How To Use intelligibility In A Sentence
- It is this Burkean notion of rhetoric, which is necessitated by unintelligibility but activated by intelligibility, which animates the spaces of everyday life.
- It is enough if he has provided an account that makes plain the intelligibility of the notion of disembodied survival; the believer in an afterlife can then say, “If not in just this way, then in some other.” Afterlife
- The research results provide significant guidance and valuable reference for the measurement and prediction of speech intelligibility.
- He read it: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects. Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
- Poffibiy this t Lord faid, "That the houfe was not fenfe - lefs, but could judge of the intelligibility of the arti - cles: That many of them were abfurd and hetero - dox, and had no other efFeft than giving opportunity of intrant ei$ men who wotddfubfcfibg to any things* De - bat Es, p. 325. f-j: Mr.. — — obferved," That the articles O 4 were A Chinese Fragment: Containing an Enquiry Into the Present State of Religion in England. With ...
- In China, for example, state school classes are increasingly made up of kids who speak a wide diversity of languages at home Chinese ‘dialects’ can have less mutual intelligibility than Icelandic and Tirolean. Ten Things I Think I Know (Part 1) « Ken Wilson's Blog
- He read it: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects. Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
- Thus is the citizen beset by the vision of a terrifying Trinity - Unaccountability, Inaccessibility and Unintelligibility.
- There are few posts that plummet down to the infantile depths of the scale and few that stretch upwards towards unintelligibility.
- The few lunchtime conversations are dulled into unintelligibility by distance and the general air of lethargy.