How To Use Integral In A Sentence
After weighing over the problem of translating "meaning", the author tries to show that the "meaning" of the original is conveyable, hence an integral notion of e...
Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways.
Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
Composition, balance, the skill of the draughtmanship, the function of the work and its emotive power are all integral.
Boycotts have played integral roles in reversing discrimination all over the world.
Zack de la Rocha: Why the Boycott of Arizona Continues
• Healthy fats to keep their cell walls integral but permeable -- such as omega-3 fats, and phosphatidylserine and phosphatidyl choline, available from foods and supplements
Alison Rose Levy: Fix Your Mood with Brain Food

Their conceptions of the battles between good and evil were almost identical, with Christianity adopting millennial epochs that were integral to Mithraism from Zoroastrianism .
Reputations aside, looking the part has certainly been integral to this almost episodic drama, at least as it's unfolded in the media.
Our notions of order and disorder stand in stark contrast to the dynamic artistry of the integral beauty of things as they are in nature.
Even gents' public toilets are organised so that conversation need not be interrupted by the proceedings; piddling in company seems an integral part of the male bonding experience.
Even the Super Bowl champs said goodbye to four integral players.
The cause of the disastrous slump in economic activity was bad policy rather than anything integral to the capitalist economy.
Times, Sunday Times
The switch circuit is composed of an emitter-coupled trigger circuit, an integral delay circuit and a monostable circuit.
The major advantage of flanged windows is that they are one integral unit that is easy for the contractor or homeowner to install plumb and square within a framed opening.
As a result, many major manufacturers are equipping their firearms with integral locking devices or including trigger locks with every firearm.
Au programme: une approche intégrale touchant tous les niveaux de l'être Corps, Coeur et Esprit, avec des outils comme la Respiration, le Yoga Kundalini, des outils intuitifs et créatifs, l'écoute du cœur, le questionnement du mental.
Archive 2009-02-15
An issuing bank should discourage any attempt by the applicant to include, as an integral part of the credit, copies of the underlying contract, pro forma invoice and the like.
Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways.
Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
The chatter of Farash and the others seemed as senseless as the idiotic quacking of ducks, and yet at the same moment, they all seemed to be an integral part of the great design of things.
By integrating the function using calculus we can compare the sum of the series with the integral of the function and draw conclusions from this.
Moreover, such educational concepts are integrally related to political commitments to a radical and decentralised democratic social and political structure.
This ceremony is an integral part of their judicial administration.
Canada's Destiny
She became an integral member of our staff.
Times, Sunday Times
The second algorithm involves linear programming with randomized rounding to convert fractional assignments into integral ones.
Mesons are sensitive to the strong force, have integral spin, and vary widely in mass.
Rampant futurism used to be an integral feature of theme parks, often sponsored by industry giants as a means of promoting their products.
The lack of organization among temporeros is integral to the country's busy fruit production and export business.
The Model 76 flat-bottomed receiver with integral recoil lug is time consuming to machine while maintaining concentricity.
The bitwise operators allow you to manipulate individual bits in an integral primitive data type.
Formerly a hotel, it has six en-suite bedrooms, four other bedrooms, an integral garage and, unusually, a recording studio.
If the sharing of food fosters family and social ties, and strong family and social relationships are an integral part of civil society, statistics such as these should give us pause.
That monotony of form, those commonplace cadenzas, those endless bravura passages introduced at haphazard irrespective of the dramatic situation, that recurrent _crescendo_ that Rossini brought into vogue, are now an integral part of every composition; those vocal fireworks result in a sort of babbling, chattering, vaporous mucic, of which the sole merit depends on the greater or less fluency of the singer and his rapidity of vocalization.
In modern particle physics theory, the photon is described as a boson, a particle with integral spin that acts as carrier of the electromagnetic force.
It is an integral entity which is made up of a manual corrugated pipe or sleeve piston pump and a flow controlling valve. It is suitable for liquid suction, pressing and siphoning.
When we are designing porch furniture and partition, should consider the consistency of integral style, avoid to be pursuit flowery and desultorily .
One question is how simple and transparent the phonemic/phonetic relationship is, and the other is whether morphological exceptionality is allowed as an integral part of that relationship.
The Kelvin solution to the static linear elastic problem is used as the weighted function to derive the boundary integral equation for steady-state vibration problems.
This eyewash is integral to the whole imperial project of the ‘civilising mission’, a kind of experience that lends support to the benevolence of western powers.
Using wood for its easy working but not liking its ‘natural wood’ look, the final touch would be an integral black paint which let the acrylic inserts diffuse the blue light through it.
Some of them are about the theory of equations, others about integral functions.
The plate is placed on a large, flat ceramic bed that has integral electric heating elements.
Your potager is a FORMAL, rigidly GEOMETRIC garden that is an integral part of your landscape design.
The empennage was built integral with the fuselage to ensure absolute rigidity.
But derivatives, integrals, and diff eqs are used throughout engineering.
Steven Levitt, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Rugby union is one gigantic chain with one man's role integral to another.
Times, Sunday Times
Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society.
The standpoint was a major departure in that Sri Aurobindo insisted that what the traditional systems took to be their end, that is, the realisation of the absolute, was only the beginning for Integral Yoga.
A spiritual threshold
For the best interests are essentially those of a full and developed personality to which caring relationships with others are integral.
The internal tanks are self-sealing rubber bag tanks in the fuselage and two integral wing tanks.
You've allowed the passage of time to dim the intensity of the moment and your rational faculty to devalue what is no longer integral to your life.
In mathematics, Newton was the first to develop a full range of algorithms for symbolically determining what we now call integrals and derivatives, but he subsequently became fundamentally opposed to the idea, championed by Leibniz, of transforming mathematics into a discipline grounded in symbol manipulation.
Isaac Newton
Practical work forms an integral part of the course.
Natural beauty is integral to every piece of redwood lumber.
I took Calc I and did ok until the very end of the semester when we started getting into complex integrals.
Steven Levitt, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Even the sexual aspects of the story seem more integral to the whole and are not adventitiously added for a prurient effect.
Remember that the revolutionary movement in Eastern Europe, no less than in the American and British navies, is an integral part of the Allied blockade of the Central Empires.
Six Red Months in Russia: An Observer's Account of Russia Before and During the Proletarian Dictatorship
Though not fully recovered, he was propped up long enough to shoot the Mexican Chair bit, then flown to Kansas for integral scenes in which he was manacled to Gustaf Hammarsten as they made their way through a hotel and a mall.
Sacha Baron Cohen on “Brüno”: “I won’t do it again.” Here’s why: » Scene-Stealers
I am almost grateful (though I’m not sure Publius is) to Whelan for his puerile display of pique, since it at least has brought this conversation to the fore, and has highlighted why pseudonymity is an integral part of Internet media.
Pseudonymity and Accountability
Twain strung it out beyond reason, carried away by the exuberance of his own burlesque; but it is a vital and integral part of the story.
Untagged book meme
Integral Forms for Magnetostatics. Magnetic Multipoles. Relation between Magnetic Moment and Angular Momentum.
One design aspect that has not been discussed yet, but is an integral part of the architecture proposed, is message numbering.
It remains an integral part of who they are and how they think.
Times, Sunday Times
In present research on fracture dynamic problems, Laplace or integral transformation was generally used, and numerical methods had to be adopted to solve the loop integral.
The Khojas today represent an integral part of the Nizari communities scattered in more than twenty-five countries.
The hidden irony is that fondue is as integral to Swiss cuisine as, say, mince and tatties are to ours.
The bottom rolls into the hull sides with a radiused turn rather than a sharp corner-like edge and there is long wine glass-shaped keel integral with the hull.
First, since they're luxury seats, they have a lot of integral features including power lumbar control, seatheaters, and side impact airbags.
This system is largely responsible for our ability to generate stronger and faster resistance to subsequent infections, and is integral to why vaccines work. 3 recent papers used concepts in evolution to help characterize one of the most interesting and novel immunological genes discovered since the RAGs in the late 80s, a gene called activation induced deaminase AID, pronounced as initials, a gene pivotal to antibody modification.
The Panda's Thumb: Research News Archives
An integral part of the rich Assamese art and culture, which has flabbergasted renowned scholars, this highly skilled art is gasping for survival.
He continued to study functional analysis applications to integral equations producing a large number of papers on composition and permutable functions.
He also expanded functions related to the integral of the kernel function as an infinite series in a set of orthonormal eigenfunctions.
A puckish irreverence, calculated to upend the cliché of the tortured master builder, is integral to his impressive resume.
Building a Better Future
The method for radar target recognition using local integral bispectrum and SVM is proposed.
This results in a high degree of surface hardness - hard enough that the integral chokes are rated ‘steel approved’ by the factory - although I don't think the 1620 is designed for or is going to be used for waterfowling.
It amazes me how integral someone's personality is to our perception of them as individuals.
A more inclusionary canon is integral to the literary education of lawyers who are to serve in an increasingly diverse world.
a local motion keepeth bodies integral
Yeah, outside of Calc I (derivatives and integrals) and differential equations (ODE is ordinary differential equations), the rest of the Calc (Calc II and III) is not so important.
Steven Levitt, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Modesty prevented Rutenberg (whom Bush also slanged as "Mr. Birthday Boy") from revealing his integral part in this merriment when he duly wrote up the press conference for the Times the next day.
The Simple Life: White House Edition
Many of these women do not see religion as antithetical to feminism, and perceive religious affiliation as integral to their struggle for human rights on many different levels.
This paper gives a method to solve double integration by integral subsection integration.
Most compounds are stoichiometric, i.e., consist of elements in integral ratios, which for Cu and S would be 1:1 or 2:1.
HCR: maybe the public’s not so stupid after all
We're fully behind him because he is a valuable and integral member of this team.
Times, Sunday Times
The cafeteria plans of most large employers contain one or both of these arrangements as an integral part of the plan.
We recognize your sexual and gender orientation to be an integral part of who you are.
While some people suggest that the laughing associated with this tickling is a nervous response, there is also a theory that tickling is an integral part of social relationships.
Tickle, tickle (part 2)
The wind speed profile turbulence integral scale, and turbulence spectrum are simulated in wind tunnel test.
This number could be either integral or fractional.
Terre de Conscience se réjouit de compter une nouvelle personne parmi son équipe engagée dans la transmission d'une approche intégrale d'épanouissement de l'être.
Archive 2009-02-15
Actually I think there is scope here for investigating nomology as a non-scientific sense of possibility, investigating the way beliefs in Natural, Social or Divine order might also have functioned (and might still do) to construct "laws of reality" -- looking at the ancient concept of "miasma" as a breaching of those laws, for example, and a breaching that is integral to the narratives of Greek Tragedy.
A Follow Up
The Yaogangxian, Shizhuyuan, and Huangshaping deposits are an integral part of the important Nanling nonferrous metallogenic zone, an area long known as the richest tungsten province in the world.
He said: ‘This is integral to us bringing the jobs we have promised so of course we want to see it go ahead.’
The vocabulary of integral space is luxuriant, rich, enchanting and do not break abstemious, faint emerge those who moving romance is passional .
Since most of the data were from hourly scans during daylight hours, their sum for a given day was taken as the daily integral.
I'm doing my masters in Economics, the kind of maths tools used in the course are calculus (including integrals), Linear and Non-Linear Programming and Stats tools like Time Series, Regression, Probability etc.
Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
It is with the ‘time-grid’ that is wholly integral to the new creation that exegetes have the greatest difficulties, yet that is precisely the reality they are expected to interpret.
All models have an integral CD player.
In contrast, I had to pay my rent to him integrally by law.
Magic Vox expanded effects section is an integral part of the sound design process.
Besides being served on their own, eggs are an integral part of the national culinary repertoire, indispensable in flan, huevos reales, cocada and countless other desserts.
Eggs: A Mexican Staple from Soup to Dessert
Each point in the scalogram is an integral of the signal times the wavelet, and one can evaluate the wavelet at the data points.
Mo' Mo' Moberg « Climate Audit
In the fifties, sixties and early seventies John was an integral part of the art scene in his native Cork.
Not very often, it’s not an integral part of my day.
It's ridiculous that Apple ships such an integral part of the Apple ‘experience’, as crippleware.
The following applet, for example, helps observe the relations between a function and its derivative and integral with not a single formula involved.
For me, carrying the pistol in the field means a narrow strap, not a military type sling, the strap retaining the pistol on a hook integral to the strut of my modified Camp Trails Freighter packframe.
Rugby union is one gigantic chain with one man's role integral to another.
Times, Sunday Times
It comes complete with full gas central heating, double glazing, a fully fitted kitchen and integral garage.
Whether sleeping rough in the remotest places or enjoying the fauniferous hospitality of the locals in inhabited ones, being incommoded was somehow integral to the experience.
In the business world, chartered accountants have become an integral part of UK plc.
Times, Sunday Times
Longitudinal vibration of an integral pile in an uniform soil with end bearing boundary or elastic bottom boundary undergoing vertical harmonic load is theoretically investigated.
Standing up straight, he used the rifle's integral fold-out bipod to steady it, and peered through his ten power scope.
The Kennedy Center's education area fosters appreciation for the performing arts as an integral part of a broad-based education.
I've been working on revisions of the third book, and I've got two fully blown tertiaries who are integral to the solution of the crime.
October 2007
These are integral elements of a competitive structure.
Bosonic Ashurs had returned from their mastery of the dark light-years, seeking ascendance over all... and were subdued by the mesonic Kanjurs, who in turn were defeated by the Devas--patterned from integral quarks.
Roberson's Book Report
Secondly, I reject the notion that the counselor is “doing her job” by preventing men from expressing their pain AS AN INTEGRAL PART of an anger management course.
Subverting Patriarchy: Not just for chicks anymore. « A Bird’s Nest
Playing musical instruments is an integral part of any temple festival as musical instruments are attached to several deities in the Hindu pantheon.
In addition to electrons, the Pauli exclusion principle applies to all sub-atomic particles with half-integral spins, known as fermions, such as neutrons and protons.
It dealt with the sum of integrals of a given algebraic function.
The technique of electromyography, the recording of electrical activity in active muscles, provided this link and remains an integral component of the contemporary functional morphologist's toolbox.
This paper analyzes arithmetic method of Romberg Integral, and designs an adstract class to accomplish it. At last it introduces how to use the adstract class with 2 instances.
The mark of true debauchees is, surely, when individuals have become so consumed by the excesses of their own sensual desires and carnal appetites that they can no longer function as whole and integral human beings.
Over time, exemption from taxation came to be seen by women as a right, an integral component of Ewe women's conception of an individual self and a collective Lomé womanhood which served as a platform for the 1933 uprising.
The three guys between the gals are a gamer teenager, a digital gadgeteer, and an executive with computers integral to how he does business.
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Lisa Wiater, RN is also integral to the Pediatric Rheumatology team.
The galactic centre of our galaxy is one of Integral's prime targets.
In Appendix B, the formula for calculating the integral of a logistic curve is given.
Explicit iterated integral formulae of the moments in various order of the hitting times of geodesic spheres by Brownian motions on rotationally symmetric manifolds are given in this paper.
nonessential to the integral meanings of poetry
Strategic planning forms an integral part of the entire planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting framework.
They're an integral part, without it we'd live in a dump.
The study of rocks, ores and minerals is an integral part of Geology class in school.
Fire management is an integral part of silviculture practice in karri and jarrah forests.
Jarrah-Karri forest and shrublands
Valuation is integral to novel theory's understanding of literary forms.
Optimal regulation rules and minimum economic loss for economic systems with an integral inequality constraint on the control of quadric performance are given.
The functional counter unit incorporating the kitchen, powder room, and study room is made of integrally a solid surface "DuPont Corian".
Software asset management is an integral part of good business governance.
Yet the question is whether the history of its subsequent reinstitution, unfolding under the sign of the forgetting of origins, is itself an integral part of the event, since the process of appropriation is unable definitively to set itself apart from expropriation and desacralization.
It's simply that Arthur's notation is standard and identical in every respect to what Wolfram does -- excepting only the omission of the subscript S on the integral sign to help underline that it is a surface integral.
Rabett Run
Putting things right, of course, is integral to quality improvement and this is where the corrective action teams come in.
Although metadata is integral to the Semantic Web, metadata on its own is far from sufficient.
The greensand soil and chalky bedrock are similar to the soil found beneath the vineyards of the Champagne region, and are integral to its flavour.
As talkback entrenched itself as an integral part of the Australian radio landscape, her program was also said to lack sufficient topicality.
Alex, if you are looking for a more technical answer: In the chaotic system, different paths leading to very different orientations are do in fact have very similar action (integral of the Lagrangian) measured in multiples of h-bar.
Quantum Hyperion
The School plans to take the concept forward by staging other plays which can not only be an integral part of the teaching strategy but also broaden the horizon of the students.
Some recent models even incorporate an integral filter which is intended to clarify the water rather than just catch debris.
The barrel is heavily tapered to further reduce weight and is fitted with a dovetail front sight set in an integral base.
Full transparent face shields or visors may be specified as an alternative and are sometimes an integral part of a safety helmet.
We agree that the rewriting of history is an integral part of the historian's trade, and this has been a marked feature of our own work.
It does not overcome the paradoxes between asserting on one hand the functional analyses of law and affirming the integral conception of culture and unilinear evolutionism on the other hand.
An integral part of any call center is its recording system: it is used for training agents, ensuring quality across a campaign, legal compliance and more.
By using the backward differential argument and the Markov property of the external process, we derive the integral equation satisfied by the probability of ruin.
He has the speed, patience and quick burst necessary to make the cutback runs that are integral to the offense.
He also investigated mathematical questions which were related to these applications, in particular writing important works on non-linear integral equations.
It's right that this hunt has become such an integral part of British foreign policy.
Times, Sunday Times
But pressure is integral to F1 and fear has failed to figure in the careers of either driver.
The patter was an integral part of the show, and clearly road-tested: She knew she'd get a laugh when she said the songs on "Interpretations" were written by young Britons "who were high" and had to be revamped for "a 65-year-old black woman who was drunk.
The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
He was to become an integral member of the company for more than 30 years and was a principal for 15 years.
Times, Sunday Times
An integral solenoid and detector switch stops the card from being removed until it is safe to do so.
His role is set to become more integral as tonight he receives a visitor who is destined to throw his family into chaos.
Times, Sunday Times
His work on algebra was an extension of Abel's work on algebraic functions and their integrals.
Stones were not an integral part of the tradition I was studying with at the time, and unable to find a suitable book at the local metaphysical shop, I located a lapidary magazine with sources of stone material.
A cultural revival in the eighteenth century was reinforced by the spread of Nonconformity, which became an integral part of Welsh identity.
There is one integral component in Lee's food that other boys often miss - umami.
In order to retain character of point group and integrality of point cluster, this paper puts forward the measure of quality assessment guideline, and the method of quantitating guideline.
Potatoes, whether served mashed, boiled or chipped, flowery or waxy, are integral parts of Irish diet and culture.
The episode demonstrates something that many journalists have yet to discover: in an emerging era of multidirectional, digital communications, the audience can be an integral part of the process.
Musically, it often has a really boring part but that part is integral to the chord structure.
Extracurricular activities tend to be a very important and integral part of what they have to offer, rather than a bolt-on extra.
Flood risk used to be insured separately but that stopped in the 1960s when it was seen as an integral part of household cover and brought into building and contents policies.
And we've lost something that was integral to the British game.
Times, Sunday Times
Regular casuals in pubs, hotels and casinos will be able to convert to permanency after 12 months, while power workers whose jobs were contracted have been re-employed by Integral Energy.
We're fully behind him because he is a valuable and integral member of this team.
Times, Sunday Times
How he and Tavi interact is integral to the story, and needs to be developed even further.
Characterization « I Had the Write Idea
To get within reach of this plea, it follows that self-deception is almost always integral to the act of lying.
Practical experience is integral to the course.
The math term ‘quantic’ means ‘a rational integral homogenous function of two or more variables,’ which is a fancy way of saying ‘two great tastes that taste great together.’
He wrote on algebraic integrals of certain differential equations.
The Kalevala is a very important part of traditional music; it is a recitation of Finnish legends, and is considered an integral part of the Finnish folk identity.
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He's an integral part of the team and we can't do without him.
This new approach comes from the emerging field of integral metatheory.
Organizational Transformation for Sustainability: An Integral Metatheory By Mark Edwards
With its establishment in the Seven Years War as an integral part of the war effort at sea their victory became decisive.
In view of integral rank circumstance is relatively stable 2006, hawkish's expression is highlighted especially.
An integral part of the redevelopment is an impressive series of site-specific art commissions by contemporary artists.
In its exploration of the corporeal body the play insists on the integral relationship between love, food and sex for the maintenance of a healthy body and a healthy body politic.
A police officer's activity of donning and doffing protective equipment constitutes an integral and indispensable part of officer's principal activities; it is not preliminary or postliminary within meaning of Portal-to-Portal Act, as required to support officer's claim for compensation for such activity.
Wage Law
For both of these reasons, a person can therefore have facets of his or her consciousness at many different levels of morals, worldviews, defenses, pathologies, needs, and so forth which can be mapped on an integral psychograph.
Subpersonalities -- An Integral Theoretical Model
A telecoms worker, for example, is both productive in providing a vital service and is also integral to the handling of information.
And we've lost something that was integral to the British game.
Times, Sunday Times
The corporate media outlets now routinely treat entertainment cartel statements as though they’re credible, counterfeiting is ‘piracy, sharing has become ‘thieving’ and a ‘crime,’ young children are labelled as ‘criminals’ and pilloried in public, extortion is OK, lying, disinformation, misinformation, the distortion of facts, and creative accounting are now absolutely integral to all entertainment cartel information packages.
Big Music: scaring children
The hero is integral to the culture of a society because the hero is integral to storytelling, the essence of culture.
When not on patrol, resting or at the range, crews can be found cleaning, fitting, adjusting and testing the systems integral to these platforms.
There's no doubt that strong customer service is integral to a healthy business.
The annular depression has an air intake hole that extends downwardly to connect to an integrally formed extended air intake tube to guide the air deep into the feeding bottle so as to balance the air pressure inside the bottle.
The deejay was an icon in the hood, an integral part of our culture.
Magic City
The silhouette of the concept is unique, with raked windscreen and an arching roofline that ends in an integral tailgate spoiler.
Made of lightweight HDPE, with an integral waterstop, these sleeves install easily within the formwork.
The answer - after much work by designers, planners, and production engineers, in and out of the wind tunnel - was a boot lid with an integral "ducktail", a feat of surface engineering that looks wide and low from behind but which from the side appears to have been "pinched" into an upward lip.
Automotive Headlines
Doing that would be obviously foolish, but listening to other thoughts is an integral part to succeeding as a business.
Listening to users is bad… « The Paradigm Shift
Plus it has to do with their eyes, the way they behave, and of course, the scent is an integral fact.
Q & A