How To Use Intellection In A Sentence
The process of intellect we name by terms denoting activity, such as intellection, thinking, the _stream of thought_, and the latter describes it most truly.
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Mainly discussed on the designing of modules, the smoke exhausting system, temperature examining system, etc. The experimental model has the characters of agility and intellection.
Waltzing along the delicate border between intellection and intuition, Kingsley has created a volume that is more than a long string of words and more than a great story rife with fascinating ideas.
Arthur Rosenfeld: Deepen The Spirit Of The Holidays
The Beings, yes, but they are to us manifold and differentiated: the First we make a simplex; to us Intellection begins with the emanant in its seeking of its essence, of itself, of its author; bent inward for this vision and having a present thing to know, there is every reason why it should be a principle of Intellection; but that which, never coming into being, has no prior but is ever what it is, how could that have motive to Intellection?
The Six Enneads.
According to the viewpoint of modern control theory, many advantages are provided in PID control, i. e. , the inherent robustness and intellection.

The instinct intellection and abstract intellection exist in the human_based controlling procedure, the instinct intellection is the main intellection.
’Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Those ascribing Intellection to the First have not supposed him to know the lesser, the emanant — though, indeed, some have thought it impossible that he should not know everything.
The Six Enneads.
Taoist masters, the great founders of ancient Chinese philosophy, teach that such reliance on intellection over intuition is a mistake.
Arthur Rosenfeld: Must Humans Go the Way of the Dinosaurs?
Intellectual-Principle — though, of course, there is another cause of intellection which is also a cause to Being, both rising in a source distinct from either.
The Six Enneads.
The intellection is the more profound for this internal possession of the object.
The Six Enneads.
Meaning the impressions on the senses are the material cause for intellection, the matter upon which the mental teeth chew.
January 9th, 2009
If then the Apollonian (rational) were to prevail, overwhelm the Dionysian (passionate) in the Homosphere, intellection could penetrate reality at large, a Cosmosphere in the making.
Mithen's book speaks to the assumptions behind a long-entrenched intellectual culture that has privileged intellection over artistic expression and the individual over the group.
'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study.
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
To the Romantic sensibility such a [dualist] universe could not be endured, and the central enterprise common to many post-Kantian German philosophers and poets, as well as to Coleridge and Wordsworth, was to join together the ‘subject 'and ‘object' that modern intellection had put asunder, and thus to revivify a dead nature, restore its concreteness, significance, and human values, and re-domiciliate man in a world which had become alien to him.
Byron and Romantic Occidentalism
a rapid sort of first "intellection," an error that made all departments of education so trivial, assumptive and dogmatic for centuries before Comenius, Basedow and Pestalozzi, has been banished everywhere save from moral and religious training, where it still persists in full force.
Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
In addition, Leibniz's theory of monadic perception — a psychology of ontological substance — provided the philosophical rationale for placing sensation, intellection, and feeling on a continuum, so that perception, or feeling, might be regarded as a "confused" form of thinking, yet remain clear in its effect.
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Sauce: 2 tablespoons rice acetum 2 tablespoons mirin Tablespoon soy sauce 2 cm structure flavorer, peeled and fine grated Salinity and shrub Intellection: 1.
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Nor therefore has it intellection which is a thing of the lower sphere where the first intellection, the only true, is identical with
The Six Enneads.
According to the viewpoint of modern control theory, many advantages are provided in PID control, i. e. , the inherent robustness, optimal contract characteristic and intellection.
’Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Any definition of intellection or perception, therefore, that splits them into two disparate parts, misunderstands the nature of knowledge and of reality.
Our assurance that twice two are four is a matter of pure intellection.
There are different kinds of intellection, and I think some of them are much more canny about tacit, implicit knowledge, than about scientific or explicit knowledge.
intellection" is whetted by the moral and ethical concerns, as well as the conceptual space.
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If then the Apollonian (rational) were to prevail, overwhelm the Dionysian (passionate) in the Homosphere, intellection could penetrate reality at large, a Cosmosphere in the making.
For the Frankfurt School critics, romantic and postromantic lyric dramatizes with special intensity modern aesthetic quasiconceptuality’s more general attempt to stretch conceptual thought proper; this special intensity arises from lyric’s constitutive need musically to stretch "objective" conceptual thought’s very medium, language — to stretch it quasiconceptually all the way towards affect and song, but without relinquishing any of the rigor of conceptual intellection. [
Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
Mask's interanimation of the material and the ideational, of grit and philosophically-oriented intellection -- results in stanzas notably more literary and poetic than Wolfenstein's.
Kaufman, Notes- _Reading Shelley's Interventionist Poetry, 1819-1820_ - Romantic Circles Praxis Series
Writing was the great discovery, her process of intellection, the frontier.
'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study.
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
How, otherwise, is intellection possible if I can jointly believe that humans were once apes, but then again weren't?