
How To Use Intend In A Sentence

  • It's not because I'm worried about what they might think, or anything ridiculous like that, it's because in a lot of cases this material was intended for me alone - either through an oral tradition or as a gnostic revelation from the spirits.
  • This facility is intended to help a few hundred families living in public housing by training them to be grocery store clerks.
  • In contrast, although not originally intended as permanent implants, in practice bioabsorbable hemostats are often left in the surgical bed to prevent rebleeding after surgical closure.
  • Use of a University-owned mobile telephone and mobile telephone airtime service is intended for official University business.
  • I intend to take it, subject of course to your approval and, as the prime minister designate, with your permission. TANK OF SERPENTS
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  • Pasolini clearly did not intend Salò as a late work, much as Mozart did not design his requiem as adumbrative lament.
  • He intends to fight the case to the Supreme Court.
  • However, the measure intended to foster democracy will result in all three party leaders imposing a three-line whip on their respective MPs – a move hardly likely to ease the public's mistrust of Parliament. European Union: The referendum is an absurd sideshow | Observer editorial
  • Every single one of his intended blows was blocked and parried, even when the man tripped and fell backwards.
  • Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
  • Language is a collaborative activity Meaning arises as much from what listeners hear as what speakers intend to say.
  • The *victim* of the defacement is the person who is intended to be fearful. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Shmulevich Case — Facts and New York Law, as I Can Best Figure Them Out:
  • The antidote is intended to protect residents from radioactive fallout from any missile attack on the nuclear station.
  • Many of the chapters in this volume specify educational programs that are intended to increase procedural knowledge. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • I saw wheel tracks to the right, crossed by similar tracks back again to the road, and I guessed that the postilion had intended to drive his horses down the byroad, but having found it too rough or too narrow had been compelled to return, even at the cost of loss of time in backing. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • I just didn't understand that the ricochet is the second part you can't hide what you intend, it glows in the dark once you start the path of revenge there's no way to stop the more I try to hurt you the more it hurts me strange, it seems like a character mutation though I have all the means of bringing you fuckers down Killing the Buddha
  • The irony is that the new tax system will burden those it was intended to help.
  • DON'T use dish detergent which contains harsh chemicals that are intended to cut grease and will strip away the wax finish. The Sun
  • While contemplating the possibility that the Baraita is a Karaite forgery intended to attack rabbinic Judaism, Horowitz finally opted for a rabbinic origin, and concluded that it was composed around the fourth century, in Palestine. Baraita de-Niddah.
  • The bomb reached its intended target ten seconds later.
  • This has rendered virtually unenforceable the few remaining rules intended to further grand jury independence.
  • If slavery is natural, and if nature intends to distinguish the slave from the unfree, the free from the unfree, ? how can nature miss the mark?
  • Far more seriously, the vital turn east towards Mayenne and Alençon, intended to initiate the rolling up of the main German front in Normandy, was delayed by days. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • Intendants and servitors were giving orders on all sides, frequently contradictory, and gardeners were furbishing up the alleyed walks and flower beds in readiness for _Sa Majesté Louis Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • He probably intended it as an exact classical allusion.
  • That he sloped off during an Eton v Harrow match to buy a trumpet, which cost £1, may not have been what his school and his parents intended, but it set him on a course which over the years has brought joy and instruction to many.
  • Names will be taken from those who intend travelling on next year's pilgrimage to Lourdes.
  • The species-specific illustrations I offered were intended to be just that: illustrations.
  • And if it (hall happen that this legacy Ihall be found not to anfwcr the purpofe intended, I im - power the bifliop of Oflbry for the time being, with the confent of the dean and chapter of St. Canice, to fell the books, and apply their price together with. the faid (alary of the librarian towards raifing or sidoraiijig the imperfedl fteeple of their cathedral. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • If the color you purchased doesn't turn out the way you intended, it's imperative that you consult an experienced colorist in order to get it retouched.
  • He intends to plead not guilty, according to his lawyer, Plato Cacheris, who characterized his client as emotionally distraught.
  • He said no disrespect intended, but how can you not be disrespectful saying that? Times, Sunday Times
  • The radical 500-day plan was very clear on how it intended to try to restrain inflation.
  • What dance intends to communicate seems impossible to translate into a casual conversation.
  • The intended message was one of unity and resolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • At this point I must once again digress briefly to say that I am totally in agreement with the response of the President of the Canadian Labour Congress, Joe Morris, to the announcement last week that the federal government intends to impose works councils on industries coming under federal jurisdiction. Let's Get Back to People
  • Transforming the press account, Kelly's own narrative further compresses Kastriot's story of miraculous survival into three stanzas and a shorter envoi which are intended to evoke the traditional folk ballad.
  • Throwing my heart monitor out the window I plumped (no pun intended) for the dessert of fresh profiteroles served with butterscotch sauce.
  • As I said, I do not intend to defend this view, but will use it simply as an adornment.
  • Oxford Limited intends to offer colleges the opportunity to sell the items directly through the JCRs at competitive prices.
  • Her reply was quoted out of context and seemed to mean something quite different from what she had intended.
  • The group consists of every woman officer in South Yorkshire Police from the rank of inspector to our highest ranking female officer, which at the moment is chief superintendent.
  • I intend to live forever. So far, so good. Steven Wright 
  • Soil conservation is intended to kurb erosion.
  • We have not wavered from this position, and we do not intend to do so now.
  • We intend to fuse the companies into a single organization.
  • If you intend to change gauges and/or tunings regularly, try to avoid ridiculous extremes.
  • She had spent more than she intended on the wetsuit, but couldn't resist its bright fuchsia colours.
  • Last March members organised the first two-week permaculture course for sixteen intending residents and the general public.
  • It is intended that priority then will be given to obtaining planning consent for this Section.
  • Appreciation of conventional cinema aesthetics, among both filmmakers and their intended audience, may be naïve or limited.
  • In what was said to be a signed confession he admitted carrying the rucksack containing explosives but insisted he never intended to kill anyone.
  • Nor did it prohibit the commercial sale of other items used for sexual gratification, such as ribbed condoms or vibrators that were primarily intended to relieve muscle tension but could also be adapted for sexual purposes.
  • The new legislation which was intended to `soak up "the millions of them floating round the country has backfired in its purpose. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • We call it QED, after the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, or "proven as demonstrated," and it is intended to bridge the funding gap, popularly known as the "Valley of Death," between research grants and private investment while advocating proof-of-concept development projects within the life sciences. --
  • He says intending buyers will be aware that more blocks will be opened up in the area, and may judge that it will be in their interest to wait.
  • The Network promotes the use of model organisms and intends to provide a forum for meetings, workshops and other activities.
  • According to Lucille, the money intended for the school was given to a stationery store instead.
  • IL2, which is in its design stage, is intended to be an interlingua, albeit a relatively simple one.
  • If that sounds like a backhanded compliment, it is intended as a compliment nonetheless.
  • I always intended to return. The Sun
  • It is usually associated with the organ, although it proves originally to have been intended for the harpsichord with pedals.
  • Sketch out what you intend to do.
  • Why commission a craftsman to labour for weeks on a design of guitar that was specifically intended for mass production?
  • Let's be honest, the tan-demic is really fashion's fault: In the last five years we've seen a very bohemian/hippie/California-girl style reign supreme, and naturally (no pun intended), what goes better with boho than a faux glow (or Uggs, for that matter)? Verena von Pfetten: Tan Is The New Tacky
  • I do not intend to turn this into a prescriptive handbook.
  • Cranmer does not intend to delve into the divisive arguments which confronted the Early Church on the nature of Christ's divinity and his humanity, but to focus on the controversy which has been caused by a statue of Jesus with an erect penis, which is on display at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead. Cranmer
  • The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.
  • Yesterday's meeting was intended to plot a survival strategy for the party.
  • The author, who seems to intend the character of Bonvolio as good, meant perhaps to shew, how the best minds, in a state of faction and discord, are detorted to criminal partiality. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • How can we provide our pets with nutrition closer to what nature intended?
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the Riots of 'eighty
  • In the absence of clear evidence that a spouse intends to sell or dispose of an asset or will be forced to do so, a court should not grant a deduction for notional sale or disposition costs.
  • The product name must accurately reflect the intended use of the feed.
  • There is no introductory editorial discussing the title or theme of the volume or its intended audience, but the essays mostly deal with language and metalinguistics in some way.
  • The haute école of classical equitation includes movements with direct military application, like the capriole which was originally intended to enable a horseman to use his steed to kick an attacker approaching from behind.
  • It required two participants able to mean and to intend, locked into a social context of communicative exchange.
  • Having thus escaped the danger, the Romans threw their sentinel down the rock; while on Manlius they conferred by vote a reward for his bravery, intended more for honour than advantage; for each man gave him a day's rations, which consisted of half a Roman pound of meal, and the fourth part of a Greek cotyle of wine. Plutarch's Lives, Volume I
  • I wonder if the intended comedy is supposed to be in trying figure out if she's aware of what's going on.
  • After explaining the context, we pose a series of questions regarding common factors that are intended to be thought provoking.
  • They intended to sink the craft in the largest of the reef entrances, so excluding the Champlain if it tried to return to Saint-Esprit. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • I sensed that strong-willed individuals were voicing their opinion but then deferring to their superintendent's leadership because they respected both him and his position. Christianity Today
  • The party intends to field / put up a candidate in the next general election.
  • It is soo cute, but probably too big for the person it's intended for so I might have to keep it and make another smaller one.
  • The company intends to make the water hydrants more secure in future.
  • The move is intended to encourage a greater takeup among local councils of directly elected mayors. Times, Sunday Times
  • So we are intended to be relieved of the fear that our dying need be a fearful experience.
  • Concerntug the v* - trade* the force of my argument goes no farther than this; — that its Juppftfliou, by the ISrihfli government only, other nations continuing the trade as ufua\ % who would of cotirfe felSC on what we funender, would anfwer the purpofes of humanity, cither to the negroes tn Africa, or to thofe already in the Weft Indies; and I have quoted* in fupport of this opinion, the authoiitiesof men (naval commander! and others) who arc intimately acquainted with the trade, though no ways intended in its continuance; and I have not yet met with any evidence or argument* to Kivtttdate their testimony. The Monthly Review
  • Althouse: FWIW, I read that sentence as you meant it because I'm used to your writing, familiar with your views and know what you're referring to, but I did "stutter" for a second to make that adjustment ... in pretty much the exact way I do when I'm editing for pay something which I then "flag" for the following author query: "Are you confident everyone will read this as you intend it be understood? "The Optimum Population Trust... says each baby born in Britain will... burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of old-growth oak woodland...."
  • The fraudsters do not have to intend to defraud the victim as the primary purpose of the exercise.
  • She always intends to run in the morning but usually just manages to watch sport instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know if the Pulitzer entry form has a space to list stuff like this, but when the time comes, I intend to crayon it in.
  • The owners of 87, Marlborough Road, and the estate agent handling the sale should have informed the intending purchasers of this fact.
  • The civil law deems that the victim did not intend.
  • The campaign is intended to heighten public awareness of the disease.
  • So police officers are being compromised by being pressurised to lie and then being pressurised to drive in a way that could result in death or bodily injury to themselves or to innocent members of public who you have sworn to protect all so that someone snotty superintendent can get a bung from the Home Office Policing Pledge Response Times – The Ugly Truth! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Thank God, a "Southern literature," in the sense intended by the champions of slavery, is a simple impossibility, rendered such by that exility of mind which they demand in its producers as a prerequisite to admission into the guild of Southern authorship. The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
  • One pier intended for shuttles to dock at was studded with statues of dwarfs, another was embellished with runes.
  • There was an erroneous assumption that the sticky foam would be used as an anti-personnel weapon, and visions of an agitator with his head covered with a blob of foam prevented a more careful analysis of the intended use of the foam.
  • With the no-doubt unintended effect of suggesting that Wallace's menace and ensuing mayhem might, in hindsight, be laughed-off like a good-ol'-boy joke, "George Wallace: Settin 'the Woods on Fire" takes part of its title, and its misguided musical leitmotif from a wacky, Hank Williams party-hearty song. Film/Television: Lost Highways
  • So if you intend to paint a cold, bleak, winter scene, the grey would be an ideal choice.
  • A fourth undergraduate program leads to the degree Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics with Computer Science; it is intended for students seriously interested in theoretical computer science.
  • Companionship of the same kind was therefore required for him, for he was not intended to be an isolated being.
  • But, if you mean, as so many seem to, that they should NEVER see any of it and intend to block every avenue certain realities may follow to get to them, well … good luck with that! Blocking the information highway
  • Yet it randomly deleted one digit and credited the money to an account other than the one intended. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are his lame slapstick antics intended to send us into convulsions of laughter?
  • In such a case, the only women who will interfere and warn the intended victim will be his own relatives – a mother or a sister; others, while under no delusions as to the interested nature of the motives by which the pursuer is actuated, will hold their tongues, and even go so far as to offer facilities for the chase. Marriage as a Trade
  • The superintendent slipped the phone back into its cradle and a crease of worry tucked itself into her forehead.
  • In the 18th century, wallpaper artisans designed elaborate motifs that were intended to be hung as panels.
  • The government intends to wind the scheme down in early spring.
  • She repeated several times that she didn't intend to marry.
  • The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.
  • 'I intend to delate mysell to the Presbytery,' said Steenie, 'and tell them all I have seen last night, whilk are things fitter for them to judge of than a borrel man like me.' Redgauntlet
  • The numbers for intended suicides and incidents of self-harm are much higher.
  • The loan could also be intended to help a firm get needed funds through the end of the year since the term runs through Jan. 26, 2012. Surprise BOJ Dollar Lending Spurs Concern
  • Communications," he summoned evenly, "try to explain to these…" Mindful of the monitoring officers, he tempered the label he'd intended to employ. "…people that we're here on a rescue— The Kobayashi Maru
  • His use of the term "basically altruistic" is surely intended to be provocative, but what the economist means is that terrorists are often acting out of a desire to help others in their group. Are al-Qaida and the Taliban driven by the desire to help others? | Aditya Chakrabortty
  • But tell me, and tell* me truly, Mr. Clinton; thefegems, when you firft purchafed them, were they ac* tually intended for me? were they not rather intended for your Fanny, for your own Fanny, Mr. Clinton? The Fool of Quality; Or, the History of Henry Earl of Moreland.
  • The programme which was intended to allow accomplices in serious crimes to turn supergrasses and give evidence in order to secure convictions was first introduced in 1997 in the wake of the Guerin murder.
  • If the job of the information architect is seen as corresponding with that of a structural architect, then the designer must be seen as an amalgam of superintendent, and foreman.
  • These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.
  • As elsewhere in the book these suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive but, rather, a stimulus for ideas.
  • By upholding the principle "to each according to his work" and by recognizing material interests we intend to increase the material well-being of the entire people.
  • The Fund will support research projects intended to lead to an increased understanding of personal factors, social arrangements, social institutions and physical factors affecting the well being of disesteemed or disadvantaged persons.
  • It is no more than a cleverly crafted lump of inorganic matter; its shape and working parts are contrived to facilitate the intended function: the switching around of the circuitry in clearly defined ways.
  • We never intended to tackle this problem, but it sure did get us some mileage in the presidential and congressional elections during the Clinton years.
  • Not for a generation has Britain faced industrial militancy intended to bring down an elected government. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the planning authority gave this permission they clearly intended to protect the amenities.
  • He intends to run the 500 yards, but believes his strict fitness regime won't be much help.
  • When one slightly cocky young saxophonist announced the title of the song he intended to play, he was nonplussed when Arriale asked him if he knew the lyrics.
  • Observation of intraspecies variations reveals that you are just as likely to encounter R/C kits, musclecars, bathroom hydroponics, child porn, and Nintendos as you would a bicycle. Cult Following: Harbingers of the Apocalypse
  • The toxin called amygdalin that is found in almond tree nectar is in fact an evolutionary development intended to give that tree an advantage over others in its surroundings THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.
  • What information is the questionnaire intended to elicit from the respondent?
  • Further, had he won, he intended to use the 200 000 leva prize money to endow a church and scholarships for gifted children.
  • In Profile is intended as a final presentation this year to celebrate 10 years of survival.
  • Blackened and degraded by centuries of dust and dirt, they emerged in a remarkable state of preservation that gives an excellent idea of their intended flamboyance.
  • Outside of the cities the monarch, whose private fortune was identical with the state finances, possessed immense domains managed by intendants and supporting a population of serf-colonists. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Obamacare Constitutional?
  • The attempt was well intended, but before he could clamber on board he was wet to the waist. THE MEAT
  • Check section towards defying a superintendence, obstructing state agency functionary ipso jure functus officio of, from communal security's institution being by law.
  • Such words as peltast, androgyn, and exultant are substitutions of this kind, and are intended to be suggestive rather than definitive. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • Serving as an admonition to all ladies and gentlewomen, not to mock or scorne gentlemen-Schollers, when they make meanes of love to them: Except they intend to seeke their owne shame, by disgracing them The Decameron
  • The medical superintendent of a hospital had to be a duly qualified medical practitioner of five years' standing.
  • Any approach that intends to resolve fear will have to help bring about change in the subconscious mind. POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
  • In my opinion, it was not intended that the provincial court judge strictly apply the rules of evidence.
  • Ponds on a split level I intend to start building two ponds in my garden.
  • Until last year, the port's wharfs were only intended to accommodate bulk cargo which was not transported in containers.
  • The advice is not intended to be definitive and should be used for guidance only.
  • Metered rates did not happened but a rate increase occured which had the same effect as intended all along which was to increase revenue and remain a monopoly in ever which way except in name, in a so called liberalized telecom sector. Barbados Underground
  • Judicial rules, promulgated prior to such statute and which were more favorable to the interests of remaindermen, can be relied upon by the latter only insofar as said rules were intended to operate retroactively; for the decedent, in whose estate the remaindermen had an interest, died even before such court rules were established. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • This model was intended to enhance the practical skills and productivity of predominantly rural populations.
  • It is perfectly justifiable for him to seek redress - and he intends to do so with vigour. Times, Sunday Times
  • To create a canon of sacred writings is to create a collection which will be in some sense normative for the community for which it is intended.
  • The researchers intend to monitor the progress of cases through the various legal stages.
  • She had ambition; she didn't intend to end her career as a brigadier in Hollands Midden. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • As soon as they were out of my house, I intended for them to disappear from the face of the planet.
  • I intend no modification of my hope...expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free. 
  • The intendment, I say, of the apostle, in that exceptive plea he puts in, “Nevertheless,” is evidently to exempt some from the state of falling away, which might be argued against them from the defection of others. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • It is intended to foster greater appreciation of the complex and contentious issues associated with research in this and other controversial areas.
  • Some of these arias were written in a virtuoso style, with rich vocal lines and complex instrumental accompaniment; others were cantabile, meaning simpler in style and intended mainly to highlight the feelings or thoughts of a character, with little ornamentation and the instrumentation kept in the background. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Such disavowals always remind me of Henry Kissinger's line that when a state denies it intends to take a course of action, it is signalling to others that it has the capacity to take such action if it wishes.
  • Yet I know that many poets see a double-space as a framing device for how the work looks on the page, with no significance intended for how the poem sounds when read aloud or when vocalized internally. Sheryda Warrener reads Karen Solie
  • A party intending to rely on documentary evidence in proceedings under the Children Act must disclose this in advance.
  • Red lips for the party just mean you intend to enjoy the party properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Counterconditioning: Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response.
  • Bilge pumps in recreational boats are only intended to remove normal accumulations of bilge water and sea spray.
  • I think the present she sent you was intended as a peace offering.
  • I will not offer any criticism of the sentiments or idiom of this stanza, for what irked me was the word ‘flippertigibbets,’ which seemed an unnecessary orthographical variation intended only to catch attention it did not deserve.
  • He was stopped at the airport by an assistant superintendent of police.
  • Congress, of course, never intended to suspend $ 50 million dams to prolong the dubious existence of obscure fish.
  • This money is intended for the development of the tourist industry.
  • In other words, the name "governmentalism," while intended as a word of opprobrium for socialism, really indicates the amazing misconception which the critics have of the nation itself, and of the relation of the nation's life to its self-direction. The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
  • The majority was still not ready to abandon the belief that humankind was intended to dominate the earth.
  • I fully intended to pay for the damage.
  • I tend to like circuits, a circular walk that ends up back at the car, but the principles are the same if you like a series that starts at A and finishes at B, intend to geocache by car or by foot.
  • Excavation units also need to be "backfilled" at the end of the season, even ones we intend to work in again. Interactive Dig Waka' - Session 4
  • I suspect most people trying this out are not 14 year old girls (no malignment intended to any 14 year old girls). AlertThingy, The FriendFeed Desktop Application, Launches
  • Strauss devised his music for Enoch Arden to strengthen his Munich position with Ernst von Possart, intendant of the Court Theatre.
  • Many modern owners see the coloration as tarnish and clean the surface, but it was probably intended to imitate the Japanese dark-colored alloys shibuichi and shakudo.
  • Netbooks are commonly referred to as ultralow-cost PCs ULCPCs and were originally intended for students and other first-time PC customers in emerging markets. Microsoft Extends Windows Offering to Nettop Devices
  • He didn't intend any sarcasm.
  • Out of these, when properly pounded together, Guapo intended to make the celebrated "barbasco," or fish-poison, which is used by all the Indians of South America in capturing fish. Popular Adventure Tales
  • Chief Superintendent John Lacy has now called for a crackdown on replica firearms and airguns.
  • Here they are displayed adjacently as Tintoretto must have intended: the rigid symmetry of the former painting makes clear that it was meant for a frontal view, while "Washing" demands to be seen from the side, where the perspective at once makes exquisite, coherent sense. The View From Venice
  • I do not intend ‘rational’, in this sense, but, rather, in the sense of its Latin root, ratio, meaning reason.
  • The comment was not intended for broadcast. Times, Sunday Times
  • I understand by your remark that you intend to leave the firm.
  • A sting operation arranged with Vatican police failed to catch the intended recipient. Times, Sunday Times
  • That belated discovery caused Sun to cancel the intended roll-out of the expected 514 model.
  • This program, which involves the participation of golf course superintendents as industry advisors, is the focus of this article.
  • It was then that we planned to break up the old sectionalizing, localizing, mischief-breeding, contiguous districts, and establish a genuine general superintendence, and general fund system, to pay all the Bishops an equal salary. Sketch of the Early History of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church with Jubilee Souvenir and an Appendix
  • The next chapter shifts focus to define the ‘morality’ of color, investigating practices like sumptuary legislation, intended to control wearing apparel and facilitate easy distinction of social classes in public places.
  • A tidy item that — sixty to seventy thousand dollars 'worth of mule flesh; and the superintendent, over the phone, orders the moving of the mule herd to another potrero away from the line of Federal driftage. Our Adventurers in Tampico
  • Most students who enroll in geology courses do not intend to become geologists.
  • The conservancy works in partnership with garden owners, both public and private, to ensure that these landscapes will continue to thrive as their original owners and garden designers intended.
  • I intend to spend my retirement travelling.
  • She jumps when the small explosive bursts, splitting the wood in half as intended, and Ted smiles, laughs, and then walks her through the process again.
  • These reforms were intended to free the common man to pursue business opportunities without the oppressive yoke of high interest rates or excessive rents.
  • From the paper Unless nearly two thirds of ordeal-o¢ ciating priests didn’t understand how to heat iron, the data clearly evidence priestly rigging intended to exculpate probands. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Trial By Ordeal
  • Unfortunately, this approach has the unintended potential consequence of increasing stock option overhang.

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