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How To Use Integrated In A Sentence

  • Ireland we say 'aitch' that is the Presbyterians do - for some reason which escapes me Catholics say 'haitch' - another argument for integrated education. Behind the scenes at the UK's highest court
  • This is a well-made wine that delivers sweet red and black fruits harmoniously integrated with ripe tannins and soft acidity.
  • Administration. Quality assurance must be integrated into local health care management functions. 3.
  • And I won't venture a guess as to how many customers will be as thrilled about the integrated air ionizer as to prefer this model to others…
  • The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
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  • The Mughal empire had disintegrated and was being replaced by a variety of regional states.
  • The IDE will have integrated tools including a debugger, calculator, binary editor, and disassembler. FAQ: The x86 Assembly Language FAQ by Raymond Moon (Part II)
  • It protects the drive against shock from mishandling, increasing the robustness of the devices into which it's integrated.
  • There is, he said, a lack of an integrated national transport policy.
  • Taking local document data source as an example, a kind of simple and effective method for creating catalog database in ILAS (Integrated Library Automation System) is introduced in this paper.
  • Planned developments in Integrated Production Policy will mean that tools such as eco-labelling and environmental management systems will be driving forces for companies in every sector of the economy.
  • the monistic school would regard national law and international law as an integrated whole
  • Throughout the book, theoretical concepts and experimental evidence are integrated.
  • Songs can be transferred to the handset using a USB connection or the phone's integrated Bluetooth link.
  • Further, interphase nuclei appeared disintegrated and some mitotic figures were clumped together.
  • From these values the integrated irradiance values are obtained for the desired time interval.
  • Hence the prospect of an energy related and integrated physical geography including geomorphological processes may not be too far beyond the horizon.
  • From there, demands for commissions came his way, and he has built everything from meditation treehouses in Hungary and outside Rome, to his most recent project: a treehouse on the river Spree for a client in Berlin, integrated into a weeping willow, that is for "meeting friends, writing and pleasure," he says. Closer to the Stars
  • These new features include a touch-screen control panel, integrated camera control and an ergonomic foot pedal. †™ s first multi-color photocoagulator paired with a photodisruptor to offer the complete treatment solution for the retina practice. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • Aiming at the problem of testing parametric fault in analog integrated circuits, an approach based on power spectrum correlation analysis for diagnosing parametric faults is presented.
  • An indigenized cultural pattern is integrated into the artistic repertoire of the host society, and, as a consequence, it is not felt to be ‘alien’ anymore.
  • Alongside, the Trust began an Integrated Community-Based Rehabilitation Project that involved setting up swasthya samitis in villages in coordination with local panchayats.
  • Integrated graphical viewer for visual inspection of the layouts.
  • The integrated hydrolytic acidification - biological aerobic filter was used to treat oil - refining wastewater.
  • It has over six million points of interest for the US and Canada integrated into the software and there is a 7-inch touchscreen with a 800x480 resolution, which motorizes out of the way to show a CD and DVD drive. MacNN | The Macintosh News Network
  • At the back of the house, the kitchen is well-equipped with floor and eye level units, as well as an integrated fridge-freezer, gas hob and electric oven.
  • Had the acetate been used, the imposition of the poems directly over the images of the subjects 'faces would have integrated word and image but would have resulted in considerable obscuration of both the text and the faces. Gerard Malanga's Journey From Andy Warhol's Stage Dancer To Factory Poet
  • The county has a political structure that has pushed for integrated housing and public facilities.
  • The integrated circuit further includes an adhesive formed over the insulator.
  • Dodd designed a factory with an integrated mill in which bushels of durum could be turned into pasta under one roof.
  • Consequently, micro manipulating robot, integrated by both micro positioning technology and robot technology, will play vital role in the future.
  • Application - Specific Integrated Circuit. A piece of - designed hardware in a chip.
  • The “market” for integrated high-end dining is virtually non-existent. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Activist Government” and the Rights of Minorities
  • He integrated all their activities into one program.
  • However, one should note that Kahneman and Henik's dual displays consisted of an integrated display (a color word printed in a conflicting color) and a redundant uncolored display.
  • He thinks we are living in a fully integrated, supportive society.
  • The Orissa will get a fund of Rs 140 crore from the World Bank under the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) project. Orissa to get Rs 140 crore under Integrated Coastal Zone Management project
  • The department has successfully integrated new ideas into the traditional course structure.
  • All in all the Magnum features integrated aerodynamics, the engine with high torque from low revs, with good fuel consumption.
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.
  • The ease of using Mathematica is the result of 20 years of careful, integrated design and implementation of things like symbolics, numerics, graphics, and dynamic behavior. Wolfram Blog : Always the Right Time for Mathematica…
  • Might that be no more than a coded way of drawing attention to an ability to accept compromise, an omnivorousness, and a variety of output that makes his oeuvre - in the language of the motor industry - somehow unintegrated?
  • The string playing was sinewy, and tonally integrated, a lovely sound which would not disgrace a professional orchestra; particularly pleasing, bearing in mind that this one includes even first year students.
  • User representatives in international accounting develop integrated international financial and accounting systems for the banking transactions of multinational organizations.
  • At the rear, the taillight clusters are stacked vertically, positioned high out of harm's way, and a high-level brake light is integrated into the roofline above the two rear doors.
  • Both have a number of integrated appliances including oven, hob, extractor fan, fridge-freezer, dishwasher and microwave.
  • The principal shortcoming of the existing communications infrastructure lies in its inability to provide integrated voice, data, and video services.
  • The Ottoman Empire disintegrated into lots of small states.
  • Professional football and basketball, which had also been racially segregated, integrated at the same time as baseball.
  • The integrated density of a background box was subtracted from that of a box encompassing each sample.
  • An integrated - circuit transformer differential relay including secondary and fifth harmonics suppressor is designed.
  • There's also integrated Bluetooth, which can be used to connect to other Zodiacs for shared whiteboard applications, messaging, and wireless multiplayer gaming.
  • Then combined pipe-line theory, the accumulator's integrated mathematical model with incurvate and strange diameter series connection pipeline is built.
  • 'dilapidation' and a huge unintegrated pool of Muslim immigrants. Peaktalk v2
  • The dicotyledonous annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana is widely used as a model organism to study how these different signals are integrated into a developmental response.
  • AD590 is an amperometric integrated thermometric sensor, being with better linearity, stability and reliability.
  • When the soft top is up, there is a feeling of good quality, thanks to a fabric inner liner that also helps reduce noise intrusion, and the rear window is glass with an integrated demister. - Stuff
  • In such a system, attention is focused generally on the outliers who have poor results, with (in most cases) neither integrated analysis of the root cause nor any attempt to determine the processes of care that result in worse outcomes.
  • He was a lawyer who had disintegrated under the strain.
  • This process employs potassium carbonate as an absolvent and can be uniquely integrated with the power plant steam cycle by using the waste steam or low-quality steam from the power plant. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • Based on the integrated total cost of both buyer and supplier, a lot-splitting model with cooperative game in a simple single buyer, single supplier, single product scenario is developed.
  • A third such operation offshore Indonesia, further confirm the value of integrated bottomhole assemblies. Schlumberger Limited CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha
  • The lower primary pupils are well integrated into the life of the school.
  • Design and food will hopefully continue to become more tightly integrated in a productive relationship, influencing each other in fundamental and polyphasic ways. Patricia Brizzio: Food for Thought: Can Design In Food Reach New Potentials?
  • I mean, what other egg dish requires the use of its own little throne, giving me the occasion and joy of whipping out my designer egg cup, complete with matching spoon and integrated salt dispenser?
  • In his integrated household each of the six component parts helps the others: the fire pit, solar energy roof, greenhouse, livestock shed, biogas pool and a bathroom.
  • wrote favorably about the A-50T integrated amplifier from the Chinese company Cayin Audio. Stereophile RSS Feed
  • The AA300 Series integrated load center lets users tailor protection against harmful voltage transients.
  • Nickel is one of the most important metallic impurity in very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI). It affects seriously the VLSI properties.
  • A more integrated theory of design and analysis has been established for the sake of developing the condensing lens type large aperture Frensnel lens.
  • However, car manufacturer Toyota has weighed in saying those other terms infringe on their right to use "Integrated Electric Drive" for their Prius hybrid electric car. Jim Lichtman: Liars, Cheats May Suffer 'Ethics Disorder'
  • The vistas of fir forests, islands and lakes disintegrated into an outer London suburb and a mundane wife called Letitia.
  • KeyColor integrated color control apps are designed to deliver consistent color, speed makeready and significantly reduced waste. Undefined
  • Western culture is based on an idea of an integrated, coherent, solid-state self and on the related idea that we are all equally morally responsible.
  • An integrated map of all 21 chromosomes based on 436 deletion lines was constructed.
  • In theoretical study of population, resources and environment, economic process should be integrated with because as the center, it connects with the other three aspects.
  • The Oracle Bone Inscriptions is a kind of antiquity and beautiful character, an integrated symbol, and an unique graphic symbol.
  • This research effort eventually spawns new transmission technologies such as Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Digital Subscriber Line We Blog A Lot
  • In this almost totally integrated work, Monteverdi included five vesper psalm settings along with solo motets which he used as substitutes for the antiphons which would normally have been chanted between the psalms.
  • Find out the lateral and vertical velocity change principle through integrated analysis of the interval velocity data in this area.
  • Computer chips are integrated circuits called microprocessors built up from transistors and other components.
  • I think it is possible that the State could develop integrated schools with other faiths in future.
  • Catalytic converters are being mounted closer to the engines to improve their performance and exhaust manifolds are being integrated into cylinder heads.
  • Integrated Unit is not the low status Changsheng profit human resources, management , service vehicles.
  • A better integrated transport system would mean faster and better links with other parts of the country.
  • The result is an extended organization — an integrated value chain — known as a keiretsu. Managing Strategic Relationships
  • Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play.
  • In theoretical study of population, resources and environment, economic process should be integrated with because as the center, it connects with the other three aspects.
  • By the mid 18th century it was much more common for door furniture to be integrated with an interior design with ornament matching overmantels and cabinets.
  • LotusLive Connections: This is an integrated suite of web collaboration services that provides the following; activity management, online chat services, and file management.
  • This mid-price system has an integrated amplifier/DVD player.
  • It has also been understood for some time that the functions of these and several other primary reflex centers are integrated in the mesencephalon, that is, the grey matter, grouped in several nuclei, which is located below the hemispheres of the cerebrum, in immediate proximity to the hypophysis, which exercises a regulating influence on a great many vegetative functions. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1949 - Presentation Speech
  • We talked to some authorities here, and they say it just -- "disintegrated" was the word they used, that mobile home community, where as many as eight people have perished as a result. CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2006
  • And there is Kosha, tie-and-dye with Gujarati work and thread work integrated in the weave. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • I/C Integrated Circuit An electronic circuit on a single chip.
  • Under the pressure that comes with a major final Boswell's chest-on, round-arm action disintegrated and Somerset cruised to victory.
  • It is an invidious position: we are part of the European Union and are integrated at many levels, except the crucial financial one.
  • Instead they found a circular patch of badly charred and flattened trees 60 kilometres across, formed by the airburst as the rock disintegrated explosively due to the huge stresses caused by entry into the atmosphere.
  • The electric power deregulation has led electric power enterprises very difficult to do integrated resources planning(IRP) because generation, transmission and distribution were to be unbundled.
  • Either way, people have done it, and if you want to, you can completely fishify your water closet with integrated fish tanks in your sink, bathtub, and toilet. OhGizmo!
  • A perl programming integrated development environment for the development of users accustomed to VS.
  • But Keighley Town Council has integrated the parade into its umbrella of activities from today until Sunday.
  • The philosophy underpinning integrated healthcare places considerable emphasis on empowerment and self-help.
  • Automatic gain control(AGC)and automatic frequency control(AFC)were also integrated into the chip.
  • On the other hand, of course, partly because of traditional problems, partly because of new problems since the fall of the Soviet Union, a great many families have disintegrated.
  • Day is a leading provider of integrated content, portal and digital asset management software.
  • Students designed small luminaires that were integrated into a larger-scale installation called ‘LiteBEAM,’ a repetitive, luminous, suspended ceiling system.
  • However, even disintegrated mud brick can help to assess rebuilding phases in Penivian villages or Near Eastern tells.
  • For those anticipating a handsome Christmas bonus, the Mission Mtime integrated home theater system is an elegant starter kit.
  • Integrated videoconferencing will be the next big service. Computing
  • Present immigrants would stay and gradually acquire citizenship once fully integrated.
  • She is a professional producer of guest - room light, integrated design, development, produce, sale duty as one.
  • The committee integrated some of the suggestions into its plan.
  • These two quantities, standard error and bias, are integrated by the measure of root mean-square error.
  • This is a semiconductor integrated circuit.
  • The signals were amplified, rectified, and integrated on a moving-time-average basis, with a time constant of 100 milliseconds.
  • IEEE Institute of electrical and electronics engineers IEPC ISDN exchange power controller IF Intermediate frequency IFAC Integrated digital carrier unit facility IFRB International frecuency registration board IFRPS Intercity facility relief planning system IFS (switzerland) integrated telecom service IGS Idenitfy graphic subrepertoire (teletex) Tricks of the Trade Issue #6 by Hype (Christmas Edition)
  • The video and disk controllers and network interfaces have been integrated directly on to the motherboard.
  • Our goal is to promote, conduct, and lead integrated multidisciplinary astrobiology research and to train a new generation of astrobiology researchers.
  • The two companies will form an integrated project management team, sharing risks and rewards but not revenue or regulatory risks.
  • The two main alternatives for methyl bromide in pesticides are ‘integrated commodity management’ and fumigation, which uses phosphine and carbon dioxide to kill the pests.
  • It is not that they can not be well integrated even when career opportunities are quite different for them.
  • The rock here is all red granite, and some of it disintegrated, which is used for ballast. Canada and the States
  • As an important component of the urban communication network, the ur ban external communication plays an important role in urban integrated planning.
  • The irregular rebel army is the racially and sexually integrated volunteer force of the post-Vietnam era.
  • Motorists have to navigate between potholes when using either routes and the surface of the roadway has disintegrated in places.
  • There is plenty of room for parking along a semi-circular gravel driveway, as well as in an integrated single garage with an up-and-over door.
  • An integrated circuit contains a planar first transistor and a diode.
  • For those who would like to croscill chambord toilet bowl brush a bidet, these homework facilities have integrated developed to feel surrounded on a stunning toilet. Wii-volution
  • Objective:To study the effect and mechanism of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine on prevention and treatment to rejective reaction of renal transplantation.
  • Even the worst war criminals involved in the present conflict know that their countries will eventually want to emerge from isolation and be reintegrated into the international community.
  • Meanwhile, traditional Range Rover cues are transmuted into styling gold: The blacked-out rocker panels and lower bumper clips, the clamshell hood with a cutline running from the narrow LED headlamps to a pectoral hood vent, the integrated front and rear treadplates, the integrated running boards, the defined wheel arches. Evoque: A Range Rover for a Smaller Era
  • It enabled us to confidently determine that we can be of most value to advertisers and publishers by offering a tailored solution that meets more specialized needs. as a standalone beta called Gatineau in October 2007, and then was integrated into the adCenter website. LiveSide - Windows Live news and interviews
  • We anticipate that our integrated clinical practice course will encourage students to adopt a more holistic approach.
  • This creates additional advantages: cable duct systems can be integrated and heat sources can be contacted directly with the machine bed, in order to render active climate control unnecessary.
  • Twin exhaust pipes are integrated into the rear bumper.
  • Air operations were designedly part of an integrated, joint military campaign, rather than a free-standing enterprise.
  • But we need to look how these specific rules are integrated into the system as a whole.
  • One of the most important qualities of symbolism within this novel, is the way in which it is so fully integrated into the plot and structure.
  • The integrated nature of the bottomhole assembly demonstrates how optimization can impact the high-cost deepwater drilling environment. Schlumberger Announces Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2010 Results - Yahoo! Finance
  • In order to construct an integrated theory of linguistic competence, it is essential to discover the logical ordering of components or levels.
  • For added difficulty, we have to assume that our target users (climate scientists) are programming in Fortran, and are not using integrated programming environments. Social Network Analysis Tools for Computational Science | Serendipity
  • A degree of short-term separateness and colour-consciousness is needed to achieve the long-term goal of an integrated and colour-blind society.
  • If it is integrated into the Co-op, members will still receive cash rewards through the popular 'divi'. This is Money | Home
  • Complex, highly integrated colonies, such as siphonophores, display a well defined colony shape with determinate growth.
  • He is a physicist with interests in opto-electronics, lasers, fibre optics, semiconductors and integrated circuits.
  • In racially and ethnically integrated schools, it is far too common to have interracial and interethnic conflicts between and among students.
  • These signs (with a diameter of 150 mm) are placed every 100m integrated in the hectometre posts.
  • Functions provide the time, date, and 12 hour chronograph, which is well integrated here with a tri-compax subdial array. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Colourful illustrations are integrated into the text.
  • It was deployed in January 1975, and integrated with the weapons arsenal in December 1975.
  • According to the circumstance of the act, utilitarianism and deontology can be integrated together in two modes, thus two frameworks for moral decision-making can be formed.
  • These difficulties were exacerbated by the almost complete absence of indigenous, vertically-integrated companies.
  • Robertson emphasizes that future work should also look to ways that the direct retraining and specific skills approaches can be integrated.
  • The Official Phreaker's Manual COMMON CHANNEL INTEROFFICE SIGNALING (CCIS): A digital technology used by AT&T to enhance their Integrated Services Digital Network. The Official Phreaker's Manual Version 1.1 by The Jammer and Jack the Ripper
  • It has further been shown that the propagating distance of the deformation front depends on the brittle integrated strength and buoyancy force of the overriding plate, as well as the amount of migration of the trench.
  • It is difficult, too, to see how such an approach could be happily integrated into a balanced curriculum.
  • The Coupé and Convertible carry a new rear valance which communicates a tasteful sporting charm through its integrated rear diffusor and two distinctive double-ended exhaust pipes, a little like the stern of powerful luxury yachts. Top Speed
  • The last time The Chronicle published an extra was Feb. 1, 2003, when the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated over East Texas.
  • All the diverse sciences , technologies, and schools of theurgies are inconstant Dao that create integrated matters.
  • Die is a term that describes an unpackaged piece of silicon that contains an integrated circuit.
  • There is also a number of integrated Miele appliances, including a gas and electric hob, deep fat fryer, oven, microwave and fridge-freezer.
  • [1] As the cells in the three regions begin to keratinize and harden, they are integrated into the dead (keratinized) portion of the hair fiber; new hair cells in the hair bulb region push the dead shaft upwards towards the skin's surface. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The power shower-approved products feature a patented system of magnets along their full-length hinges, and are fitted with integrated deflectors and a barrier bar at the base to prevent water from escaping.
  • Each apartment has gas-fired central heating, a full range of integrated appliances, low voltage downlights and uplighters and hardwood doors.
  • The CPC electronic packaging materials have the best integrated properties when annealed under the temperate.
  • Consequently, they may neglect the child's need to develop a balanced racial identity and thereby a well-integrated personality.
  • The search for strike weapons goes on – Tommaso Benvenuti, an exciting young centre, needs to be integrated, and Sergio Parisse needs to be cryogenically frozen for eternity, defrosted only on match-days. Italy 16-24 Wales | Six Nations 2011 match report
  • Establishing a system of controlling agricultural stereoscopic pollution on the ecological Chongming Island by integrated innovation.
  • It took my mum to point out that Botox is now fully integrated into polite society.
  • All four colleges provided training for secondary school teachers on integrated academic curricula.
  • For example, the degree in Microelectronics requires emphasis on integrated circuit design(Sentencedict), integrated circuit fabrication and systems applications.
  • You would see certain kinds of services that would be an integrated aspect of that user interface.
  • The sort of integrated circuit being used was a pale shadow of the microprocessors that are manufactured today.
  • Most of the work going on globally in integrated polymer components is in the areas of switches, attenuators, filters, modulators, lasers, and amplifiers.
  • But it is time to realise that we do not have a choice between political co-operation and integrated schools in the long term.
  • The annual power demands of a region are forecasted, analyzed and compared with those forecasted by the integrated forecast model based on "optimization of direct search".
  • Electrical appliances include an oven and hob, and an integrated fridge/freezer and dish washer.
  • This consortium will concentrate on establishing an integrated urban and regional infrastructure data base for London and the South East.
  • And, we have a common commitment to deliver integrated solutions, open systems and architecture, and the broadest portfolio of products and services.
  • Current integrated circuits, or computer chips, contain about 100 million transistors each.
  • Twenty-five years on, the Kinana Sugar Company boasts of being the world's largest integrated producer of white sugar.
  • It was rotten and decayed and completely disintegrated on impact.
  • There is off-street parking both in the integrated garage and along a driveway to the side of the house.
  • As it happens, I was pleased to find that CHAOS had a particular feature I'd independently come up with for my own IRIDIUM protocol design: it supports both connection-oriented and connectionless communication, but unlike IP's distinction between TCP and UDP, the two are integrated. Snell-Pym » CHAOS and IRIDIUM
  • culturally integrated
  • The waltzes, polkas, reels, and dumkas (the dumka is a ballad-form, in which elegiac and fast tempi alternate) of his native Bohemia were successfully integrated into classical structures.
  • Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy.
  • The simplest integrated circuit consists of three layers, one of which is made of semiconductor material.
  • The silicon-organic-hybrid device and its breakthrough properties were presented for the first time as a postdeadline contribution at a meeting of the optical telecom industry last spring and at several other scientific conferences, and Biaggio's group published an article titled "A High-optical Quality Supramolecular Assembly for Third-order Integrated Nonlinear Optics" in the October 2008 issue of Advanced Materials. - latest science and technology news stories
  • A child of the civil rights movement, she attended integrated schools and sends her son to one of Atlanta's tony private academies.
  • There were no signals received from locator beacons attached to the helicopter and its crew, suggesting it disintegrated almost immediately.
  • 2D is all that is needed because a barograph is also required, but not needed to be integrated.
  • The Sikh gurdwaras were the centres of free thought and the integrated religio-political Sikh activities.
  • He was a lawyer who had disintegrated under the strain.
  • You would need around 500++ million to get a production vehicle of any kind to get to the USA market in a sufficient distribution and ongoing homologated and integrated supply chain and manufacturing. Tesla Asks Investors For Another $40 Million To Start Its Engines.
  • Bring soup to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for one hour or until peas have disintegrated.
  • The centre rear seat can also be folded down and turned into an armrest with two integrated cup holders.
  • The Web site of a top firm in this category boasts a consistent and intuitive layout with tightly integrated content and functionality, useful demos and extensive online help.
  • For every sequence to be integrated, we collected a number of homologous sequences that were sufficiently similar to enable a reliable alignment.

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