How To Use Intelligence service In A Sentence

  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan - claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Top Stories - Google News
  • One targeted the intelligence service headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is led by Massoud Barzani, president of the semiautonomous northern Kurdish region. Bombs Kill 8 in Kurdish City
  • For seven years, he had been administrative director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, more popularly known as the mukhabarat — the secret police. No Tee Time for Zubaid
  • The stamps have been issued to mark the eightieth anniversary of Russia's counter - intelligence service.
  • The work of the intelligence services was crucially important to victory in the war.
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  • Funding for schools and intelligence services will also be left alone. The Sun
  • The nations of China and Russia, through their intelligence services and through their corporations, are attacking our research and development," said U.S. counterespionage chief Robert Bryant. China Singled Out for Cyberspying
  • The intelligence service is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.
  • To accomplish this, the author has relied on open and non-attributable sources, because most intelligence services refused to comment for the record.
  • Information gathered by the national criminal intelligence service reveals a growing use of crack cocaine in the Shire counties.
  • The intelligence services are also fond of saying that they foil one or two plots a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The work of the intelligence services was crucially important to victory in the war.
  • Perhaps the interrogator of the régime's Intelligence Service was right when he told us, last week when our lawyer's office was searched, that even if our mother comes back to us, "they" will never let us live in peace. Bernard-Henri Lévy: A Letter From Sakineh's Children
  • He works for the French intelligence service.
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • It is now clear that in many ways the intelligence services got it wrong; but their assessments included serious caveats, qualifications and cautions.
  • In some ways the need for legality hampers the intelligence services.
  • He works for the French intelligence service.
  • The work of the intelligence services was crucially important to victory in the war.
  • He was the head of the intelligence service until his fall from grace.
  • May 15th, 2008 9: 13 am ET. .but didn't the US government draft many an notorious and unappeased NAZI into our intelligence service after the war? Bush suggests Obama wants 'appeasement' of terrorists
  • Schwarz had an agent who would serve as the key intermediary for this operation: Trillium, the flower code for a reputed Zionist named Andor Gross, alias Andre György, a chatty and somewhat disreputable intriguer who over the years had been a freelance courier for both the Allied and Axis intelligence services in Istanbul. Wild Bill Donovan
  • He also said that the Iranian Intelligence Service provided him with the "proper equipment" to make the video that has been published on YouTube while still in the U.S. Omid Memarian: "Reading Amiri in Tehran"; Hero, Spy, or Kidnapped?
  • In a sense, the hardliners in the military and intelligence services are no different from a widow or widower who cannot accept the death of a spouse.
  • While the report is critical of the intelligence services, it clears the British Prime Minister of misleading the public over the case for war.
  • He is in fact Sir John Sawers, diplomat and spy, currently the British ambassador to the United Nations and soon to be the chief of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service.
  • Perhaps the most damning aspect of the Russian domestic security service -- that may actually lap over to the external intelligence service as well -- is the fact that on-duty security officers have regularly "moonlighted" for private commercial enterprises. The American Spectator
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan-claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Chicago news, weather, traffic - CBS 2 - WBBM
  • Because few things are more important than effective liaison and coordination between ours and our allies intelligence services.
  • The intelligence services are also fond of saying that they foil one or two plots a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The report would conclude that there was no evidence that the intelligence services were involved.
  • Arriving late at the headquarters of SIS -- the Secret Intelligence Service -- Howard had just told him about Newman's earlier visit. COVER STORY
  • If Panetta resigns in protest from the CIA, he could start telling the American people what an investigative witch-hunt would do to the ability of the intelligence services to defend this country. Republican calls Holder decision 'bulls**t'
  • The new head of the Canadian intelligence services recruits a notorious gang boss as a mole. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are biography and filmography profiles for Nicholas Lyndhurst and Clive Francis, and a short history of the MI5 counter-intelligence service.
  • But on the leader page, the paper lets the administration off the hook on this one, saying the information passed to the president was insufficient to tip him off about the attacks, and places the blame on the intelligence services.
  • The new head of the Canadian intelligence services recruits a notorious gang boss as a mole. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said the French foreign intelligence service and has maintained a close relationship, close attention to the training base of these movements of terrorist organizations.
  • The raid was more evidence that the dissident groups have been thoroughly penetrated by the intelligence services.
  • In the process, they helped create what Miss Bhutto called a "Frankenstein's monster"—of jihadist groups with sympathisers in the army and intelligence services.
  • There are biography and filmography profiles for Nicholas Lyndhurst and Clive Francis, and a short history of the MI5 counter-intelligence service.
  • The intelligence service is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens.
  • Our Intelligence Service was untrained, cumbersome, and almost wholly ineffectual.
  • He works for the French intelligence service.
  • It does not, as some people have tried to characterise it, extend the powers of the police, the Security Intelligence Service, or other Government agencies to intercept material.
  • The press release said the intelligence service also "located, intimidated and killed defectors and dissidents living abroad."
  • The daily newspaper for the Lorraine region in eastern France printed what it described as a confidential document from the French foreign intelligence service DGSE citing an uncorroborated report from Saudi secret services that the leader of the al-Qaida terror network had died… Reports of Bin Laden’s death are “unconfirmed” « raincoaster
  • AFP/Getty Images General Martin Dempsey Gen. Dempsey's challenges going forward include building and capitalizing on the gains Gen. Petraeus has achieved in Afghanistan; managing the insecurities and duplicities of Pakistan's military and intelligence services; extending, if possible, a meaningful U.S. military presence in Iraq; and confronting, if necessary, Iran's nuclear ambitions by force. A Fighting General
  • The second question is: How do we account for the terrible misestimations of our intelligence services?
  • 'We really would like to know where he is, but we simply don't have a clue, ' said a South Korean military attache, who added he felt he was left in the lurch by his own intelligence services.
  • He was the head of the intelligence service until his fall from grace.
  • And what they call liaison officers, that is intelligence officers, and friendly intelligence services. CNN Transcript Aug 24, 2006
  • My only direct dealing with the intelligence services was as a Minister of the Crown involved in a citizenship case.
  • The reality was that Saddam had a good deception program for elint and fooled not only the USA but all the major Intelligence services. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The intelligence services are also fond of saying that they foil one or two plots a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • Never mind that he seemed more like an innocent dupe entrapped by the intelligence services of Russia, Britain, and the U.S. The case against him has never been brought to trial, so we'll never know.
  • But we already have a national criminal intelligence service and a national crime squad.
  • We owe our intelligence services a huge debt of gratitude. The Sun
  • He laid most of the blame for Friday's violence on infiltrators from the National Intelligence Service.
  • How can the most technically advanced and financially backed Intelligence services in the world not know the truth?
  • I gave a speech to the nation that was cleared by the intelligence services.
  • He is in fact Sir John Sawers, diplomat and spy, currently the British ambassador to the United Nations and soon to be the chief of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service.
  • KGB agents had penetrated most of their intelligence services.
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • The intelligence service was criticised for not re-evaluating its assessments in the light of Mr Blix's reports.
  • All of this adds to recent speculation of increased posturing and counter-espionage ongoings between Israel and Hezbollah (along with the Lebanese intelligence services) involving the destruction of telecommunications towers in Southern Lebanon and the break-up of an Isreali spy ring earlier this year. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka Rebuffet: Weekly Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • Now if you wished to mend this problem, you would rather disestablish "personhood" for corporations and bust them into tiny peices, just like the intelligence services should be. Dividing America with Hate
  • The government will allocate a total of $1.3 billion over five years for police, anti-terrorism squads and security intelligence services.
  • But en route to Dubai, Pooh Bear had discovered from a friend in the Intelligence Service that only a day before, his father had abruptly disappeared. THE 5 GREATEST WARRIORS
  • Chinese intelligence services have also been known to exploit vulnerabilities such as sexual relationships and illegal activities to pressurise individuals to co-operate with them.
  • Mr Hague is responsible for the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6 and GCHQ, which is the electronic "listening" agency. BBC News - Home
  • He works for the French intelligence service.
  • The Jordanian and American intelligence services offered me millions of dollars to work with them and spy on mujahadeen here," he said.
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan _ claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community
  • Mortgage intelligence service Moneyfacts says there were 35 self-build lenders in pre-credit-crunch early 2007, and 21 today, a modest fall compared with some other niche mortgage sectors. Self-build homes face a new set of obstacles
  • Mr. Gülen's followers say the real conspirators are instead members of the so-called Deep State — what they call a demented, multitentacled secret alliance of high-level figures in the military, the intelligence services, the judiciary and organized crime. A Nation of Conspiracies
  • In a sense, the hardliners in the military and intelligence services are no different from a widow or widower who cannot accept the death of a spouse.
  • What a grotesque and ridiculous insult to our intelligence services. The Sun
  • In a special message to the government in Harare, two special UN rapporteurs asked the authorities to answer allegations that police and the intelligence service had drawn up a death list.
  • Ramon Isidro Madriz Moreno, known as Amin, a key officer in Venezuela's intelligence service known as SEBIN, was also added to the list. U.S. Sanctions Venezuela Officials, Citing Drug Ties
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • The Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, has reported one of its own officers to the attorney general over allegations of complicity in torture, the foreign secretary revealed today.
  • The Taliban emerged "victorious" with help, it is believed, from Pakistan and its Intelligence Service, the ISI. Eleanor Smeal: Why Is the Feminist Majority Foundation Refusing to Abandon the Women and Girls of Afghanistan?
  • The US assessment may turn out to be over-optimistic, given the Taliban's ability in the past to mount surprise attacks, the corruption in the Afghanistan government, the shakiness of Afghan army and police forces, and the double-games played by the Pakistan intelligence services. Afghanistan withdrawal: Barack Obama says 33,000 troops will leave next year
  • Internal intelligence collection should go fulltime to the police, who with minor augmentation can operate a fully fledged intelligence service with appropriate funding.
  • I found myself in roughly equal measure deeply impressed by his insights into the interconnections between key figures and events across the region, and frustrated by his paranoia about continental western Europe (the "Euroids") and the British intelligence services (though if even a quarter of what he alleges is true, there are some very serious questions to answer, for instance about the Macedonian arms plot of 1993). Extracts from Doctor Who and the Dæmons: what the Master thinks of the Doctor
  • The process, completed at the beginning of February 1990, found 4,944 out of 15,312 personnel acceptable for re-employment in the new intelligence service.
  • What a grotesque and ridiculous insult to our intelligence services. The Sun
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • According to media reports, New Zealand intelligence services obtained concrete evidence that they were Mossad agents by bugging their phones.
  • They and the young woman in Clermont-Ferrand “were the only connections I had with which to begin organizing my intelligence service,” he later recalled. Wild Bill Donovan
  • The new head of the Canadian intelligence services recruits a notorious gang boss as a mole. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intelligence services have already been heavily criticised for failing to act on a series of clues that might have led them to the hijackers.
  • Our Intelligence Service was untrained, cumbersome, and almost wholly ineffectual.
  • The stamps have been issued to mark the eightieth anniversary of Russia's counter - intelligence service.
  • He is in fact Sir John Sawers, diplomat and spy, currently the British ambassador to the United Nations and soon to be the chief of MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service.
  • It has brought insistent demands for a further enquiry about the intelligence services and weapons of mass destruction.
  • They warned that commercially available encryption software would be easily overcome by intelligence services.
  • And acrimonious it is. The chief of Pakistan's top intelligence service is, for example, reported to have told lawmakers that "America is an unreliable ally," presumably in sharp contrast with China.
  • Perhaps the interrogator of the régime's Intelligence Service was right when he told us, last week when our lawyer's office was searched, that even if our mother comes back to us, "they" will never let us live in peace. Bernard-Henri Lévy: A Letter From Sakineh's Children
  • At one point U.S. military and intelligence services had 17 spy planes over Escobar's home city of Medellin.
  • Elsewhere, there are increased reports of factions of the Pakistani military and Intelligence Service harrassing American officials in Pakistan, suggesting a growing anti-American sentiment within the security community and resistance to the growing American influence and presence in the country. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka Rebuffet: Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • A larger foreign intelligence service is necessary to deal with the glut of digital information used by MI6 to identify agents and threats. Times, Sunday Times
  • But not a shred of evidence has ever been produced to suggest, for example, that our intelligence service is not under the control of the government.
  • Her earnest belief in devotion to duty and her command of French bring her an offer to join the intelligence service.
  • In that capacity, he also held the Secret Vote - the unannounced appropriations for the secret intelligence services.
  • Those nations currently devising statutory charters and legislative oversight of their foreign intelligence services might do well to include an independent judiciary in their blueprints.
  • In Pakistan alone, factions of the Army, the Intelligence Service, the Judiciary and the opposition seem to be working disconnected from the central government. Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka Rebuffet: Weekly Foreign Affairs Roundup
  • Information gathered by the national criminal intelligence service reveals a growing use of crack cocaine in the Shire counties.
  • U.S. intelligence put out the word that America regards an attack on London as tantamount to an attack on the United States, which means that foreign intelligence services that cooperate will be rewarded just the way they were after 9/11: with large sums of cash and "intelligence sharing," i.e., access to spy-in-the-sky electronic intercepts. Terror at Rush Hour
  • In 1996, a foreign security service tells us, that bin Laden met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official in Khartoum, and later met the director of the Iraqi intelligence service.
  • The work of the intelligence services was crucially important to victory in the war.
  • The country needs a strong intelligence service to counter espionage and foreign extremists.
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in neighboring Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan. Top Stories - Google News
  • At that time, the intelligence services used cover organizations to ask him to write about China.
  • Letters in which the Olympic Integrated Security Unit and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) refuse to refrain from using Agents Provocateur or to assume the leadership of activist organizations, following a request from the B.C. Civil Liberties Association to foreswear the tactics. Vancouver 2010 and Civil Liberties : Law is Cool
  • The move follows similar recruitment drives by MI5, the domestic intelligence service.
  • Smiley, the spy master charged with sussing out the mole at the highest levels of the British Secret Intelligence Service during the Cold War, was practically immortalized by actor Alec Guinness in the 1979 BBC television series. For 'Tinker' Update, Actor Oldman Found Clues to Playing Spy Master

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