The Black Fist Calls For Peace
  • I have no intension of denigrating any sacred books. Mike Ghouse: Sikhs and Muslims Can Come Together For Guru Nanak's Birthday
  • Specifically, exercise trains the brain to think, feel, and perceive in the way that is chosen (by default or intension) during the exercise. Jacques Henri Taylor: Training Your Body Is Training Your Mind
  • Intension and essence of civilian art were deeply discussed.
  • Event Management, as a profession, is gaining increasing relevance what with the intension of the people to conduct functions, including marriages and school functions, with pomp and gaiety.
  • If so, then reports of what a compass indicates exhibit one of Chisholm's features of intensionality, namely coextensive terms are not freely substituable salva veritate in such reports. Intentionality
  • But there is what philosophers (at least this philosopher) think of as an extensional and an intensional way of describing our perceptions.
  • At present, the estimate methods of body intension are bench test and road test.
  • I think this may have been intensional, the naturalist theme of the artist suggests that she was commenting on illusions that can occur in the natural world. Bastien-Lepage: Reinstating Nature
  • The reason of this is that we know material objects far better in their extension than in their intension, that is to say, we know what things a name applies to without knowing the attributes which those things possess in common. Deductive Logic
  • With this technology, theorists can distinguish the values of the two descriptions above, since they are structures with different components (cf. Carnap's [1947] notion of intensional isomorphism). Names
  • All versions of externalism have in common that intensions don't determine extensions.
  • It has changed the way the traditional economy operates in that it makes technology a kind of input, which makes possible the transition from extensional reproduction to intensional ways.
  • They also have another property: aboutness or intentionality. (not intensionality, and not thinking of contexts in which coreferential terms are not substitutable salva veritate) Represent reality or some part of it as being thus and so. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • And if the two terms coincide in extension, the predicate must either coincide also in intension with the subject or not. Deductive Logic
  • Set theoretical semantics in which the intensional connectives are modeled from relations on a collection of situations have been the preferred interpretation of nonclassical logics since the early 1960s. Combinatory Logic
  • Such claims rely on what philosophers of language call descriptivist theories of reference, according to which a word's denotation is determined by the descriptions or the contents of the beliefs that constitute the word's meaning, intension, or sense. Relativism
  • The article emphasized finally and in the realistic meaning instantly for the influence that emotion characteristic and life intension of Rembrandt's self-portrait produce.

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